Gay Campground

By Jarbear Jarbear

Published on Jan 14, 2023


Chapter 83

NOTE: If you would like an updated list of characters in all the chapters, a map of my vision of the campground, and/or a listing of all the plots of all the chapters. Just email me. I do all this for myself to keep everything sorted out. Written by

We descended the loft ladder and stepped into the large room below the loft. I pointed out to Dad and Sheriff that this was where the parties were held. Bernie was there setting up his equipment for the party. He stopped for a moment and looked at me. We walked over to him and I introduced Dad and Sheriff Wallace to him.

He smiled and raised his eyebrows, "Bob, I heard your dad was here. And this is Sheriff Wallace – man! Hard to resist a man in a uniform; even if it's just an open and shirt and nothing else." He stepped forward in front of them. With each arm, he reached around their waists and pulled them to him. He first kissed Sheriff, then kissed Dad. Then he said under his breath to them. You guys are going to have fun tonight. I'm going to be on the lookout for you for some action.

Bernie then knelt in front of them, pulled them closer to him and took both of their now hard cocks into his mouth. As I watched, I could tell that he was working his tongue around both cocks as best as he could.

While he was working on their cocks, Sherriff and Dad were close enough to each other that they began kissing as well as kneading each other's ass with their hands. Bernie, then pulled off and began to alternate sucking their cocks – going to the base – swallowing as much cock as he could take.

As much as I enjoyed watching them and as much as they were enjoying their 3way, we had to keep moving on because we were limited on time. "I'm sorry guys," I hesitatingly said, "But we've got to keep moving if we're going to see the rest of this place, eat and get ready for tonight. You guys can fuck all you want tonight here with a crowd to watch you if you want. But right now, we gotta go."

Dad and Sheriff pulled away from Bernie and headed towards me. Bernie stood up and said to me with a sigh, "Spoiler!" Then he grinned. I laughed.

We headed to the other side of the barn and went up in that loft. As I spoke to them, they looked around, "This is what we call our theater. Porn is shown on the screen as well as videos of what goes on around here. Anybody could be in them and it's understood that the videos stay here at the campground. Any questions?"

There was a quiet pause and then Duane spoke up, "Is that you on the screen now?"

Without looking, I replied, "Probably, somehow I'm such a showoff sexually that they get a lot of vids of me in action."

Sheriff then spoke up, "Well, is this scene shot here on the campground?"

I turned to look, "There was a scene showing a guy bound up and blindfolded and two guys working on him. I studied it further when a third came into the scene and began fucking the bound guy.

Then I got it. That blindfolded guy was me! That scene was from earlier today! Whoever takes the videos, got one of me being kidnapped and taken hostage. So there were four in this incident: three guys who worked on me and a fourth who took the vid.

As I looked closer, I recognized who the kidnappers were. It was the father and the two sons Jack and I encountered on the road a couple of weeks back!

"Those are the guys who kidnapped me!" I blurted out, pointing to the screen.

Sheriff Wallace spoke up, "Do you want to press charges? I can arrest them and lock them up for trial."

I thought for a moment and then came up with an idea, "How about if you didn't take them to jail, but you bring them here. Can you do that?"

Sheriff Wallace paused and then said, "Well, that's a bit unconventional, but I think something could be worked out." So I shared my plan with Sheriff and Dad and they were agreeable to participate.

We then went down below the loft and I showed them the showers, weight room, sling room and the camera room. Dad seemed to show special interest in the sling room. He got in the sling to try it out for size. I couldn't help myself seeing my dad in that position. I picked up the leather lying on the floor and put it on him while Sheriff bound his ankles and wrists to the chains.

The hood had a piece of leather s snapped into place which covered the eyes. Another covered his mouth and another covered his nose. When we were done with him, Sheriff looked at me and I winked back.

Neither one of us said a word. I handed a bottle of poppers to Sheriff and motioned for him to give it to Dad. In the meantime, I got on my knees in front of Dad's ass. I gently parted his ass cheeks and pushed my face forward. I first kissed that round, pink asshole of his and then tickled it with my tongue. I heard Dad moan. I knew he liked it.

Sheriff unsnapped the leather covering Dad's nose, unscrewed the cap off the poppers and held it under each nostril as Dad took a good huff in each. As that was going on, I got more intense on my ass rimming. I worked my tongue further into his asshole, planting my lips against his sphincter muscle as I worked my tongue in.

Sheriff bent over Dad's crotch, reached in and gave his cock a few strokes. With the poppers in his system, his cock immediately came to attention. Sheriff took Dad's cock into his mouth and sank his lips all the way to the base. We could hear Dad's muffled sounds of delight coming from the leather hood.

