Gay General Hospital

By Steve Griffin

Published on Aug 4, 2003


GH belongs to ABC and Disney. They own the rights and I'm not trying to infringe. This is just some fun imaginary fantasy. The story is mine though. Do not read this if you are not over know all that.

I'm sorry for the delay, I hope you're all still interested in reading what happens next. I have worked in some of what you wanted and am willing to work in more. I can't do this without your encouragement and ideas.


Cameron was burning with curiousity, as well as lust, with a dash of disappointment mixed in. A logical presumption would be that when a father and son exchange their juices for the first time, those juices have not been sipped by half the men in town. Or at least not by the sluttiest butler in town. He knew he should try to comfort his son, who was currently studying the floorboards, too ashamed to look into his father's eyes. But Cameron didn't know what to say...for the first time.

The two Lewis men may have stood in such separate universes forever, if not for Reggie pushing Zander onto the bed, lightly slapping his bubble butt as the young, wiry stud collapsed onto the mattress.

"Tell him the story."

Zander's heartstopping blue eyes blinked repeatedly. He was on the verge of tears, and yet, Cameron noticed, the meat between those legs dangled hard and heavy.

Reggie also noticed, stroking Zander, purring and kissing next to his ear, whispering inaudible filth. Even thinking of what the sex pig might be saying drove Cameron to distraction. The words were certainly having an effect on squirming, leaking Zander.

Finally, Reggie broke away, standing in the middle of the room in his mediator pose. Hands on his hips. Zander cleared his throat and began speaking. Arms firmly pressed together in front of his slight paunch, Cameron listened.

" day I came to the mansion to see Emily. This was a few years ago. Edward had me thrown out. Reginald grabbed me, and I didn't know why, usually he didn't have a problem with me. I struggled and he kept grabbing my crotch and my ass and..."

Cameron craned his head over to give his patented judgmental therapist stare to the older man. Reginald just smirked at him, specifically at the part of his lower anatomy which was enjoying Zander's tale.

"H-He pushed me into the back of a limo that was being cleaned. Told me he could tell I wanted a good fucking, I was a horny young piece of ass. I tried to get away, but he tackled me, and then I stopped fighting him. I did want it. Before Em, I had sex like all the time, men, women...I never got enough."

"Touch yourself," Reginald whispered to the storyteller, as he himself pulled at his lengthy pud.

Zander wordlessly agreed with him, lolling his neck around, slowly running his meat hook of a hand down his wet chest and to his wild garden of pubic hair. He began stroking, setting up a rhythm.

"So Reg turned me over, almost tore off my jeans. My dick was stuck to the fancy leather seat, and my ass was up in the air. He smacked it, told me how hungry I must be, that my butt was made for ripping apart, that he had the equipment to do it. All I could see was the door handle and the window, dark, I was pressed against it, squirming, and his tongue was in me. All the way long, and knew just where to go. I'd never felt so horny, or so used. His fingers were even longer, one, then three. He kept going, waving his fingers around, stretching me, 'til he hit something that made me lose my first load. All over my stomach and the seat, I was fuckin' glued."

Cameron had unconsciously begun playing with himself near the middle of the story. While he tugged at his swollen testicles and moaned with authority, he ached inside for Zander, who couldn't even open his eyes, couldn't take the idea of Zander's icy rejection. His son's thighs were wide open now, his fingers massaging the beefy calves. The boy's dick was slightly above-average in length but exceedingly plump in girth. The fat, beige porker had a distinct curve to the right. As he studied his son's pelvic area, he noticed Reginald squirming a bit and lightly exploring his nipples and hairy, flat chest.

"Uh...I didn't wanna come again, but I knew I was going to. As soon as I felt Reg's cock lining up to my hole. God this is so nasty...I'm sorry Dad...he pushed inside me, real slow. I felt like a snake had slithered inside my ass. He took me over. I was his cumslut, that's what he kept saying. I don't know why, but I ground against him, sucking more in. He called me a Hoover and slammed deep. I...oh God..."

Zander dropped his head into his hands, sobbing.

"I'm scum, that's all I'll ever be. No wonder you hate me. I'm telling you how a man I barely even knew butt-fucked me in the back of my girlfriend's limo, and I'm getting off on it. I just want to die. I..."

Cameron had to admit he was not completely sure how to take his son's confession, his pleasure in revealing such a sordid tryst to his own father. But he also had to admit that this was not the time for judgment, and that he'd helped ruin his entire family's life because of his constant judgment. That wasn't going to happen today.

He kneeled at the foot of the bed, his middle-aged joints creaking a bit with the motion. Cradling Zander in his arms, he let the young man moisten his shoulder, soothed his hair, whispered in his ear.

"You have done nothing wrong. You're a fine young man and I won't have you treat yourself this way anymore. Listen to me. I'm your father. I love you. And...I want you."

