Gay Campground

By Jarbear Jarbear

Published on Feb 8, 2023


Chapter 87

NOTE: If you would like an updated list of characters in all the chapters, a map of my vision of the campground, and/or a listing of all the plots of all the chapters. Just email me. I do all this for myself to keep everything sorted out. Written by

I kept my hands on the back of Boss's head as I fucked him hard in the mouth. The black guy kept ramming his hard cock into his ass. I was beginning to wonder if maybe we might be a little to hard on him because the guys around us were beginning to avert their attention to us. But we didn't let up because boss gave no indication that he wanted us to.

The black guy then began speaking between his grunting thrusts, "I can't hold back any longer! I gonna fuckin' shoot!" And with one last lunge of his cock into Boss's ass, he held it in as he let out a loud, "Aargh!" With the size of that guy's balls, I knew that Boss's ass was getting filled.

Even though the fucking was done, I wasn't done with him. I kept thrusting my hard cock into his mouth, trying to get further in. He began gagging – but I didn't let up. Finally, I was ready to let go. I yanked his face all the way into my crotch hard, pushing my cock past his uvula causing him to let out a loud gag. I shot down his throat.

When I was done, I pulled my cock out. He fell totally exhausted to the floor and just lay there. I just got up and walked away. "I'll deal with him again later," I thought to myself. I hoped he felt abused and raped; he had it coming!

I decided to leave the room and get a breather. Just before I stepped out the door, I looked back. The room was still filled with orgiastic campers. It looked just the way I wanted it to look – sucking, fucking, kissing, groping – you name it – it was happening! I wanted the campers to know that nothing was held back – there would be no inhibitions. I've gotten the campground just the way I wanted it.

I walked over to the hot tub. I just wanted to get in to relax a while and to have the warm swirling water to massage and sooth my worked-over ass and overworked balls. There were only two campers already there, so there was plenty of room for me to stretch out and relax. I didn't look to see who it was. I figured that it didn't matter. We're all the same here – good fuck buddies.

As I crawled in, I heard, "Hey Bob! How's it goin'? I looked up as I crawled in. I was surprised to see it was Bill the male nurse and Doctor John.

"Hey guys! I haven't seen you for a while. I'm so glad you're here," I said as I stretched my arms out to them.

They stood up and I embraced each one. They, in turn, groped my ass. As we hugged, our cocks and balls intermingled in the water. My balls felt a little tingly and my cock was just beginning to move. Don't those guys down there in my crotch ever relax? It seems like they get just a little stimulated, and they're ready to go – no matter where – no matter when.

As we sat back down in the tub – in the warmth of the swirling water, Bill and John sat next to each other and I sat across from them. John put his arm around Bill and I could tell under the water, Bill rested his arm on John's thigh. I surmised that they were "very close" friends.

"Well, is this your first time here?" I asked, trying to get some conversation started.

"It is," said John. He wasn't much of a talker – even back then when we fucked around together in the ER.

Bill then spoke up, "We get the `Out and About' mag and saw that you were having a biker's weekend here and I talked John in coming and spending the weekend here. We have an old RV trailer we remodeled and brought here."

"Oh?" I asked, "What did you do to the trailer?"

"We stripped everything out from the inside and redid it. And we have the cooker, water supply and everything built for the outside. We didn't put any bathroom back in because we felt all the campgrounds had bathrooms and showers in them anyways. We didn't build anything back in – just finished the walls."

"Nothing? Then what did you do with the inside if everything is on the outside?"

"It's wall-to-wall mattress," Bill snickered, "Our trailer is six foot wide by twelve foot long. We built in a door on one side at one end and another door on the other side on the other end so it's easy to get in and out. It's also a fire code. One of our fireman `friends' told us."

"Good grief, what's in it to catch fire? There's nothing there!"

"You're right – it's just the fire code. But then we thought of developing a temporary wall with glory holes which would divide the trailer. That way a guy could enter in on either side of the wall. We haven't got that done yet. Right now, it's just wall-to-wall mattress."

"That's a lot of mattress for you guys to sleep on!"

