Gay Guy Gets the Girl

By moc.liamtoh@nosbigpjver

Published on Oct 6, 2016





Rev Jesse Penfield Gibson, MDiv, DMin

Copyright 2016

DISCLAIMER: This is a true story. It involves conssensual sexual activity between adults. If this offends you, don't read it. If you find this sort of thing arousing, read on.

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I've been before. The place is really in the middle of nowhere, a good 15 miles from Gainesville, FL, the home of the University of Florida. I've had to spend a lot of weekends in Gainesville lately. Well, just Saturdays during the day and drive back in the evening. Nearly every weekend for a while now. I don't go every time that I am in town but I have been there before. It took a second attempt to find it. The first time, I relied on Cruising for Sex but using Hawthorne, FL doesn't work. It is actually in Orange Heights, a crossroads with a stop light and a church, a convenience store and a porn theatre. I even made a special trip on Gay and Bisexual Tuesday once, having a guy climb on my lap and let me fuck him bareback.

It's Saturday night, nearly 9 o'clock. There are about a dozen vehicles in the parking lot when I pull in. On the drive out from Gainesville, the truck ahead of me turned in and so did the SUV behind me. I pull in and park. I figure the parking lot level is promising. THe truck ahead of me has a short, long haired redneck in boots. The SUV is a dad in blue jeans. It doesn't matter. You come here to drop a load, that's all. You are not meeting your life partner, or doing your fantasy man. It's stroke, usually suck, rarely fuck and leave. That's all.

My usual practice is to go to the video booth first. You don't even have to go by the clerk to get to them. The front door is a hallway that leads down to the video arcade area. To get into the store or into the theatre, you have to go through another door. The video arcade has about 6 booths on the left hand side against the outside wall and another 6 down a dark corridor to the right. You can hear the sounds of the porno from the theatre in there. The booths are walk in affairs, no doors. It takes $2 to operate. I go the video booth because the theatre shows straight movies and I am gay. I want to get the juices going before I start cruising. Plus, sometimes the cruising comes to you.

I head down the corridor to the right and slide into a booth. It's more private down here. I am wearing running shorts with no inner lining and no underwear. Easy access. I am nearly 51 and muscular. I can pull off wearing running shorts. Two dollars in and I flick through the channels to find a gay one. I pretty quickly find one, a bareback Bel Ami with two ridiculously good looking and absurdly fit young models. My prick swells and I pull down my shorts, pull out some lube and stroke slowly.

A man peeks around the corner. I spread my legs so he can get a view but he backs away. I am not vain but that rarely happens in a place like this. A second one does the same, no takers. I stand up and get in front of the screen, hard on out and stroking. I can be seen from the hallway. That usually works. A third guy steps in, peeks around the corner and leaves. So I am frustrated. Often, I can get sucked just like that. Sitting down, I watch the film until my time runs out. The boys are good looking and, if they are straight, they act like they are enjoying it.

I go into the store and hand the big Mexican guy my $20 to get in the theatre. It's expensive, I know. In through the door, there are 4 guys lined up against the back wall. There are two guys sitting in the single chairs on the other side of the aisle from the couches, one in the very front, one in the very back. The middle two chairs are empty. The back row has two couches, a man on each. The middle row is three couches, a man on the each of the first two and more on the third. That third one is the interesting one. You can only see the screen from the near end. The other end is in the alcove and it is prime play space. There is a man and woman and another man there. On the front row, there are some people on those two couches. Nothing is happening. I watch from the back for a few minutes, getting the lay of the land. One of the people on the front row is a woman. So this place has a very straight vibe and it isn't looking promising for me. After a while, I go and sit down on the couch in the back row. The guy on the other couch has his dick out and is stroking it. The guy on my couch doesn't. He isn't even giving it a rub through his pants.

Fuck, I thoguht, One more couch down and I could potentially have a hand job if nothing else. Not a chance here though. But I am too chicken shit to just move down and take a chance. Plus, the vibe is very hetero and I am not sure that I wouldn't get the shit kicked out of me if I got on my knees in front of a cock. But there is sex on the screen, the guy fucking the girl is good looking and I am horny. So I have my dick out with the leg hole pushed up and I am stroking it slowly.