The last words literally spilled out of his mouth, a sliver of saliva running from his lower lip as he spoke. Zander moved away from the crook of Cameron's shoulder. He stared, unblinking, those puppy-dog eyes pooled with tears. Without warning, he smashed his mouth against Cameron's. Father and son kissed, frenzied for a few moments, slowly becoming more loving, more exploraty of lips and tongue and teeth. Father and son began to realize they were facing each other, drenched in their juices, their big Lewis hardons barely wilted. They were more than just father and son, they were men.

Their hands settled into each other's skin, Zander's touch dry and rough, Cameron's tender and soft, Cameron marveling at his son's washboard abs, trailing them one by one with his fingernail. As Cameron reached over to bite into Zander's juicy, oval-shaped tits, Zander marveled at the fine sampling of furry, dark crimson chest hair. Cameron's meaty nubs throbbed under Zander's expert touch. Cameron's crowning glory, long and plump with a regal blue vein adorning the underside, jabbed Zander's tight abdominals as Zander's own manhood leaked a steady trail against his father's heavy balls.

"These made you," Cameron stated, in a calm voice which barely hinted at his strong desire. He placed Zander's hands on his ball sac and penis. Zander traced the hairy, wrinkly orbs and proud, arching shaft, chewing his lower lip in wonder.

"I made these," Cameron purred, lewdly fondling his son's fat, slobbering prong, his heavy, hairless nuts, rolling them between his fingers.

They kissed again, wet and hot, desperate, before Cameron separated himself. Before Zander could protest, Cameron had laid himself flat out on his stomach, his surprisingly trim legs open, his tight pucker peeking from underneath a thick patch of curly crack hair.

"Son, I've never been subject to anal intercourse. I want the first penis inside me to be attached to the boy...the man, that I made."

The good doctor smacked his own supple buttocks, spreading them apart as best he could.

Zander nearly came right then and there, but he managed to keep his delirium in check long enough to dive deep into his father's - his father for fuck's sake, he kept repeating in his mind - moist, musky cavern. He smelled and tasted the residue of a man, and he did so happily. After coating his hungry shaft with a healthy dose of pre-ejaculate, Zander found the rosebud, pushing in with slow deliberation. His entire body shuddered as he transformed all his thoughts, energy, lifeblood into his erection, his weapon of choice.

Cameron tore at the bedspread with hands and teeth while his offspring propped him up on all fours, easing in and out of his yawning anus with a knowledge far greater than Cameron had ever expected. Zander was playing his entire body like a violin, and Cameron enjoyed the submission. The hands yanking his chest hair, slapping the cheeks which jostled with each sharp thrust, methodically jerking him off. He was about to come when two more hands joined in.

"Forget about me?" Reginald smirked.

Cameron knew that could never be allowed to happen, and he let his mouth slip down onto a few inches of the butler's towering prick. Cameron groaned in appreciation while he stood at the edge of the bed, watching Zander's ferociously pivoting flesh slide noisily in and out of the small shithole. He leaned over the bear they were tranquilizing from both ends and passionately captured Zander's mouth. They made out, tongues extended as far as possible, dueling in time with their pelvic swords. Between Cameron's milking and Reginald's petting and kissing, Zander knew he was through.


As Zander painted his father's insides with a fresh white coat, Reginald pulled out of the shrink's mouth just in time to blow his own load, volley after volley of warm semen coating Cameron's face. Before he had a chance to adjust to being deflowered by his own son, he was turned over onto his back, and the two men towering over him began teasing and tormenting his primed, reddened body, from the near double-digit bobbing mass between his legs to the caked-up, dripping seed in his perfectly maintained beard. He was no match for their knowing mouths, losing his own pent-up load within seconds.

Cameron stretched out on the bed, exhausted and feeling more than a bit empty. Zander and Reginald each stretched beside him, stroking his chest and feeling his heartbeat.

"I should've done this years ago, gets the blood flowing," he nervously chuckled.

Zander was unable to tell if that wall between them was returning. With some effort, he looked his father in the eyes.

"Are you sure it's alright, Dad? You don't..."

Reginald shook his head at all the angst.

"Enough of this soap opera detritus! Just kiss already!"

Zander leaned forward, tentatively, his hand on Cameron's chest. Cameron hesitated. This wouldn't just be about sex, this would be love, intimacy. This would change everything.

And yet, he went ahead with his desires. He kissed his son, alternately wincing and savoring the pungent flavor their mouths now shared. They were one.

"Can I cut in?"

Both men yanked Reginald between them before he could say another word. They pounced on him, telling him he would be theirs for the rest of the day, to pay them back for his blackmail. Reginald willingly, very willingly played along with the oncoming deluge of father and son horseflesh. If only any of the three had seen the man snapping pictures outside the window, or knew that the true blackmail was only about to begin...

It took a great deal to shock Marcus Taggert. Years on the police force, in the roughest sections of town. He'd seen everything.

