Gay Campground

By Jarbear Jarbear

Published on May 21, 2023


Chapter 89

NOTE: If you would like an updated list of characters in all the chapters, a map of my vision of the campground, and/or a listing of all the plots of all the chapters. Just email me. I do all this for myself to keep everything sorted out. Written by

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Scott and his boys decided to head for home which was only a few miles from the campground. Cain and his twin, Cameron decided they better gather their goods together and head out as well – since they had to go to work the next day. And me – I was still tired from last night, though the sex I had with the guys this morning was sure good.

So I headed back to my cabin and crawled into bed. Sunday is always slow, with everyone going home for the work week. I quickly fell into a deep, relaxing sleep.

I don't know how much time had passed before I woke up, but when I did, I quickly realized that I wasn't alone in my bed. I knew I was alone when I fell asleep. What happened between then and now? What gave this person the right to enter my cabin uninvited and crawl into bed with me? Of course, who am I to turn down a guy's advances?

I felt a body pressed up against my back with an arm draped over my waist. And there definitely was a cock up my ass! The guy was asleep and so when I stirred a little, he did as well. And when he did, he slowly and deeply pumped his cock in and out of me.

I must have been in a deep sleep in order for a guy to fuck me without waking me up. Of course, my asshole is so loose and open from so many cocks fucking me, that if a cock did slide in, I probably wouldn't notice it.

But it felt good – who's ever cock this was and so I backed up against it, keeping in rhythm with it. The person behind me nuzzled his face into my neck and moaned quietly.

"Hey guy," I said quietly, still not knowing who it was, but wanting to know. I didn't want the guy to stop fucking me – it felt seductively good.

"Hey yourself," was the reply. I recognized the voice. It was Dad. I smiled to myself.

"Well, you're back! I was wondering what happened to you. After you walked off from last night's party, I haven't seen you since. Of course, I think you kept yourself entertained."

"Yeah, I did," Dad chuckled as he continued to slowly slide his cock in and out of my ass. "There was plenty to keep me busy and being a concerned father, I thought I'd sort of check out how you are doing running this place. I needed to get some customer feedback."

"And...?" I asked.

"Well, between the fucking and cocksucking as well as everything else that was going on, I think your customer satisfaction is running pretty high."

"I'm glad to hear that. I didn't hear you come in and I definitely didn't feel your cock in my ass."

"Well son, you are such a good host to everyone here, I didn't think your ass would have a problem with any cock that would show up."

I laughed, "You're right about that. I've been double fucked. If that can happen, I think I can just about take anything. Get on your back, Dad."

Dad obliged and I crawled on top of him and lowered my ass down on his still hard cock. A cock up my ass always feels so good, but there's something about my dad's cock up in me that makes it especially a turn on. Maybe because he's my dad – maybe because it's incest – maybe because he shoots the seed in me that has the same genetic makeup that created me. I don't know – I just find the whole experience fantastic!

As I picked up the pace of riding my dad's uncondomed cock, I knew that I was building him up for an explosion. He grabbed my hips as I rode. We looked at each other and smiled with pleasure.

"You don't know how much I love fucking my son," he said to me between grunts, "Jack off that cock of yours because while I'm breeding you, I want you to shoot your load down my throat."

He said exactly what I wanted to happen. I grabbed my hard rod and began stroking fast and furious while my ass rode my dad's shaft like a bucking bronco. It wasn't but a moment before the sexual intensity was too much and we both exploded at the same time. As I felt dad's cumload gush up inside of me, my load shot out and landed exactly into my dad's wide open mouth. I gave dad five spurts while he gave me four.

I then collapsed next to my dad's side – both of us panting. We laid there, not speaking a word, until our breathing was back to normal. We looked into each other's eyes and then kissed. The kiss Dad gave me was gentle and full. I couldn't help but open my mouth to receive his tongue. It moved around inside my mouth as my tongue moved up and massaged its underside. Our arms were wrapped around each other – bodies pressed against each other.

Finally, Dad spoke, "It's about suppertime and I sure am hungry. What do ya say we go into town and get something to eat? My treat."

"I'm game," I replied and I got out of bed and headed for the closet to get some clothes on. As I was going through the hang shirts to pick out something, Dad came up behind me, wrapped his arms around me and snuggled up against me.

