Gay Campground

By Jarbear Jarbear

Published on Jan 4, 2012


By Write me and let me know what you think. I answer all emails. Also, I have a layout of the campground as I see it when I write the chapters. If you would like one to go along with the chapters as you read them, just ask and I'll email you a copy. I keep an outline of the chapters & list of characters as I go to use as reference so I don't get mixed up. If you'd like an outline, let me know. After every five chapters, I would recommend you ask for an updated outline as I add to it after every chapter.

As I was walking away from my playground, I approached the camper who seemed alone and expressionless. There was no one with him and he seemed very self- conscious. He was looking around and it seemed everyone was oblivious to him being alone - except for me. So I decided to befriend him. "Hi guy! What's up?" I asked.

He looked at the ground in a shy short of way. "Nothing much," he replied, "Really, nothing at all."

I studied his face for moment, "What's wrong? I own and run this campground and it's my responsibility to see that everyone enjoys this place. What can we do for you?"

"I don't know," he replied shyly, "I came alone. I've never been to a place like this. I really don't know what to do. I don't know how to act. I don't know anybody around here."

I was really surprised at his ignorance. I mean, really, just look around and anyone would know what to do. Maybe he's looking around and seeing things differently than I do. Either way, I was going to help this guy out and get him to feel at home.

"Well, let me help you. First of all, you're not the only one who is here for the first time. Second, you're not the only one who doesn't know anybody else around here. Third, walk around and look around. You learn real quick what to do here. And fourth, be yourself -- except don't be shy. You're not going to meet anybody unless you approach them first. Maybe you might be lucky if someone approaches you. Take me, for instance; I approached you. You need to open yourself up to me. Remember: no matter what you do out in the open here, it's nothing new to anyone else. Again, just take a look around you and then be yourself."

He looked all around and noticed all the men and all the action. Even though all were walking around naked, some were wearing leather, reminiscent of bikers. And yet in the large crowd of bikers and campers there was action. In the middle of the street, one camper was on his knees in front of a biker sucking his cock. The biker had his legs spread and his hands were gripping the cocksucker's head. There were a couple of campers standing close by; justing watching the action and stroking their hard cocks.

At a campsite next to them, there was a camper lying on his back on top of the picnic table with his legs in the air. No one was around at the moment so I decided to get this "young whippersnapper" indoctrinated. I said "young" because he almost looked like he wasn't old enough to be at the campground. But I knew that Brad at the registration desk carefully monitored everyone coming in and made sure that their ID's were legitimate. So I had to trust Brad's decision since this young man was naked and didn't have anything on him to prove his age.

I didn't say anything, but motioned for the young camper to follow me. We went to the picnic table and I made the motion for him to watch me. I sat on the picnic table bench in front of this man's ass and leaned forward. The guy I was rimming didn't say anything, but moaned in acceptance of my tongue in his asshole.

For a few minutes I worked diligently licking up and down his asscrack as I intermittently sucked on his hole. I then moved to the side, and still not saying anything, motioned for the young camper to take over -- which he immediately did. I watched him for a little bit and smiled to myself. This young guy knew what he was doing! So I decided to have more fun.

I crawled underneath the picnic table and approached the young man sitting on the bench. As he continued rimming, I got between his legs and engulfed his cock into my mouth. As I began sucking him, I felt his cock in my mouth grow. This was a sure sign he was enjoying all this. I pulled off his cock and licked up and down this shaft and then went for his balls. I got his ballsack good and wet as I spit on it and licked it all over.

As I was working on this young man, I heard some commotion. I looked out from under the table and noticed that there were a few campers who had approached us. One hopped on the table. He was out of sight, so I couldn't tell was he was doing -- obviously something good! Then another camper crawled under the table with me. I moved aside and motioned for him to take over which he gladly did. I then crawled out from under the table.

When I looked up, the young loner was obviously busy -- with four campers who had surrounded him. At first, he looked a little overwhelmed at what was happening, but I had a good feeling that the guys surrounding him will get him accomodated to the situation. So I walked on.

I decided to head toward the parked bikes and see what was going on there. I was amazed. There must have been about fifty bikes all parked in a row. The crowd was packed around them -- everyone looking and admiring the bikes. The bikers were standing around talking and some were being active -- in fact, creative. One was seated on his bike, leaning all the way back with each foot on the handle bars, stroking his hard cock with both of his hands. He was wearing leather chaps and another biker had reached in between his legs -- obviously finger-fucking him while another camper standing on one side was holding a bottle of poppers under his nose. Another was standing on the other side, close to his face, also jacking his cock as if he was either going to shoot on his face or in his mouth.

I decided to stick around and watch to see what happens. Sure enough, the biker jacking close to his face shot his load all over the biker's face. Some fell on his lips and he licked it off, but continuing to jack his own cock. The other biker who helped him with the poppers leaned over and cleaned the cumcovered face with his tongue and then immediately slipped his lips over the jacker's cock. The jacker, still lying on his bike seat, let out a loud yell -- obviously letting everyone know he was shooting in the guy's mouth.

