Gay Order of Good

By Kevinmjo (Kevin Kelly)

Published on Jul 29, 2004


You must be of age to read this story. Contains male on male sex unprotected. All rights reserved. Contact Author to get permission.

Bill and I had spent the last year as Novice Brothers in the Gay Order of Good. Wearing the white habit of a novice. While during this year we were restricted by the rule form any and all anal sex, there was plenty of oral and other to keep us more then wearing a big smile.

As Bill and I both lived in Philly Pa. we did our volunteer work for the order at the Philadelphia Gay Community Center. Nearly each Friday or Saturday we two would join our brothers at the Philly house of the order to enjoy the community relations which to our delight were the orgies the Order held every night.

My life and my out look on life changed so much since I've been with the order. The love and friendship between the Brothers was so real and so honest. I felt like I now had a large family of Brothers, which we are. Each man taking the vows also agrees to give 10% of his salary to the order to maintain it and to help the Gay Community in general. Hell this was no problem to me as I had been giving that much often more to the church I belonged to for years and that church thanked me by openly being against my life and the way I lived it. While more or less telling me to go to hell, they sure kept the hand out for my donations. So now I supported the Order.

The day we took our vows, Bill and I was a Saturday in May. We were up in what was now called the Mother house in Maine. The superior Brother William had called all the Brothers of the order to make every effort to be there at the Mother house for the ceremony of Vows. There was the entire membership of the order there at the time 60 brothers in black robes of the professed. they came from Boston, New York, Philadelphia and Atlanta. There were four men who were to take the White habit of a Novice also there that day. The former convent had under gone major remodeling the Nun's old rooms had been broken through and large dormitories replaced them so that the Monastery was able to hold 100 Brothers at a time. Our brotherhood had members from all walks of life Lawyers like myself, cops, firemen blue collar and Doctors. Each giving at least 8 hours a week to the Gay community as Volunteers so we were quickly becoming a presence in the Gay communities in the cities were the Brotherhood was located. Also at our houses in the cities we were running mini centers to counsel and just be there for the Gay community at large. I felt good about all of this but mostly that I had this family and this feeling of a real purpose in life now with the Order. Also there was the orgies which were the focal point of our brotherhood. No personal relationships but all for one and one for all orgies, We refereed to these orgies as "Love meetings" these meetings were held every night of the week and twice on Saturdays and Sundays Before the Love meetings there would be a Commitment ceremony. One of the brothers would act as the priest for this and that duty was rotated among all professed Brothers in turn. An alter was set out with mini rolls of bread and a gold chalice of wine. The bread and wine were offered to the Gods of the creation as fruits of life and each Brother would say collectively a prayer which rededicated ourselves to our brotherhood and the force for Good. Then each would eat and drink the wine and bread.

After that would be a meal for all who were there cooked and served by the Brothers. following the meal would be the "Love Meetings" which took place in a large room of the house and while we all would wear our habits with nothing under them these would soon be pulled up and the wild sex would begin to include all of the brothers. Each Brothers aim was to please his Brothers and his brothers aims were to please Him so Hey it works fine. As said before for the year as a Novice no anal sex was allowed in or out side the order. Then before taking the Vows the Novice was given medical test and promised, Vowed only anal sex with other professed members of the order.

Bill and I both loved a stiff dick up our ass and that whole year seeing the other Brothers getting fucked and not being able too was the hardest of my life now came the day We would take our vows and be able to fully partake of the pleasures of the Brotherhood namely getting fucked and fucking some of that hot ass walking around. The Bread and wine were offered and the prayer said when the two of us were called up in our white habits. While standing on the alter in front of the Superior, we each had a brother on each side of us to help take off the white habits. We stood there naked in front of the whole congregation. Then the superior himself dressed us in the black robes of a professed brother and we pronounced our vows to the Gods and to the Gay community and Our brothers. we took our sets while the new men were given the White habits of the Novice. After a year of no fucking my mind just could not stay on the new Novice getting the habit my eyes wondered about the brothers to Brother Ed from the Boston house he was a blonde man of 23 drop dead good looking and built like a brick shit house I had seen him so many times naked or his habit pulled up at the "Love Meetings" and knew he had a fat ass 6.5 cock with a nice wide mushroom cock head. I'd sucked Brother Ed every chance I got but man did I want that cock fucking into me. Ed must have read my thoughts as he turned in his pew and gave me a wink then let his eyes fall down to his lap which I then saw was tenting out and he smiled at me. Fuck I nearly lost me load right then and there he was mine tonight. Next to me sat Brother Jim he was a handsome black man from Philly like myself and Bill and he was in banking back home and I was always drooling for his massive cock at least 9 inches and he too winked at me. Then there was my good buddy Bill we had not been fucking each other like we had for years while we were both in the white habits now that would all change and I wood be able to feel his wonderful 8 inch cock anytime we wanted.

