Gay Campground

By Jarbear Jarbear

Published on Jul 6, 2023


Chapter 91

NOTE: If you would like an updated list of characters in all the chapters, a map of my vision of the campground, and/or a listing of all the plots of all the chapters. Just email me. I do all this for myself to keep everything sorted out. Written by

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When that was yelled, there was momentary chaos. I couldn't do anything. I was shackled on the sling and Dad was still on top of me. I was helpless!

But then I felt the sling being rolled back to Roy's leather store and the door slam behind us. Dad hopped off me and he and Roy quickly unshackled my legs and took the blindfold off. I had to have a moment to adjust my vision.

I quickly hopped out of the sling. Dad was laughing and snickering with the risky adventure going on. I wasn't laughing – I was terrified. I didn't know what was going to happen to me – to Roy and his store – to the Dog Bone Saloon – to Dad. And the list could go on.

Then there was the pounding on the door, "This is the police! Let us in!" Dad and I quickly ducked into a side room while Roy waited before opening the door. It was only a minute before the cops walked into our room. "You're going with us," one of them said to Dad and I, "Get dressed and let's go."

"Sorry guys," said Dad sheepishly, "We don't have any clothes with us."

The cop paused, frowned, and then said, "Then wrap yourselves in a blanket. We're going to the precinct. You're being booked for public indecency."

"Oh fuck, we're in for it now," I said under my breath to Dad as we began wrapping our blankets around us.

"Don't worry," said Dad with a smile, "This is all part of the fun."

"I don't see any fun in this," I replied with a tone of disgust.

As we were escorted out, we passed Roy. "I'm sorry," was all he could say.

We got into the back seat of the cop's car. As the cops shut our door, I said under my breath to Dad, "We're in fucking trouble now."

After we were booked, I was allowed one phone call. I called Brad at the campground.

"Hey Brad, this is Bob."

"Uh oh, let me guess. You're in trouble."


"Don't tell me – public indecency."


Brad let out a laugh, "I knew it! I knew you'd get in trouble!"

"Brad, it's not funny. Now get some money for bail, get over here and get us out!"

Still laughing, Brad said, "Will do, boss! But this may take a while. I gotta, get dressed, get the money, and the drive there."

"I don't care!" I exclaimed in frustration, "Just get over here as fast as you can."

Dad and I were then put into a public cell with several other guys. There seemed to be one problem. They were all dressed and we weren't. They looked liked someone you wouldn't want to meet in a dark alley at night – we looked like a couple of regular guys who happened to be wrapped in blankets.

When the cell door was slammed shut and locked, the cop left, leaving Dad and I alone with what I called "thugs." I didn't know what else to call them. But they weren't the type looking like they would be going to the opera.

We stood there staring at them and them staring at us. It was only for a minute, but it seemed like an hour. Dad and I smiled weakly at them. They didn't smile at all. They just stared at us.

One guy, who seemed like the leader of the group, stood up and walked slowly toward us and stopped about four feet in front of us. Looking us up and down slowly, he then spoke gruffly, "What are you guys in here for?"

One in the group spoke up, "You know. We heard the cops..."

"I know what we heard," interrupted the leader still staring at us, "I want to hear it from them."

"Well," Dad said with a comic voice, "we were walking down the yellow brick road when..."

I turned to him with a frown and elbowed him. "What in the hell are you saying? We're in trouble here!"

"So are they," replied Dad, "they're in trouble just like we are. That's why they are here."

"WHAT ARE YOU IN HERE FOR?" bellowed the leader.

"Public indecency," I said with my voice shaking.

"Where were you with your public indecency?"

"Dog Bone Saloon?"

"Why were you naked there?"

"I'd really rather not say."

"You better tell us or else." The rest of the group then stood up and faced us with serious looks on their faces.

"He and I were putting on a show," spoke up Dad.

"What kind of show that you would be naked."

"Well the guys weren't getting enough cunt and bad blowjobs from their girls. We thought we'd help them out."

"By letting them fuck your asses and giving them blowjobs. Right?"


"Drop those blankets!"



We sheepishly dropped them and stood fully naked. They all looked us over. The leader then gave a sly smile and said, "We've been to the Dog Bone Saloon and we didn't know they gave such services."

"Well, tonight was the first night," replied Dad sheepishly.

"Boys," the leader said without breaking his stare at us, "I think we need to find out what new service that saloon has to offer." They all began unbuckling their belts, unzipping, and pushing their pants down to their ankles. The sight of them doing that and seeing all of them stroking their cocks, made my cock being to rise up.

"I'm not sure I can take you guys," I stammered, "I already took quite a few guys and I've quite a few loads in me."

"I'm available," Dad eagerly interrupted, "I'll take you guys on!" Doesn't Dad ever let up?

"Now that's what we like," the leader said slowly and slyly, "a willing participant."