"Excuse me, Bob, but you should know better. It's to hold as many as we can get in. It's not just for sleeping you know!" He then winked at me. John just laughed.

"Well that's something I'm just going to have to look at."

"Whenever you want. You are always welcome to our traveling orgy wagon."

Thinking about what they told me began to make me more intrigued. So I decided to take them up on their offer right then and there. Standing up, I said, "What about now? The party is doing fine on its own and I'd like to get out and get some fresh air."

They first looked at each other, then at me and smiled, "We were hoping you would take us upon the offer," replied Bill. They both stood up together and their cocks were sticking straight out in front of them. They took a step towards me and I took a cock in each hand and gently stroked them. At the same time, we three kissed.

We crawled out of the hut tub and then walked through the barn door to the outside. Despite the dance room being full of horny campers, there were still many campers outdoors. I walked between Bill and John with my hands on their shoulders. We talked on the way.

"You guys enjoying this place?" I asked.

"Nothing personal," John finally responded, "But that's sort of a dumb question. Who's NOT enjoying this place? Something is wrong with them I they aren't!"

"Sorry about that. I just want everyone here to enjoy themselves – just to be themselves."

"Bob," said Bill, "You have absolutely nothing to worry about."

As we strolled to their trailer, we observed the campers around us. They were walking around laughing and joking around. We passed one campsite in which a camper was lying on his back on the picnic table with his legs in the air. Another camper was crouched on his knees and eating out his ass. Another site had a fuck scene going on.

As we walked by another site, a camper was seated in his lawn chair, legs draped over the arms, casually stroking his cock. He called out to us, "Hey guys, one of you wanna come over and give me a blowjob? My cock is aching for some release.

"Wait a minute, guys," I said to Bill and John as I turned towards the camper, "I gotta be a good host."

"Why not invite him to come with us? We can take care of him in our trailer."

"Will do," I replied with a wink. I walked toward the smiling camper and dropped down to my knees in front of him. I gave him my expert blow job for only thirty seconds – just enough to entice him. I then stood up. "If you want some more, you're going to have to come with us to the orgy wagon."

He looked at me with a perplexed look on his face. I just shrugged my shoulders in return and head back to Bill and John. The camper quickly got up and joined us. "What is this orgy wagon?" he asked.

"I don't know," I replied, "I'm going to see for myself what it is. You've got a nice ass, by the way. Use it for anything else besides shitting?"

The camper smirked, "It does its fair share of extracurricular activities."

When we got there, I strolled around the trailer, examining it closely. Their tarp awning stretched out far enough to cover the picnic table along with a couple of chairs along with another table for cookstove and camping supplies. I noticed both doors on opposite sides and ends of the trailer. It looked very nice.

I opened the door and looked in. The walls were finished and there were two small ceiling lights. The floor was all covered with sheet covered mattresses. That was it. There was nothing else. It was neat and clean.

"By gum, by golly, by George," I said, "You HAVE got an orgy wagon! Where's the clothes closet?"

"Excuse me!" laughed Bill, "We're nudists! What do we need clothes closets for?"

I laughed as we all stepped inside. Bill dimmed the lights as John walked over and opened the other door. We then stood in the center of the trailer and began stroking our cocks. I spoke up, "Leave the doors open and that's a sign for others to come in. You know that?"

"Well, duh!" replied Bill, "We only close the doors when we're pulling the trailer down the road."

"Boy, you've got nothing but sarcasm coming out of that mouth of yours," I said.

"Well," said Bill smugly, "There's nothing to stop it."

"How about this stopping it?" I said, flagging my cock in front of him.

"Or how about getting a mouthful of this?" said the fourth camper, and he bent over to Bill and spread his ass cheeks in front of him.

"Hmmm," said Bill thoughtfully, "decisions, decisions!"

"Oh hell," said John in frustration, "I'll take one and you take the other. With that, he went down on his knees in front of me and swallowed my cock down to the base.

As John began sucking my cock, Bill buried his face into the camper's ass and began slurping away. We were enjoying ourselves when another camper stepped in the doorway. I looked at him and jerked my head giving him the sign to come on in. As he did, he instinctively reached for the switch and shut the lights off. By the moonlight in the doorway, I noticed several more campers enter.