Soon but not too soon for me the dinner was over and all the Brothers went to the large "Love Meeting " room for our normal orgy except this time we would be fully joining in. I had found in the pocket of my new habit that the superior put on me at the taking of my vows a tube of KY and this bought a smile to my face one of joy. Strangely as I entered the room and knew that I could have now any of the Monks there I was as nervous as if I'd never had male on male. To have gone a year without anal and then to have a choice of anal with 60 men was so mind boggling. Like a kid in a candy store. I wanted all 60 cocks fucking me at the same time. I stood so nervous I didn't even have a hard on and then from behind me I felt my robes being pulled up and arms going around my chest, It was Brother Ed and I felt his hard ass cock pressed against me ass crack, fitting in the whole length of my crack. I just moaned and leaned back into him. As he was dry screwing my crack with that massive cock of his he was also pulling up the front of my habit and now holding my soft cock in his hand and telling me to relax. his breath against me ear as he pumped my cock was driving me crazy. I needed his meat and needed it now but also I was more then a little afraid of how fucking big it was, massive against my crack.

I looked around and there was my buddy Bill bent over a table with one of the Brothers fucking him royal and Bill moaning in pure pleasure as the cock was pounding him, his first fuck in a year. Brother ED lead me to one of the hospital carts in the room for fucking and was getting me up on it on my back prepared to take my ass as his own. His habit was now off while mine was pulled up around my chest. he had already KY'd up that hard thick cock of his and I looked on as his wonderful thick black cock contrasted against the white of my ass hole, the head was touching my hole now and it was or seemed way to wide to fit in I was going to ask him to stop and wait until I could build up to his massive size with smaller men, too late his cock head was already pushing into my hole and spreading me. The smile on his face as he pushed steady that hard cock into me was so loving and my hole just seemed to welcome with joy the cock entering it. like my hole knew what it wanted and that was this man's cock fucking it. all 9.5 inches were in then slowly out and oh God the feeling of cock in me again was wonderful and I was pushing up more and more to get all that black cock into my ass. I was coming all over the two of us and after I did Brother Ed gave me a smile and said "Glad to take your new cherry Brother and welcome to the order"

I was going to get up myself as Brother Ed pulled out of me still hard but then up came Brother Thomas, off came his habit and he got on top of me on the table cock already KY'd up My handsome blonde Adonis was now shoving his 7 inter into me fucking me with his down curved cock which was now pounding into my prostate with every thrust. Thomas sure knew how to fuck a man and I loved his curved downward cock and its fucking into me. While Thomas was slamming my hole Brother William the superior came up and was helping me off with my habit saying I would not need this for a while. Thomas never missed a trust of his cock into me during all this and his steel hard long curved cock sure had my hole full of joy. It is the custom at these "Love Meetings" to not be in a hurry to cum but rather to sink your cock deep into as many ass hole as you can that night. So out to my dismay pulled Thomas still steel hard and I had to sit up and kiss the tip of his cock head to thanks him.

Even through I had just shot me load when Ed was pounding my hole I was gain hard and being mounted now by Brother John. Brother John was our oldest member at 61 years old and retired so he lived at the Mother house year round as the caretaker. John while 61 looked like a man in his 40's trim shape and youthful face, anyone who meet him for the first time couldn't get over his being 61. John as he pounded me my legs came to rest on his powerful shoulders and I saw his thick cock now lining up with my hole. His cock was not really all that big maybe 5 inches but it sure was thick and as he pushed it into me it was spreading me more and more as it got thicker as it went down to the root. Oh God John knew who to fuck a man and he was pounding into me. To my utter delight he lost it and was cuming in me thick globs of cream were now wetting my hole for me and I loved it. Loved my hole getting some cum again.

Then one of the new Men in the habit of a Novice which he just got that night was mounting me and I looked up and said "Oh no Brother you can't do the anal for the first year" he just smiled at me and took my cock into his mouth and this man gave me the best head I've had in a long time i was soon creaming my load deep into his mouth and wishing to hell the year goes fast so I can fuck him.

