Gay Girl

By Josh

Published on Jul 4, 2010



I was a fifteen-year-old virgin when my family moved to San Angelo, Texas. The town we moved from was so small that moving to San Angelo was like moving to the big city. I figured it was my chance to finally get laid because I was an okay looking guy, and I had "heard" about big city kids. The first morning in school, I knew just the girl I wanted to lay; Letty Valedez.

Letty's dark brown hair fell down to the middle of her back, and it was so thick that it came down along her temples. She was slender, but with full breasts that looked so firm under her blouse as to defy gravity. She had the biggest brown eyes and the longest eyelashes I had ever seen. And she liked me.

The first time I saw her was on the first day of school that fall. It was in my second class of the day, English. (This was a while back, and yeah, they still called it English.) She took the desk beside mine, and smiled at me, but then began talking to a girl sitting on the other side of her.

My next class was American History, and Letty was in it. I made it into the classroom in time to take the desk beside hers. She smiled at me, and I marveled at her even, white teeth. The other girl was there again; again on the other side of Letty. She was there again in the third class I had with Letty, Geometry; and the fourth, Biology. We were all in the "accelerated" classes as they called them back then, and that other girl looked the part; like a "brain".

Her name was Amanda, but I discovered that everyone called her Bump. That was not because of her body. She actually looked like she had a couple of nice bumps, and she had very long legs, which on a pretty girl would have been hot. But Amanda was not pretty. Oh, she wasn't ugly, as in put-a-bag-over-her-head ugly; she was just sorta tall and plain, and she didn't wear much if any makeup. She always had her blond hair up in an old-fashioned ponytail and wore simple dresses. The reason they called her bump was because she was clumsy.

She and Letty appeared to be best friends, which was sort of surprising because Letty was an air head. I mean, she was smart in class; plenty smart. But with people, she was like, absent minded and a little "slow on the uptake" at times.

But she was pretty and had a great smile and she liked me. It crushed me when she turned me down for a movie date that first weekend. "My parents don't let me date yet," she told me.

"We can meet at the theater," I told her.

She shook her head. "They'd know."

"I understand," I said. I figured she wasn't interested. My face grew hot.

"No, really," she said, laying her hand on my forearm.

I nodded, thinking, yeah, right. But she remained just as friendly. All that next week, when she wasn't talking to Bump to one side of her desk, she was talking to me on the other... well not during class... much. Letty and I were becoming friends. So I tried for a date again the next week.

"Can it be in the afternoon?" she asked. "I can meet you in the theater Saturday afternoon."

So Saturday afternoon, I was waiting inside the theater lobby when Letty came in with another Hispanic girl, who I found out was her cousin. When Letty saw me, she grinned and came right to me. I took her hand and led her into the theater. The cousin followed, unfortunately, but once inside, she sat on the row in front of us. Nevertheless, it was still a quarter of the way into the movie before I had my arm behind Letty's shoulders and halfway through the movie before I kissed her. But once I did...

I had kissed girls before. Usually it started with a little light kissing, a little light petting. Things sorta heated up slowly. With Letty, it was like jumping in at the middle. Her mouth opened to mine. She wrapped her arms around my neck, and her tongue entered my mouth. My dick was instantly hard.

We paused only long enough to put up the armrest that was between us. She obviously liked kissing, and I surely did. When I laid my hand on her breast, it wasn't so much that I built up the courage to do it; it was more like that was the natural thing to do the way things were flowing. Her chest heaved under my hand.

I caressed her breasts through her blouse, first one, then the other. Her mouth grew warm. Saliva built in our mouths and we swallowed it.

She was in those loose-legged shorts girls wore a lot back then. I slid my hand up inside the leg. Her thigh was firm and her skin soft. I caressed inside her leg. I moved my fingers higher, caressed, moved higher. I hit the leg hole of the shorts and worked my fingers under the seam. For the first time, I touched a girl through her panties. Her panties were soft, her mound full. Her panties were damp.

