Gay Campground

By Jarbear Jarbear

Published on Dec 22, 2012


Chapter 79

NOTE: I just finished a new layout of the campground. Also, the list of characters and the list of chapter plots are all updated. If you want any of these, just email me. I do all this for myeself to keep everything sorted out. Written by

After that great "Cycle suck", I decided to head to the beach for a quick cooling off. Lying on that cycle gas tank under the sun (while sucking off the cyclist) can get one pretty warmed up. I didn't realize until I was walking through the grounds to the beach how crowded the campground was. "This cyclist weekend is definitely an annual event," I thought to myself.

It pleased me to see that there was so much "sexuosity" going on. (Is there such a word? I meant "sexual activity".) It's nice to know that most of the campers here were uninhibited. Everyone was free to do what they wanted where they wanted (except, of course, in the canteen –Board of Health restrictions, you know). That reminded me – I had better stop in the canteen/store to see how things were coming along. This was the first weekend that it was open.

The minute I walked in the door, I knew that business was good. The canteen was almost full of naked guys sitting around eating and drinking. Everyone seemed to act casual – as if they had been there many times – like a hangout, I guess. I walked into the store and there was Travis and Kevin hard at work.

"How's the business going?" I asked.

"This first weekend is great," replied Kevin, "Of course, this being biker's weekend is a big help."

"Is everyone acting decent in the canteen?"

"No problems at all," replied Travis, "Of course, we put up a big sign for everyone to see. Go look at it."

So I walked back in the canteen to look for the sign. It was plainly visible for all to see:


I went back to them laughing, "Good sign! They should get the hint. What about this store?"

"Wel-l-l," replied Kevin hesitatingly, "we don't allow anyone behind the counter, but we are not so strict in the store. We do want them to enjoy themselves while shopping in here. Besides, they're all naked – how much can they shoplift?"

I walked around the store, admiring the merchandise and the neatness of the store. The bottles of the various brands of poppers were neatly arranged in the display case along with the cock rings, leather collars,bracelets and dildoes. There were racks of leather vests and chaps as well as rim seats (some assembly required) There was a wide variety of gay pride items as well. Just about anything was available for any type of fun.

There were several campers looking around and I happened to overhear a camper at the display case inquiring about a bottle of lube. As Travis was telling him about the product, the camper acted hesitant, "I don't know. I've been fucked only once and I know I need a good lube. But I don't know if this is the one."

"We have free samples," Travis replied, "You can try it out and find out for yourself."

"Well," the camper replied, still unsure.

I immediately spoke up, "If you don't mind, we can try it out right here – right now. I'll put it onyou, if you don't mind and I'll just slip my cock in and we'll see how you like it."

The camper paused for a moment, looking at me. A wide grin spread across his face, "Sure! Why not!"

Travis handed the sample to me as the camper leaned over the counter. I squirted a dollop in my hand and then gently spread it up and down his ass crack, giving special attention to his asshole. I gently inserted a finger, and then another. When I slipped a third finger in, I heard the camper moan with satisfaction. While I was doing that, I was stroking my cock with my free hand – getting hard for a good fuck.

The camper bent over a little further and spread his legs a little further apart, indicating to me that he was ready for my cock. By then, the campers in the store were crowding around to watch. "I've wondered if that lube was any good," spoke up a camper.

As I gripped my cock and aimed it for the hole, I replied, "Well, you're going to find out now."

I gently gave it a push and my cock easily slid in. I took hold of the camper's hips for leverage and began to fuck him. My cock sliding in and out of his ass was working like a well-oiled piston. The warm moistness of his asshole stimulated my cock as it slid in and out.

"Aw fuck!" the camper gasped, "That lube is great!"

"Glad you like it," I said as I pulled my cock out and stepped back.

The camper cried out, "Hey! Don't stop there!. Keep fucking me!"

"Well let's see how many cocks one dollop of lube can handle." I then turned to the audience, "Any of you guys want to join in and find out?" They all readily volunteered.

So there we were – at the checkout counter with a camper trying out a fuck lube by getting gangbanged. AsI stood there watching the six shoppers fuck the camper I overheard their talking.

"Oh fuck, this lube is great, I'm definitely going to buy a bottle."

"Isn't this great! We can try out the product right here in the store."

"Yeah, that's what makes this campground so great – we can just be our natural, sexual selves."

As they were finishing their rotations fucking him, they each dumped a load in his ass. When they finished, three of the six fuckers each bought a bottle of the lube. And while they were doing that, I just had to get down on my knees and eat the loads out of the camper's ass. The lube had a special flavor to it adding to the lusciousness of the loads.

When I felt sure that I had sucked out and swallowed all the loads from his hole, I stood up. "Well, what do you think of the lube?" I asked the freshly fucked camper.

"I'm sold! I'll take two bottles," he said to Travis.

"You've got enough lube for a lot of fuckin', my friend," I said with a smirk.

"Never want to run out," he replied with a wink as he walked out of the store.