When the Novice pulled off me and kissed me in thanks for my cream I got up and was getting myself a beer, I had put on my Black habit now very proud to have it now. At the bar was a Brother I had not seen before in the last year he was Brother mark from Boston. I said to him as we toasted each other with our beers "do you know who you remind me of?" He smiled and said yes people always say I look like that Peterson dude who killed his wife and baby" He sure did and I had always thought Peterson was a real hunk. Brother Mark was I found out actually the Superior of the Boston house. Had been in the order for four years now. The reason we had not meet before was that he was so busy with the good works of the order in Boston that he seldom made it up to the Mother house except for business meetings. I couldn't keep my eyes off his handsome face and was tingling all over. I wanted to ask him if we could fuck a round and knew we were all supposed to be open to that but somehow he just had me afraid to ask. The very thing we were not supposed to fear Rejection was what I now feared with Brother Mark.

Brother Mark said getting us two more beers "I was watching you on the table getting you ass slammed and you looked like you were in 7th heaven"

I laughed and said " I sure was Brother, it's been a long year without cock and I guess I just went nuts for it?"

He put his hand on my shoulder and then said "Well don't let them tear you up too much tonight Brother and if you don't mind Brother Kevin I'd like to ask you a favor?"

I looked at this handsome man and would have cut off my right arm if he asked I said "Why sure Brother anything, anything for you Brother"

He winked and said " Well you know that the Superiors and the members of the General counsel do not sleep in the dormitories, they each have a private room. Well, Brother I really hate sleeping alone and was wondering if you wouldn't mind sharing that room with me tonight?"

I literally started to shake like I was a teenager excited at the prospect of his first fuck. I looked in his blue eyes and at the smile on his handsome face and his square well built body even in the dress like habit of Our order and stammered "Oh Brother, Mind I would be honored to share a room with you tonight. thanks you for asking me.

Mark lifted the cowl of my habit and slid his hand to the top of my cassock and then into the cassock and was feeling the hairs on my chest now as he looked deep and lovingly into my eyes and said "Good real good Brother my room is on the second floor first on the right just walk in when the " Love Meeting" ends"

With that he turned and walked away leaving me there with a raging hard on and feeling like the luckiest man in all creation. As I stood there two of the new novice men came up and were pulling up the front of my habit there at the bar. On their knees they were each sharing my 9 inch cock and licking my balls. As I stood there them sucking me I was looking forward to seeing Brother Mark naked in bed and fucking my cock up his ass. Also feeling his handsome hard body against mine as he fucked me.

At exactly 10 PM the Monastery bell chimed signal that the "Love Meeting was at an end for the evening. Of curse I knew it was just the formal end as the orgy would continue up in the dormitories through out the night. The Brothers now in full habits walked in silence to the doors and the next 10 minutes in prayer at the church. I waited until the down stairs was empty of the Brothers and then walked up the steps to Brother Marks room. As told I just walked in and there stood Mark with a smile on his face. He took me into his powerful arms and we kissed a long passionate kiss. Off came our cowls then off came our habits and there was the most perfect human being I have ever beheld bar none. The perfect V shape just a hint of blond hair around his tits and the glory trail from his belly button down to a reddish thick patch of pubic hairs. His cock was hard and it leaned to the left. it was I found out to my delight a full 9.5 and 7.5 around with its semi cut head. I feel at once to my knees not only to give this Adonis a blow job and taste that wonderful cock but to almost worship his body My only words to my surprise as I got on my knees were " Oh Brother what a body"

As you know by now I am no stranger to a nice meat in my mouth and even I was surprised at how I was reacting to this meat. I was like sucking for the first time so much in tune to the thickness, the smell, the taste and the wetness of this cock. The smell was all male all man, his pubic hair smelled like a gift to my brain. his cock was so wide and filled my mouth. My tongue was in it's glory going around the rim of his cock head so pronounced. His cock so hard yet the skin so playable in my mouth and the hint the taste of his pre cum. His balls were massive real low hangers and I prayed full with his cream. I loved them in my balls and wanted to taste the sweat off his balls in my mouth. I licked and even somehow got under his balls to lick that area between his balls and his ass hole loving it. My free hand was up and down his powerful legs on his hard six pack ABS. Around on the mound of his ass. Mark placed my hand and guided my finger to his hole and I pushed into it. Knowing by this he would let me fuck him. I wondered now how it was going to feel with him fucking that meat into me? I reached down and was now feeling his bare feet, they were perfect as I knew they would be real man's feet powerful and strong he was my Greek God. I existed that moment in time just to please this man to have him in me to feel that wonderful cock of his. I was shaking with love of him and his body. His cock so hard in my mouth the pre cum was getting even more he was getting close to cuming and I wanted that wanted his cream in my mouth. My two fingers planted in his hole as he was pumping now that meat into my mouth making my mouth his cock hole. he called out with "Fuck Kevin you are good man shit fuck I am going to cum now you want my load?" I didn't want to even come off his cock long enough to answer for fear I would miss a drop of it I just moaned my Yes. Fuck if his pre cum was this hot his full load will be out of this world. My Adonis shoved his meat forward and it was now down my throat past my tonsils and in my throat then he pulled back real slowly and then i felt and tasted his first volley of cream hit the back of my throat, the as I took it another volley hit me throat then another. it was thick and salty and so good so thick I thought he must not have blew a wod in a good while? then more came more and more even an old cock sucker like myself couldn't take all that cum it was pouring out of the sides of my mouth. Marked now pushed all the way back in down my throat again and I tasted more of his cream yes more deep down my throat.

