Gay Campground

By Jarbear Jarbear

Published on Sep 16, 2011


By Write me and let me know what you think. I answer all emails. Also, I have a layout of the campground as I see it when I write the chapters. If you would like one to go along with the chapters as you read them, just ask and I'll email you a copy. I keep an outline of the chapters & list of characters as I go to use as reference so I don't get mixed up. If you'd like an outline, let me know. After every five chapters, I would recomment you ask for an updated outline as I add to it after every chapter.

I don't know how long I was sleeping in Roy's back private bedroom, but it sure was a wonderful sleep. I was dreaming that I was having a great fuck. I was lying on my stomach on a bed and whoever was fucking me was on top. We had a slow and easy rhythm going and I was moaning in ecstacy as his cock was sliding deep into me. I pushed my ass up and back to take in as much of that rod as I could.

As I was waking up, I realized that I really was doing that rhythm -- and I was sleeping through it! And there really was someone on top of me -- and there really was a cock sliding in and out of my ass! I don't know what this guy was thinking. Did he think he was raping me? As I've said several times before, "You can never rape the willing." Either way, I was enjoying it. I didn't give a fuck who this guy was or where he was from; he was doing a great job and I was thoroughly enjoying it.

He didn't change his style at all. The pace didn't change - the deep fuck didn't change. It was constant. And I kept my rhythm as well, not letting on that I was awake. With his deep breathing and the dirty talk under his breath, I knew he was loving it -- and I was loving it too! Then there was a quick, quiet gasp and I felt his load shoot in me. He held his cock deep in me for a moment until he was finished, then quietly pulled out.

I didn't make a move as he carefully crawled off me, not wanting to wake me. I didn't make a sound or even open my eyes as he was getting dressed. When I heard the door open, all I said was, "Thanks for the fuck." I heard him gasp. He slammed the door shut and I heard his footsteps as he ran out.

I got dressed and walked out of the backroom into the store. There were a few customers browsing around, so I couldn't speak up. Roy was standing at the checkout and as I approached him, he gave me that smartass smile. He knew what happened back there and I knew he had something to do with it.

As I stepped up to him, he asked, "Did you enjoy it?"

"I have to confess, I did."

"Do you know the guy?"

"I didn't see who it was."

Startled, he asked, "What happened?"

"I was asleep and when I woke, he was fucking me, but I didn't let him know I was awake until he was walking out the door."

"So that's why he acted scared when he ran out the door."

"So, did you rent me out for sex?"With a smirk, he replied, "Let's say I rented the room." I just stared at him. He continued, "But it has given me a great idea. With Jake's back room space and mine along with the upstairs space, we might have be able to charge admission for guys to hang around back there.

"I don't know," I said with hesitation, "Just because it happened once, doesn't mean you can keep sending them back there." I was setting him up. First, I wanted to find out if he could really send them back there and second, even though I got fucked good, I was in the mood to suck some more cock. "Let's take a bet: I'll go back there and if you can send someone back there to me in ten minutes, I'll give you free advice on how to get the business started as well as some investment collateral." I extended my hand to him, "What do you say?"

He paused a moment, then reached out his hand to me, "You've got a deal."

I turned around and walked back to his bedroom, stripped down and laid on the bed I stared at the clock on the wall, stroking my cock as I anxiously wait to see if Roy could make the bet. Sure enough, in seven minutes, there was a knock on the door. "Come in," I called out.

In he walked -- stark naked. "What did you do, walk through the store naked?" I asked.

"No, I was instructed after I paid that I had to be naked before I knocked on the door. That was the rule of the place."

I stood up and walked to him. I cupped his face in my hands and kissed him long and deep. He responded by wrapping his arms around my neck and responding in the same manner. With the intensity of his kiss, I knew this was going to be fun. I kissed my way down his body until I was on my knees before his hard cock. I licked the piss slit first, then the crown and then the full length under his shaft. I kissed where the base of his cock and his ball sack met. I licked his sack until it was totally wet and dripping. I sucked on each nut gently. The whole time he had his hands on my head to keep his balance for his knees were shaking in excitement.

I stood back up, took him by the hand and led him to the bed. "I can't stay long. I gotta meet a friend next door."

"That's okay," I replied as we laid down on the bed next to each other, "This won't take long. I gotta leave too. I'm just here to suck a cock and maybe take a cumload."