There is movement in the room out of the corner of my eye.

The guy in the single chair at the front got up and went over to the couple on the front row and kneeled down in front of them. About 30 seconds later, the woman pulls off her dress over her head. Actually that was the first time I was even aware that it was a female sitting there, when the dress came off. But that did it. It was like a hand grenade went off in the room. Over the next couple of minutes, guys in the row behind them stood up to get a view. Guys from the back came down to see as well. To see, sure, but also to see if they could have a go at her too. I thought it was kind of funny. They were like teenage boys, just hankering to get a look.

"No!" a voice off to my left, from the alcove, said. "I said no!"

I looked over. It was the male half of the couple. He was being definite. The other guy stood there for a second before walking past, muttering to himself. He had tried to make a move and it hadn't gone well. I smiled. There were men kind of congregating down there, watching. For some reason, I got fascinated by the whole thing. I thought, why the fuck not? So I went down to the front to see myself. I sat in the seat the guy had vacated, watching him eat her pussy. Then, she stood up after a few minutes, put her dress back on over her head as the guy got buttoned up. Then the woman, the husband and the man left.

That's that, I thought. Not that it matters but it was kind of interesting, in a clinical sort of way. The crowd thinned out a little. Then two other couples came in, both male and female, and took up position on the back row, the girl wedged up against the man.

So, clearly there was nothing for me there, so I left and went back out to the video arcade area. If nothing else, I wanted a cock to suck. I mean, it's a fucking porn palace. How hard can it be to suck a dick? Fuck. There's got to be one guy in this fucking place that wants to play. There was a small group, loitering outside one of the booths in the more open area. The woman, her husband, and the guy were wedged into the booth. She was naked, and not bad looking I guess. Her tits were firm if she wasn't exactly young. I maneuvered around for look, out of boredom as much as anything else. I suppose some fascination. The guy was sucking on her titties with a finger in her pussy.

I was walking into the booth next door to watch some gay porn when I heard her say with a laugh, "Yeah, you could say I am a swinger."

Truly I am not one to judge. She is there trying to get off same as me. The fact that she is a woman and not a man doesn't mean anything. She has as much right to have a strange man give her an orgasm as I do. More power to her. I slide into a seat, put my money in and flick to a gay movie. I haven't give up hope yet. There is got to be one other gay guy here. The Bel Ami boys are still at it. Good, nice decent porno with hot boys. Worst case, I whack off.

A man comes around the corner. He stops. He reaches down and grabs my dick. Good start, I think. He is my age but fit. In my mind, he is a closet guy, blue collar, looking for some dick here too on the down low. If he sucks, he can have mine. I reach up and grab his crotch through his jeans. He is stiff. Also good.

He stops suddenly, turns toward the hallway and bolts. Fuck.

I turn back to the screen and continue to stroke. He comes back. Again he reaches for me and I let him. Then, very quickly, he spooks again and leaves. By now, I have had enough of this shit. When he comes back a third time, I whisper that if he wants a blow job, I am moving to the single booth that is around the corner by itself, the most private one I suppose. I walk past him, go into the booth and sit down but he doesn't follow right away.

Missed your chance, I thought. By the time he had worked up the courage, I was leaving to go back to the theatre. This night is a complete fucking bust, I think. Not one guy is not chasing pussy. I go back around past the counter and into the theatre. There is a couch open down front. The women and her husband have come back and are down there. As I sink into the couch, I can see that a man is between her legs eating her pussy. I don't really care. I am frustrated and I have paid the money, so I am going to sit here and jack off. I pull it out from the leg hole, stroke it hard.

The husband looks at me. "Hey baby, you gotta let this guy fuck you with his big dick"

Why not? It's been that kind of fucking night.

"You got a nice big one" she says, grabbing it.

Yes, I absolutely do. I have a big dick. Men of a certain predilection like getting it stuck in their ass. She seems to want it in her pussy. I figure if I am going to fuck her, I ought to give her some oral sex just to get her warmed up. I pull her knees apart. Her pubes are shaved. The gash in the middle looks like a wound. To me, she looks weird, incomplete. Then I realize it is the lack of a penis that I am reacting to.