I followed him out the door, but turned to another direction. I stopped at my cabin and grabbed a towel along with my necklace bottle of poppers. Who knows anymore what's going to happen where? I never was a boy scout (though I thought it would have been "interesting" to be one) but I believed in their motto, "Be prepared" – especially in a place like this.

The beach was crowded like every other place on the grounds. But I found a spot and laid out my towel. I walked to the shore line, then dove in. The water felt refreshing against my naked body. I rose up and stood chest-deep in the water to enjoy the water drain off me. The sun's rays beating down on my wet body gave me a fresh feeling and I just stood there to enjoy it.

It was then a pair of hands from behind reached around quickly and covered my eyes. A soft voice spoke, "Don't say anything – don't turn around. Just stand there and keep your eyes closed."

I really didn't know what was happening. So I did as I was instructed. "This is another fun prank," I thought to myself. But I quickly found out I was wrong.

The voice continued, "Don't make any quick moves. Do exactly what I tell you and you won't get hurt." His voice sounded low and firm. Fear started to build up in me. "Walk calmly to your cabin. We'll be right behind you. Don't turn around to look or give anyone a sign that you're in trouble. Now move!"

I calmly walked to shore, picked up my towel and headed back towards my cabin. Only one person spoke to me, but he used the word "we". I had to follow his directions. I've never been in a situation like this before, but what I've heard, "Do what they say and you won't get hurt." I knew that saying wasn't always true, but there were no other options.

Once we stepped into my cabin, I was told to stop. When I did, I was immediately blindfolded. My captor did not say anything as I felt his hands on my shoulders. We just stood there as if we were waiting for something or someone.

I heard a vehicle pull up in front of my cabin – it sounded sort of like an old truck. I turned and the hands on my shoulders quickly guided me to it – pushing me as if to tell me to hurry. They got me in the truck and the captors sat on either side of me.

They said nothing as we left the campground. I tried to keep a sense of which direction we were turning and how far before another turn. If I survived this, I wanted to be able to lead the sheriff right to these guys.

It was only a couple of turns – a few miles before they stopped. I was pulled out and led to a building. I surmised it was a farmhouse by the sound of the porch floor and the creaky screen door. Once inside the door, they had me stop again. Still, nothing was said. I just stood there nude and shaking. I heard movements and it sounded like there were now three persons present. Then I heard sounds as if clothing were being removed – pants unsnapping, belt buckles unbuckling, zippers unzipping.

I was led into another room and then suddenly pushed hard. As I fell forward from loss of balance, I fell onto a bed. I just laid there and didn't make a move. I didn't know what was going to happen next.

I felt two pairs of hands turn me over onto my back and then my arms were stretched out so that my hands were above me. They tied me to a bedpost. I didn't make any attempt to fight them. Again, I just laid still.

After only a moment, two pairs of hands began to gently caress my body. As one pair moved up my torso, the other pair moved down my legs. The one who moved up my torso moved so close to me that I could feel his breath on my neck. The other one did the same as he moved close to my crotch.

Their touches were so gentle and sensuous that I couldn't help but begin to get excited. I was no longer shaking in fright, but now shivering in excitement. My cock began to grow and harden.

The one close to my head began to gently kiss me right under my jawbone which caused the hairs on my neck to rise. He worked around my face; kissing each cheek, gently nibbling on each earlobe and gently sucking on my nose. It tickled and I couldn't help but smile.

As this was going on, the other guy was slowly licking my inner thighs. He then moved to kissing my ball sack just before he took each nut in his mouth. With each nut, he swirled it around in his mouth and sucked on it a little. Then he nuzzled his face down to the space under my nutsack and between my thighs – right where my ass crack began. I automatically spread my legs a little further apart and raised my thighs a little to give him easier access. Even though I was pissed at being kidnapped and taken away from the major events happening at my campground, I do have to admit that I was enjoying this. What was really making it exciting was that I didn't know who these dudes were.

As these two guys were working me over, I couldn't help but begin moaning. That is the natural part of me letting the guys know that I was really getting into this. I was enjoying this so much! As the guy at my crotch sucked my cock into his mouth, I cried out, "Aw fuck! Please untie me! Come on! Take my blindfold off! I fucking love this! Let me know who you are – I want to fuck with you!"

The guy close to my head whispered in my ear, "No way, good fuck buddy. We are going to have our way with you and you are not going to know who we are. Just shut the fuck up, relax and enjoy this. When we are done with you, we will take you back."

I heard a movement and the quiet sound of a cap being taken off a bottle. As it was raised to my nostril, I immediately knew it was poppers. I automatically huffed them as my captor held it against each nostril.

As the euphoria began, he moved down and began gently sucking on each of my nipples which brought a shiver down my back. The other captor continued with his blowjob on me. As the sex began to intensify, they suddenly stopped what they were doing.

I heard more movement. The captor down by my crotch moved up and straddled my face. He slowly lowered himself down until his ass crack was pressed against me. As he straddled my face, as he took hold of my legs – pulled them up into the air – and then took hold of my ankles. As he pulled my ankles back, my ass automatically lifted into the air.

