Gay Campground

By Jarbear Jarbear

Published on Feb 25, 2023


Chapter 88

NOTE: If you would like an updated list of characters in all the chapters, a map of my vision of the campground, and/or a listing of all the plots of all the chapters. Just email me. I do all this for myself to keep everything sorted out. Written by

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I awoke to the sound of the rumbling of motorcycles. It was Sunday morning, the last day of the biker's weekend and bikers were already leaving. I felt it was a sad sound because the great weekend was drawing to a close.

I usually sleep in on Sunday mornings, catching up on sleep from all the sexual activity of the week – especially the weekend. Lying on both sides of me were the black twins, Cain and Cameron. I was lying on my side nestled up against the back of one while the other was nestled up against my backside. I could never tell the two apart because they looked so much alike. So I never directly called them by name and it really didn't bother them as they were always together anyways. It always feels good to wake up between two bodies.

I wrapped my arm around the waist of the twin in front of me and nestled up against him tighter. With that movement, I must have stirred the twin behind me because he did the same to me. But his limp cock, which was pressed against my asscrack, began to stiffen. I snuggled my ass back against it a little to encourage it to grow some more.

That was all it took for it to get hard. I moved my ass around it a little more and it easily slipped right in. With no effort from the fucker snuggled up against me, I moved my ass a little more and had the black shaft all the way up in me. I sighed with contentment.

No sooner had I done that when the twin in front of me turned his body around to face me – our faces right in front of each other. He still looked sleepy, but he smiled at me as he pressed his body against mine. I also felt his cock pressed against my now hard rod. He first gently kissed me and I returned the favor. Then we began kissing long and deep.

By then, the twin behind me had awakened and began to slowly slide his cock in and out of my ass. That filled feeling in your bowels and with the knowledge that it's a nice big black cock up in there made me smile.

Being a leisurely Sunday morning, with no rush to get up, the fucking, along with the kissing, was slow and deep. The twin in front of me spoke quietly and gently, "Good morning, Bob. How ya feelin'?"

"I feel mighty fine right now," I replied with a smile and a wink.

"This has been a great biker's weekend you set up."

"Thanks. Too bad it's over. The place was full and everyone had a great time."

"I know, I've been going around, getting opinions."

"Why did you do that?"

"Well-l-l-l, is this biker's weekend the only annual event you have planned?"

"Right now, yes."

"What else is being planned?"

"Nothing right now."

"Well, you need to keep planning ahead. You need to build up a special weekend theme at least once a month to keep the people coming.

"Just what do you have in mind?"

"Well, Caine and I think you should have a brothers weekend- especially for us twins. Then you could have a father/son weekend – with special recognition for biological fathers and sons – like you and your father, for instance. Then there's the western weekend and Halloween weekend and Christmas weekend..."

"I get the idea," I said, interrupting him, "that takes some planning and work. My staff is too busy keeping this place up and working to deal with special events."

"Well, that's where Caine and I come in," replied Cameron.

"Uh oh," I said pulling back a little from him, giving him that unsure look, "What do you have in mind?"

Caine then spoke up from behind me, "Cameron and I love organizing get-togethers – especially for group sex. We always like to go with a theme. I've thought of some, too, like – Veterans weekend, I LOVE a guy in a uniform -- Public service weekend, gotta get those firefights and policemen – then we have one recognizing those who like interracial sex. What can we call that weekend?"

"Human Relations Sunday," I interrupted. I was now getting into their ideas. "For Labor Day weekend, we can recognize all those guys with rugged jobs."

"Now you're getting the idea," said Caine, "Cameron and I can plan all those out for you."

"What's it gonna cost me? I can't afford any more staff."

"Well," said Cameron, "Caine and I can't afford to come here every weekend. But if you let us camp here free on the weekends that we oversee the special events, we can afford to come on those other weekends."

"Now that sounds fair. You come up with a calendar of events along with a rough description of what you've got planned. If I approve it, which I probably will, then you will have the responsibility to pull it off. And I will give you the weekend free."

Cameron behind me was starting to make some strange noises and I realized he was going to shoot his load. I shoved my ass all the way back to his crotch to give him full blowing power. He did it. His cock exploded inside of me with what felt like a huge load. I kept my ass pressed back against him until his cock softened.

"Oh fuck," gasped Cameron, "Talking about those plans put visions in my head and it got me so fuckin' horny, that I couldn't hold back. Now that was a blast!"

Cain immediately moved around behind me and pushed his face into my ass crack. As he massaged my sphincter muscle with his tongue, I loosed up and let Cameron's cumload flow out of me. Caine lapped up every drop with his tongue and then moved around to the front of me. We kissed long and deep and I felt Cameron's load flow out of Caine's mouth into mine. I swallowed it all hungrily.

