Gay Campground

By Jarbear Jarbear

Published on Mar 14, 2012


By Write me and let me know what you think. I answer all emails. Also, I have a layout of the campground as I see it when I write the chapters. If you would like one to go along with the chapters as you read them, just ask and I'll email you a copy. I keep an outline of the chapters & list of characters as I go to use as reference so I don't get mixed up. If you'd like an outline, let me know. After every five chapters, I would recommend you ask for an updated outline as I add to it after every chapter.

As the campers gathered around me to watch me getting double-fucked, I noticed another black camper in the group watching me. I called out to him boldly, "Hey! How about joining your black brothers here and letting me suck your cock? I've never been triple fucked before -- two black cocks up my ass and another down my throat."

The black camper smiled at me as he crawled into the hot tub's swirling warm water. He carefully got up on the bench, held onto my shoulders for leverage, and then straddled me. His cock was limp when it slipped into my open mouth, but as I eagerly sucked on it, it quickly became hard. Laying on top of one guy with my legs in the air getting fucked by another, I couldn't work my head up and down on the cock I was sucking on. So the guy I was blowing had to do the work -- gyrating -- grabbing the back of my head -- and fucking my mouth.

As this was going on, a camper picked up the bottle of poppers I had left sitting on the tub ledge. He opened it and held it under each of my nostrils so I could get some huffs. He then handed it to the black guy whose cock I was sucking. When he got his share of huffs, he then passed it to the black twins who also took their share. As a result, our "sex show" picked up in pace.

I wanted both of my holes fucked harder. Cameron, the fucker who I was laying on top of, began sucking on my shoulder. In his sexual, poppered frenzy, Cameron was giving me a hickey. Cain, while fucking me from on top, still had hold of my ankles and was now sucking on my toes like they were mini-cocks. The black guy whose cock I was sucking, bent over me to french kiss the camper who was standing behind me outside the tub. As a result of his bending over me, his tits were available for my sucking -- and I sucked them for all they were worth!

As the frenzy picked up, I knew that some loads were going to be shot. Cameron, underneath me, began shooting his load up inside me. Over and over again until his cock quit, he kept yelling, "Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!" The cock in my mouth was the next to shoot. As I felt the load slide down my throat, the black fucker grunted as he continued to french kiss the camper behind me.

I wondered when Cameron's twin brother, Cain, would shoot his load. It wasn't very long until he began speaking louder and louder and then shouting, "Here it cums. Here it cums! Here it cums!!" Even though Cain's cock was on top of Cameron's, I could still feel it throbbing as it's load mixed with Cain's in my ass.

We all paused a moment before we sort of collapsed around each other. When we did, we did with big smiles on our faces, while the accumlated crowd of naked campers around us cheered and applauded. "Leave it to you, Bob," someone yelled, "to keep us horny!"

"Yeah," someone else yelled, "I've cum twice tonite and now my cock is hard again!" Others laughed in response.

We all crawled out of the tub and when I was out, I became weak-kneed. Two guys quickly got on either side of me and held me up. "I would think you would be pretty weak after all the sex you had tonite," one of them said. "Well, I think you would be right," I said with a smile as I turned my head towards the person I was answering. It was Doc John. I turned to my left and it was his ER nurse, Bill (46,53) . "Hey guys," it's good to see you. Here for the weekend?"

"We wouldn't miss the biker's weekend for anything," answered Bill, "Where can we take ya"

"I think I've had enough for the evening. Could you help me back to my cabin?"

"Glad to," said Doc John, "Just direct us where to go."

So I did as they assisted me on my front porch and through the front door. "Nice little place you've got here," said Bill as he looked around.

"Thanks," I replied, "It was funished just a couple of weeks ago. It's the only place where I can have complete privacy."

"Oh, we get the hint," spoke up Doc John, "We'll leave right now so you can be alone."

"Oh no, don't," I spoke up quickly, "I think I'll head right to bed and I'm not really in the mood to sleep alone tonite -- if you understand what I mean."

"Man," said Doc John with a chuckle, "Your sex libido just doesn't let up."

"Well," I said with a smile, "I may be too tired to do anything, but I can just lay there and be used." So we headed off to bed. I collapsed in the middle and I felt Doc John snuggle up behind me and Bill in front. They both wrapped their arms around me for comfort. I felt both of their cocks swell as Bill was kissing me long and deep and Doc John was feeling up my ass.

As Bill's hard cock gently rubbed against mine, Doc's finger slid into my hole -- then two -- then three. I reached around, gribbed Bill's ass cheeks, pulling him tighter against me making our cocks press against each other tighter. At the same time, I felt Doc's cock slide into my ass. I've been fucked so much this evening, that practically anything can slide up in there right now! Despite how much I've been fucked this evening and how much I've cum, my libido was up and ready to go again. Now matter how much man sex I've had, I've always got some energy saved up for more. I guess that's what makes me a sexaholic.

With Doc's cock working in and out of my asshole like a piston, Bill's and my kissing became deeper and more intense. As Doc's cock continued to fuck me he leaned over and began to nibble on my earlobe. That really sent me over the edge! I couldn't help it -- my hard cock shot again, smearing my load up betwee Bill's and my stomach.

"I'm sorry," I gasped, "Getting fucked and my ear nibbled on just got me off right now. That's never happened to me before.

"That's ok, buddy," Bill said with a smile, "Can John keep fucking you while I clean you up?"

"Fine with me," I replied, "My hole is so loose and open, I can just about handle anything." As Doc John fucked me, he would pull his cock all the way out and then slide it all the way in. His cock was aimed so perfectly for my asshole, that he didn't have to grip it. Bill squirmed down to where he was within easy access to my midsection. He then began to lap up my smeared cumloadd off my stomach. There was some still on my cock head and a little bit still oozing out of my cock slit and he eagerly lapped that up as well.

