Gay Order of Good

By Kevinmjo (Kevin Kelly)

Published on Jul 26, 2004


All rights are reserved and you must be of age to read this story. It's all made up and for enjoyment only. see my other stories in Nifty.

I had pulled into my remote cabin in Maine just around 8 PM As I drove down the private road which my property shared with a small convent of Nun's I noticed all sorts of earth moving equipment along the normally deserted private road. I guessed that the Nun's must be really remodeling the convent grounds? The convent was a retirement home for the older Sisters of Mercy. I like having them a neighbors I mused to my companion next to me Bill cause they never through wild parties. I turned to the right then down a little further to my cabin. My cabin was set high on a bluff so that I had a great view above the trees. Once settled in Bill and I walked out to the rear deck for a drink in the cool Maine air. From there I had a perfect view inside the walled convent grounds and many of my visitors loved to watch the retired Sisters walking around in the old habits. This night it was Bill who bought it to my attention. There was still enough light out to see into the grounds but instead of the Sisters walking about there were a good number of monks in the brown robes of Franciscans. we must have counted a good 20 or more that was just those on the out side of the convent surely there were more in side?

This had me going as I wondered if maybe the Sisters had sold out to an order of men? I had become quite friendly in the past few years with the Mother Superior of the convent and wondered if it being 8:30 would it be too late to give her a friendly call on the phone? Bill was telling me to make the call as he was wondering too. having Attended catholic schools as a child he kind of had a thing for Nun's. So I took out my cell phone and speed dialed the convent.

A male voice answered saying "good evening The monastery of the order of Good, Brother William, May I help you?"

I was kind of taken aback by the male voice and then I said "Oh Yes Brother William my name is Kevin Kelly and I am actually your next door neighbor and i just pulled into my cabin and well Brother I saw all this construction equipment on the road and I see mostly what looks like monks instead of the Sisters and well Brother I was"

he cut me off saying "You were wondering what happened to the Sisters and why its all monks now, Well I am glad to meet you and well the place is now called The Monastery of Good The brothers of our order have bought the former convent from the Sisters so we will be your new neighbors. Mother before she left told us many nice things about you Mr. Kelly what a good neighbor you have always been. I am looking forward to Us now having the same relationship with You as the good Sisters enjoyed?"

I was kind of sad to hear the Nun's were gone and wishing I could have seen them before they left I said "Oh Brother I am sure we will get a long just fine and if there ever is anything you need just give me a call I often did little things for the Sisters and like doing for them, allow me to give you my number here"

Brother William said "I already have your number Mr. Kelly Mother was kind enough to give it to us along with her saying all those nice things about you and if we should ever need your help we shall call Mr. Kelly." I am sorry for the construction going on but it should all be done in just a few days and you'll have the quite back then"

I was about to ask so many questions when the Brother kind of said he had to go. I hung up the phone and said to Bill. " You know this is all very strange, I just have a funny feeling about all this?"

Bill said "Kevin you being so fucking Gay you should be jumping for joy to have a male monastery rather then a female convent"

The next morning after a wonderful night in bed with Bill I was shocked awake by the sounds of workmen and machines out side. The normal stillness of the Maine woods was broken. We were having breakfast now that we were both awake out on the rear deck and looking over at the construction men doing their thing in and out side the now Monastery walls. It was Bill's idea to get my binoculars out and get a better look of the construction workers and the Monks. There were just 4 of the Monks walking around as if on an inspection tour they had the hoods down and they looked like some good looking men even if they were Monks. Bill took his turn and said "Wow I got to join that order, those Monks are hot dude" While he was looking I noticed two of the Monks coming towards my front door. I hit the panic button as we were there on the deck naked. quickly we got on our cut offs and a T-shirt just in time to answer the knock at the door. I opened the door and there stood two Monks. I now noticed the habits were not really Franciscan but close they had a front cowl that came down to the elbow and the habits were black not the Franciscan brown.

I said "Oh Brothers glad to see you and meet you I am Kevin Kelly and this is my friend Bill Gears"

We shook hands and the one said he was the Brother William I had spoken to last night on the phone. He was a man of about 35 dark brown hair and kind of good looking. The other was a Brother Thomas who looked to be no more the early 20's. I invited them both in for a cup of coffee fully expecting them to demur as the Sisters had always done at the offer but they were happy for the offer and soon the four of us were sitting in my dining room over coffee and some pound cake I had around.

Bill said after the small talk "So Brother William what exactly is your order? I've had many friends who were in orders and never heard of your order before?"

Brother William looked like he was not at all happy with the question and this got me to thinking like I had the night before that something was not what it seemed? Brother then said "well actually we are not an order of catholic Monks, we are an independent order of men who dedicate themeless to doing good in this world"

Brother Thomas nodded and I was loving his handsome face and his shock of blonde hair, wishing I had meet both of them at a gay bar and not like this and in those robes. I had to ask "Brother I said, You were habits that are well kind of like those of Monks and you call the old convent now a monastery do you guy's also take vows like the catholic Monks do?"

