Gay Extreme Games

By Bruce Nathan

Published on Mar 16, 2023


WARNING: If you are offended by verbal descriptions of gay male sex, this story is not for you. Stop reading now. If under the laws of your locality this type of activity is proscribed, stop reading now. If you are under the age of 18 (or whatever is the age of consent in your jurisdiction), stop reading now. Anyone not falling into one of the above categories, enjoy. Technically, this story is a fantasy and any resemblance to any one living or dead is purely coincidental. Any resemblance to actual experiences in my own life is my business.

Copyright (c) 2001 by JO247CUM. All rights reserved. You may download this story to keep on your computer, or print a hard copy if you preserve the title, warning and copyright notice. It is however my story and I do not waive any copyrights. Any legal violations brought about by ignoring the Warning notice become your responsibility.

Gay Extreme Games 4 - GEG Briefing

Perhaps it was the jetlag and all that sex, we slept soundly till the phone rang the next morning at 8 am.

"Sawadeekap. Hello Sir? You are here for GEG yah?" The voice over the phone asked.

"Yawn Hm... GEG? Er..., oh yes. GEG." I replied.

"Sir, you are to assemble in the meeting room for a briefing at 9.30 am. You are to come in T-shirt, pants and comfortable footwear. Please be on time. By the way, Sir, could you remind your room mate?"

"9.30 am. Meeting room. T-shirt, pants, comfortable footwear. Erm, Roger. Ok. Thank you."

"Sawadeekap." And he hung up the phone.

Nick was still sleeping soundly. I kicked off my blanket and I saw my booted feet. Heck. The memories of yesterday came flooding back. Fucking Nick is wearing my Cat snugly and it now looks extremely crusted. Fuck, Nick coated the precious baby with our cum last night left it on to dry. Now the surface is covered with wavy white streaks. Shit. That will take a long time to recover the original condition. That's going to cost.

I tried stretching my leg and I realized I had his cowboy boots on. Although it too was covered with cum, the brown color seems to tolerate the "snow streaks" better. Fuck. If there exists a better "pique me up" in the morning.

I took off the cowboys gingerly and pulled my morning hard-on to fruition into the right boot. Just as well, to balance last night's contribution. I went to the toilet for my morning rituals. Took a huge dump and took my morning cleansing. I walked out clean and bright, ready for the day.

Nick was sitting on his bed with an idiotic smile on his face when I came out from the toilet.

"9.30 am yeah? Well, looks like I have about an hour to get ready." Nick commented as he wore my boots into the loo.

"Hey, return my Cats." I groaned.

"Over my dead body." He retorted. "You sure they're really yours? I seem to smell more than you." He added.

You dastardly bloodhound, I cursed silently. "Of course they're mine!"

"Really? Seems that you sweat differently on different occasions! And you cum differently too..." Nick's voice trailed off.

"Well, we had fun, didn't we? Last night?" I snapped back.

"So, let the fun continue. I'm wearing them Cats today. You can keep those cowboys." Nick commented.

Darn! I had just cummed into the right boot just half an hour ago. A copious load too. Well, just as well wear them without my socks.

I pulled on my white DH shirt and my boxers. This pair of boxers are additionally padded at the crotch area to deal with extensive dripping. I need them, I suppose. I need to survive the meeting! I decided to put on my blue DH jeans and eyed the cowboy boots. Better wear them under the jeans, I decided.

I checked the right boot and noticed that most of my essence has been taken in by the leather, leaving only a sticky dampness. Give it a little more time, I thought.

Nick was ready rather quickly. He came out sporting my Cat boots. He put on a black Polo shirt, a pair of white briefs and black Armani jeans. He looks damned classy in his outfit. All the while, he kept the boots out of my reach. He pulled on a pair of thick, army green socks and replaced the boots. "Good to go!" He declared.

I pulled on the cowboy boots using the ears. I wore the left side first. It was so wet and slimy I did a second take. I sloshed my leg in the boot and felt what the sticky substance was. I removed the boot and that familiar bleach smell hit my nose. Nick had cummed into the left boot while I was showering. I saw him convulsed in laughter as he rolled on the bed. Well, I'll get even somehow. I pulled on both sides of the boots and walked out of the door. I suppose my legs could do with some protein moisturizers.

Breakfast was an elaborate affair. It featured Thai and International fare and there were many gorgeous looking men at the Café, where breakfast is served. My heart was thumping for I do not know if they are all in the GEG but many of them are in T-shirts, jeans and shoes. Some seem to be wearing boots, but I am not sure.

The small meeting room was teeming with activity. Most of the seats were taken. Nick and I settled into two empty seats at the end of the second last row, nearest the exit. From there, we had one of the best vantage points to ogle. An official walked up and ushered us forward, against our expressed wishes. He was firm but courteous. We were led to seats labeled with our names. I looked around and spotted some familiar faces, a couple of acquaintances and a handful of friends.

At 9.40 am sharp, the Secretary of the organizing committee started the briefing. I looked around and counted about 80 participants. We were given a warm welcome but given the sensitivity of an activity like this, very little could be done for publicity. Only the insiders knew.

Apparently there were only about 4 events for the GEG but the number of spectators in Chiang Mai who are here specifically to view the games number no less than 5 000. For those who did not make it here, there was Internet Pay-Per-View.

