Gay Campground

By Jarbear Jarbear

Published on Nov 2, 2011


By Write me and let me know what you think. I answer all emails. Also, I have a layout of the campground as I see it when I write the chapters. If you would like one to go along with the chapters as you read them, just ask and I'll email you a copy. I keep an outline of the chapters & list of characters as I go to use as reference so I don't get mixed up. If you'd like an outline, let me know. After every five chapters, I would recommend you ask for an updated outline as I add to it after every chapter.

I got back to my office and resumed my paperwork in settng goals for the campground, studying financials as well as the publicity. I was getting a lot of work done when at 3:30, I heard the buzzer at the back door telling me that there was a delivery in the back building. Brad wasn't around. I let out a groan because I was really getting into my work. I was accomplishing a lot, yet I needed to get things planned for this weekend for our regular weekenders.

I went out the back door and through the delivery building door. I put on the jumpsuit, remembering that it's best not to alarm the delivery people who aren't use to us. Once I got the jumpsuit on I walked out to the counter. There were two men standing there, one holding a clipboard. I've just seen them a number of weeks ago, but couldn't remember their names. But I sure do remember our sexual encounter! (See ch.47)

"Hi!" I called out to them, "What can I do for ya?"

"We have a large delivery to make here. I believe it's supplies for your canteen/store."

He handed the clipboard to me to read the invoice. I looked at it carefully. It was quite a large delivery and I was alarmed at the bottom line amount. "Who in the hell made this order?" I thought to myself. On the order line, it said, "Kevin." I decided to get Kevin over here to look this over and make sure everything is here that was ordered before I sign for it. "I'll be right back," I told them.

I exited the building and entered into the registration building. Brad was back. "Get on the speaker and call for Kevin. Tell him that I want to meet him in the delivery building."

"Right boss," said Brad. He then opened the drawer to the registration desk, reached for a bottle of poppers, and handed it to me.

"What's this for?" I asked as I took it.

Brad laughed, "I know what goes on back there. I know you like to use this stuff sometimes."

I laughed as I put it in my pocket and returned to the delivery men in the back building. Approaching the men, I spoke, "I called the canteen manager to come and confirm the order. I'm sorry, but it might be a little while for him to get here. He's a quadraplegic and this place is not as handicap accessible as it should be." Then I gave a quirky smile, "Got anything in mind while we're waiting?"

One looked at the other, "Well, Jerrod, what do you think?"

Jerrod gave a look as if he was in thought, "Well, Dan, something always comes to mind whenever I have free time." (Now I got their names -- I've got to remember them!)

"What's that?"

"Man-to-man sex! I always want it."

"I can help both of you out with that!" I spoke up. I slipped my hand in my pocket for the bottle. I pulled the zipper on my jumpsuit all the way down, slipped it offer my shoulders and let it fall to the floor. I stepped out of it towards them. There I was in all of my nakedness with my cock growing rigid right before their eyes.

"I'm here for ya," I continued, "My cock, my mouth, my ass. I'm a very generous person." I spread my feet a little further apart, began stroking my cock and said, "I'm willing to share any part of me with whatever you want."

Dan smiled, "I love making deliveries to this place! How about getting down on your knees right here and sucking my cock? I've got a load in my balls that needs to be released and I'd be glad to give it to ya.

I was more than willing. I immediately got down my knees in front of him. I unbuckled his belt, unbuttoned and unzipped his slacks, and then pulled them down to his ankles. There was his cock hanging in front of me. It wasn't limp, but it wasn't hard either. It had a nice arch to it and I took hold of it and gave it a few strokes. As I was stroking Dan, I looked over to Jerrod and spoke, "You going to just stand there and watch or are you going to join in?"

Jerrod smiled, "I like to get naked too. Sure I'm going to join in!" With that, he eagerly stripped and it wasn't but a moment before he was joining me on the floor in front of Dan. We took turns licking and sucking on Dan's cock. Sometimes while Jerrod sucked him, I would get under Dan and nuzzle my face in his balls and lick his nut sack. Then as Jerrod and I kiss, Dan would work his cock between our lips.

I then spoke up, "Dan, might as well get all those clothes off and get yourself comfortable." I quickly looked over at Jerrod and noticed that he had stroked his cock into a hardon.

