Gay Extreme Games

By Bruce Nathan

Published on Feb 18, 2023


WARNING: If you are offended by verbal descriptions of gay male sex, this story is not for you. Stop reading now. If under the laws of your locality this type of activity is proscribed, stop reading now. If you are under the age of 18 (or whatever is the age of consent in your jurisdiction), stop reading now. Anyone not falling into one of the above categories, enjoy. Technically, this story is a fantasy and any resemblance to any one living or dead is purely coincidental. Any resemblance to actual experiences in my own life is my business.

Copyright (c) 2001 by JO247CUM. All rights reserved. You may download this story to keep on your computer, or print a hard copy if you preserve the title, warning and copyright notice. It is however my story and I do not waive any copyrights. Any legal violations brought about by ignoring the Warning notice become your responsibility.

Gay Extreme Games 3 - Nicholas Grant

I entered the boarding area in Bangkok International Airport wearing a pair of sunglasses to hide my now tired and puffy eyes. I saw Nicholas Grant already sitting there, waiting to board the plane. I acknowledged his presence with a nod and settled down into a seat on the far end of the row. Nick did a double take when he saw me. He then regained his composure and nodded an acknowledgement. Don't tell me he knew that I had swapped my Red Wings with Pathiwon's Black Cats? Perhaps, if he had been observant enough. After all, he spent a good 16 hours sitting beside me on that flight from LA to Bangkok.

Frankly, I must admit that Nicholas (or Nick, as the name he insists I call him by) is also in a class of his own. Tight, curly auburn locks, deep-set, blue eyes, floppy ears, long sharp nose and a wide, thin-lipped mouth formed the outer appearance of this 188 cm guy. He weighs just 78 kg and his frame is almost like mine, except taller. He has a set of pearly white teeth, which he bares when he smiles.

He is also tall and gangly but he has a tanned complexion. The oversized cowboy shirt he has on accentuated his lean and rugged look. His distressed jeans, torn at the knees and threadbare at the seat completed the grunge look. He told me he was 28 years old and still single. I was taken by surprise by his confession of his marital status but I paid little heed to that. I was more fixated on his hot looking cowboys. They were plain brown without any additional adornments. The under slung 2 inch heels are slightly worn out at the corners, suggesting frequent wear. However, the leather looked supple and well looked after.

Nick and I spent much time talking on the plane. I suppose we both expected Bangkok to be our end-point of the journey and so, we didn't probe. We talked mainly about our lives (we left out most details of course), our hobbies, the books we read, the places we've been (surprisingly we did not talk about this trip) and so on. We slept some on the plane and at other times, we were watching in-flight movies. It was a rather uneventful journey and I much prefer it that way. The purpose of my trip should be on a need-to-know basis. My fists can kill, you know.

Though deep in my thoughts, I felt someone staring at me. I had my sunglasses on and when I turned to look out of the glass partitions, I saw Pathiwon looking intently at me. He was wearing my brown Red Wings. He perked up when he saw me and smiled at me. I smiled back and pointed at my legs. He stuck out his tongue and licked his lips lasciviously. I gave him a mock glare. He waved and lumbered off. Surprisingly, I am missing this guy already. Nathriwat Pathiwon. Nathriwat Pathiwon. I couldn't help but begin reciting his name to myself.

At this moment, the public speaker came alive. "Passengers on flight TG 105 to Chiang Mai are kindly requested to board the transit bus." I dragged myself up from my seat and approached the bus. Nick did the same. We did not sit near each other on the bus although there were only about 15 passengers on board. Somehow, the distance was comforting.

Some 10 minutes later, we arrived at the Thai Airways Airbus 300 plane, which had been christened "Chiang Rai". Hm. Interesting. Planes here are actually named. We climbed up the stairs to board the plane. I entered the plane before Nick and sat down at seat 50A. Nick lumbered forward, muttering 50C under his breath. God! What a joke. I just fucking realized that there aren't any B seats on this flight. Not in this section of the plane. Nick is sitting beside me again.

"Hi!" Nick offered.

"Hi, how's the four-and-a-half hour transit?" I was trying to be friendly.

"Well, boring. I browsed the bookstores but I could not find anything interesting except this." Nick brought up a copy of Muay Thai, the manual for Thai kickboxing skills and techniques. I took it and browsed through some pages. Hopefully, a quick revision would come in useful for the Extreme Games. I am entered for free-sparring. I picked up a couple of tips and quickly returned the book to Nick.

"You're a boxer too?" Nick asked.

"No, not really. I train for fun." I lied. This was going to backfire on me soon but I did not realize that.

"What did you do? You seemed to have changed." Nick observed.

"Er... well ah... I rested in the Rest Area and had a shower. I changed my boots." I said. "Too long in the other pair." I continued.

"All the better to characterize them as yours! Ha ha ha..." Nick commented. "Anyway, nice Cat Indianas. I love them. I have a pair of black ones like what you are wearing now and a pair of dark brown ones. You know, a man and his boots!"