As soon as the load was swallowed, I moved down to Cain's cock and swallowed the black shaft. As I swallowed and suck, I also pumped his rod with my hand. With all the pumping and sucking going on, it was only a minute before Cain shot his load down my throat.

As soon as that was finished, we all just laid on our backs for a while contemplating what was discussed as well as recuperating from our "morning exercise". It was then we heard a knock on the door.

"Who in fucking gay hell could that be?" I said.

Cain sat up and looked at me, "Would you like for me to answer the door?" Then winking, "Maybe I can take care of the situation and you wouldn't be bothered."

"Would you?" I said, "I'd really appreciate it."

Cameron and I stayed in bed and wrapped our arms around each other as Cain stood up and left. I heard the door open and then some mumbling. It sounded liked business.

Cain returned after only a minute and said, "Bob, I think maybe you should handle this one. Three guys are out there that need to talk to you. I think it's that father and his two sons. It sounds serious."

My heart sank. This is serious trouble. What are they going to do to me after what I've done to them last night. I slowly got out of bed and stood up and walked into the living room. There they stood: Scott and his two sons, Brent and Todd.

"What's up guys?" I asked hesitatingly.

"We've come to apologize," said Scott.

"What are you talking about?"

"The way we kidnapped you, took you to our place and raped you – that was not right. What you did to us last night, we had it comin'."

I paused. I didn't know what to say. I never told them that I really enjoyed what they did to me. And I didn't give them any indication that the payback was to be for their enjoyment – not as a punishment.

"Ok," I said hesitatingly, "What do you think about what happened to you last night?"

"Well, my boys and I went home early this morning after the doins you had in the barn. We didn't say anything, but just went to bed. When we were having breakfast, I decided we had better talk about it."

"And...," I said, edging them on.

"We finally admitted to each other that we had a great time last night. When my boys fucked me in the ass and in my mouth, I liked it. I really liked it. And they did too. I'm sorry about that. I know you thought you were paying us back for the bad we did to you. But it turned out good for us – not a punishment. My boys and I are closer together now that we fucked around together. We just wanted you to know."

I thought for a minute, then responded, "Well, thanks for telling me that. I confess, I liked what you did to me when you kidnapped me. What an adventure! When I had the sheriffs apprehend you and bring you here, I didn't really know whether this was to serve as a punishment to you or to get you to realize what you liked between you three. I decided to just let it happen and have the chips fall where they may."

I then extended my hand to Scott and said, "Let's consider everything fair and square – whatever it is."

Scott took my hand and shook it, "I don't understand any of this either, but if it gets things straight between us, then that's fine. What do you think boys?"

The sons smiled and shook hands with me as well. We stood there awkwardly a moment, not really knowing what to do next.

All the time, the twins had been watching this whole scenario. Then one of them stepped forward – I'll take a guess – it was Cain. You know how difficult to tell the difference between identical twins. He stepped up to Todd and put his arm around him. "Just to break the ice around here," Cain said, "Have you ever been with a black gay man?"

"N-n-no," Brent stammered.

"Is that the same with you, too?" Cain asked, addressing Todd.

"Well, yeah," Todd replied awkwardly.

Cain turned to his twin, Cameron, winked, and said, "Well, I think we've got some educating to do." Cameron got the idea by smiling and nodding back to his brother. They both began undressing the boys.

Brent was surprised at what was happening and turned to his dad, "Dad, I don't know about this. What do you think?"

"Hey," replied Scott (the dad), "You guys are both over twenty-one. You decide for yourselves."

The twins continued with stripping the boys down and when they were naked along with the twins, they picked up their clothes and went outside. Scott and I followed to see what was going to happen.

Brent and Todd dropped their clothes on the porch and followed Cain and Cameron to the picnic table just off the front step. The black twins sat side by side on the top of the table, placed their feet on the bench and spread their legs, exposing their black cocks and ball sacs hanging down. They both smiled as with their hand, popped up the middle fuck finger and motioned for them to come – which Brent and Todd did.

Scott's boys sat on the bench between the black twins' legs and stared at the crotches in front of them. Brent began by gently nuzzling his face into Cain's crotch, sniffing in the wonderful aroma of his cock and balls. Todd began by licking and kissing Cameron's inner thighs – first the left one, then the right. By the way Cain and Cameron rolled their eyes back and moaned, one could easily tell that they were enjoying this foreplay.

As this was going on, I glanced over to the father, Scott. He was watching intently the scene before him and his cock was gradually lifting and stiffening. This was a time that I could take advantage of him again. "Why don't we go over to the table and join them?" I asked.

Scott gave me a look of smirk humor and said, "Why not? I can't leave now until they're done."

So we walked to the other side of the picnic table. He sat on the top while I sat on the bench between his legs. By now, a curious crowd of campers was beginning to form. As usual, I didn't pay any mind to them. This was good free entertainment for all.