It looked so appetizing and boy, I wanted it! I wanted to massage Jerrod's hard shaft with my lips. I wanted him to fuck my mouth until his jizz shot down my gullet. But I wanted Dan's cock down my throat too. I was just as hungry for his cumload as Jerrod's. I motioned for Jerrod to stand up which he did. He got close next to Dan so that their cockheads were together. I took a hold of them -- one in each hand -- and opened my mouth wide to see ho much of their cocks together I could swallow. As both heads were in my mouth, I began stroking both cocks furiously.

I was really getting into it when I heard, "Hey! What's going on here?" I quickly turned my head and noticed it was Kevin. There he was, sitting naked in his wheelchair with Travis, his caregiver, standing behind him. With a silly grin on his face he asked, "Is this a private threesome, or can we join in on the action?"

"I don,t know," said Dan, "I never sexed with a quad before."

"Don't worry," I answered, "His arms and legs may not work, but I assure you, the rest of him works just fine! Don't feel inhibited just because he's in a wheelchair." Then turning to Kevin and Travis, I said, "Come on over, guys. Let's teach Dan and Jerrod what Kevin can do."

Travis wheeled Kevin over and stopped in front of me. I got on Kevin's wheelchair and straddled it by placing my knees on each arm. This put my cock right at Kevin's face level. I gave my cock a couple of strokes, then when Kevin opened his mouth, I slid it right in. Kevin got my hard shaft tingling and as I spoke out, I couldn't help but gasp a couple of time, "What Kevn can't do with his hands, he sure makes up for it with his mouth." I grabbed his head and began fucking his mouth harder.

"Aren't you hurting him?" Jerrod asked in surpise.

I pulled my cock out of Kevin's mouth and let him speak, "Not at all. I've gotten use to takng cock down my throat. Come on over and try me."

I crawled off to let Jerrod try him out. He stood in front of Kevin stroking his hard cock. "You're gonna have to get on the chair to get the benefit of my mouth," said Kevin.

I helped Jerrod get on the wheelchair and in the meantime, Travis stepped over to Dan, wrapped his arms around Dan's neck and began to deep kissing him. As their tongues worked together, Dan wrapped his arms around Travis' waist. He pulled Travis against him so that their hard cocks were pressed against each other.

In the meantime, Kevin opened his mouth, indicating to Jerrod to slide his cock in which he did. "Awe fuck!" he cried out, "This is some cocksucking!"

"Yeah, I know," I replied, smiling to myself, "Go ahead, grab his head and fuck his mouth hard. He likes that!"

So that's what Jerrod did. Kevin, though his mouth was full of Jerrod's cock, moaned loudly to show his satisfaction. Jerrod tipped his head back as he continued fucking Kevin's mouth and moaned right along with him.

Meanwhile, back to Dan and Travis, Dan had reached down behind Travis and began feeling his ass. His fingers began sliding up and down the ass crack and once in a while, the middle finger would probe Travis' hole. "Mmmm!" said Dan as he momentarily broke away from kissing Travis, "Your ass feels mighty fine!"

"Yeah, to your hands," Travis replied, "But what about your cock?"

"I don't know," Dan chuckled, "I guess it's going to have to find out for itself."

"Sounds fine to me," said Travis with a smile. He slowly turned around with his back to Dan and gently pushed his ass crack against Dan's hard cock.

"Feels good so far," said Dan as he gripped his shaft and aimed it for Travis' winking asshole.

"Hey Bob," Travis called out to me, "Come over here. I need some leverage for this fuck job."

I stepped over in front of Travis. He took hold of my waist and bend over, giving Dan easier access to his ass. Of course, being bent over, his face was in my crotch. While he was down there, his mouth engulfed my cock. As the sucking and fucking was going on, I opened up my bottle of poppers and took some huffs. I then held it out to Dan, offering some for his pleasure.

"Never had the stuff," said Dan, not missing a steady pumping of his cock in Travis' ass, "Don't know what it's like."

Travis pulled his mouth off my cock long enough to reply, "It's great! I really like it because it gets me sexually intense. Go ahead, it's worth a try."