The two Monks looked at each other as if to silently say "how much information should we give these two? Then Brother Thomas said. "No we live out in the world most of the time and hold regular jobs have normal lives and on weekends and vacations we come to our Monastery to gather and have the community of Brothers for strength"

Brother William looked at Brother Thomas and gave him a smile as if to convey he was pleased with what he had said then he added "I myself am a lawyer in Philadelphia Pa. when not involved with the order. We have a small house in Philly that I live in with just 4 other monks and then i will be up here when ever my work allows, Brother Thomas is in his last year of college in Philly and will be teaching high school there Lord willing next year"

This was all so strange and so much to take in and so very interesting. I was about to ask so many more questions but Brother William stood up and said they had to be on their way as they had much to do with the workmen. After they left Bill and I agreed that this was indeed a strange group and that there was something we could not put our hands on with the Brothers?

That night around 9:30 PM Bill and I were again out on the rear deck, all was still at the Monastery and the lights were out so we assumed they were being good Monks and went to bed. A knock came to the door I walked into answer the door with bill right behind me. There stood a man a cute hunk of a man about 30ish built like a brick shit house a perfect V body and wearing only a sleeveless T-shirt and cut off with white sneakers. Bill was tapping my back as I spoke to the man kind of letting me know how handsome he was. The man said he was Ted Cleary from Philadelphia Pa. and he was on his way to the Monastery when he got lost. He was saying the rules of the Monastery were that no one could enter after 9 PM. He was asking us if there was a motel near by he could stay at until morning?

We invited him in and I offered him a drink and to my delight he accepted my offer and asked for a rum and coke. We three sat in the living room and bill was giving me high sings whenever Ted was not looking to make him stay over night. I had to admit this Ted was a hot number. His bare legs so hairy with the blond hair very muscular.

I said "You know Ted to be honest with you there are no hotels or motels between here and Bangor which is a good 20 miles from here"

Bill piped in with "We would be honored to put you up if you don't mind? The roads to Bangor are very dark this time of night, why not stay here and in the morning you can go to the Monastery?"

Ted smiles at the two of us and thanks us he would love to stay. I fixed us a round of drinks insuring I made Ted's very strong (What a devil I am at times) we were making some small talk for a while and then around the third or fourth drink Ted was getting more at ease with us and we knew we could now pump him for information on the order.

I sat spell bound as Ted was telling us about himself and the order. The order had just started up four years ago by a man named Carl Stellar in Philadelphia. The order was to be for men who wanted to have a semi Monks life but still be in the world and to do works of good collectively. The Monks believed in the basic Good and Evil in the world. Of course they were for the good and promoting that. None so far were full time Monks. As Brother William had said Ted said they would spend weekends and vacations at the Monastery other wise live a normal life in the world.

Bill asked "then of course you do not take the vow of poverty like a catholic Monk would?

Ted "That is right no vow of Poverty but we do take secret vows that I am not really at liberty to tell you at the moment"

I knew a few more of my rum and cokes and we would be getting all the information we wanted from Ted. I asked if he then was actually one of the Brothers?"

Ted said "No not yet I am a novice one who is accepted to learn the rules and live the life then if at years end I am a good novice I will be admitted to the order as a full Brother and wear the black robes for now I wear the white robes"

Bill said leaning over and touching Ted's bare knee "You are such a handsome man to be thinking of a life without sex"

Ted looking at Bill's hand on his knee smiled and said "Hell no I would never give up sex I love sex too much and I've been having more sex in one weekend at the Monastery then I ever had in my whole life, Hell guy's just the name of the order should tell you that much?"

This really shocked me and I said "The name of the order is the "Order of Good" what does that have to do with sex Ted?"

Ted laughed and then said "well you didn't say the whole name of the order Kevin, Its " the Gay Order of Good"

Bill slapped his head and exclaimed "you mean all the Monks over there are gay men?"

Ted holding out his glass for another rum and coke said "Yep all gay and the rule allows us to have sex with members of the order only and hell man they have some hot orgies going on. That's why I can't get in there after 9 PM cause the orgy is in full swing."

I said "so You can only have sex with other members of the order then not us two?"

Ted took his new drink from Bill and said "Wow you two are gay too? Cool, no man I am just a novice so I have not taken the vow to just have sex with guy's in the order, so hey guy's I am free."

I've never know Bill to be so aggressive but I couldn't blame him with this Adonis sitting there and more or less asking for it. Bill was on his knees in front of Ted and he was feeling Ted's crotch and Ted was moaning in pleasure as Bill was feeling his growing hard on. Ted reached down and was pulling his own fly down to allow Bill to get to his cock. My Bill lost no time pulling out Ted's cock from his briefs and what a hammer head cock that man has the widest mushroom headed cock I think I've ever seem. His cock was a good 7 inches jetting out from a patch of curly blonde pubic hairs. Bill was now sucking that thick cock into his mouth and I knew from the blow jobs Bill had given me what Ted was moaning about. then Ted looked over to me and patted the seat next to him saying. " Kevin come over here and get your cock out man I need one in my mouth too"

I was there in a flash and had my fly down and my semi cut 9 incher pointing at the handsome blonde mouth. Ted took hold of my cock and put it in his mouth and I felt my long ass dick going down his throat and his throat around my cock shaft. He was playing with my balls and all the while Bill was eating his cock.

