Gay Campground

By Jarbear Jarbear

Published on Sep 8, 2011


By Write me and let me know what you think. I answer all emails. Also, I have a layout of the campground as I see it when I write the chapters. If you would like one to go along with the chapters as you read them, just ask and I'll email you a copy. I keep an outline of the chapters & list of characters as I go to use as reference so I don't get mixed up. If you'd like an outline, let me know. After every five chapters, I would recomment you ask for an updated outline as I add to it after every chapter.

I got to the city in plenty of time. In fact, I was early. I easily found a space a couple of blocks away from the Dog Bone Saloon. For some reason, I didn't want to park too close. So I took an easy stroll to scope out the area. Next door to the saloon was a leather store. So I stepped in to look around. Aah! I love the smell of leather!

I didn't see anyone around so I decided to browse the racks. I pulled off the rack a vest that caught my attention. I was examining it closely when a voice behind startled me and cause me to drop it on the floor, "Hi. Can I help you with anything?"

"No thanks, but I'm just browsing right now." I said as I bent over to pick up the vest. I didn't realize that when I did, my shirttail pulled up exposing the ringed zipper on my ass.

"You got your pants on backwards, buddy," the voice said calmly.

I turned around slowly to face him, "No, I don't." I then pulled apart my front shirttails and showed him my front fly.

He furrowed his brow quizzicaly at first, but then it softened when he realized what I meant. I turned back to the rack to hang up the vest when I felt his hand on my ass and heard his voice, "Is this open to the public?" he said as he unzipped me and slipped his hand in.

"You opened the door. I guess I can't lock it now," I said with a smirk.

His hand gently massaged my ass as his middle finger slipped easily into my hole. I held onto the rack for balance as his hand investigated my ass further. I felt his breath on my neck as he spoke, "Mmm, your ass feels good. Your asshole is loose. I feel some cum in there. You've been fucked lately?"

"Buddy," I replied, "I fuck so much that there isn't a time when I've already been fucked."

He gently laughed, "I understand. Mind if I fuck you? I sure would like to slide my hard cock up in there."

I liked his forwardness and it turned me on. "Go ahead. You know by now I like being fucked."

I heard him unzip himself and felt his cock press against my ass. I reached behind me and guided his cock straight to my hole and it slipped in easily. "Oh fuck!" he gasped, "That feels so good!"

The feeling of a cock sliding in and out of my ass is such a great feeling. The anticipation is exciting knowing that the cock up in me is going to shoot a delicious cumload. He took hold of my hips with both hands as he began his fucking rhythm and I grabbed the rack with both hands for an easy ride. I had bent over and stuck out my ass to give him an easier fuck. Nothing else was said. Why say anything when the fucking is going so well?

He then began to pick up the pace as he continued pump my hole with his cock like a piston. I tightened my sphincter muscle around his cock to add to the excitement. He let out a loud grunt and I felt my insides being hosed. He kept his cock pushed all the way in me and held it there until it stopped throbbing and had gone limp. Then it popped out.

"Thanks for the fuck," he said, "I felt so horny all day and I haven't been able to get any ass or pussy. "

"So I guess you swing both ways -- you're bi."

"I guess you could say that. I'm pretty much a top." Then he extended his hand, "By the way, I'm Roy."

I took his hand and shook it, "I'm Bob, I'm gay and I'm both top, bottom and every other which way."

"I haven't seen you around. Is this your first time in town?"

"Yeah, I just invested in a gay campground and now run it. This is my first chance to come into town. I wanted to go in next door to the saloon and hope to do a little advertising for a gay biker's weekend I got planned in a few weeks."

Roy shook his head slowly back and forth, "I don't know. You better be careful over there. It's not a gay bar and the bikers may not take kindly to gay guys."

"I think I'll be okay," I said as I looked into the display case, "Oh, I see you sell poppers and cock rings."

"Of course! Poppers and cock rings aren't just for gay guys."

"I'm glad you got poppers. I forgot to bring mine with me. I'll buy a couple of bottles." After a thoughtful pause, I continued, "I suddenly thought of something. I'm building a canteen and store at the campground, but it won't be done by the time of the biker's weekend. Would you be willing to bring down your goods and set up a booth for the weekend?"

"That sounds great. Be glad to do business with ya!"