I creamed. Literally.

I was glad I was in boxers and jeans, but I still worried that my cum might show. I'd had precum show through jeans before, when my cock had gotten down the leg of my boxers. This time, it was angled off to the side this time. Maybe it wouldn't show.

I started to pull up my head. I was going to stop. But Letty hung on, so we continued to kiss, and I got a couple of fingertips worked through the leg hole of the shorts and well onto the front of her mound. I explored as best I could; the leg hole made it difficult. I found the crevice between her labia. I found a hard bump at the top of it, and she jumped when I pushed on it. By twisting her hips slightly, she let me know where to press my fingers and where to rub her mound.

She moaned disappointedly when the movie ended. While the credits played, I pulled my hand out from up her shorts leg. We kissed a final time and sat up, rearranging ourselves. I felt my cum, wet and clammy inside my hip bone. She clung to me before leaving the theater. She wrapped her arms around my neck and we kissed, and then she was gone.

When I rubbed my nose a moment later, I smelled her on my fingers. I almost jammed them up my nose, right there in the theater lobby.

Monday morning in classes, it was like nothing had happened. Letty was friendly like usual, but only like usual. No special winks or knowing glances. It was disappointing, actually.

Over the previous couple of weeks, I had made friends with a few of the guys at my new school. A couple of them had lockers near mine in PE and came up beside me as we undressed for gym that Monday afternoon.

"Dude, we saw you with Letty Valedez, Saturday!" one of them said.

I smiled, pleased to have been seen.

"Dude," the other one said, "you know she's a lezbo, right?"

"What?" I had to laugh. "You're full of shit."

"She's gay," the first guy said. "She and Bump have been diddling each other since elementary school."

"She's not gay," I told them. "Believe me, I know."

"Yeah, we saw you kiss her," the second guy said. "You know that's not going anywhere, dude. And don't let Bump catch you or she'll cut your balls off."

He laughed. The first guy laughed. Other guys around us laughed.

"You're probably the first guy Letty's ever kissed," another one of the guys told me with a grin.

I started to say that she sure as hell had kissed somebody before, but then bit my tongue when I realized just who she might have been kissing. Until that moment, I had never comprehended the idea of gay girls. I mean, I could understand gay guys. After all, guys had dicks to play with. I had even jacked off with buddies myself before and secretly found the sight of their erections... well, stimulating. But I had never understood what girls could do together. But in that moment, remembering how hot Letty had been, I understood.

"Where was Bump on Saturday?" the first guy asked.

The second guy paused thoughtfully. "I bet at piano. She takes lessons, but she calls it... `studying' piano. Like she's some great musician or something. She probably takes lessons Saturday afternoon or something."

It may have been my imagination after that, but I thought I noticed Bump frowning at me whenever Letty turned in my direction. Had she been doing that before? Bump may have been a plain-looking girl, but when she frowned at you, it was a bit scary... like she really, actually might be thinking about cutting your balls off.

Nonetheless, I asked Letty to meet me at the movie that next Saturday afternoon, and she agreed. Once more she came in the company of her cousin. This time, though, there were people all around us in the theater, and we toned down our making out. A Burger King was close by, and we went there because Letty's mom wasn't going to pick her and her cousin up for awhile. We talked and Letty laughed a lot and she flirted with me in ways she never did in class. And yes, she told me, Amanda had piano on Saturday afternoons.

Letty loosened up a little in classes the next week. It was not my imagination. Bump frowned at me frequently that next week. By the weekend, the two of them weren't talking much.

But that weekend, Letty had to be out of town with her family. The next week, she and Bump seemed to be talking again, but Letty still smiled more at me and Bump frowned more at me.

I don't even remember what the movie was that Saturday; I just remember we picked it because it sucked and we didn't think there would be many people in the theater. Letty's cousin sat down front. Letty and I sat in a far back corner. It took me maybe fifteen minutes to get my fingers back inside her pants leg and onto the front of her panties. Her panties were damp. My dick had extended down my own pants leg by then, and, at one point, when Letty gripped inside my thigh, she felt it.