The captor at my head must have moved around down to my ass, for I began feeling something soft, warm, and moist tickling my asshole. I knew that feeling! I was getting rimmed! It felt gentle at first – then the tongue began to bore into my hole. As it did, I felt the captor's lips pressed against my butt. Even though I was blindfolded, my eyes rolled back in ecstasy.

My sphincter muscle loosened up as the tongue continued to do its work. I felt my asscrack dripping with the man's spit. At the same time, I was working on the ass that was pressed against my face. I worked on it hungrily with my mouth. The captor above me squirmed his ass a little, giving me a little more access to his ass as his cheeks spread a little further apart.

The rimmer pulled back from my ass and began working his fingers into me. At the same time, I was feeling something else pressing for an entrance into me. I realized it was a cockhead. Along with two or three fingers, a cock was entering in as well. I realized then and there that a third person was working on me.

I tried to relax more to allow them easy access, but it was difficult. Then the one with the fingers pulled out and moved around to my head. I heard a couple of pats on the ass that was seated on my face. The ass pulled up and immediately there was a popper bottle place under my nostril. I took a good huff of the euphoric aroma and when it was put under my other nostril, I took another good huff.

When I was done, the ass came back down on my face for me to resume my tongue fucking. In the meantime, the fucker's cock was all the way in me and it began easily sliding in and out of my ass. As it slid in, I would a couple of times tighten my sphincter muscle causing my fucker to build up some sexual tension.

I kept at it until the fucker let out a loud groan. I felt his cum shoot in me as I continued to massage his shaft with my asshole. He gave it one final shove in and held it there until his cum was finally emptied out. When he pulled out, the other captor's cock immediately slid in. The fucking continued.

As I continued to orally work on the asshole above me, I did the same thing to this fucker as I did the last one – I massage his cock with my ass muscles. It was fun. I could almost feel his cock sloshing around in the cumload of the previous fucker.

He, too, began pounding my ass harder and faster and I wanted the load of this guy just as bad as the last one. As he pounded me with his cock, I felt his ballsac beat against me in rhythm. It wasn't long before his load was emptied into me as well. That left, according to my calculations, one more captor – the one sitting on my face.

When the second fucker pulled out, the guy I was rimming lifted himself up off my face and moved around to my ass. I kept my legs up in the air because putting in plainly, I just wanted more cock up my ass. One of the captors moved around, straddled my chest and held my legs up so it would be easier for me. I felt the cockhead touch my well-massaged asshole. It easily entered in and then began its pumping in the same manner as the previous two. And I began in the same manner also – squeezing that cock shaft with my sphincter muscle. And just like the other two, it didn't take very long for the load to shoot in.

As soon as the third one pulled out, one of the others immediately planted his mouth against my ass and began sucking. It was almost the like force of a vacuum cleaner. I couldn't hold the three loads in me, but had to let them be sucked into the guy's mouth. With the power of his suction, I know he sucked my insides dry.

There was a pause and I felt a pair of hands on my mouth. As my mouth was pried open, I stuck my tongue out; ready to receive what they have to give me. I felt gobs and gobs of cum drop down to the back of my throat – so much that I almost choked. But like any other sex-craved whore, I swallowed it all hungrily.

When that was done, I just laid there, breathing deep, trying to pull my whore-self together. I didn't know what they were going to do next. I was hoping they would untie my wrists and take the blindfold off so they would reveal to me who these wonderful three captors were.

But no such luck. There was some time I had to wait silently. The only thing I heard was a couple of low-sounding chuckles. I sensed that they were proud of their conquest. Little did they know how much I really enjoyed it. I've learned that a conquest involves a victor and an unwilling victim. I am NOT the unwilling victim. As I've said several times before, "You can't rape the willing." And I was more than willing in this situation!

After some resting time had passed, they untied my wrists from the bed post, but told me to keep the blindfold on. They helped me stand up and then guided me back to the truck. All this time, nothing else was said.

By my sense of direction, I knew we were headed back to the campground. I was glad for now I was anxious to get back to the biker festivities. But all of a sudden, the truck stopped. They pulled me out of the truck and to a grassy side of the road. They then stopped walking and I reached out and felt around in front of me. I felt what would be a telephone pole. They pushed me against the rough pole, wrapped my arms around it and tied my wrists together.

When they were finished tying me up, I heard them get back into their truck and speed off. I was left on the roadside stark naked, blindfolded, and tied to a telephone pole. Now what am I to do?

I worked and worked on the rope binding my wrists together, but the knots were so tight I couldn't get them loosened. With the blindfold, I carefully rubbed my face against the pole, gradually moving the blind fold up off my head. It slipped off and felt to the ground.

I looked around. I was out in the middle of nowhere by the side of an empty road. I had no idea of what to do except for someone to come and rescue me. "Boy, this is going to be good," I thought to myself in frustration.

I guess I was standing there, bound to the pole for about half an hour when I heard a vehicle coming. When I saw it getting closer, I realized that it was a sheriff's car. I said to myself, "Oh fucking hell! I am in for it now!"

Next: Chapter 80

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