"Good grief," I said out of the corner of my mouth to Dad, "you're making yourself as much a whore as I am!"

"Why not," Dad replied under his breath, "We can't get out of this now. We might as well enjoy it. Weren't you the one who said, `You can't rape the willing!'"



"Oh well," I sighed, "Let's get on with it."

The leader had sat down with his legs spread and his cock sticking up in the air. Dad approached him, "How do you want to do it – up my ass or down my throat."

"I want to stick my rod up that ass of yours."

"Fine with me," said Dad as he crawled on his lap facing him. He first reached back and spread his ass cheeks as he lowered himself down onto the man's cock. When Dad's ass took in all of the man's shaft, he then wrapped his arms around the leader's neck and attempted to kiss him.

The leader jerked his head back, "I don't do no kissing. I'm no queer. I just like to fuck anything I can get my cock into.

"Ok then," said Dad. He rose himself up off the man's cock, turned around with his back to the leader and lowered himself once again down onto his shaft. The leader took hold of Dad's hips and helped him go all the way down to the base. "Anybody want a blowjob while he fucks me? I can multitask in case you don't know." I had to laugh at that one.

A guy in the group stepped forward. He took hold of Dad's head with both of his hands and guided his cock into Dad's open mouth. Dad eagerly swallowed the man's cock to the base.

Seeing this all happen got me back into the mood. Even though there was heaven knows how many loads up my ass, I figured I had room for a few more. So I laid my blanket on the floor, laid down on my back and raised my legs up in the air. "I'm available if anyone wants to fuck me. Have at it, boys!"

The guys just stood there gawking us. Dad doing lap dancing on the leader and me lying on my back with my legs in the air, exposing my asshole for all to see. They were just standing there stroking their cocks. I finally spoke, "Well, this is the first time that I had to prod someone to fuck me. Wellll?"

A guy finally stepped forward, kneeled at my ass and slid his cock in. Looking at me between my legs, he said, "Gosh! I never fucked a guy in the ass before."

Smiling back at him, all I said was, "Try it, you'll like it."

He took hold of his shaft, guided it towards my waiting hole, and pushed it in. As he did, his eyes rolled to the back of his head and he gasped aloud, "Fuck guys! This is so fucking great!" He then grabbed my ankles for leverage and began pounding my ass like a pro.

This is the scene I like: Me on my back with my legs in the air, being fucked by some anonymous guy with a crowd watching. That's the kind of slut I am. As long as everyone was having a good time, so was I.

I called out again. "Hey guys – my mouth is unoccupied. I got one hole filled, but my other hole is available." Another guy came and kneeled down with a knee on either side of my head, leaned forward and slid his hard cock between my lips. I swallowed his cock eagerly as he pushed it all the way in.

So there were the six of us going at it while the rest of the guys watched eagerly jacking their cocks. I could tell that I was going to have fun while waiting for Brad. In fact, now with this, Brad could take his fucking sweet time. There were several guys to service and this may take some time.

The guy fucking me had a hard time holding it back. He finally had to let go. With a final shove of his cock up my ass, he exploded his load into me while the other guy at my head kept fucking my mouth. I was slurping his cock for all it was worth. I figured if I gave him a good enough blowjob, he might convert!

As my assfucker pulled out, he gasped, "That was so fucking hot. I couldn't hold it back any more. Feeling my cock sloshing around in those other cumloads was too much for me. He patted my ass, stood up and stepped back.

No sooner had he done that when another stepped up and said under his breath, "Let me at him. I wanna fuck that ass too!" As I felt his cock slide in me, I heard him then say, "Wow! You're right! This ass IS a nice fuck!"

I couldn't reply because my mouth was full of cock and I was sucking it for all it was worth. I grabbed his hips and pulled him down closer to me so that I could deepthroat him. When I did that, I heard him groan and then felt him give me several spurts of his load. I swallowed it all – as I always do when giving blowjobs.

Remember the commercial – "There's always room for Jello?" Well, there's always room for cumloads too!

By then, the grunting was being heard from the head of the group – the guy whose cock my dad was riding. Sounded like he was going to shoot. Same sounds were coming from the guy he was sucking as well. It was going to happened: one of those rare moments when both guys are shooting at the exact same time – up Dad's ass and down Dad's throat. Dad was moaning as well – enjoying this rare moment.

When they finally pulled out of him, Dad looked over at me as he was wiping his mouth with the back of his hand. I was lying there, getting my ass worked over by the second fucker of the group. I looked at Dad, smiled, and winked.

He smiled back and said, "Hey bud, you want the load that's in me?"

"Sure," I said with confidence, "Let's show these guys what we can do."

Dad sauntered over, stood above my face and then slowly squatted down over me. Staying about six inches above my mouth, he slowly oozed the leader's cumload out of his ass. As the load dripped down into my open mouth, several of the guys gasped.