After a moment's hesitation, she felt over it, squeezing. My fingers were pressing the front of her panties and I swear she got wetter; a lot wetter. By the time the movie was ending, I had a hand inside her panties and felt a girls pubes for the first time... then her labia and her crevice. I found her opening with my finger, and my finger was still in it. My dick was out and in Letty's hand. She was squeezing in and moving the skin up and down my shaft as the credits began to scroll.

"We gotta find some place," I told her, gasping for breath beside her ear. "Let's go somewhere."

"I can't. My mom's gonna be waiting outside."

"Come on a date with me tonight."

"I can't," she said.

I was afraid the houselights were about to come up. I pulled my hand from inside her panties. Letty hung on to my dick for a moment before letting me put it away. She watched me zip the fly of my jeans and then looked at me, biting her lip.

Laying a hand on the side of my face, she pulled my ear to her mouth. "Come to my house tonight... like at midnight. I'll leave my window unlocked."

For a moment, I forgot to breathe. "Where?" I asked hoarsely.

I didn't even make it home after that. I was walking, and found a private spot in an alleyway to jack off in. I never needed to come so badly.

As I continued on toward my house after that, I rehearsed in my mind how the night would go. I would wear shorts and a t-shirt, no underwear. She would be in a sheer nightgown, and I would come to her in her bed. We would kiss and I would slide my hand inside her gown. I mapped it all out in my mind. I even stopped to buy condoms; a whole box of them.

Later, at home in the privacy of my room, I practiced rolling one on for the first time. It took all my willpower to not jack off again, but I wanted to save it. I didn't want to be unable to `get it up' later.

I shouldn't have worried.

My parents were pretty relaxed about things, but I couldn't just go out at midnight. So I snuck out. They were in bed by then anyway. I had left my bicycle outside the garage, and I used it to make my way to Letty's neighborhood and the address she had given me. She was very specific about which window. Right, front; the double windows with the white curtains. The curtains would be partially open. The window on the right would be unlocked.

Quietly, I pulled off the screen. Carefully, I pushed up on the window. It came up. I slid it up all the way and climbed in, closing the window quietly behind me. The room was dark except for the light coming from the street behind me, and there wasn't much of that.

My eyes began to adjust. There was a dark space across the room. I assumed it was the bed. I stepped to the side of it, trying to peer down, hoping to hell it was Letty in the bed and not like, her parents.

"Take your clothes off," her voice came up in a whisper from the darkness.

I quickly complied, shucking out of my shoes, socks, shirt, and shorts, in that order. I let the shorts drop close beside the bed so that I would have little trouble retrieving the condoms I had stuffed in a pocket.

In all my nervousness, my dick had only just started to rise, but by the time Letty lifted the bedcovers and I crawled in to face her, my dick pointed up between our bellies. She was naked, and when she pressed the front of her body to mine, her skin was hot. Her mouth found mine, eagerly. I wrapped an arm behind her back and she laid a hand on my shoulder. For the first time in my life I was naked with a naked girl, and the sensations were incredible; especially as we kissed hungrily and Letty cocked a leg over my hip. It opened her to me, and all my plans of foreplay and warming her up went out the window. It was like she was ready. Her pussy was wet against the top of my thigh.

But then she rolled away and onto her back as if she was being pulled away from me. My eyes had been adjusting to the darkness, and I started as I realized that someone was staring at me from Letty's other side. I almost yelped and jumped from the bed, thinking, disjointedly, that it was another guy. But then I recognized the frowning eyes of Bump.

Letty lay on her back between us. She glanced at Bump, then back at me.