I gave him the date and details as well as directions to the campground. We got everything planned out and he seemed excited to start this new business adventure. Then he got a thought, "I'm going to call Jake."

"Who's Jake?"

"He's the owner of the saloon next door. If I put in a good word for ya, maybe you won't get in any trouble."

"What makes you think I'll be okay with him?"

"Wel-l-l-l, he and I have had some fun with guys. I think he'll stand up for ya when things get tight -- especially if you do something special for him."

"I'm almost afraid to ask -- like what?"

"Well, you were a mighty nice fuck for me. If you do the same for him, I'm sure that he'll help you out in any way he can. Would that be okay with you?"

"Well, you know how much I like being fucked -- but remember, I like to fuck as well -- the same way with sucking cock and being sucked. You know the Greek, French, active, passive

terms -- I guess I'm all that. You might say I'm an all-around good guy."

Roy chuckled, "Let me give him a call and see if he's interested. Mind keeping an eye on the place? I'll only be gone a minute."

"Sure. No problem."

No sooner had he stepped out when two bikers stepped in. They walked up to me and stopped. Not saying a word, they just stood there looking at me. I didn't know what to do, so I just said, "Roy stepped in the back room to make a phone call. He'll be right back and he asked me to keep an eye on the place."

They still didn't say a word. So, trying to act as natural as possible, I turned walked over to where the leather boots were. I bent over to look at a pair when I suddenly remembered. "Oh, fuck!" I thought to myself, "They saw my zippered ass!" I quickly stood up and slowly turned around to look at them.

They still didn't say a word but slowly walked towards me, staring me down the whole time. I became afraid. I just stood there and didn't make a move. I didn't know what to do.

When they stopped, they were standing so close to me that I could feel their breath on me. They continued to stare. One slowly reached around me, took hold of the zipper ring and slowly pulled it down. The other stepped back, unbuckled his belt, undid his pants and let them drop to his ankles. As he took hold of his cock and began stroking, the other walked around behind me. I heard his zipper as well and knew what was going to happen. Their macho biker attitudes was turning me on. They took command of me and I liked it.

The one in front of me put his hand on the back of my neck and pulled me down to his cock. I opened my mouth and engulfed his hard member down my throat while I felt the cock behind me slowly slide in me. I was being fucked from both ends and loved it. Finally, the biker/fucker behind me spoke, "Hey buddy, you've just been fucked. Whose cum is my dick sloshing in?"

I pulled my mouth off the cock in front of me. "Wel-l-l," I stammered, "You might say I have a very hospitable ass. The freshest load is Roy's."

I then resumed my cocksucking as the biker behind me continued to plow my ass. Then I heard Roy returning from the back room, "Thanks, Bob for watch...." I heard his pause. And then he resumed, "Ah, come on, guys. I run a leather store; not a fuck shop!"

"Who are you to talk?" said the fucker behind me in a gruff voice, "I feel your fresh cumload in this guy's ass."

"All right, you guys. Finish your fuckjobs then either buy something or get out of here."

So the bikers picked up their paces; fucking my mouth and ass. I love getting double plowed -- especially when I've got the company of someone standing around watching the show. The show didn't last that long because it was only a couple of minutes before the two bikers, in perfect unison, shot their loads in me. They didn't say anything. They packed their cocks back into their pants, zipped up and left.

"I'm glad they're gone," Roy said with a sigh.

"Why's that?"

"Because Jake is coming over. He likes to get 'paid' ahead of time - if you know what I mean."

"Being fucked again! Man! It would be nice once in a while to have a little variety!"

Then Jake walked in and Roy spoke up. As I said before, I don't want this to be a sex shop. Take your fun elsewhere. "Can we use your back private room?" Jake asked Roy.

"Well-l-l, I gues you can. I owe you one anyways."

"Come with me bud," said Jake to me -- the first time he addressed me - no introduction, no nothing! I followed him to the back into the back storage room. In the far back corner was a door. It really wasn't noticeable unless you really looked for it. He opened the door and I followed him in. The room was dimly lit and it held a double sized bed. There was a TV in the corner as well as a dvd player with a stack of dvds. On the nitestand next to the bed, I noticed a tray of several bottles -- lube, poppers, dildoes, etc. Jake turned to me quietly, "This is Roy's private area. Once in a while we get together in here for private fun.

I thought for a moment and then said, "Roy told me he was bi and he was a top. What does that make you?"