"Great! That's all the time I got for."

"Well then, sit on my face and while I rim out your ass, you jack that cock of yours. When you are about to shoot, stick it in my mouth and give it to me."

"I don't know -- I've never been rimmed before."

"Trust me, you'll love it." As he got up to maneuver around to sit on my face, I pulled out my new bottle of poppers, opened it, and took a couple of huffs."

"I've never had that stuff before. Can I try it?"

"Sure," I said and I showed him how to do it.

Once his ass sat down on my face, I heard him moan, "Oh god! I feel fucking great." When I began my expert rim job on him he moaned some more, "Oh fuck, this is so awesome!"

I gripped his ass cheeks with both hands to get better control and had him ride my face good. His ass was hairy and I loved the feel as his ass hairs rubbed on my cheeks. I kept my tongue wet as his asscrack rode its length across the tip of it. He was pumping furiously for he didn't want to be late to meet his friend.

His panting then became harder and faster and I knew that any time now I would be fed. Then he raised up so that his cock was above me and then shoved it in my mouth. He gave me four good squirts of cum which satisfied my hunger for cum (at least for now).

He fell back on the bed, continuing to gasp and pant. When all that finally subsided, he was able to speak, "That was fantastic! Does the owner here run a business back here?"

I chuckled, "No. It was a bet we had. But your the result by which a business will be started here." I explained the story to him. "By the way," I asked extending my hand, "My name is Bob. What's yours?"

"I'm Steve," he said taking my hand. He studied me for a moment and then asked, "Haven't I seen you somewhere before?"

"I don't know. The only place I've been for the last few weeks except here has been at a campground a ways from here."

He immediately snapped his finger and pointed at me, "That's where I've seen you -- at the campground!"

"Oh, you've been there?"

"Just once for the day, but I loved it. I'm trying to save up money and the time to go back." Then he crawled out of bed and stood up, "I gotta get going to meet my friend. Sometimes he doesn't like to wait."

"Is he gay like you?"

"Oh no," he said firmly. Then he paused, "I don't think so. He doesn't know about me. If he does, I'm afraid he'll beat the hell out of me. he can do that, you know."

"What is it that bikers are afraid of that they have to beat gay guys?"

"I don't know. We just don't talk about it. Well, I'm going. Maybe I'll see you around sometime."

"I hope so," I said with a smile. And then he stepped out of the room and closed the door. I gave him enough time until I was sure he was dressed and gone. Then I dressed and left.

As I was walking back to Roy, I was thinking about his idea of a cruising area. I immediately foresaw some problems; mainly, competition. When I approached him, I spoke up, "Well, you're going to have to remodel it, do some advertising discreetly, and the list goes on. You're going to need some help and advice or else you're going to be in real trouble. How about me helping you out since I'm running a successful campground?"

"Let me talk to Jake, first and I'll get back with ya."

"Fine with me. I'll be waiting for your reply. Don't forget the biker's weekend coming up. I'll include you in the advertising." I gave him the thumbs up and walked out the door.

Going in next door to the salloon had me nervous. I was shaking a little when I walked through the door. But what the hell -- no guts, no glory.

I walked through the door with confidence, acting as if I've been there before and headed straight for the bar. Jake walked up to me, looked at me and gave me a slight twitch of a smile, "What can I get ya, bud?"

"I'll take a Bud."

"You got it." He reached down in the cooler, pulled out a bottle, popped the cap and set it on the counter in front of me. I paid him and refused the change. I turned around and visually surveyed the premises. There were quite a few bikers there and I recognized a good number of them belonging to Jack's group. I then saw Jack and when he saw me, he gave me a slight nod, acknoledging my presence.

Jack called out loudly, "Hey guys! Look who just walked in." He then slowly and casually strolled towards me. I didn't make a move. "Looks like after what we did to him, he had to come back for more! I don't know about you guys, but it just so happens that I'm in the mood for some pussy ass."

Jake then spoke with authority, "Hey guys -- no ass fuckin' in my bar. It's against the law and I'm not about to lose my bar. Take it outside -- if you have to, take it out back. I run a clean bar here -- at least I try to."