"Oh well." I smiled. Thank god Nick did not ask how I could have kept those monstrous boots in my regular sized backpack. Anyway, since he didn't ask, why proffer any information?

We then sat in silence throughout the 50-minute flight. I forced myself to take some shuteye after the meal of salad and chicken sausage bread. Simple but good Thai fare, I must say. Nick was in the toilet for quite some time for this trip. He was gone for a good 20 minutes. He came back looking slightly hot and bothered. His shirt was more crumpled now than before but I noticed through my half-closed eyes that his pants were tented around the crotch. No wonder he was fidgeting once he sat down.

The flight was indeed a fast one and we landed at the Chiang Mai International Airport on time. It was 2005 hours in the evening and it has been almost 22 hours that I had not had a good sleep.

Having opted to clear immigrations only at the final disembarkation point, we had to queue up for the formalities in Chiang Mai. The officers looked more like advisers working for drug barons rather than immigration officers. The squinted at my form as though my handwriting was worse than just a collection of squiggly worms. Some 40 minutes later, I was cleared. I was, for the record, the fourth in the queue of 6 for that particular immigration officer. Anyway, I quickly retrieved my bags and walked out into the Arrival Hall.

I scanned around and saw the driver from Hills Hotel with the hotel's placard. I lumbered towards him with my bags and all. To my surprise, so did Nick.

"Mr. Neekohlars Gran and Mr. Brooos Nardan?" The driver asked.

"Yes." Nick and I answered in unison.

"Van there. Follow me."

We got up the van and traveled all 30 minutes of the journey in silence.

Upon arrival, we were told that we would be sharing a room.

I looked at Nick in disbelief just as he did at me. Although the organizers did inform us that they would place 2 competitors in a room for accommodation (and for the record, the flights were also arranged by them!), we did not know that fate would deal us such an interesting hand.

"I'm fine!" Nick announced.

"Moi aussi. Je n'ai probleme pas!" I said in my best French.

"Interesting night ahead." Nick winked at me and showed me the middle finger in jest.

"Just lube your hole!" I retorted, smiling.

We made short work of settling in to our rooms before roaming out to the streets. 7-Eleven was just across the road. We got there in double quick time, picked up a dozen bottles of drinking water, KY Jelly, and about a dozen condoms. We also bought some food to keep us from going hungry and then we returned to the hotel for our dinner.

Frankly, neither of us tasted any of the food we were eating. The organizers had cleverly removed all spicy food from the menu, leaving us with salads, turkey breasts and whole meal bread. Dessert was low fat frozen yogurt. I slurped the yogurt up and told Nick, "You are going to do this again and again and again tonight." I could feel Nick's leg against my dick under the table as he applied pressure on my family jewels. "Don't bet on it!" he laughed.

We quickly went back to the room after we downed our meals (eating is compulsory or we will be made to pay for the meals wasted!). I quickly drew the curtains and stripped off my shirt and pants. Nick did the same. Suddenly, he lunged at me and pushed me onto his bed. He held me down as he planted his lips on mine. He began kissing me furiously and his tongue began to probe into my mouth. Not to be outdone, I began doing the same to him.

We were all highly aroused then. I could feel my dick leak copious amount of pre-cum onto my grey boxers. I also started to feel Nick's dick more clearly now through my boxers. His thong was also wet from his leaking dick and had packed his dick well. It hasn't reared its "ugly" head.

Nick started to kiss lower. He sucked on my neck sensuously, oblivious to the day old stubble that had grown on my face. He bit my shoulders and lapped them alternately, waking my tired senses. He then attacked my hairy chest with renewed vigor, taking in the fresh smell of soap and my manly fragrances. He sucked at each nipple and bit them lightly. When he finished, I had two erect iron stubs sticking out of my pectoral forests.

In return, I was massaging Nick's buns. His tight, well-defined butts are really a classical example of what a bubble butt should be measured against. I rubbed his back and kneaded his back muscles slightly. I placed my finger between the two halves of his butt and gave it a good rub.

Meanwhile, he continued his descent to my abs. He gave my balls two good sucks but left my leaking dick alone. He proceeded to my thighs, and then he concentrated his full energy on my (or should I say Pathiwon's) black Cat boots. I also shifted so that I could take Nick's thong off. I released the barrier and his spent dick popped out. It was uncut, semi-soft, 7-inches long and about 3-inches thick. God. No wonder he had to put on that pair of baggy pants just now.

I grabbed him by his dick and turned him around so that I get access to his cowboy boots. It was a classic pair of 14-inch high boots. As with most cowboy boots, the different layers of smells are incredible. Nick must have worked in the field in these boots. There is a faint smell of manure. Piss, cum, sweat, and most importantly, Nick's very own essence could be obtained from his boots. It was an exquisite piece of footwear to be enjoyed thoroughly.