As Doc John continued to fuck me, I just casually reached down to Bill's stomach and with a couple of fingers wiped off my cum that had desposited on him and put it in Bill's open mouth. He sucked my fingers with a smile, then swallowed it all.

In the meantime, Doc John had wrapped his arms around my waist and began to pound my ass harder with his fucking. I let him do what he wanted. It not only felt great, but if I let him do what he wants with me, he might give me a discount on my next doctor's bill. Well -- just a thought!

He's pretty vocal when he shoots his load -- at least this time when he shoots it up my ass. For when he shot, he yelled and yelled loud.

"My god!" exclaimed Bill, "I don't think I've ever heard a response from him like that before!"

"I don't think I've ever had it this fucking intense before," gasped Doc John, trying to get his breath.

As I laid there, getting drowsy for some sleep, Bill had crawled around to my back side. He parted my ass cheeks and I felt his face press in, his tongue working on my hole, massaging my sphincter muscle to produce the accumulated fuck loads. I relaxed and let them flow out into his waiting mouth. I heard Bill groan in satisfaction at the same time sucking on my hole.

"Will you guys spend the night with me?" I asked, "I really don't like to sleep alone."

"Excuse me, but not yet," spoke up Bill.

"What do you mean?"

"I haven't shot my load yet and I've got some great tasting cum to give."

"I'm so sorry!" I responded, "Here, let me take it." I then moved down to Bill's cock and quickly engulfed it to the base and began my expert blow job.

"I'll join you," said Doc John, "Bill deserves some good satisfaction." He then moved down towards me and began licking and sucking on Bill's balls and nutsack. We both groaned as we orally worked on Bill. We wanted to make sure that he felt included in our sexcapade.

Bill grabbed the back of my head with one hand and grabbed the back of Doc John's with the other as he began his gyration. As he became more intense, we knew he was about to shoot. So Doc John got on either side of his cock and wrapped out lips around the shaft as if we were kissing and Bill's cock was pistoning back and forth through.

Then he came. The large load didn't shoot, but rather it flowed. over both Doc John's and my faces. We felt the pulsating of his cock between our lips. When he was done, Doc John and I got up, looked at each other and smiled. There was plenty of cum on both of our faces. So we leaned towards each other and lick each other's face clean.

We then kissed long and deep, rubbing our cum-covered tongues against each other. We both bent down to Bill and we all did a three-way French kiss, exchanging Bill's big load between us. We rose up and looked at each other. On my nod, we all swallowed at the same time.

I laid back down and nestled into bed. My bed companions also laid down and nestled up against me. We all fell asleep in each other's arms.

I slept so soundly that I didn't even open my eyes until morning when the sun was shining through my window. Just when I realized that I was alone in bed, I smelled coffee, bacon and eggs cooking. I got out of bed and walked into my tiny kitchen. The table set for three -- plates and silverware out along with three glasses of orange juice. Doc John was just putting the eggs and bacon onto the platter and Bill was pouring the coffee. They turned to me and both smiled.

Bill spoke up, "Hope you don't mind us raiding your frig and fixing breakfast."

"I don't mind at all when you are doing the work," I replied yawning, "It was a great night last night, guys. Thanks for spending the night with me. I just don't like sleeping alone."

"Hey," Doc John said, "We enjoyed it as much as you did. Fixing you breakfast is our thanks to you -- not only for a great time, but for doing such a great job running this campground."

I walked up to them both and we had a three-way hug. They both instinctively reached around and groped my ass as we gave each other good morning kisses. Bill pulled back, "Well, breakfast is ready. Let's eat before it gets cold. I think we have a big day ahead of us."

"I hope so," I replied as we all sat down, "This biker's weekend is the biggest event we've planned so far. If it goes as well today as it did yesterday, we will have one great annual event happening."

When we sat down in my kitchen booth, they sat together and I sat across from them. As we talked and laughed together during breakfast, once in a while the foot of one of them would grope my crotch. The toes would wiggle in my ball sack and make me laugh and at the same time, my cock would get hard.

Finally, I couldn't take it any more. I stood up on the bench seat in front of them, grabbed my shaft and began stroking. They continued to eat while I jacked off in front of them. When I was ready to shoot, I began my grunting. As this was a sign to them, they grabbed their glasses of juice and held them under my cock. When I shot, equal amounts went in both glasses.

They then took their spoons and stirred the juice and began drinking. "Nothing like a good protein drink in the morning," said Bill as he gulped down the last swallow.

"I agree," smiled Doc John.

Still standing in front of them, I reached down with my fingers and wiped off the remaining cum that was still oozing out. I put my fingers in my mouth and sucked them. Doc John and Bill watched as they continued to eat. I then sat back down and finished my breakfast. While they cleaned up breakfast, I took a shower.

When I stepped into the living room following the shower, Doc John and Bill were seated there watching television. "We waited for you before we headed out," spoke Bill, "We wanted to say thanks again for everything. With this big crowd here this weekend, we probably won't see you again until some other time."

They stood up and I followed them out on the porch. We stood there for a moment, looking at the crowd of naked guys mingling around. It was obvious that everyone was comfortable for some were walking with their cocks sticking straight out; one in the crowd was on his knees sucking the cock of another, with several watching; one was lap-riding the cock of another on the bench in front of the barn -- and so the scene continues.

Waving goodbye to Doc John and Bill, I thought to myself, "This is going to be some day!"

Next: Chapter 77

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