Looking at the stiff cock in front of me, I reached under his ball sac and gave it a gentle massage. I then leaned over with an open mouth and engulfed Scott's rod. Wrapping my moist lips around his shaft I began sliding my mouth up and down the length, tickling the underside with my tongue the whole way.

"Aw fuck!" Scott moaned, "You are one great cocksucker!" Then he addressed the campers gathered together, "Guys, Bob here, not only runs a great campground, but he's also an expert cocksucker."

"Don't we know!" exclaimed Cain from the other side of the picnic table. He's sucked Cameron's cock as well as mine. He sure does know what he's doing. We think that he can make some good money whoring out that mouth of his!"

I didn't say anything. I just kept sucking on Scott's cock. Talk all they want. That would just give me more cocks to suck and I'll take all I can get!

Then one of the campers called out, "Hey! He should suck cocks for charity. I'll bet more guys would be willing to get a blowjob if it's for a good cause.

The other campers mumbled in agreement and another spoke out, "We could set up regular weekend schedules and each weekend designate a special cause like AIDS, Homeless Gay Fathers, Orphaned Gay Boys..."

At that moment, I pulled off of Scott's cock and said, "Now wait a minute guys, I appreciate your compliments on my oral capabilities. But when it comes to jobbing out my blowjobs, I think that maybe I should have some input. Besides, it's my mouth and my sucking. How I make an enterprise of it should be MY business. You talk as if I'm not around. What am I – chopped liver?!?"

The guys laughed as I turned back to Scott and resumed giving him a blowjob. Scott laughed and spoke down between his legs at me, "You tell `em!" Then he began moaning, "Oh fuck, I think I'm going to shoot!"

I immediately pulled off his cock and looked at it. It then shot big gobs of cum all over my face. I immediately closed my eyes and smiled as I was being sprayed. When he was finished shooting, I stood up and faced the crowd of campers, "Anybody wanna clean off my face? Help yourselves."

I then dropped to my knees so my face could be in easy reach. I didn't count them, but there were quite a few tongues working on my face. Shortly, though my face was clean of sperm, it was covered with tongue spit. I didn't care – it was fun!

I looked back at the table. Scott had laid back and was relaxing. Todd was furiously bobbing his head up and down on Cameron's crotch and Brent had stood up and backed up to Cain's cock and was getting a fuck job. It was obvious that Brent was riding Cain's cock for all it was worth.

While they were going at it, I sat down close to Scott. I paused a moment and then spoke, "So Scott, you still OK with all of this?"

"Fuck yeah," he replied, "Just look at them. They're having a great time – and so am I. How can it get any better than this? And we live close by – we're practically neighbors!"

At that moment, Cain let out a loud groan, signaling that he was shooting his load up Brent's ass. Brent was sitting all the way down on Cain's cock and giving the look on his face that he was enjoying the feel of cum being shot up in him.

When Cain laid down on the table, Brent rose up, letting Cain's cock slid out of his ass. Brent then moved over to his father, squatted down above his face and began to let the cumload ooze out. Scott was ready with an open mouth as the load made a direct hit. When Brent was done, Scott reached up and pulled his son down onto his face and licked his son's hole clean.

While all this was going on, Cameron was shooting his load into Todd's mouth. I watched them closely and could see that Todd was not swallowing. "He's got other plans," I thought to myself.

I was right for when Cameron was done shooting, Todd pulled off and with his mouth full of the black cream, moved over to his dad. Scott opened his mouth again and with Todd's mouth about twelve inches above his father's, the cream poured out onto his father's tongue. It provided a slide whereby the cream easily flowed down Scott's throat.

This proved to be quite a show not only for me, but for the campers who had grouped to watch as well. Everyone applauded and Todd and Brent, in good humor, stood on top of the picnic table and bowed. Scott, embarrassed, got up and stepped away.

As the campers disbursed, Cain and Cameron left for their own campsite. This left me alone with Scott and his two boys. It was an awkward moment at first until I first spoke, "Well! This has been one eye-opening experience for you guys, hasn't it?"

"It sure has," Scott replied. "But you know, I feel better about it. Now I don't have to hide who I truly am. And whenever I need support for who I am, I know I can come here." Then turning to his sons, Scott asked, "What do you think, boys?"

Todd was the first to speak, "Dad, I'm glad that we finally have come out. I was afraid that I was going to have to move out before you found out about me. If you found out, you would disown me."

Scott stepped between his two sons and put his arms around them, "Boys, I am never more proud of you than I am right now. You are who you are and now you don't have to hide it from me."

"Dad, you're just proud of us because now you can have sex with us," laughed Brent.

"Well, yeah," said Scott sheepishly.

Next: Chapter 89

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