Jack stood there looking at me with lust, "Whattya say? How about taking your ass out back and satisfying our hard cocks -- maybe some of us could use some good blowjobs as well. Of course, if you're not up to it..."

"I'm up to it," I shot back, "I'm very much up to it. Follow me." I headed to the back door and then stopped short of opening it. I turned slowly around and faced Jack, "This time, it's going to be one-on-one. At least do me the favor of keeping it private. I'll take them on -- one at a time. You stay at the door and when one returns, the next one can come out. Right now, it's my way or no way. You try to make it any different, I'll call the cops for male rape."

Jack stood there and stared at me for a moment, then replied, "Fair enough."

"Give me a moment out back and I'll let you know when to send the first one."

I stepped out back and closed the door behind me. I quickly surveyed the situation. Where were Trey and Joe? They said they would be here. Sure enough, they stood up from behind the dumpster and waved to me and then showed me their cell phones. They were going to take pics of the members in "compromising positions." I gave them the hand "OK" sign. I examined my surroundings and set crates and boxes up so that everything would be condusive for the bikers to have easy sex.

I then walked to the back door and opened it. Jack was sitting there on the stood. "I'm here to man things -- I'm controling who goes out and who comes back in."

"Good," I said, "Wait about thirty seconds, then let the first guy through. It'll give me a chance to get in position." I closed the door and then walked to my setup area, laid on my back, lifted my legs in the air and then waited.

Within a few seconds, the first biker walked out. When he saw me, he stopped in his tracks. I reached between my legs and took hold of the ring to my ass zipper and slowly pulled it, seductively smiling at him and licking my lips. "Well fuck," he gasped, "will ya look at that."

"Looking at it is one thing, but doing something about it is another. So -- are you going to do something about it?"

"Sure fuckin' am!" He walked up to my ass and stood there looking at me between my legs. He reached out and put his hand through my ass zipper and felt my crack. He ran his finger up and down the crack and every time his finger came to my hole, he poked it in a little. I moaned in satisfaction.

He then looked around as if he was making sure he wasn't being watched. Quietly, he asked, "Is anyone around here?"

"This place has a high board fence," I answered, "And Jack is watching the door so we have our privacy. What do you think?"

"Well," he said with hesitancy, "There's a couple of things I wanna do with you, but don't want anyone else to know."

"Help yourself. I'm open to anything -- especially my mouth and ass."

We smiled at each other and then he got down on his knees. He pushed my zipper a little further apart for easy access, then pushed his face in. As he did, I draped my legs over his shoulders as he rooted in my asscrack. "Bingo! Number one," I thought.

While his face was buried in my ass, I looked over towards the dumpster. Trey and Joe stood up from behind it, raised their phones and each took a pic. They then lowered down again. "This guy is pretty good," I thought to myself, "I wonder what else he is good at."

"You fuck good -- I remember. You sure do a good job rimming my ass. Anything else you can do?"

He pulled his face from my ass, smiled at me and replied, "Sure!" He stood up, gave my cock a few strokes and then plowed his mouth down over it all the way to the base. When he pulled back up, he sealed his lips around my cock and gave it great suction. I'll tell you -- that got my balls a tinglin! I glanced up just in time to catch Trey and Joe take another pic before they disappeared again.

With my hands, I took hold of his head to stop his sucking. "You better get yourself finished here. I'm on a schedule and if you spend too much time with me, your biker buddies will get suspicious." Reaching in my hip pocket, I pulled out my campground business card, "Here, take this and meet me later sometime and we'll really get it on."

He took my card, slipped it in his pocket and unzipped himself. He pulled out his now hard cock and slipped it in my hole easily. As he was fucking me he said, "I tasted some cum in your ass. I thinked you've already been fucked this evening."

"I've always been fucked recently. My ass is a public depository."

"Well, who'sever it is, it sure tasted good!" With that, he pumped my ass a little harder. Finally, he let out a loud grunt, jammed his cock all the way in and held it there. I felt his cum spray my insides.

When he finally relaxed, he pulled out and said, "That was fuckin' good."

"You better get back before they start talking."

The biker went to the back door and gave it a couple of knocks. Jack opened it to let him in and glanced at me. I gave him a slight nod, indicating that this guy is gay. Jack gave a slight nod back indicating he understood. "Next!" he said and let the next biker into my arena.

Next: Chapter 62

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