"Scott, what the fuck are you DOING?"

Almost everything.

Scott was spread-eagle on his desk. Impeccably dressed from the waist up. >From the waist down, buck naked, an extremely fat 7-inch cock poking straight up in the air. Andy Capelli, one of their youngest and best detectives, between his legs, lapping at his hairy hole.

Taggert had always kept an eye out for Andy. Aside from the Vinnie Barbarino style-hair, this Italian stallion was perfect in every way. He filled out a pair of tight jeans expertly, and the confidence in his swagger meant he knew it. Most of the women and quite a few men at PCPD wanted a piece of that ass. Taggert wanted to literally sink his teeth in those pillowy cheeks, those white, hard slabs of muscle now exposed to his line of sight.

Andy smiled nervously at the arrival of his intimidating fellow officer, but Scott had no such anxiety.

"Taggert, calm down, willya? I'm not gonna be traipsing down in San Fransisco with flowers in my hair. But I need to keep focused at work, keep my juices flowing. Nothin' does that like having a big cock up my ass or a warm mouth inhaling my pepper mill. Got it? Good. Now get naked, then we gotta talk."

Taggert stood still, now more in anger than awe. He shook his head, his tongue flicking out between his lips.

"You are such a damn hypocrite. All this lecturing about morals, good and evil, and you use your police force as a brothel! Is this what you were elected for?"

Scott snorted through his smug, bearded visage. He'd been around the block for the long haul and had put bucks like Taggert in their place too many times to count.

"Need some help, do ya? OK."

A decisive snap of the fingers reverbarated through the soundproof office. The only other noise was Andy's deteremined pumping into his boss' loose man-twat. Before Taggert could process the situation, two muscle-bound men, completely naked except for standard duty hats and holsters with a long nightstick dangling from the edge, stepped from behind the door, one gripping him from each side. It took a strong body to keep Marcus Taggert in place, and these two studs fit the bill. The hunk on the left was the color of charcoal, the hunk on the right was the ultimate uberman, blonde, tall, and impossibly square-jawed. Their bodies were equally devoid of hair, their pectorals glistening, tree trunk legs rooted firmly in place. They were exact duplicates, aside from their skin color and the fleshsticks swinging beside their nightsticks. Ivory was packing about 6 half-hard inches, and Ebony was already up to 8. Taggert tried not to flinch from their methodical tugging off of his jacket, undoing of his tie. They unbuttoned his shirt one groove at a time, biting and suckling his pointed nips, licking down his sculpted abs as they untucked the shirt.

"I found 'em in the park," Scott growled, barely grunting at Andy's anal assault. "Arrested 'em for indecent exposure. These boys would suck anything that wasn't nailed down. Skills like that deserve recognition, so they're cadets now. With their own special kinda training."

Taggert winced at the myriad fingers on his belt buckle, squeezing his ample bulge, shoving his trousers down. Ivory eagerly swallowed the fat chocolate eclair released from Taggert's khaki prison. Those fingers opened and loosened Taggert's stuttering hole, soothed his body, groped him in every private area he had. Taggert knocked off Ivory's hat and angrily tugged at his close-cropped blonde curls, feeding his cockmeat in and out of the grade-A cocksucker's gullet. His knees buckled as he felt a huge mound of flesh pressing against his backdoor. If not for the warmth of that knob, he would have been sure Ebony was brandishing his nightstick. But no, the nightstick was gone now...Scott was sliding it inside Andy's crack while Andy put the finishing touches on his fuck job.

Soon, too soon, Taggert felt himself reaching the final level of pleasure. His spinchter contracted around the enormous horsemeat buried inside him as he was buffetted back and forth between the inviting mouth in front of him and the mechanical thrusting behind him. Screaming his own hoarse, unique war cry, he shoved the white boy's lips as far apart as possible. His cream filling scorched down the ravenous throat. Ivory cleaned him up nice and proper, smiling with smug satisfaction when he pulled Taggert's softening shaft from his throat. Taggert was a bit annoyed by the condescension, and very horned up from Ebony's continued plowing of his ass. Before he could stop himself, a steady flow of urine leaked from his piss slit. He coated Ivory's angelic face in the rank yellow pee, and the piss pig had no complaint, opening his mouth to drink in the final few drops. Taggert knew this was all very raw and maybe wrong, but he hadn't come like this in ages.

Ebony's loud, enthusiastic grunts indicated he was nearly done. By the time he'd shot his massive wad and vacated Taggert's sore backside, Scott was finished with his own sexual release. Andy kissed Scott's well-fucked chute goodbye and went into Ebony and Ivory's waiting arms. Scott spun around on his sticky desk, nonplussed by the gallons of semen leaking from his spent hole.

"Taggert, now can get down to business. I have plans involving our favorite thugs. Corinthos, Morgan, the works. Yeah, I've got big plans."


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