Gay Campground

By Jarbear Jarbear

Published on May 29, 2023


Chapter 90

NOTE: If you would like an updated list of characters in all the chapters, a map of my vision of the campground, and/or a listing of all the plots of all the chapters. Just email me. I do all this for myself to keep everything sorted out. Written by

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As we headed down the road, at the intersection I turned left toward town instead of right toward the campground. "Where are you headed?" Dad asked casually.

"I wanted to stop at the leather store and get feedback from Roy about the leather weekend. I want to know if he did enough business worth having it again next year."

"You don't have to ask him. I can tell you myself. He did a tremendous business. I demonstrated his portable sling by getting fucked by the guys in his business tent. The place was crowded the whole time I was there. I guarantee you – he did a great business."

"I believe you. I just want to see how he's doing."

"I think you're in the mood to have him fuck ya. You don't need any feedback from him. You just want his cock up your ass."

"Ok, ok," I laughed, "So I want him to fuck me. Is that so bad?"

"No," Dad replied, "Just be up front and honest about it, that's all. "

We pulled up in front of the store. After we made sure no one was around to see us naked, we hopped out and ran to the front door. It was locked! But the lights were on, so we pounded on the door. Roy was inside and he heard our pounding and came to the door. He peered through the door window at us. Seeing us naked he got the look of surprise and quickly unlocked the door to let us in. "What the fuck are you guys doing?" he asked after we quickly entered.

"It was his idea," I said motioning towards Dad.

"Hey. What can I say? I like a little fun and excitement."

"Well, you're sure getting it," said Roy, "walking around buck naked like that. You're lucky the police didn't catch ya. They come around here a lot. What do you guys want? I've just closed up shop."

"We just came to look around," I said. "I wanted to find out how you did at the campground this weekend."

"He's lying," Dad interrupted, "He's in the mood for you to fuck his ass. He knows how well you did. It's obvious. I told him."

"You should know," said Roy to Dad, "you almost wore out my sling demonstrating it."

"If it wasn't for my ass swingin' in that sling of yours, you wouldn't have sold so many models along with all that leather!" Dad retorted.

"Enough of that," said Roy. He then gave me an evil grin and said, "So, Bob, you're in the mood for me to fuck ya, eh? Well, let me get these shop lights off and we'll go to the back."

Once the lights were off, we went to the back hall. There were several guys wandering around which surprised me. I had forgotten that he had remodeled the back and and opened a doorway between the back of his shop and the back of the Dog Bone Saloon.

In the back next to the exit door was the sling he had used at his display at the campground. The sling was on wheels so it had easy moverability. He ordered me to climb in which I did willingly. I raised up my legs and he shackled them to the chains. Meanwhile, several guys wandering the hall stopped to observe what was happening. "How about putting this blindfold on?" suggested Roy, "That way, you won't know who's messing around with ya."

I smiled as I put it on. "Fine by me. By the way, where did Dad go?"

"Don't know and right now I don't care. Your dad can take care of himself. Right now I'm going to focus on dipping my cock into your ass and goin' for a ride."

I relaxed in the sling, ready to take on whatever was going to happen to me. I felt some fingers probing my ass and felt a couple slip into my hole. While that was happening, I heard the cap of a bottle unscrew and heard a couple of inhales. I instantly knew that poppers were available. I asked for some huffs and someone held the bottle under each nostril as I inhaled. The euphoria began to overtake my senses, so I relaxed.

"Here comes my cock right up your ass," I heard Roy say and then I felt the cockhead penetrate my fuckhole. It slipped in easily. I needed no lube or massage. Using poppers all the time along with being a whore when it comes to fucking, I've never had a problem with a cock up my ass.

I felt myself swinging forward and back, having Roy's cock sliding in and out of my hole like a motorized piston. I loved the feeling so much, that I kept begging for more. Never underestimate the power of a good fuck!!

I guess my begging for the fuck caused Roy to intensify his riding my ass. The swinging began to pick up pace and Roy's cock rammed into my ass harder. It wasn't long before I heard him let out some loud grunts and his luscious spermloads shot up inside of me. His cock was all the way in me to the base as his last drops oozed out.

"Aw fuck, that was fabulous," gasped Roy as he pulled his cock out of me. As I began to move to get myself out of the sling, he said, "Oh no you don't! I'm not done with you yet! Isn't that right guys?"