Eying me defiantly, Bump threw back the covers, uncovering all of us down to mid-thigh. Bump was naked, too. My mouth dropped as my eyes went to her breasts first, and then dropped to Letty's breasts. It's funny how a guy's mind works. In that awkward moment, I nevertheless made a breast comparison: Letty's were fuller-looking and had larger areolas. Both girls' breasts looked firm. I mean, Bump was lying on her side and her breasts barely sagged.

My eyes darted down their bodies to the small black patches of her pubes. Those were a closer match I noted before pulling my eyes back to Letty's eyes, and then at Bump.

After a meaningful glare in my direction, Bump leaned over Letty, covering Letty's mouth with her own. Their chests pressed and their breasts flattened against one another. Bump's hair was down. I had never seen her hair down. It was pale in the light from the window and fell over the backs of her shoulders.

Letty wrapped her arms over the back of Bump's neck. Bump reached down between Letty's leg and covered Letty's mound with her hand.

I know some things are supposed to be instinctive with guys, and I should have jumped right in on things, but I was a fifteen-year-old virgin, watching two naked girls making out right beside me. It blew every neuron in my brain. Like... uh!

It was Letty who brought me back into it. Leaving one arm behind Bump's neck, she clasped the back of my neck with her other hand, and pulled my face down to theirs.

"You don't mind that Amanda's here do you," Letty whispered her eyes searching mine. "She's my lover."

Well, Letty's lover was what I was hoping to be, and I wasn't at all sure how I felt about having my rival in Letty's bed with us, but I wasn't about to mess things up. I nodded.

Letty smiled and pulled my face down to hers. We kissed. Bump's face was so close, I felt her breath on my cheek.

I moved in. I pressed the front of my body to the side of Letty's, just like Bump was pressing Letty from the other side. My dick pressed up over Letty's hip and lay over her belly. I reached down between Letty's legs to feel her mound for myself. Bump didn't pull her hand away, so we were both feeling Letty's pussy. But then on impulse, I reached between Bump's legs.

Her hips jerked back, but I clasped her vulva. She froze for a moment. Then her top leg cocked open, and I managed to find and slide my finger into her opening. I had only a poor understanding of what a hymen was or what to expect from two virgins, and I didn't know to be surprised that I had not encountered one in either girl. Later, I leaned that they had popped one another's cherry a long time before with a dildo they found in Bump's mother's nightstand.

My finger entered Bumps vagina, and I found her as hot inside as Letty's had been in the theater... and as wet. Bump rubbed her pussy in my palm, but at the same time, forced her face between mine and Letty's to reclaim Letty's mouth for her own. I had to settle for kissing the side of Letty's face. I even kissed the side of Bump's.

But then Bump slid down Letty's body, pulling her own pussy from my hand. She covered Letty's near breast with her mouth and Letty moaned, arching.

Since Bump had pulled her pussy back from my hand, I reached for Letty's again. This time, Bump allowed me probe into Letty's vagina with my finger while she concentrated on Letty's clit with her fingertips.

I wanted a breast, too, so I slid down to cover Letty's other breast with my mouth. For a moment, Bump's and my faces were side-by-side, sucking; rivals in our stimulation of Letty. And then there was a moment, a brief one, when Bump's and my mouth met and we kissed as we fingered Letty. It was a rough, almost contentious kiss. And then Bump was gone, sliding lower on Letty.

As Bump buried her face between Letty's legs, Letty pulled me up to resume kissing. I covered her mouth with mine, but from the corner of my eye, I watched, mesmerized by the sight of Bump's working mouth covering Letty's mound.

Letty moaned and her body tensed as she responded to what Bump was doing. Letty's reaction stimulated reactions of my own. I caressed her breasts, still wet with Bump's and my saliva, with my hand. Letty grabbed my cock. She tugged on it.

"I have rubbers," I whispered.

She tugged my cock again. "Put it in me," she said aloud, her head rolling. Her voice seemed loud in the quiet of the night.