So there we were – in total darkness – with `lord knows what' going on in that total darkness. I slowly lowered myself onto the floor allowing John to continue sucking on my cock. I heard movements all around me but didn't know what all was going on. I sensed a couple more campers entered the trailer.

So, in the darkness, I groped around. As I did my face bumped against was obviously felt like a cock. I immediately turned my head towards it and sucked it into my mouth. As I sucked, I continued to reach around. I felt an ass – so my fingers probed up and down the hairy crack. I found the hole and slowly massaged it – working my finger in.

In the meantime, I began feeling hands on me while I continued to suck the cock that was in my mouth and John sucking mine. Two hands (I didn't know if they belonged to the same person) caressed my ass which made me feel hornier. Then someone began kissing the nap of my neck which drew goose bumps – they worked their way down and found my nipples and gently sucked on each one.

As all this was going on, I felt the hands part my ass cheeks and a cockhead press against my anus. I brought my hands up, found my popper necklace, opened the bottle and took some huffs. I wanted to prepare myself for a good fuck.

Just when I was about to cap the bottle, someone accidently bumped my arm and I dropped it. The contents spilled out sending the aroma throughout the trailer. I couldn't feel around fast enough to find the bottle. It had emptied completely.

As a result, everyone was inhaling the popper aroma. As a result, everyone was beginning to get that euphoric feeling. As a result, the sexual atmosphere began to get more intense.

The cockhead that kissed my ass entered all the way in, filling me with that glorious feeling that only a good fuck can give. I pushed my ass back to give it full access. Whoever was fucking me got the sign of my approval because he began to pump his cock in and out of me.

The shaft that I was sucking on became large and stiff. I swallowed all of it in one gulp. I kept my lips down at the base for a couple of seconds before I slowly began to draw back up to the tip. All the way back, my tongue massaged and tickled the underside of the cock.

And I could tell that John, who was sucking me (at least I think he was still sucking me), was picking up his pace on deepthroating my cock. As I was moving my pelvis to the fucking of the cock up my ass, John was keeping pace with my cock down his throat.

As the air began to get thick with the popper aroma, the sexual intensity in the trailer was increasing. Moans and groans were getting louder. By the shadows in the moonlight, it looked as if more campers were entering the trailer. Just how many more can this trailer hold?

I was so into this orgy that was going on, it didn't matter to me. Bodies were moving around everywhere – on top, underneath, around. I was feeling cock, ass, legs, bodies everywhere around me. We were nothing but a big orgiastic pile of bodies. Now THIS was an orgy!

All of a sudden, I heard an orgasmic cry. The cock in my mouth shot a good load and I swallowed it all. As soon as it was done shooting, I let it slide out of my mouth and I quickly groped around and moved my face around in the pile of bodies, trying to find another cock in the darkness.

As many bodies as there were, in no time I was sucking another cock. This cock was larger – thicker and longer. And there was that faint telltale smell that only blacks have that I could smell mixed in with the popper aroma. I knew right away a black guy was now fucking my mouth. I was eager and hungry for more cock – and I especially loved black cock. So I let this black dude work on me.

As I swallowed the black tool all the way down, my face was pushed into the wiry-haired crotch. At that moment, I felt the cock in my ass give a sudden hard push into me. I felt the warm load of sperm shoot into my bowels. If felt good. Then I wanted that cock out of me to make room for another cock to slide in. Right now, I was feeling like nothing but a whore. I wanted as much cock as I could get.

I don't know how greedy the other guys were in the group, but I was. I wanted all those cocks in me. I wanted to swallow as many loads as I could swallow. As I could make room for my legs, I lifted them in the air, giving some indication to others in the darkness that I wanted my ass plowed.

I wasn't disappointed. I felt a hand feeling up and down my asscrack and then my asshole. It must have given that guy some indication that my ass was ready, because in no time I felt a cock press against my hole. I loosened up my sphincter muscle so it could easily slide in.