I heard several voices speak in agreement. I didn't know what he had in mind, but I was willing to take whatever they gave me. So I settled back into the sling.

I felt some unusual movement in the sling. I then realized that the sling was being moved. It was being rolled somewhere. At first I thought that I was being rolled into his store to give some more room for the guys watching to fuck me. But I was wrong.

There was a lot more noise in the room they rolled me in. I heard several clicks – like the sound of pool balls hitting together. Then I heard some other sounds like a cling or clang – pinball machines. I heard some raucous music and voices. I suddenly realized where I was. Roy had moved me into the Dog Bone Saloon. It was NOT a gay bar!

I began to be fearful. I know what can happen when a gay guy walks into a straight bar – and this was a straight bar – last time I checked. It was not good! The sling chains by my head were being worked on. I felt my head and shoulders being lowered. My back was parallel to the floor – my head was now the same level as my ass.

I heard a shrill whistle and Roy called out, "Hey guys!" The clicking of the pool balls, the juke box, the pinball machines, the voices – they all stopped. Roy continued, "I know some of you guys don't get enough pussy out there and I know that the gals don't give you good head. How about giving this guy a try? His asshole feels better than any cunt and he gives the best blowjobs. He's here for the taking!"

My god! What have I gotten myself into? I could hear the guys gathering around me. I didn't know how many there were, but there was no talking. Roy continued, "I just fucked him and it was great. Several guys told me that he gives great head, too. Anyone want to find out for himself?"

I heard the popper bottle cap unscrew from the bottle again. Someone held the bottle against my nose and I took some good deep huffs. I had a hunch this was going to take a while, I might as well prime myself good!

"Fuck, I'm willing," I heard a gruff voice say. I heard a belt move through the buckle and the zipper unzipping. I heard several mumblings among the guys voicing approval as I heard the sound of several belt buckles and zippers. I braced myself for a great gang bang.

Then I felt a cockhead against my ass sphincter pause only for a second before it slide in. I heard a gasp from the fucker, "Wow! This ass pussy feels great!" He began piston fucking me as he grabbed my legs for leverage. I heard mumblings from the watchers as the fucking continued.

"Hey, I'm next when he shoots his load," I heard a voice say.

Roy spoke up, "Anyone for a blowjob? He'll hang his head back in case anyone wants to fuck his mouth."

"I'll try out his mouth," I heard another voice say. So I hung my head back and opened my mouth. I love being fucked at both ends. The anonymous fucker grabbed both sides of my head and slid his cock in – all the way. I relaxed my gag reflex which allowed his to push his cock in all the way to the base. Then he, too began to piston fuck my mouth.

As the two guys worked on me, the sling began moving forward and back to the movement of the guys' sliding cocks. As one cock was sliding in – the other cock was sliding out. As the fucking continued, the popper bottle was being passed – I know the sound of those huffs! Someone placed their hands on my chest and the two fuckers let go of me. The third person kept me moving forward and back as the fuckers just stood there hands free – then I heard them taking huffs too.

"Faster!" I heard one of them command. The third person got me swinging faster as the cocks slid in and out faster. I heard yells from both of them as they simultaneously shot their loads in me. I swallowed the oral fucker's loads as the anal fucker shot his into my ass – mixing with Roy's load that was already in me.

When I stopped swinging I heard one of the two fuckers sigh, "Oh fuck! That was something! You guys try him out. He is definitely worth the fuck! I want him around here for us to fuck!"

"I'm next. Let me at him," I heard the next voice speak. Sounded like a black guy and he had that wonderful black man's smell. He shoved his huge cock in me. When my sphincter muscle got to the base of his cock, I felt the wiry pubic hairs. Yep! This was a black guy.

I moaned, "Man! This white boy loves it!"

"Maybe he'd like a black cock down his throat, too," said another guy and before I knew it, he had pried my mouth open and shoved his long cock down my throat. I gagged hard at first because I didn't have time to relax my gag reflex. But I adjusted quickly. I love being used by black guys. I they feel that this is some justice for the racial bigotry going on – let them have at me. I'm willing to be the victim if it makes them feel better.

The third guy got me swingin' again. I moaned loudly to let them know that I loved being fucked by these two black guys and I loved being watched by a crowd. Man! This gangbanging can go on all night for all I care. Being a male whore has its benefits – definitely!

"Well, white bitch," I heard one of them say, "looks like you really enjoy black man meat, don't you?"