Dan leaned over to me and I assisted him with his huffs. I put the bottle under one nostril and closed the other. Dan took two huffs. Then I did the same with the other. Then I held it down to Travis who knew just what to do. I then took a couple of extra huffs and then capped the bottle.

"Are you feeling it?" I asked Dan.

"Oh yeah!" Dan gasped, "I feel like I wanna fuck harder. Man! There's all this sex feeling building up inside of me!"

"Go for it!" said Travis as he picked up the pace with Dan's thrusts. He also began sucking me harder and deeper. I looked over to Jerrod and Kevin. I could tell that Jerrod wasn't feeling quite secure of keeping his balance on the wheelchair, but it was obvious he was enjoying the mouthjob that Kevin was giving him. I wanted to help him, but the cumload in my balls were churning and I knew at any moment I was going to spray Travis' gullet and feed him my personal protein.

I was right. I felt the pressure in me build up and my cock exploded, shooting my cum into Travis' mouth like a powerful watergun. Dan couldn't help but yell as he gave a final thrust of his cock into Travis' ass. When Dan was done shooting, he shuddered a couple of times. Travis finally let my now limp cock slip out of his mouth.

I looked over at Kevin and Jerrod and then down at Travis, "I think we should help those two out a little bit. It looks like Jerrod is kind of awkward trying the balancing act on that wheelchair.

I agree," said Travis as he straightened himself up. In so doing Dan's now limp cock easily slid out. Travis and I stepped over to Kevin and Jerrod. I help Jerrod get off the wheelchair. Then Travis and I gently leaned back the chair until the back was close to the floor and Kevin was laying on his back in the chair. I led Jerrod around and told him to squat down over Kevin's face which he carefully did.

Once Jerrod's asscrack was planted on Kevin's face, Kevin began probing his asshole with his tongue. Jerrod suddenly gave a delighted look of surprise. I opened my popper bottle and let him take a couple of huffs. After a moment, Jerrod closed his eyes and began working his ass around on Kevin's face. Travis stepped up to Jerrod and offered him his hard cock. After all the fucking Dan and I did on Travis, I knew that Travis' load was building up and it would take very little coaxing for it to shoot.

Still sitting on Kevin's face, Jerrod reached out to Travis, took hold of him by the hips and pulled him closer. He hungrily engulfed Travis' iron-pipe cock and swallowed as much of it as he could. Travis grabbed the back of Jerrod's head with both of his hands and with only a few pumps, emptied his cum-filled balls into Jerrod's open throat.

Once Travis got his breath, he pulled out. But Jerrod still wasn't satisfied. He immediately stood up, turned around, squatted down with both of his knees on either side of Kevin's head. Stroking his cock, Jerrod aimed it for Kevin's open mouth. He took a direct aim and shot his load onto Kevin's tongue which was sticking out. The cumload ozzed on in and Kevin swallowed it all with a gulp. He then looked at everyone and smiled as we set his wheelchair back up.

Once we got our breaths and relaxed a minute, I had Kevin check over the order. It looked fine and we checked all the boxes on the truck. "Where do you want them unloaded?" Dan asked.

"Well," Kevin replied, "You can unload them here or if it's all right with Bob, you can drive on around to the canteen/store and unload them in the storeroom." They then looked at me.

"Fine with me if you take it to the canteen/store. Do you know where it's at?"

"We've never been past the entrance. We've always delivered here. We unload the order, have our sex, then leave."

I gave them a look of surprise, "You've never seen the campground -- after how many deliveries?"

"I don't know how many deliveries," replied Dan, "but it's been three years, I know."

"Well then, it's time you start to get acquainted with the layout of the place. Drive on around and we'll meet you at the entrance."

Kevin then spoke up, "You know, this is why I want to live here. Why I'm buying one of your Katrina cottages. I like meeting new people, having sex with them in unusual places."

Dan looked at me, "You're selling places to live?"

"Sure! Are you interested?"

"If it's anything like I think it is, I'd make a deposit this weekend!"

"Well then, let me show you around. I'll let you stay the weekend free if you're serious in buying a place."

As Dan and Jerrod eagerly hopped in the truck, I went around the back way to meet them at the entrance. "Way to go!" I thought to myself. Now this is a good way to sell campground property!"

Next: Chapter 68

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