Nuzzling his face against my neck, he seductively said, "How about we forget the clothes and go naked?"

I turned around and gave him a look of surprise, "Get real! It's too risky!"

"So what?" he replied with a smile, "If we're careful, I think we can get away with it."

"I'm getting the feeling that you've done this before."

"Sure! My partner and I have done it. We've done a lot. We've fucked around in the park with other guys watching – we've sucked cocks out in the open. If someone yells, we always get away before we're caught. We've done it lots of times. Never got into trouble yet!"

"I don't know...," I said hesitatingly.

"Come on – let's give it a try. I'm your dad. I'll watch out for you!"

"Well, okay."

We put on our shoes and grabbed out wallets as we headed out the door. We got in my truck and as we were pulling out, I decided last minute to let Brad know where we were headed. Also, I decided I would grab the camp cell phone to cake along.

I stepped in the office and Brad was at the counter. "Dad and I hare heading into town to get something to eat. I've got the phone should you need to contact me."

"I think you forgot something," said Brad pointing to my body.

"I don't think so," I replied, "Dad talked me into going with him naked."

Brad shook his head and laughed, "Just be careful. I don't know if I've got enough money in the kitty to bail you both out of jail."

I laughed as I hopped in the truck. I patted Dad's naked thigh and said, "Let's hope Brad has enough money to get us out of jail should we get caught."

"Jail's not such a bad place," Dad replied. "I've heard that there's some hot fuckers in jail. And those cops in those tight uniform pants aren't bad either."

As we headed out on the open highway, I had to admit that it was a refreshing feeling driving down the road naked. Dad looked at me and smiled, "I love going naked like this." He lazily reached down between his legs and began to slowly stroke his cock.

We didn't say anything until I drove up to the drive-in window we were at before. Looking past me into the drive-in window, Dad said casually, "I wonder if that boy is there this time."

Just as he said it, that "boy" stuck his head out the window and said, "May I take your..." and he stopped in mid sentence, staring at our nakedness. "My God!" he said under his breath.

While stroking his cock, Dad smiled and said, "Didn't mean to surprise ya. Like what ya see?"

The boy just licked his lips and continued to stare at us. Finally, he got his words out, "May – may – may I take your order?" He then cracked a small smile.

"You can take more than our order – you can take our cocks," I said with a chuckle.

"Sorry, guys, but I'm at work. I gotta take your orders." Then with a smile, he continued, "My boss won't let me take anything else. I'm sorry."

"We're the ones that are sorry," I replied. We then gave the order and Dad paid him.

"We thought we'd go someplace outside to eat. Where do you suggest?" Dad asked.

The boy leaned out the window and pointed to his left, "Go down the road about a mile. The park is there. Go into the park and vear left at the first fork and then vear right at the second and then follow it around until it ends. There's a picnic table there with lots of trees and bushes where you don't have to worry about any intrusions."

I smiled wickedly at the boy and said, "What's wrong with a few intrusions?"

The boy laughed and said, "Have a good day." And then he pulled back inside. We pulled out and headed for the park. We followed his directions and ended up right where he said. We got out and took our meals to the table.

The sun was beginning to set and the temperature was perfect. Also, there were no bugs to bother us. We just sat there, taking out time eating our meal, making casual talk. We then heard some rustling behind us. We stopped and took a look.

Out from the bushes came the drive-in boy pushing his bicycle, holding a sack which looked like a meal for him. "Mind if I join you?" he called out to us.

"Don't mind at all," I replied, "I thought you were working."

"Yeah, I'm on an hour lunch break."

"Well, just make yourself comfortable," said Dad, "We'd be glad to have you join us."

Without any further prompting, the boy laid down his bike, walked over to us and immediately stripped off all his clothes. I was surprised that he was so open and willing to do it. I wondered if he might have done this before.

He grabbed his lunch bag, hopped on top of the picnic table and sat down cross-legged right in front of us. No modesty with this guy! He reached into the bag and pulled out a sandwich. He paused for a moment, then said, "Ah hell, I can eat this anytime. I want sex!" he shoved his sandwich back into the bag and then lifted his legs into the air, exposing his asshole right in front of us.

Dad and I just sat there stunned. This guy was not modest – but straightforward, to the point and blunt. We didn't know how to react until the boy spoke up again, "Well, are you guys going to tongue fuck me, finger fuck me or cock fuck me? Or are you going to sit there gawking at me?"