Suddenly, a bleachy smelling sticky fluid covered my entire torso. I reached out to feel Nick's dick and all I had was a throbbing piece of man meat spewing its fluids. Nick shifted his body slightly to spread the juices around. Feeling the move, I placed my fingers around the rubber of my boxers and moved against the direction of Nick's motion. My boxers rolled off my and exposed my throbbing 12-incher. Nick took another shove, which retracted the foreskin fully and massaged the underbelly of my now extremely sensitive dick.

The stimulation was too much for me to bear as I buckled underneath Nick and my dick spewed forth it's offering. It must have been the twelfth time (exaggeration, of course!) I've come in the past 24 hours but there were still so much cum to give. Nick climbed up and eagerly removed his boots. He coated the men-seed cocktail all over the shaft of his boots. He removed my boots and did the same.

Placing the boots on the floor, Nick climbed onto the bed and began licking on my torso. He deftly encircled my nipples with his tongue and traced my ab muscles with it. I feel my dick involuntarily stiffening up again.

I took Nick's dick in my mouth and sucked it dry. I let it out and blew at it. I loved it when I blew at my own dick after masturbation. It tended to re-arouse me for another round. Nick tensed slightly and I saw his dick begin to grow again.

Nick was not idling all this while. He had been teasing my tired dick to full mast and given his sublime skills, it wasn't long before I was rock hard again. Not to be outdone, I ran my tongue between his foreskin and his corona. A couple of twitches later, he was fully hard too. Nick began sliding up and down my dick using his mouth. He applied suction to one of the best ever known effects. I was losing it fast. I pushed him up and turned around, keeping his mouth away from my dick.

"You first." I said, as I teased him with my fluttering tongue strokes. I bear hugged him lightly and turned him over. I made a turn and grabbed his head between my thighs and raised his head slightly. All this while, I did not remove my mouth from his dick. When I was comfortably in position, I began to tease his dick mercilessly with my sucking techniques. I released his head and rested my lower right leg across Nick's head. When I felt him buckling under my teasing, I applied some force to cut off some of his air supply.

Nick trashed wildly and cummed almost 3 seconds later. It was one of the most intense masoerotic orgasms I had ever seen. He shot out so much cum that it was literally flowing out of my nose. On his second volley, I released my hold on his neck.

"Oh god! I thought you were going to kill me but that was the best orgasm ever." Nick drawled in his post-orgasmic glow.

"You are lucky you met a sexpert or you're long dead!" I commented dryly. Which is true, actually. Too little force, the effect is lost. Too much force and you may break your lover's windpipe and suffocate him. It takes practice and a lot of good luck. (Don't try this at home though!)

Nick took a while to recover while I began jacking myself so that I would not lose the hard-on. Before a while, I was nearing the edge again. I let off slightly. An interesting thought crossed my mind: I picked up Nick's left boot and jacked off into it. I was unloading my cum into the inside of his boots in no time at all. Nick suddenly turned around and lunged at me.

"Fuck you! You bastard." Nick shouted hoarsely, as he tried to strangle me.

I was taken aback by this sudden spurt of violence. I raised his boot towards my face as he grabbed it out of my hands and tried to empty my cum onto my face. As I have done a good job of coating the inside properly, Nick did not manage to get much out. Most of the sticky fluid had been smeared onto the insides. I opened my mouth to protest over his pettiness but before I could say any word, Nick kissed me on my lips.

"Mmmut eeer mouved eee". He said. Fuck! What was that? I hoisted him up. He laughed hysterically and said, "But I loved it. You should have seen your own face just now." And he broke into hysterical laughter again.

"Fuck you." I said, as I punched him on his shoulder playfully. "Let's go clean up and get some sleep."

We showered separately. I doubt we really had any more energy to have any more fun in the showers. Nick showered first and went to sleep.

I took a dump before my bath. When I was done, Nick was soundly asleep in his bed wearing my Cat boots. Boot fucker. On my bed was his pair of cowboy boots and the rank socks he wore today. Hell. Why should one shower if you were going to wear them? I removed those items and slid into my comfortable bed. I gingerly picked up his boots and took a deep whiff. It sported an additional dimension now - the smell of me. I sat up, pulled on the socks and boots. The boots felt as though they had been broken in for me as well.

How could such a thing occur to me? First Nathriwat Pathiwon and now Nicholas Grant. My participating in the Gay Extreme Games has become a wild orgy for me already. Though I had an enjoyable evening with Nick, I still missed the bonding I had with Pathiwon. I felt as though I had betrayed him. His boots were not even on me for more than 8 hours and I have already lost them to another. I felt some pangs of guilt but thank god Pathiwon is not here to see it. Perhaps I could make it up when I return to him in Bangkok. With a slightly less remorseful thought, I went to sleep.

TO BE CONTINUED (Gay Extreme Games 4 - GEG Briefing)

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Next: Chapter 4

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