I leaned back to reach over the side of the bed. A pocket can be damned difficult to find in shorts in the dark. Letty held onto my cock the whole time. I managed to extract a condom from the pocket and then from the wrapper.

With Letty still clutching my shaft, I tried rolling the condom on. It wouldn't roll. I realized I had it backward and reversed it. Letty only moved her hand off my shaft after it was clear I could roll the condom down no farther unless she did.

I rolled it down. Smoothed it. Then I pulled Letty's near leg open wider and then got up on my knees between her legs. I nudged Bump's shoulder, and reluctantly, Bump pulled back.

Letty lay open under me, her eyes on my cock. Bump's eyes were there, too, and both of them watched as I grabbed the base of my cock with one and leaned forward onto the other. I rubbed my glans around in Letty's wet crevice, probing for her opening. Letty pulled her knees up, helping me find the spot. Surprisingly, Bump reached in to grab my shaft ahead of my own hand, and she pushed my cockhead into Letty's opening.

I slid in all the way. Letty's hips rotated up and her pussy rose to meet me. Looking down between us, I saw the dark little patches of our pubes come together, while at the same time, I felt my dick stretch full length into her.

Letty was warm. I felt it through the condom. Her vagina held my glans and shaft snuggly as I pressed my dick around inside her. I concentrated on experiencing all the sensations I had dreamed about. Even with a condom on, I found them much better than I had dreamed. I discovered that pushing my dick up to the hilt inside a beautiful girl's pussy, pressing my pubic bone to hers, gave me pleasure far beyond the sensations on my dick.

I lay down onto her and Letty wrapped her arms over the back of my neck. I wrapped my arms under her and ground my hips. I pulled out and pushed in, and then again. The side of my face pressed hers and the breath of her gasps brushed my ear.

Unexpectedly, I felt extra hands on my back and butt... Bump's hands. She drew them down the muscles of my back and onto my flexing butt. I flexed my butt more tightly for her.

And then Bump did something else unexpected. She climbed astride my butt. I felt dampness from her pussy in my buttcrack. She sat on my butt and she rode me while I humped Letty. If Bump had been a boy, I would have had a dick up my butt. I had the distinct impression that she was fucking my butt. She leaned forward and grabbed the backs of my shoulders, and she rode. It was hot, actually.

Letty moaned and arched under me as I drove with my hips. Her breasts pressed up against my chest. I lifted myself on my hands and used a hand to cup and admire her left breast. Her breasts were awesome. They jarred with my thrusts to her body, but they didn't jiggle. They were firm. Her skin was soft. Her nipples were hard.

Bump lay down on my back and reached around me to get her own feel of Letty's breasts. Bump's breasts pressed my back; I felt the hard points of her nipples. She pinched Letty's nipples. It looked like it would hurt, but Letty moaned and her head rolled as if she liked it. So I pinched the other one. Bump's mouth rested on the back of my neck. I felt a slight press of her teeth.

I liked it. I liked being sandwiched between them and Bump rubbing my butt with her pussy. But then she got up and maneuvered around in front of me, forcing me to raise myself higher off Letty because Bump got in front of me and straddled Letty's face.

My first reaction was to be pissed. It was my first sex with a girl, my very first time. It was meant to be me and Letty losing our virginity together. Bump was horning in and screwing things up.

Bump's butt rocked forward and back like she was fucking Letty's face. Even though I was pissed, I had to admit that from the back, Bump had a great body; and the way she was moving was hot. But she was still in the way, and I wasn't happy.

I splayed my knees up under the backs of Letty's thighs for balance, sat up on them, and reached around in front of Bump with both hands and cupped her breasts. Though her breasts were slightly smaller than Letty's, the points of her nipples were bigger. I pinched them, hard because I was mad -- well harder than I'd want my own nipples pinched.