The man who had received both loads, turned around to the bike behind him and let all the cum flow out of his mouth onto the seat. At this point, he was drawing a crowd of interested onlookers. Once the cum was empty, he seductively crawled on and sat himself down on the load. He took hold of the handle bars and with eyes closed and a dreamy look on his face, he squirmed his ass all over the seat until it was spread over his ass. He moved himself forward on the seat, leaning over the handle bars, exposing his cum-covered ass along with the cum-covered bike seat.

With that, two bikers stepped forward on either side of the bike, kneeled down and began licking the seat clean, working their way up to the seated biker. Without stopping, they moved on up to his ass - each biker taking a cheek - and alternately licked his ass clean. When they stood up, the onlookers applauded. I have to admit that it was quite a turnon to watch them.

I moved on down the street, admiring each bike parked along the side. At the same time I watched the different bikers as they mingled around. It was then I recognized someone, It was Jack the biker gang leader (24,47,54,58)! I called out to him and we walked to each other, embraced and kissed. "It's good to see you," I exclaimed, "I'm glad you could make it."

"I wouldn't miss this big fun-and-fuck camp for anything," he replied as he continued to hold me in his arms. His hands dropped down and gripped my ass cheeks. A couple of his fingers found my hole and wriggled in, massaging my prostate. I groaned with a smile.

"Ok," I finally spoke up, "How did last Monday (61-63) turn out? Any of your gang with you here?"

"Hell yes," he said with a smile, "It worked out all the guys but two were admitted to sucking cock, getting their asses fucked and liking it all. The two who didn't decided to find a couple of broads and start their own gang. We split on good terms. My gang came here with me and we pitched our tents together on the far side of the grounds."

Looking around, I said, "I don't see them anywhere. Where are they?"

"Don't know and don't care. Would you stand around and talk and gawk when there's all this fine cock dancin' around everywhere?"

"I guess not," I laughed.

"Hey, I've got a fantasy I'd like to try out with ya. Interested?"

"Sure! What ya got in mind?"

"My bike is right here and the crowd is here. Sure would like to fuck ya here on my bike in front of these guys."

"You got it, good buddy! I'm game."

Jack then got on his bike, sat down, leaned back and stroked his cock to the hardness of a steel pipe. I crawled on in front of him and then lowered myself onto his rod. It easily slid into my well-fucked ass. I glided all the way down to the base so far and so deep that it almost felt like his cockhead was going to pop up through my throat. I sure do like a good, deep fuck!

I grabbed the handle bars of his bike for leverage and went for a ride on a bike that went nowhere and enjoyed it. As I was riding him, Jack continued to lean back on his bike and put his hands behind his head, smiling in enjoyment. Bikers standing around us watched and began jacking their cocks, enjoying the show Jack and I were giving them.

With his cock still in me, he sat up, wrapped his arms around my chest and nuzzled his face in the nap of my neck which gave me goosebumps. He then whispered in my ear, "Wanna go for a double ride?"

Turning my head his way, I asked, "What do you mean by that?"

"Let's take a trip around the grounds together. You ride my cock as I ride my bike. Let's see what that's like."

"I don't know," I replied hesitantly, "Isn't that a little dangerous."

He nibbled my earlobe and whispered again, "I'm an expert bike rider. We won't go fast. We'll go slow so the guys we pass can see what's going on. Come on, let's do it. It'll be fun!"

"Wel-l-l-l, okay," I said. I stood up, pulling off Jack's cock so that he could get his bike started. Once it did, he sat back down and I sat back down as well - on his cock.

He started down the circle drive slowly - around the camper trailers that were parked on both sides. The campers walking on the road parted, allowing us to continue on. As Jack's hands were on the handle bars, my hands were on his for balance. I began sliding up and down on his cock as we continued down the street to the amazement of the onlookers. Once they caught what we were doing, they cheered us on.

I was rather enjoying this unusual experience as we went around the circle. Once we got around the circle, Jack headed for the entrance. We were leaving the grounds - naked! "Hey! Wait a minute!" I yelled. Jack just laughed as we went down the drive. Once we got to the end of the drive, Jack steered onto the road - and then we sped off.

I was terrified! We not only were speeding, but we were buck naked and on top of that we were still fucking! Yes, I was terrified, but I had this feeling of exhilaration at the same time. We went around the country block which was a mile each way while I was praying that no one would catch us and get us arrested. We were just about to make it free a clear - taking the last mile back to the entrance of the campground when I saw two guys walking along the road towards us, each carrying a rifle.

"Oh, fuck," I thought, "This is it!"

As we approached them, Jack began to slow down. "Don't stop," I begged, "Let's get out of here!" Jack just laughed.