When that was done, Dad lowered himself all the way down, giving me the opportunity to rim out his ass. As this was going on, I heard someone mutter, "Wow! That looks so fuckin' hot! How does it feel."

Dad replied, "Like nothin' you ever imagined. You get rimmed once, you'll always want for more. Your girls may do it, but guys do it much better. They know how it should feel."

"Let me try it," I heard another guy say.

"You wanna rim ass?" my dad asked.

"Fuck no! I don't go for that queer stuff! I want to feel you buddy's tongue rimming my ass. I wanna find out if what you say is true."

Dad stood up and stepped aside, "Have at it. Just squat down on Bob's face. He'll take it from there."

"No!" I interrupted. I won't do it unless there's a load in there. I don't rim an ass unless I get results."

"Awe, come on! I know you like to do it. Give me a try."

"Nope," I said with conviction. "Not unless there's a load to give." I was going to find out how far some of these guys were willing to go. "I tongue fuck an ass like you wouldn't believe. The guys all moan and they always come back for more. But there's gotta be a load." All the time this was going on, the second fucker was still working my ass over.

"Just can't do it," was the reply.

"Ok, I'll try it," another guy spoke up, "What'll I have to do?"

Dad spoke up, "I'll prime your ass with my tongue first while one of your buddies gets his cock hard. It may hurt just a bit first, but you'll easily adjust and then you'll enjoy the ride. If there was only a bottle of poppers, it would be a lot easier for you."

"I've got a bottle," a voice spoke up. Everyone turned to the sound of the voice. From around the corner of the cell walked one of the cops! "I saw everything and I heard everything!" he said with a stern voice and a frown. Then his look gradually changed to a soft smile and he said, "And I liked what I saw."

He unlocked the cell door and stepped in. He turned around, shut it and locked it. Then he turned around back to us. All the time, we were in shock. The guy who was fucking me, stopped in mid fuck – his cock still in me. The other guys just stood there – their cocks drooped quickly and shrank.

As we stared at him, he slowly with one hand reached down and massaged the fabric that covered his crotch. We could see that his cock was getting hard as it pulled the fabric of his uniformed trousers taut. With his other hand, he reached into his pocket and pulled out the little brown bottle. Handing it to my dad, he said, "I believe this is what you're talking about."

Dad took the bottle, showing the guy he was about to fuck, he took some huffs. Dad handed it to him. As he was taking several snorts, Dad got on his knees behind him, spread his ass cheeks with his hands, and pushed his face in. The man moaned out loud, "I feel so intense! And that tongue up my ass! Don't stop! Keep at it!"

As Dad continued to rim him, he motioned for another to step closer. Dad stepped aside and let the other guy guide his cock toward the ass and slowly push it in. The one getting fucked winced at first and then relaxed. He pushed his ass back indicating that he wanted more cock in him. The fucker took hold of his hips, and slowly pushed his cock all the way in. Then he slowly began the piston movement.

While the fucking resumed on my ass, I glanced over to the cop. He was unzipping himself. He reached in and pulled his cock out and began stroking with the other guys, watching the scene.

It was then that my fucker let loose, groaning loudly the whole time. I didn't know how much more cum I could take, but I was going to try to hold it in. I didn't want to make a mess on the floor. When he pulled out, I spoke up, "I'm sorry guys. I can't take any more. I'm full up. I don't want to mess the floor."

"Now I think I can take care of that for you," spoke up the cop. I looked at him with surprise. Still fully uniformed, except for his cock sticking straight out of his fly, he laid flat on his back on the floor and then motioned for me to come over. I guess he knew exactly what he was doing.

I rose up carefully and squatted down over his face, keeping about six inches between us. He opened his mouth wide and I let loose and shot all the cum out of me. My aim was not perfect, but it was pretty good. It gushed out so much and so fast that about a third of it shot on his face. He swallowed it all – to the witness of everyone there.

When I was done, I turned around, knelt by his face and licked up the cum, collecting it all in my mouth. I motioned for the cop to open up again which he did. I let all the cum drip out of my mouth into his. When I was done with that, we then kissed, probing out tongues into each other's mouths.

In the meantime, the other two was picking up speed in their fuck scene. They both obviously were enjoying it. Dad was kneeling by them, ready to take over when the cum explosion happens. When it did, Dad got closer. When the fucker pulled out, Dad pushed his face in and began the rimming. The man groaned aloud even more.

When Dad had finished rimming and sucking all the cum out, he pulled back, licking his lips. The other guy finally stood erect. "My god!" he said, "I don't' know which I liked better – getting fucked or getting rimmed!" He then stopped, realizing who he was talking to – his buddies who were strong heteros. They were all staring at him.

"Uh oh," was all he said.

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