When I got Dad's asshole sufficiently loose and lubed with my spit, I stood up and motioned for Sheriff to step in, which he did. His cock was hard and he aimed it straight for Dad's ass. He then took hold of Dad's hips for leverage and slid his cock all the way in – up Dad's ass.

I in the meantime, took over Sheriff's place of sucking Dad's cock. It turned me on that this cock that was up my mother's cunt, shooting his seed in, was now in my mouth about to shoot another load of seed in me. I was getting to love Dad so much that I right then wanted his cock up my ass.

I couldn't stop the urge. So while Sheriff continued to fuck Dad, I crawled onto my dad, straddle his lap, took hold of his hard shaft, aimed it for my asshole, then slid down on it. I can't begin to describe the feeling of my own dad's cock up my ass – knowing that the man who provided the seed from his loins will once again seed my insides. I almost wished I could become pregnant by what he was doing to me right now. (Imagine thinking that! Am I nuts?)

I reached behind me and motioned for Sheriff to give me my bottle of poppers which he did. I uncapped it, stuck it under each of Dad's nostrils which he huffed good and then I stuck it under mine. When I was done huffing, I was ready to go.

I rode my dad's cock harder and the sling would have started swinging, but Sheriff had a good hold of Dad's legs as he continued to ram his cock up Dad's ass. Dad was really moaning loud enough to be heard throughout the barn. Well, it worked, some guys started gathering around us; watching us and stroking their cocks.

I didn't give a fuck. As I said before, I love putting on a show – other guys watching me really turn me on. I was so into getting fucked by my dad that I said to the onlookers, "Hey guys – what do you think of this – me getting fucked by my dad?"

One guy immediately spoke up – "That is your dad for real?"

"I'm not shittin' ya," I panted as my ass bobbed up and down hard. "I want Dad's manseed shot up inside his son. And that's me!"

As the guys were watching us in amazement, they were stroking their cocks harder. Some reached to the side to assist someone else in their stroking. One dropped to his knees in front of another guy and immediately began sucking him. All of this was going on in the little sling room.

It was then I began hearing moaning behind me. Sheriff was going to shoot his load. I didn't look behind me, but kept right on bobbing up and down on my dad's cock. Sheriff rammed is cock into Dad one final time and let out a loud grunt.

When he finally relaxed I leaned over to my dad and spoke softly to him, "It's time we get going."

"Oh please," Dad pleased, "Let me have just a couple of more fucks. Please!"

I couldn't turn down my Dad. So I gestured to the guys standing around to move behind me and fuck my dad. A few of them were willing. Each one walked up to Dad's ass and slid his cock in. Three of them each got their fuck in – depositing their loads as I continued to ride my dad in the sling.

When the third was finished with his fuck, I slid off Dad's cock and got off the harness. I then stepped behind Dad and kneeled down in front of his ass. I began again rimming out his hole good. I got Dad to the point where the Sheriff's load as well as the loads of the three other guys oozed out of dad's ass. I lapped it all up and then stood up.

I moved around to Dad's leather covered face and unsnapped the leather piece covering Dad's mouth. I bent over and kissed him long and deep, letting the collected cumcloads flow from my mouth into his. As we kissed, I heard Dad moan with satisfaction. When I pulled away, his mouth was in a smile. "Thanks," he said, "I needed that."

I motioned to Sheriff to help me as we unbuckled his ankles and wrists from the chains. After I removed the leather hood off of Dad's head, Sheriff and I helped him out of the sling and onto his feet. He stood there for a moment and then said, "Oh fuck! Wow!"

"We need to get going," I urged them, "So much to do and so little time!"

I led them to the beach to let them have a look around. There were a number of campers in and out of the water. A few were embraced in the water – we can just about imagine what was going on out there. There was activity as well on the beach. One camper was calmly lying on his beach towel while another was on top of him riding his cock. Another couple was doing a 69 together.

Sheriff turned to me, "My god, there always something going on somewhere!"

"Why not?" I responded. "That's what this place is all about."

"Isn't there any modesty?" asked Duane.

"Why should there be? We know why we're all here. It's a waste of time to be modest. Too much time is spent being shy – not enough time to be aggressive. Let's move on."

We then moved on around behind the barn to the gate leading to the cruising woods. I explained to them the setup of this public place and it's purpose – to lure guys to come to the campground. I showed them where the key is kept and the rules. I unlocked the gate and had them follow me on the path – just to get a quick peruse of the place.

As we walked, we passed a number of guys who were all dressed. Several had their cocks hanging out of their flies and some were stroking them. Those who didn't have their cocks sticking out – the bulges were obvious.

I showed them the rim seat bolted to the platform. It was vacant at the moment. Then I took them to the cabin and showed them the sling inside. We continued on around the path to the pavilion where the chair was bolted to the floor. There were several guys there making use of the space.