Dad and I then laughed as I scooted in front of the boy and he scooted closer in front of me. Once he got into the right position, he laid back on the table. I gently put my hands on his thighs and pushed them a little. His asshole raised up a little more and I looked at it. It winked back at me.

I smiled, leaned forward and pushed my face into his ass crack. I first got acquainted with this boy's puckered hole by kissing it lovingly and then I licked around the sphincter muscle. Then I did what I always loved to do, I slid my tongue in and began to fuck him.

Meanwhile, Dad hopped up on the table and straddled the boy's face facing toward his cock. He lowered himself down close and then pointed his cock toward the boy's mouth. The boy opened wide and Dad slid on in. The boy moaned as his closed his lips around Dad's hard shaft. He grabbed Dad's hips and pulled him down, causing Dad's cock to slide further into the boy's mouth. Dad then leaned forward and gulped down the boy's hard cock as well.

As Dad and the boy was going at a good 69, I continued with my tongue fucking, savoring the wonderful boy ass that my face was pushed against. As I was working the boy's hole with my tongue, I just looked up a little and there was dad's face in front of me with his mouth full of boy cock. When we locked eyes, he winked at me. Pulled my mouth away just long enough to give him a smile. Then I resume with my rimming.

Then Dad pulled off the boy's cock and said, "We'd better get finished with this guy. He's gotta get back to work. Don't want him to lose his job."

"You're right," I said and I immediately stood up on the picnic bench, aiming my now hard cock for that boy asshole. When the boy saw my cock, I gasped, "Oh fuck, slide that fucker in me! I wanna take both your cumloads back with me to work!"

"You're sure gonna get it, boy," I said as I pushed my cockhead against his asshole. Since I massaged his hole good with my tongue and spit, my cock slid in easily.

"Aw fuck! Ride my ass!" gasped the boy.

I really didn't want him to lose his job over us, so I began to fuck him fast and furious. I rammed my cock all the way in and pulled it all the way back to the crown of my cockhead. By the way that the boy rolled his eyes back, I knew he was enjoying the fuck.

Meanwhile, Dad moved around next to me, stroking his cock. He was waiting for me to finish shooting my load in so that he could have his chance on breeding the boy. It wasn't but a moment when I took the final plunge and rammed my cock in. I could feel the spurts shooting up inside of him.

As soon as I got my composure, Dad spoke under his breath, "Let me at him."

As soon as I pulled my cock out and stepped aside quickly, Dad immediately stepped up and shoved his cock into the boy. "Fuck me Daddy!" was all the boy could say between gasps.

Dad replied, "You're getting a mix of my son's load and mine mixed together, boy. Keep the loads in ya for the rest of the day."

The boy's eyes opened wide as the fucking continued, "Is he really your son?"

"Sure enough!" Dad said proudly with a smile, "He comes from my seed."

"That is so fucking hot! I wish my dad could fuck me like you do."

"What's the matter? Is he straight?"

"You know that they say that the shortest distance between two points is a straight line?"


"He's that straight."

"Well, just fantasize that I'm your dad and this is his cock pummeling your sweet ass."

"Oh fuck, Dad! Give me your sweet load!"

"Here it is, son! Take my juice up your ass cunt! Here it cums!"

With that, Dad let out a loud groan and pushed his cock all the way in to the base and just held it there. As soon as his cock was done spurting, he pulled it out. Giving the boy's ass a pat, he said, "Better get back to work, boy. Whatever you do, keep thinkin' of those two culoads shloshing around inside ya."

"Will do. Thanks for the cum. I'll jack off tonite in bed thinking about you both." The boy hopped off the table, grabbed his bike and rode off.

"Now wasn't that a really nice boy," said Dad reflectively as he watched him ride off.

"Too bad we didn't get his name," I replied.

"Too bad you didn't tell him about your campground," said Dad looking at me.

"Aw fuck," I said in disgust, "Oh well, he probably would have been too young anyways.

We grabbed our trash, dumped them into the trashcan, then hopped into my truck and left the park. "You'll have to come back here some evening and hand out your business cards and give the cruisers a discount on their first visit to your place.

"Good idea, Dad."

Next: Chapter 90

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