"Uh huh," was all I could mumble. One can't talk well when one's mouth is full of cock.

"Do you like chocolate milk, bitch?"

"Uh huh."

"Well I've got some for ya and here it is!" I felt copious amounts of his load shoot into my mouth and I swallowed it all hungrily. "Man! He is one good cocksucker. He's a better cocksucker than any bitch that I've had."

He withdrew his cock from my mouth and immediately another cock slid in. At that moment, the black assfucker who was working on me let out a yell and I felt his load shoot in me. Keeping count for the evening, that was now two loads in my stomach and three loads up my ass. And there was more to come!

As the black cock up my ass withdrew, at once another one slid in. I was so caught up in the constant fucking, that I lost count of the number of loads shot down my throat and up my ass. The moaning around me continued as the guys kept watch of what was happening to me. After a couple of cocks used me, someone would put the popper bottle up to my nose again to keep me euphoric. I appreciated that.

But then it seemed another noise was started – it was more of a slurping sound. Was it really happening? I recognize that sound anywhere! It was the sound of someone giving a guy a blowjob. Aha! So there's more than one gay in the group! So-o-o, are we going from a gangbang to an orgy? I couldn't tell. Remember, I was blindfolded.

When the guy shot his load down my throat and withdrew his cock from my mouth, I asked, "What's going on? Do I hear some cocksucking going on?"

"Yeah, we got another cocksucker here. Don't know the guy, but we're glad he showed up." Then he snickered, "Hope he don't get water on the knee from all that kneeling in front of cocks." Some of the other guys laughed.

"Might be my dad," I said calmly.

"Fuck! Are you kiddin'? Hey guys – we got a dad/son team here! Hey bud, you ever do your dad? Or did your dad ever do you?"

"Whatever you're talking about, sure. We've done it all."

"Oh fuck! Guys, we gotta see this! We gotta see this guy and his dad goin' at it."

"Ok by me," said another guy, "Just let him finish me off first and then you can have him. I'm gonna shoot any second now. Oh fuck, here it comes! Awwww!!"

In the meantime, another cock slid into my mouth, down my throat. I resumed sucking. I didn't know what they had in mind with my dad, but I will soon find out.

"Okay Dad, suck your boy's cock!"

I felt Dad's face really close to mine as I heard his soft voice, "Hey son, you doin' okay?"

"I'm doin' great, Dad. Glad you're here. Do whatever you want. Let's make them glad for this time."

"Glad to hear that, son. Because one thing we've got in common is that we like to put on a show." He then kissed me long, slow and deep. Our tongues intertwined. He then pulled away and I felt his warm moist mouth engulf my cock. He massaged my ball sac as he continued to suck my shaft, going all the way to the base.

Then men around us gasped at what they were seeing. I overheard one guy speak, "I have to confess – that sure looks like fun."

I then felt Dad crawling on top of me. I felt his ass lower down on my now hard cock and I entered into him. As he began riding my shaft, he leaned down and kissed me some more. The sling was really moving this time. I can only imagine what the guys were seeing: one guy fucking my mouth, another guy fucking my ass and my dad riding my cock while we're kissing.

I heard another guy say, "You're right. I does look like fun. My cock is so hard, it's about to shoot now. But I don't know where to put my load."

Dad spoke up quickly, "Bring it over here. I'll take it."

I felt some movement and then knew that Dad – still with my cock up his ass – had leaned over to take the guy's cock in his mouth. I heard the guy yell and knew without a doubt that Dad had taken his load.

When it was finished, Dad got back into position above me. The cock was pulled out of my mouth and a set of fingers kept my mouth pried open. I knew by experience was what next. I held my tongue out. The cumload my Dad had collected now was dripping down from above me directly into my open, hungry mouth.

"Well son-of-a-fuck, will you look at that," someone gasped.

When Dad was done, he kissed me and then pushed my head back so that I could resume getting mouth fucked by another anonymous guy. This whole experience was so fucking hot, that I let out a loud grunt, shoved my pelvic up and shot my load up Dad's ass. I don't know how much I gave him, but it sure felt like a lot.

When I was finished, Dad crawled off of me and then crawled back on – facing the other way. The cock that was in my mouth slid out again and Dad lowered his ass down just above my face. I opened my mouth and my cumload which was in Dad's ass now oozed out and dripped into my waiting mouth. There were more gasps from the crowd.

Then someone yelled, "Cops!"

Next: Chapter 91

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