One guy was seated in the chair with another seated on his lap – obviously with a cock up his ass. He was bent over sucking the cock of the camper standing in front of him. Another camper was kneeling behind that one rimming out his ass while another was kneeled behind the kneeler – fucking his ass as well.

"Is that what you call `a daisy chain'?" I asked.

"Hell if I know," responded Dad.

We then went on around the circle back to the gate. Once we got through it, I said, "Well this is the first time we looked at something here at the campground without getting involved in sex."

"I hope that doesn't happen very often," laughed Sheriff.

We went on around the barn and I showed them the bunkhouse which was at the moment empty. But by the looks of a couple of duffle bags, several of the beds were claimed. "Here is where you'll stay," I said to sheriff, "I think this is all I'll show you for now. I suggest we all get something to eat, get cleaned up and get ready for tonite's party. I'll see you this evening Sheriff."

Sheriff waved to us as Dad and I walked on to where I was keeping my camper trailer parked. No one was using it this weekend and upon examination, everything was cleaned up and in order. I told Dad that if he wanted to stay in the trailer, he was free to do so. Or if he wanted, he could stay with me in my cabin.

"If you don't mind," Duane responded, "I think I'll just get my things out of your cabin and put them here. Nothing personal, but I've been enjoying myself so much here, that I don't want to infringe on your privacy should I want to be with someone."

"Do what you want. You can be with anyone anywhere around here. You don't have to find a private location. Of course, if you want to use this trailer as sort of a whorehouse, you're welcome to it. All I ask is that you clean it up when you're done."

"Thanks, that's what I'll do. If you don't mind, I'll go get my things now and get settled in."

"Fine," I replied, "I'm going to walk the grounds a bit before supper to make sure everything is OK. Want me to meet you here in half an hour and we'll get dressed and go out for supper."

"Fine with me," responded Duane, "The only bad thing is having to get dressed."

I walked the circle around the camper trailers, then headed off to the side of the primitive campground. Most of the bikers were camped here because they came in on their cycles (imagine a motorcycle pulling a camper trailer). There was quite a crowd and there was merriment in the air as well as "other things."

When I arrived at the campfire in the middle, there was shouting and cheering going on. Lined up in a row were a half dozen bikers wearing their leather gear. Kneeling in front of each one was a camper (naked, of course) giving them blowjobs. There was a crowd watching this whole thing.

I approached one in the crowd and asked what was going on. "It's a blowjob contest," he replied, "Someone got in an argument with someone else stating that they could suck the cum out of a guy faster than anyone else. Several disagreed and then this is what happened."

I stood and watched the campers bobbing their heads furiously as they sucked the cocks in front of them. Each one took the cock clear to the base and when they pulled back to the head, their cheeks were sunken in – obviously giving a lot of suction. Some of them had hold of the hips of the guy in front of them, some were hands and knees on the ground like a dog. The guys standing were instructed to keep their hands behind their heads and not help the cocksuckers.

It wasn't but a moment when one of them gave a yell, indicating he was shooting his load. When he was done, the cocksucker stood up and opened his mouth to prove that he had won.

There was a lot of cheering going on as the rest of the cocksuckers finished the blowjobs they had started. The winner stood up and raised his arms in victory. This was fine and all, but I decided to give this a try for myself.

I walked to the victor and said with a sly grin, "So you think you're the best cocksucker, huh?"

The winner replied, "Well, didn't I just prove that?"

"I wasn't told about this contest. So it isn't legit."

"What do you mean by that? We set up the rules and we followed the rules. Nobody cheated."

"There was one problem."

"What's that?"

"No one told ME about it."


"So I believe that I'm the best cocksucker. You're gonna have to challenge me. You willing to do it again against me?"

With the confidence, the winner replied, "I'll take you on right her and right now!"

"Let's go then," I said taking a step forward.

The chosen judge of the contest then called out for more biker volunteers. Six of them stepped forward. "Men," the judge said to us, "choose your cocks."

I picked out a biker whose cock was not too big, but enough that I could work on without overstretching my jaws. The winner picked out his. We both knelt in front of our chosen cocks and waited for the judge. When he yelled, "Go!", we orally attacked our cocks.

The cock I chosen was limp at first, but with my expert oral skills, it wasn't but a few seconds before it was stiff and ready to go. Some cocksuckers work fast – like a motor piston. I work long and slow. It's not necessarily the speed in good cocksucking, but rather the suction and at the same time, the tightly wrapped wet lips along with the tongue action under the shaft.

Not everybody knows this technique. But I do and it has always worked for me in every situation. Sometimes it's the seduction in the sucking that gets the cum balls tingling right away.