As we got to them, Jack pulled over towards them and stopped. "This is it," I thought, "We're shit!"

"Hey guys, what's happenin?" Jack called out. The guys walked towards us with their mouths open at the sight before them.

"Well, we're bird huntin'," one of them stammered, "What the fuck are you guys doing?"

"Just what you said," replied Jack with a chuckle, "We're fucking. Only we're killing two birds with one stone as they say. We're fucking and riding." I said nothing. I just sat still on his cock - stupified.

"Well," the other hunter said, "Looks like you're having better luck at 'killing birds' than us." He gave a weak chuckle.

With that, I sensed they didn't mind what they saw. So I began to slowly and cautiously resume riding Jack's still hard cock. Jack in the meantime, had shut off his motor, leaned back on the seated and put his hands behind his head again - as before. He seemed to be so casual with all this risk-taking!

But then the hunters gave me more confidence. They were standing there watching me - each holding a rifle in one hand and groping their crotches with the other. I realized then that they wanted to join in.

But Jack caught on just before me, because he spoke up, "Looks like you guys like what you see. Wanna join in on some of the fun?"

"Right here on the road?" one of them asked incredulously.

"Why not? A lot of the fun is when it's in public and before other watchers. Right, Bob?"

I could only clear my throat with a weak, "Sure. That's the way I like it." I crawled off Jack, stood on the road next to him, bent over, and began to orally bob up and down on his cock. As I did so, I heard Jack give a soft moan and encourage the two hunters to join us.

As I continued to give Jack a blowjob, I felt a hand on my ass. It felt tentative at first, then it slid up and down my crack. A finger then probed in easily - of course it would because my ass had been so fucked up, that I'm sure just about anything would slide in with ease. Still sucking, I reached around behind me and felt a cock. I took hold of it and pulled it towards my ass, indicating to the young hunter that he was to fuck me. Sure enough, he responded.

The other hunter strolled around to the other side of the bike close to where I was sucking Jack. His cock was now sticking straight out through the fly of his jeans. I reached out to him - still sucking - and he stepped towards me. I pulled him right next to Jack, his cock right alongside Jack's. I took both of them in my mouth as best I could. What a mouthful!

Can one say I was being "triple fucked"? Either way, the situation was hot! Fucked in the ass and double fucked in the mouth -- how could I be any happier!?! Then I heard, "What the hell is going on here?"

I quickly looked up from my sucking and there stood an older man holding a rifle. I felt the cock in my ass pull out quickly and heard, "Dad!"

Both young hunters quickly stuffed their cocks inside their jeans and just stood there. Their father stood there a moment and pondered the situation, "Now I know why you guys never went out with girls or got married. You like pricks instead of pussies!"

I then stood up indignent, "We don't have pricks! We have cocks. Pricks are small dicks." I then flagged my cock in front of him and said, "Do these look like pricks?"

"Oh God!" one of the sons said under his breath, "Don't make it worse!"

I didn't care. I had Jack on my side and considering the situation, the boys would help me out too since their dad now knew about them. I stood in front of the father, naked and with my hard cock sticking straight out attempting to star him down.

The father stood there with a stern stare back at me. A minute must have passed in complete silence. Then a smile began to appear on his face. "You boys are adults now, I guess you should know. Your mom left me because I couldn't leave guys alone. Now you know. So don't be afraid of what you're doin'. Can I join in?"

Once the sons got over their surprise, one spoke up, "Fuck, yeah, paw!" The family then undid their jeans and dropped them - all three began stroking their cocks, ready for whatever may happen. Jack, in the meantime, hopped off the bike and simply turned around and bent over, indicating he wanted to be fucked.

I sided next to Jack and bent over as well. The father and his two sons looked at us. Then the father spoke, "Well, boys, help yourself to the buffet!" The sons stepped up to Jack and I and slid their cocks in. Acting like twins, their both grabbed our hips for balance and in perfect tempo, together began their fucking routine. The father walked around to the other side of the bike and then approached us. He was gripping his cock and aiming it straight towards Jack and I. We both had our mouths open, eager for a mouth full of cock and to swallow a good cumload.

Jack and I took turns sucking on the dad's cock while the sons behind us were giving us a great ride. Then Dad spoke, "Whaddya say boys, let's give them our loads and get to home. We gotta get our chores done. And I have a couple of other things in mind to do." So they increased their anal and oral fucking on us. The sons were the first to shoot their loads in us and it wasn't a minute before the father shot his load into Jack's mouth. Jack, the kind soul that he was, willingly shared some of the load with me. We were definitely all satisfied!

They pulled their pants up and zipped up as Jack and I got back on the bike. We waved as we sped off. Within two minutes we were back at the campground. When Jack stopped his bike to get off, I just sat there. I couldn't believe just what happened. But then it did. And I smiled!

Next: Chapter 73

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