Jake paused and then said, "What goes on in here, stays in here. Do you understand me?" I nodded silently.

"Well," Jake continued, "Roy found me out a year ago and for him to keep quiet about me I would service him."

"So then you're gay."

"Nobody around here knows except Roy. If those guys in my bar find out, they'll beat the hell out of me; maybe even worse, kill me."

As I began stripping, I said, "There's more gay bikers in that bar than you think."

Startled, Jake asked, "You know there are some? You know who they are?"

"Well, I know there's at least five or six; very possibly more and that's what I'm trying to find out tonite and a couple of the gay bikers are helping me."

"Why do you want to do that?"

"Well, I've got a bikers' weekend coming up in a few weeks and I want to invite them. Also, some are suspicious of others." As we continued our conversation I crawled into bed and watched Jake strip. He took his time because he was listening closely to what I had to say. By the time he crawled into bed with me, I had filled him in on everything, but hadn't given him any names. I still believed in confidentiality. And I figured that in due time, in one way or another, they would all find each other out.

"Right now," I said with a smile as I crawled on top of Jake, "I want us to concentrate on some fun." I slowly kissed him as I ground my hard cock on his. He returned his affection by wrapping his arms around me and sliding his tongue into my open mouth. "You taste delicious!" I told him, panting.

"You're pretty good yourself," Jake replied as he reached down and took a hold of my ass cheeks with both hands. He then began fingering my hole.

"Let me warn you, I've got several cumloads up my ass. It might get pretty messy back there."

"I really don't give a fuck," he replied, "In fact, why don't you let me clean up the mess for you. I love eating out a good ass."

"Sounds great by me!" I said as I stood up and got off the bed.

Jake turned himself around on the bed. Lying flat on his back, he hung his head over the edgeof the bed. I turned my back to him and backed up until my ass was over his face. I then lowered myself and placed my asshole on his mouth. He once again took hold of my ass cheeks to get easier access to my hole. As he massaged my hole with his tongue, I realized that he had been doing this for quite a while. Then he placed his lips over my hole and began sucking. I couldn't help but let the cumloads flow out and into his waiting mouth.

"Don't swallow!" I gasped, "I want some of that!"

When he was done, he pushed me away, signaling me that he was done and was ready to share. I immediately turned around, crawled into bed and laid next to him. He crawled on top of me with his face above me. I opened my mouth to recieve and he opened his a little bit to let the cum ooze out slowly. When it was all in my mouth, we kissed deeply and long; both of our tongues intertwining and sloshing around in the cum.

Finally, all the cum ended up in my mouth. I crawled down to Jake's hard, waiting cock and let some cum drip all over it. Then I got on my knees and let more drip all over my hard cock as well. I crawled on top of Jake with my cock above his face and me facing his cock. We did a great 69 jobs, slurping and sucking each other's cum-covered cocks.

Jake knew how to deep throat a cock as he grabbed my ass and pulled me down on top of him, pushing my cock further down into his throat. For a moment I wondered if his gag reflex was missing, for he wasn't gagging or coughing at all. I concentrated on his cock, sucking as hard and as fast as I could. I fingered his balls, trying to get his cumload churning because I was drawing to the moment of shooting and I wanted him to shoot at the same time. I can hold myself off until my partner shoots - then I can let go.

This is what I did with Jake. When his body started jerking and he started grunting, I let loose with my load just as I felt him shoot in my mouth. He must not have shot his load for days, for it seemed like he just kept shooting and shooting. I just kept swallowing more and more. Our cocks remained in each other's mouths until they became limp. We then let loose and I crawled off top of Jake and laid next to him. We had to get a moment to get our breaths.

"Well," said Jake after he got his breath, "I've got to get back to the salloon. It's about time for the evening crowd to be coming in and I don't want my new bartender to be overwhelmed."

"Go ahead, I'll be over there later. You now know what's going to be happening."

Jake stared right into my eyes, "You be mighty careful. Don't put yourself in a tight spot, because I might not be able to help you."

"I'm sure I'll be fine," I replied as I watched Jake get dressed, "Tell Roy, if it's okay with him, I'd like to relax here for a while."

Once the door closed behind him, I turned on the TV and dvd player and inserted a dvd from his collection. I laid back and fell asleep before the movie started.

Next: Chapter 61

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