I bury my face in her twat. I lick around the outside of her pussy, running my tongue in the folds of flesh. I know the clit is important, so I find it and lightly put it in my mouth to suck on, supposing it like a cock.

Her husband hands me a condom. I guess I am here for fucking and not for sucking. I roll it on. I lift her up and put her on the armrest of the sofa. I grab my dick at the base and guide it, up and in. I slide easily into her pussy. All the men have a good view. I can see the next row all masturbating. I am sliding back and to, wiggling me hips a little. It's not as tight as an asshole and she is a lot softer than what I am used to.

It's not bad though. Her legs are on my shoulders. I reach up and squeeze her tits. I've seen that in porn. I don't understand the attraction but I do it. Her husband is pawing at me all over, reaching between my legs to cup my balls. Feeling my ass. I'm okay with that. If he wants more, that's okay too.

"Fuck that pussy. Fuck it hard" the husband says.

I am kind of wishing that he would grease up and finger and stick it in my ass. He won't though, figuring me to be straight even if he is feeling me up pretty seriously and I am too chickenshit to ask.

The wife leans up. "Take me from behind"

I let her stand up and she gets in front of me, her legs spread apart. I aim for where I figure her pussy to be but she has to guide me in. I am hopeless at straight sex. BUt, once in, the mechanics are the same, straight or gay, ass or cooch. In and out. I grab ahold her hips and drive myself into her. She gasps. Unfortunately, I can't see the dozen or so men in the room jacking off watching me fuck and that was a huge turn on. I concentrate on the sensation on my dick and the novelty of fucking a woman. You know, your dick doesn't care. A hole is a hole.

I groan a bit. It does feel good. Billions of straight boys can't be wrong.

She wiggles some. Briefly, I wonder if she is enjoying it. Then I realize that I don't care. Well, I guess I care a little. I reach around and stroke around where I figure her clit to be, I must have hit because she gasps loudly. Cool.

I fuck her. The condom is dulling the sensation so I just have to fuck her all the harder to make up for it. So I just bang the shit out of her. She is grunting, I am fucking her hard, getting sweaty. I slide it back and too, reaching up to cup her tits as she backs into me, trying to meet my thrusts.

"Fuck" I exhale. I can feel it coming.

"Fuck me" she responds.

It won't be long, I know. The pleasure is building. So I just pound her, thinking about dicks and tight asses and hairy chests. In and out. A hole is a hole. She grunts with each stroke so she's enjoying it. I can smell her funky smell as her vagina seeps fluid. Wet, I know, is good. I am beginning to breath heavier. The sensation in my balls and cock continues to grow. I have one hand on her tit, the other on her clit, her body up tight against mine and my steel hard dick sliding back and to into her twat. Her husband is massaging my ass. This is so fucked up. Porn playing behind, some bimbo getting plowed and screaming. A dozen men watching and stroking, all or most of them straight, I guess or maybe bi, wishing they were me.

My woman begins to moan loudly, almost scream as I jack hammer her pussy. The one on screen has been screaming for some time. I wonder, in that part of my brain that can still wonder, if women just enjoy sex more than men given how much they seem to moan, groan and yell out but with less of a sex drive overall. I don't know. I know I love sex, even this sex. So I keep it up. She bounces back onto my pole. I am sweaty, breathless and nearly there. My balls are tight up against my body, my dick highly sensitive and my breathing ragged. I am moaning a bit too.

Then, one hard slamming stroke. Not quite. Hard and fast now, a few more that are short and stabbing. Then deep and hard and fast. Soon. Fast and hard, I go for it. I feel it building. Then suddenly, it all feels great for a just a few seconds.

I catch my breath and pull out. I hope she got off. I did. I dropped a nice load into the condom. I pull it off, reach down and pull up my shorts. The room is crowded. I lean over and whisper "Thanks" in her ear and slap her on the ass. Then I head out, dropping my rubber in the trash basket by the door. I am laughing as I go. I don't know who is straight and who is gay or bi. In the closet or out, I don't know. But my guess is that none of them would turn down a go at her pussy. Not one. As it happened, the one that got it was the one guy here who has no interest in women at all and has never been with a woman before. They get to be jealous of the gay guy.

Too fucking funny.

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