Bump moaned and leaned her shoulders back onto my chest. Her head rolled back on my shoulder. The scent of her blond hair filled my nostrils. Her breasts were as firm as Letty's and the skin was just as soft, but smoother. Her cheek rested against the side of my neck, and my mouth closed instinctively on the nape of her neck. For a moment, holding her in my arms like that, she yielded to me the way a girl yields to a boy.

But then Letty protested. Bump's hips had frozen with her vulva pressed to Letty's mouth; Letty couldn't breathe. Letty pushed firmly against Bump's thighs to get her off, and reluctantly, Bump complied. With her out of the way, I dropped down onto Letty, wrapping my arms under her. There was no way I would let Bump get between us again.

I stretched my legs out between Letty's again, and she wrapped her legs around my waist, locking her heels behind me. She wrapped her arms tightly around my neck, as if she, too, didn't want Bump coming between us again. The side of her face pressed mine and she whimpered in my ear as I thrust into her. The smell of Bump's sex was on her face. At the first scent of it, my hips drove harder as if on their own.

I pumped with Letty clinging to me and whimpering. I entered a sexual daze, belly on belly, chest on breasts, naked girl in my arms, balls pulling up, churning. I felt Bump's hand on my back and butt again, feeling my working muscles. I glanced at her. Her other hand was between her legs, cupping her vulva. Her middle finger appeared to be up her hole and her hips moved in rhythm with mine. Our eyes met, expressionless; she was in a daze, too.

Under me, Letty arched and threw her head back. Her body tensed. Her thighs squeezed me tightly. A small cry escaped her throat, but she choked it back to a desperate whimper. I was making her come. I knew, theoretically, that girls can come, but the experience was electrifying. I rabbit-pumped and the pitch of her whimper climbed.

And then I was shooting into the rubber. I felt my dick pulse inside Letty's vagina. I felt her tighten down on me and I, too, whimpered.

Then it was over. I actually felt my balls relax between Letty's legs. I felt my dick begin to soften, and that haze of pleasure after sex washed over me, so comfortable in Letty's arms. She kissed in front of my ear, gently, and ummed like the soft purr of a cat.

The bed jiggled. Beside us, Bump had rolled onto her back. She had pulled her knees up and one hand was still between her legs. She used her other hand to caress her breasts and squeeze her own nipples. As I watched, she planted her feet and lifted her pelvis, lifting her butt off the bed; fucking up into the air as if fucking back against a boy or the mouth of a girl, rather than her hand. Her eyes were closed. She moaned softly.

I have to say this... girls, at least girls like Bump, get into it when masturbating a whole lot more than a guys does. As I watched Bump fuck her hand and into the air, my dick sprang to life again inside Letty's vagina. But I wasn't thinking about Letty. I watched the way Bump was moving, and I was thinking I gotta get me some of that!

When I pulled out of Letty, I realized I had a mess on my cock. That little reservoir at the end of the rubber was full, and though the rubber was tight around my cock, somehow cum had gotten down to my pubes.

I pulled off the rubber and tossed it over the side. Letty told me later that I left cum on her sheets. I started to get another rubber, but stopped. The way Bump was fucking air, I wanted to feel the inside of her pussy with the skin of my own cock and not through a rubber. I'd already come once, I told myself, and that I probably shot all my sperm the first time. The next would be just semen. Right.

I didn't care. Bump was fucking air and now her eyes were on the dick I held in my hand. I moved over between her legs.

"On, no!" she murmured loudly. She froze, but she didn't drop her butt back onto the bed.

I grabbed under her butt with my left hand and aimed my cum-damp dick into her slit with my other. I nudged her fingers away with my cockhead, and Bump's hand jerked back with a start.

"No, I..." she started, but didn't finish, because I had found her opening with my glans.

Her eyes closed. She tensed. I pushed in firmly. The hot, wet lining of her vagina slid over my crown and down my shaft. She whimpered and it was a strange sound of protest, defeat... because she wanted it.

I pressed all the way in. I grabbed her hips and pulled her onto me. This time, no condom, I could feel the slide of her vagina over my crown and shaft. I actually groaned. I pulled her onto me as deeply as I could.