We were separated by events and led out by our event coordinators. There are only about 25 foreign participants slated for free-sparring. Kathisuk was our coordinator. We were told that we will be taken on a City cum Temple Tour this morning before lunch and in the afternoon at about 4 pm, we will meet with the local participants before we are briefed on the format and the rules for the competition.

During the briefings by the Org Sec and the event coordinator, I have already done my visual rounds. I have more or less graded each of the competitors and I know if given a choice, who ELSE I would go for. I am quite sure the same occurred for them.

En-route to the first stop, Alain Legendre, the French guy, masturbated me on the bus. We had to be discreet since we were right in the middle of the bus. It was a trying time, because of the holey roads as well as the fact that Alain could only stroke my dick with a finger. I did one better by sliding my hand behind Alain's back and entered his butt. I inserted my middle finger and started probing. I must have hit his prostate gland for it did not take long before he shuddered and cummed into his pants. There was a huge wet patch on his pants and he had to tie his jacket around his waist to cover it.

When he cummed (and I haven't), I removed his hand and told him to back off for now. We were already at the first stop.

While we tried our best to be discreet, such hanky panky was the norm that day. The guide accompanying us turned a blind eye to our activities though it was not difficult to spot in the rear view mirror that he was also busy stroking himself. Well, Alain finally got me off but that was because I took out my dick for him to stroke. He cautiously collected every drop of semen and licked it off his palm. He savoured every single drop of it. He then kissed me.

In one of the temples, a Pole, Ivan Putolutski, pulled me out of the compound and led me to some secluded cul-de-sac where he made me plow his manhole. He was furiously beating his own meat while I did that. When I came in my rubber, he slowed down his beating. He waited till my dick came out of his ass, removed the rubber from my dick and wore the rubber himself. With my cum acting as an added lubricant, he came shortly after. He tied up the rubber, cleaned his ass-juices off, wrapped it carefully in tissue paper and slid it into his pocket.

It was clearly fetish galore for most people there as on one short trip between a temple and the handicraft centre, Boris Chechzka, a Russian soldier, made me sit right at the back of the bus so that he could lick my boots. Nick has really missed out on the sensuous tongue-job I was given.

It was almost as though I had died and had gone to orgy heaven. This is really life.

Meanwhile, Pathiwon was riding up north on his bike. The weather was hot and humid but the wind made it still bearable. Pathiwon was perspiring under his leathers but such an attire was necessary for a long, cross country ride like this. Safety should be the first consideration.

He felt beads of perspiration form on his forehead and flowing down his eyebrows. He raised the visor of his Bell full-faced helmet to let more air in but the winds are rather blinding. He decided to take a short break at the next stop some 20 minutes away. He felt as though he is being fried alive as he felt more and more sweat drip down from his face to his crotch.

The heat was not just from the sun really. A top-rate, well-conditioned pugilist like him knows jolly well that it was lust that is making him perspire so much. Unfortunately, this lust would be rather dangerous during a fight. He willed himself to concentrate but found his dick hardening up instead. He knew he needed relief at the stop.

The stop near Sukhothai was intriguing to say the least. There were peep holes in the loo walls! Pathiwon noticed someone following him to the toilet and that someone entered the cubicle beside his. Pathiwong unzipped his leather pants and pulled out his rock hard 11 incher trying to get a piss. He heard a gasp, turned around and saw the peep hole in the wall. "Jeez!" He heard the voice next door.

Having decided earlier while biking that he will stay "chaste" for his man (unless the relationship fails), Pathiwon resisted the urge to poke his dick through the hole. He held the monster in his hand and willed it to soften. Soon, a trickle of piss started flowing. A long while later, he was done. This time, he saw a dick thrust through the peephole.

"You can't get me. I've found my man already and I am not going to blow it." He caught himself at once and smiled at the pun. Bruce's appearance has really brought out the poetic side of him. Though often described as intelligent, cool and humorous by his colleagues, he was also a notably highly private person. No one knew anything about his private life. He kept it that way. No one even knew that he was the only adopted son of a single, retired Thai colonel. No one knew how that transpired or was possible but Pathiwon's growing up years was marked by a miserable period in an orphan's home, followed by an opulent period of living until now. In face, Daddy was the one who introduced him to the wonderful world of boots. The colonel died almost a decade ago when he was 15 and left everything to him. Young but very mature for his age, Pathiwon had done well to maintain the inheritance and get himself a great education. No one knew his real worth! No one even knew that the strapping mansion splat in the middle of Bangkok's highest class living district belonged to him.

Interesting enough, he worked extremely hard. Not that he needed the money or anything, but he was always searching for his man and boots.

He packed his pecker in his leather pants, squeezed and rubbed against the proffered dick with his leathered thigh, opened the cubicle door and walked out calmly. The dick disappeared once the owner heard the other door open. Pathiwon hid behind a nearby pillar and watch who came out from the cubicle.

It was a fellow countryman in construction boots. Well, too late, thought Pathiwon as he remembered Bruce's Red Wings in his luggage compartment. Shit! The dick's acting up again.

After a light lunch and a cool drink, he set off again. It was 11 in the morning and he should be there by 2 pm. "I wonder who and what I will see there?" he thought.

TO BE CONTINUED (Gay Extreme Games 5 - Exposed)

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