Gay Rafting Trip

By Kenneth Rodman

Published on Nov 3, 2014



My fourth tentmate/partner, Bill, was quite a contrast to Pete. About 5'7" and couldn't weigh over 125#. His hands, feet, and ears were outsize big. He worked in the family shoe store and, being bisexual, he liked fitting women's shoes so he could look up their skirts. As the temperature rose, the bathing suits fell. As Bill's fell a nice surprise emerged. His dick was outsize too: at least seven inches long, slim with a pointy head. The whole unit was pointing straight up and lay again his stomach. I told him I thought it would feel lovely up my can. "I'd like to have you up me too, but the head of that thing is far too big and I'm not into pain. But it would be lovely to suck on." So the evening sounded very enticing.

The trip down the river was evermore beautiful. When we reached evening camp, the head guide said, "You notice, we're on a tight turn of the river and the traffic is pretty much over. Even were somebody to float by, they'll be gone in a flash, so if you want to keep your suits off, that would be OK." It was another hot night and we were all happy to be bare. The cocks looked different standing versus sitting and most were in various stages of erection. We were all drinking some sort of beer waiting for dinner when Pete started to sing raunchy limericks. We chimed in on the ones we knew and shortly thereafter a raft full of Orthodox Jews, all fully garbed in formal black, floated by. Their expressions were priceless but they were gone in about twenty seconds. Our camp all broke up and we were all still laughing when the dinner bell rang.

As before, it was too hot to be in sleeping bags and half the camp didn't even put up their tents. Bill and I watched some moonlit sex for awhile and then I said, "My butt's itchy. Do you suppose you could rub it a little? He knew I meant rub me inside so he rubbered and lubed up without a word more being said. I got on my knees so he could do me doggy style and his slippery tool slid in with minimal discomfort. He immediately began fucking me. In a couple of minutes the sensation tripled and when I looked down Pete was sucking my dick!

"Hey!", yelled Bill. "Get offa him! He's mine tonight!"

"Oh, I was just tasting a little of his precum. He's got the tastiest cock in town.", said Pete.

But he quicklyl disappeared into the semi darkness of the crescent moon and Bill went back to the old in and out that felt so good. He lasted another five minutes or so and then Bill let out a soft moan and I felt his cock throb in my pooper. He didn't waste any time before he pulled out, peeled off the condom, rolled me on to my side and began sucking my cock. He pulled off just long enough to say, "Well, I gotta admit it. Pete's right, you are a taste treat and you're pouring out enough precum to be a world class nightcap. Then he was back to sucking, concentrating mostly on my straining inflamed heroically swollen glans. I was steaming from the nice fucking and as much as I wanted Bill's sucking to last, I was red hot and really wanted to cum. He was giving my dickhead a real tongue lashing and stroking the shaft of my cock with his hand. I was amazed I lasted as long as I did but probably the daily cumming and being around naked cocks all day made me less excitable than usual. But finally I started that rapidly escalating slide toward orgasm and I eased his hand off my tool, warning him that I was about to pop. He lifted his head and began to slowly run his tongue around the flaring skirt of my glans. About three revolutions was all it took before the feeling of a little balloon being progressively inflated deep in my pelvis exploded. KZZZZZZZAP! My cock jumped away from his tongue and the jizz racing through it was excruciatingly pleasureable. My tool leapt and squirted over and over until it was quiet and only a little stream of dishwater thin semen oozed from its tip. Bill licked that off, smacked his lips and announced that my precum won the taste test.

"Yeah, but your fucking and sucking won the whole ballgame. Come on up here and let me give you a thank you good night kiss."

Partner number five, L'Duke William Foster, was a very interesting fellow. Handsome, well built, six feet, about 185 pounds and around my age. As the day swept by, now in the depths of the Grand Canyon with all its spectacular beauty, his story unfolded. "Man, I can't tell you how nice it is to be gay me. My life is somewhat difficult. Like Kermit the frog who said it's not easy to be green, it's not easy to be black.'Specially in Alabama. And not easy to be a Baptist minister and be gay as springtime. I was born in Vermont, graduated from Brown and from the Yale Divinity School. I have about as much trouble understanding black street talk as you probably do and with my New England accent, some of the folks of color in my neighborhood think of me as an uppity nigger. And the worst part is, African Americans are supposed to be really hung and I've got a five inch penis!"

I told him I thought he had a cute organ and just right to be up my beginner's butt. And his nuts were the size of billiard balls. "Now I know why your nickname is Bill. It's short for billiard balls. You could repopulate Chicago in no time with gonads that size!" He was pleased to hear that and happy to learn that I'd be pleased to breed him tonight. In the tent that night we were talking about the day when we heard "Oh, shit, I'm gonna CUMMMMM!" from the tent behind us and we figured it was about time for a little lovemaking. He entered me easily and his fucking was wonderful. I was on my back and I could change the angle of my hips so his cock going in hit something awesome feeling. I was to learn later that he was rubbing my prostate with the head of his dong. I wanted to watch him cum so I asked him to pull out and peel off the rubber so I could stroke him to a finish. He said he would if I would suck him at the end and I agreed. He lasted a good long time before he pulled out, rolled off the raincoat and straddled my chest so I could take him in my mouth. He tasted good even with the rubbery flavor and it couldn't have been more than a minute before I tasted his semen. He lifted off and proceeded to gush cum in a torrent all over my face. I know testicle size has little to do with ejaculate volume but his load was elephantine.

It took a bit of toweling to dry my face and then it was my turn to be the fucker. He wanted to be on top so I stretched out on my back and he rubbered and lubed me up. It took a bit of pressure to get my cockhead past his sphincter but once in he relaxed and wanted to be fucked like I meant it. Like me, he wanted to watch me shoot so I warned him when I was close, so he rose and began to lick the underside of my bare glans. I ramped up to my orgasm slowly as he tickled me so sweetly. Closer and closer, tighter and tighter the pressure behind my balls until the feeling was almost excruciating. I warned him I was going to pop and he moved to the side but kept licking until CRACK! The hot jizz slammed down my plumbing, my cock jumped off his tongue and began to erupt. The first spurt went out about a foot and the rest about two feet, launched in the air by my leaping tool. Squirt after squirt flew through the air until my cock was still and only a thin stream of goo dripped from my piss slit.

"Well, I may have beat you in volume but you sure got the distance prize." He said, and we settled in for the night.


Next: Chapter 4

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