The popper smell was still strong and it still had its effect on the campers in that orgy trailer. My mouth and ass were both getting fucked hard and I was enjoying every lunge that those cocks gave. The legs on the black dude who was fucking my mouth began to shake which indicated to me that he was going to give me his chocolate cream. I tried to open my mouth wider to receive more of that black rod. It helped a little, for the black shaft was able to slide down my throat a little further. I felt the cock jerk and I knew my stomach was receiving that black cream. I couldn't feel the cum shooting because the cock was so far down my throat.

It was shoved so far down, I wonder if the cock head might be peeping out of my asshole. But that couldn't happen because there was a cock up my ass keeping that from happening. Either way, I was being blessed by being bred orally with a load of sperm.

As the black cock in my throat began to relax from being spent, the cock up my ass began to pound me harder. It just seemed that those loads just kept being shot inside of me. And I didn't mind – I loved it!

John was faithful in continuing to suck my cock. His head was bobbing up and down on me like a chicken bobbing for seed on the ground. I wrapped my legs around his neck and squeezed my thighs against his head. He continued with his sucking.

As I was about to shoot my load, I reached down and grabbed his head with both of my hands and roughly shoved him all the way down to the base of my cock. When I did that, my cock exploded and it seemed that every fiber of my being shook with that explosion. It was fantastic!

I don't know how many times my cock shot, but John took it all. I knew he swallowed all the cum because I heard him gulping it down. When I was done, he gently pulled off. I then began to extricate myself from the tangled mess of bodies. It took some doing, but I finally got it done and got myself out the door.

Once outside, I stumbled to the picnic table and just leaned over it to get my breath and to get my senses together. Wow! That was some orgy. I'm going to have to demand that Bill and John keep the orgy trailer at the campground. The barn is great, but there's something about the enclosed tight space that adds to the whole sexual experience.

As I was standing there, thinking it through, I felt a pair of hands on my ass. As my cheeks were parted, I felt a face push in and a long tongue probe my hole. "My god," I thought, "This sexual experience will never end!"

Then the face pulled away from my ass and I sensed the camper behind me stand up. I felt a cockhead push against my hole. Without thinking – as an automatic reaction – I pushed my ass back against the large cock. It slid in and as it did so, a pair of hands gripped my hips. I then knew I was going for another ride.

Sure enough, he rode me good. He slowly pushed all the way in and slid all the way out. Then he began to pick up a little speed with each rotation. He finally got to the speed in which it felt like the pistons of a motor and he was driving me as 75 miles and hour.

At that speed, he couldn't hold back any longer. With one final ram into me, he shot a large load, adding to the mixture that was already inside of me. When he was finally done, his cock relaxed and he quit his grunting. When he pulled out, I straightened up and turned around.

There stand in front of me were the black twins, Cain and Cameron. Right then I sunk to my knees. They quickly got to either of side of me.

"Bob! All you alright?" asked one.

"I'm fine," I replied, trying to get myself back together.

"Are you sure?"

"Sure, I'm sure. I just got out of that trailer there from a fantastic orgy and now I just got fucked again. I am so loaded with cum loads, that I just got weak in the knees. I really got into it in there."

"We know," said one of the two smiling, "We both were in there. You sucked me off in there and my brother was the one who just fucked you."

"Well, I have to admit, I'm done in for now. I need to get back to my cabin. I don't know if I can make it. Would you guys help me?"

"Our pleasure." They then got on either side of me and hoisted me back up on my feet. With their arms around my waist and my arms around their shoulders, we made out way back to the cabin.

When we got on my porch, one of them said, "Let's get you to bed. Boy, are you ever going to be stiff in the morning!" They got me back to my bed, pulled back the covers, and laid me gently down. I was then beginning to get sleepy.

Sleepily, I said, "Would you brothers be so kind as to stay and sleep with me? I'm too tired to do anything, but I sure to love sleeping with a body next to me. In fact two bodies would be better."

They laughed and said, "Sure, we're done for the evening."

I was lying on my side, so Cain laid down in front of me and Cameron snuggled up against my backside. Or was it Cameron in front and Cain behind me? Oh well, it doesn't matter. We were the perfect oversized Oreo cookie. Black on the outside with a white center. Or should I say, "Creamy center", considering the cumloads that were in me.

Next: Chapter 88

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