This time, as always, it was working for me. I heard my guy begin to moan. I kept a steady sliding in and out as I kept up a hard suction. Sure enough, he yelled and I took the load. What a load he had. It was so much, it was all I could do to keep from swallowing it.

When he finally pulled out, I turned around to face the judge and opened my mouth as proof. When I did, the cumload started gushing out. I quickly brought up my hand to catch it. I brought my hand up to my mouth and sucked the load off.

When I stood up, the judge took my arm and raised it up, "The winner!" he yelled. I just stood there with my mouth closed, but smiling. At that time, the crowd ran up to me to congratulate me and someone slapped me on the back. As a result, the cumload in my mouth shot out like a gun and all over the judge's face.

Immediately, there was a shocked silence. "Oh my god," I said in horror, "I am so sorry!"

The judge stood there a couple of seconds, then calmly reached up, removed some of the cum from his face with his fingers, then tasted it. "Mmm! Not bad," he said with satisfaction, "Not bad at all. Anybody else want a taste? Come and have at it."

The crowd laughed as they came forward and took their turns licking all the cum off the judge's face. I waited until they were done and then spoke to the judge. "Again, I am so sorry for what happened. It was all an accident."

"Hey bud, think nothing of it. It added to the fun and excitement of this place. I loved it – wouldn't have it any other way. This is all part of the fun."

"I'm so glad you feel that way." "Extending my hand out to him, I continued, "By the way, I'm Bob, I own and run this campground. What's yours?"

Taking my hand, he replied, "Bud. They just call me Bud. I know who you are. Word gets around here. I'm glad we got to meet."

"Well, Bud, are you coming to the party in the barn tonight?"

"Who's NOT going? Of course, I'm going to be there."

"Well, I'm glad to hear that. Look me up tonight at the party and I'll make the event special for ya." With that I reached in front of him and began stroking his cock while with the other hand I reached behind and kneaded his ass cheeks. He leaned over towards me and we kissed.

"Well, Bob," he said softly to me, "I'll be looking forward to it."

I smiled at him as I stepped back, "See you tonight, my friend." I waved and headed towards my cabin. I was feeling pretty good with what just happened when I heard someone running to catch up with me. It was my blowjob competitor.

"Hi, my name is Sam. I wanted to congratulate you on winning. How in the hell did you get him to cum that fast? What's your technique? Can you tell me? I want to know."

I laughed as I put my hand on his shoulder, "Well Sam, I'm willing to teach anyone who wants to learn. It's three simple techniques all happening at once – slide, suck and tickle."

"Ok," questioned Sam, "tell me more."

"Well, you slide your wet lips up and down the cock slowly – at the same time, you put a lot of suction to it – and also at the same time, you massage or tickle the underside of the cock with your tongue."

"You're gonna have to show me."

"Ok," I said and I stopped in my tracks. Sam turned toward me with a questioned look on his face as if saying, "What?"

I right there dropped on my knees right in front of him, took his cock in my mouth and began the techniques I told him about. His eyes rolled to the back of his head, he grabbed my head with both of his hands and he began moaning out loud, "Oh my god! Now I know what you mean!"

I figured it took one full minute for Sam to explode his load into my mouth. At the same time, he sunk to his knees to the ground. My mouth stayed on his cock all the way down – taking all of his load. And I swallowed it all.

Sam sat on the ground and when he got his breath, he said, "Man! Now I know what you mean! That was great! I need to get working on that technique!"

"Sure thing," I said with a smile and called out to a camper walking by, "Hey dude, Sam here needs to work on some cocksucking skills. Mind helping him out?"

"Sure!" said the camper. And he stepped in front of Sam, flagging his cock at him.

Sam got on his knees in front of the camper, leaned forward and took the cock in his mouth. I watched closely. In just a couple of strokes, the cock was hard. Then Sam tried my techniques. He wet his lips, then wrapped them around the cock and began sliding up and down the hard shaft.

"Slow down a little," I instructed him, "The speed is not how fast you slide up and down his cock. The speed is how fast you can get him to cum." So Sam slowed down and as I watched, I noticed that he was sucking hard as evidenced by his cheeks sucking in. "Now be sure to work that tongue at the same time," I said.

"Man he's good," said the camper. "Man he's good!" he said again, panting a little more. "Man, I'm shootin' already!" And with that, the camper grabbed Sam's head and shoved his cock all the way in. The camper must have had quite a load by the way that Sam was gulping it down.

When Sam pulled off the cock, he turned to me and smiled, "Now I understand what you mean. I can improve on that."

"I'm sure you can," I said as I stood up, "I'm sorry, but I've got a dinner appointment I've got to get ready for. I'm late already." With that, I took off in a sprint for my cabin to get ready to go out with Dad.

Next: Chapter 84

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