We got him to move the show up to the bed and there we all got balls ass naked. Bill loved to fuck his hard thick 8 inch cock up a man's ass and he was going to do Ted. Ted was all for the idea and he laid on his side he said his favorite position to get fucked and bill was the shoving his thick cock in the man's hole filling him with cock and fucking his wide ass dick into him My bill was a good fucker he knew just how to hit the prostrate and hit it at all the right times. Ted was begging for more cock and a harder fuck of Bill's thick cock in his hole. i was now licking the man's hairy blonde arm pits and then down his chest to the tits while Bill was pounding his dick into the man I then took Ted fat nice cock into my mouth and the taste of his young pre cum was wonderful I knew he was close to shooting and that bill was ready to let go of a thick wad of cum in the boys hole. Ted was 7.5 inches of pure delight of meat and I loved sucking him and hearing bill fucking and pounding his ass I was the first one to shoot my load which landed all over Ted the Ted was cuming thick strings of cream into my mouth filling me with his load push after push his cream shot into my mouth. bill was the next and he was now pounding that hole with no mercy and now filling it with cum.

We soon found out that first night that Ted was one of those men who could never get enough cock in his mouth or up his ass and he loved to fuck a man too. There would be little sleeping for the three of us that night.

Our next round of drinks were on the rear deck al of us naked. and Ted was telling us as we were all looking towards the Monastery that they would be having the orgy now and it would last until 4 am or so. I said that we could see no lights on and Ted said they use heavy black curtains to hide the light. drinking was aok and all the Monks had to be open to getting fucked and sucked by any and all.

While Bill was making a run for new drinks Ted turned me around and had me bent over and was now fucking his hard 7.5 tool deep in my ass and even with all the drinks he had had he was an expert lover slow easy and then hard and deep hitting my spot so often I was cuming all over the deck as he pounded his meat into me. Once Bill came back out with the drinks Ted was soon fucking his cock into his ass too as I watched Ted was fucking bill's ass raw and bill was loving it every inch of it. We later all three fell asleep on the rear deck in separate chairs all well fucked and sucked.

In the morning Ted fucked me once again and then fucked Bill he was a stud for sure having cum in both of us in so short a time. We had breakfast and of course Bill and I were both really interested in how we could join the order. Ted was so handsome with that blonde hair which even messed up looked so hot. He told us that would be no problem and that Brother William the Superior would he was sure love to have us. we needed to be recommended by a brother. As Ted was still a novice he would not do. Ted offered a solution to our dilemma, He would get a hold of his buddy Brother Thomas and ask him to come on over and well kind of test us out if Brother Thomas was convinced we two were order material after a good fuck and suck session then he Brother Thomas would recommend us for the order.

We all showered together and then called the Monastery. Ted got hold of Brother Thomas and explained the deal. We had meet Thomas yesterday and Bill and I were both hot for his body. Within just 15 minutes of the call Brother Thomas was at the door in full habit. Ted had told us to be real aggressive with Thomas cause he loved that sort of thing. Bill was walking behind us as Thomas came into the living room in that floor length black habit and Bill just reached down to the hem and pulled up the habit to expose a nice round almost hairy white ass. Bill's cut off were down in a flash and he had Brothers Thomas bent over and was rubbing his cock in the crack of his ass. I got down and lifted the front of the habit so I had a clear shot at his cock and what a cock this man had fully hard and even dripping already it was a good 7 inches and it was still red from the orgy the night before. I put it in my mouth and was sucking on it. Soon Ted was there and he was KY ing up bill's big 8 incher and then as I sucked Thomas was being fucked by bill's big dick and pushing his cock into my mouth with every thrust of Bill's monster cock into his red fucked ass. Soon I was rewarded with the thick load of Monk's cream in my mouth then Bill was shooting his cream deep in the Monks hot hole. We let the habit fall down to the floor as we both came off the smiling monk.

Thomas said ' I think Brother Ted here must have been talking last night? And I am glad he did."

I did as Ted had told me and asked Brother Thomas if he would sponsor the two of us for membership in the order.?"

the smile on his face gave me my answer and the Brother Thomas sat down to a cup of coffee and explained the order to us.

they would do good works such as volunteer at local gay community centers to run program raise money for gay activities and that when at the Monastery each night as well as each afternoon there would be an orgy of love as they called it where all the Monks would engage in sex. a year like Ted as a novice in white then take the vows to 1 do good in the gay community and 2 have sex as an act of love 3 always seek to know what is good and what is evil and do the good. Nothing was ever to be worn under the habit to allow for instant sex, all the Brothers to include the superior agreed to any fucking or sucking them. All would have a tube of KY in the pocket of the habit.

Ted got his white habit of a Novice from his car and we all walked to the Monastery and planed to join up and be members of the "Gay Order of Good"

More to come soon if you would like a picture of the Author write you must give your age for legal reasons or no pictures Kevin Kelly in NJ

Next: Chapter 2

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