"Move like you were moving," I told her in a thick voice.

Tentatively, Bump ground into my lap. Her eyes closed, her mouth dropped, her head rolled. She squeezed her breast and ground against my lap harder.

We found a rhythm; me pumping and her lifting her pelvis to meet my thrusts. I didn't need both hands under her butt. I used one get my own feel of her breasts. I bent forward over her, wanting to cover a taut nipple with my mouth. Bump grabbed the back of my neck with both hands, pulling up on me. I rocked back onto my haunches and she came up with me, impaling herself on my cock. Her knees dropped to the bed on either side of my butt while I sucked up a nipple.

She settled onto me. She clasped the sides of my head in her forearms. I sucked hard. She moaned and ground her pussy down into my lap. That caused me to moan, and I left off her nipple to suck on the side of her neck. She lifted my chin and we kissed for the first time. She kissed hungrily, forcefully. In some back corner of my mind, I imagined how she taught Letty to kiss.

Bump rose on her knees and dropped, impaling herself again. She rose again and dropped again. I grabbed her butt and drove my cock upward to meet when she dropped. She grabbed my shoulders. The bed began to bounce.

Bump bounced harder. She ground down on my dick, and when it wasn't deep enough, she pulled her knees up along the sides of my back and held onto the back of my neck, forcing her weight into my lap. Her pussy pressed hard around the base of my cock, and my cock felt way long inside her.

Bump never stopped moving. She clung to the back of my neck and ground her pussy down into me. I went up on my knees with her, and the fell over onto her; dropping her onto her back on the bed. And she still kept moving.

It had never really occurred to me that some girls might be better at sex than others. I mean, it was obvious that Letty liked sex. It was just as obvious that Bump had a passion for it. I don't care what a girl looks like, when she loves fucking and fucks you back, she's hot. And Bump was very, very hot.

Letty had been passive under me by comparison. I may have been on top of Bump, but that didn't slow her down. She grabbed two handfuls of my butt and pulled it hard between her legs. She planted her feet to lift her pelvis against me. I held the backs of her shoulders to drive hard. I covered her mouth with mine and we kissed fiercely... there's no other word for it... we kissed fiercely. She obviously had plenty of experience with Letty's mouth, and she knew what she wanted.

Without the condom, I could feel the slide of her vagina on my dick with every thrust. The bed rocked. It's a wonder no one else in the house heard, but I'm sure it seemed much louder in that quiet room than it actually was.

My balls were churning. I knew I was going to come, but I couldn't pull out; I didn't want to pull out. I drove deeply and my balls pulled up tightly. I squirted hard. Bump felt it, and clutched my butt tightly. For a brief second, it was just my dick pulsing and her vagina squeezing reflexively. Then she arched back. I drove. She gasped. I drove. She whimpered and I felt a flood of liquid which I mistook at first for my own cum, but then realized that this new liquid was hers.

We slowed. We took forever to stop. My dickhead was sensitive, but it felt so good to move with her. I felt a flood of new feeling; feelings for Bump... a kind of intimate affection... something incredible had happened between us, and now my cum was inside her, and I was inside her, and we had done something to each other that no one else had done.

Letty rolled up onto her side beside us. "He didn't put on a rubber," she whispered to Bump.

Bump's eyes looked up at mine. "I know," she said.

"I will, next time," I promised.

"Next time?" she asked with a cocked eyebrow.

"Next time," I repeated.

Bump smiled, a tired, happy looking smile. She wrapped an arm behind Letty and pulled her to our sides, so I looped an arm behind Letty as well.

And then Bump's brow knit. "Letty is still my lover," she said, seriously.

"And both of you are mine," I told her. And when I jerked the diminishing remains of my erection inside Bump, she smiled and gave my dick a squeeze with her insides.


Let me know if you enjoyed the story. It keeps me motivated to write. :)

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