He quickly pulled out of my throat and sat down on the single bed. Still on my knees dripping his cum form my mouth I looked at him there his cock had not lost any of its length but was now softer and wet with my salvia, His big balls laying on the bed.

Mark said "Kevin I knew you were hot dude but you even were better then i could ever dream of"

I pulled off the habit for the first time remembering I still had it on. Mark stood up and took me in his arms his hands were all over my body on my ass on my cock on my back a finger entered my ass and I was nearly ready to cum right then. He was kissing my neck and then he slowly went down my body to my tits and was sucking on them a little hard at first then soft then down to my pubic hairs and I have never had a man pay so much attention to pubic hairs before. I was laughing kind of afraid he would actually eat the hairs off my body then oh God then this handsome stud was sucking in my 9 inch cock into his mouth and licking my balls and fingering my ass pushing his thick fat finger into my entering me I came a bucket load of cream in his mouth deep down his throat Yes he was able to my delight to take my thick cock right down into his throat like I did his. I came again and again shooting thick globs of cream into him.

He came up and we kissed. The we laid down in each others arms in the small single bed his body pressed against mine. I was loving his bare feet on mine his hairy legs on mine. He said in my ear. " Kevin, Can I be honest here with you?"

I looked into those blue eyes and was hoping it was something good praying it was, I said "Brother Mark, Yes please be honest with me"

Mark smiled and pulled me close "well here goes for what it is worth, I've been in the order for four years now and I have found a home here a love with the Brothers and I firmly believe in the Good works we do and I also as strongly believe that there is just Good and evil in the world and that we are dedicated to the good and that will be our salvation. You know how valuable this Order has become to the Gay community. Well, I want to continue in this good work and well I do have one problem and that is I do tend to form one on one feelings for men and I should not really be doing that, I should be open to all in the order. Well, I guess what I am asking you Kevin is that, Well I would like to get to know you more one on one. Of course still keeping up with the order and the "Love Meetings" and all that but hoping we maybe could also have a relationship?"

I looked into his eyes and felt so small so unworthy of his great wonderful offer. this on the day I took my vows. I did not answer for a while thinking and while thinking rubbing my bare foot against his my leg against his and he gave me the time. Then I said "Brother Mark I would of course love nothing more then to have a relationship with you be as close as we can, I am no fool I know that we both want to keep our ties with the order and be all that that requires of us as far as having sex with the others but I think while it is new we can make it work if we are lucky enough to fall in love I think we can separate sex from love, what I mean is we can do as required by the order make sex with the Brothers while keeping love between us"

Brother Mark pulled me closer to him and held me tight. he kissed me on the forehead and said "Lets go for that Kevin and tomorrow, in the morning I want us to make love to each other for the first time"

We feel asleep in each others arms. During the night I woke up several times and just looked at the man in my arms at his powerful handsome body his face. I knew of the good works he did for the order and for the gay community at large. I took at one point and held his soft cock in my hand as he slept and knew I loved it and the man it belonged to. I would drift off again to sleep counting myself a lucky man for Mark the order and Goodness in this world.

More will come soon stay tuned. Will Mark and Kevin really be able to balance the order and a one on one relationship? Is Mark as good or hat a lover as Kevin thinks he will be? if you would like a picture of the author write to You must give your age to get a picture for legal reasons or no picture. Kevin Kelly in NJ The Gay Order of Good does not exist at present, Its waiting for a few good men to start it. the force for Good by always with you dudes

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