Gay Campground

By Jarbear Jarbear

Published on Aug 20, 2011


By Write me and let me know what you think. I answer all emails. Also, I have a layout of the campground as I see it when I write the chapters. If you would like one to go along with the chapters as you read them, just ask and I'll email you a copy. I keep an outline of the chapters & list of characters as I go to use as reference so I don't get mixed up. I'll no longer include chapter numbers -- it takes too much time. If you'd like an outline, let me know.

Sunday morning - a time to sleep in, which I did. I got up at 9:30, made coffee and then took a quick shower while it was brewing. After the shower, I poured myself a cup and stepped out on the porch to have a drink before I fixed myself some breakfast. It was a beautiful morning and I knew it was going to be a beautiful day. A camper couple was pulling out the drive -- leaving early -- and I waved to them, yelling, "You all come back now, ya hear?" The driver smiled and gave me the thumbs up as he drove away.

It was then I noticed a camper standing to the side, watching and smiling at me. I smiled back and turned to him. Deciding to give him a little show for the fun of it, I put my feet a little ways apart and squatted a little bit. I then gyrated my hips, flopping my dick and balls back and forth. I held my coffee in my left hand and with my right, took hold of my cock and started stroking it. The camper stood there looking at me, licking his lips. I then said to him, "If you want my morning load, you can have it."

"That's all I needed to hear," he said as he stepped up on the porch and kneeled in front of me. I set my mug of coffee on the porch railing and as he engulfed my cock with his mouth, I took his head with both of my hands. My god! He was a damn good cocksucker! Several more campers were leaving for the week and they couldn't help but see what was happneing on my front porch. They would smile and wave or give me the thumbs up and all I could do was nod and smile back.

Just when my big moment to shoot was to happen, I pulled his head towards me. My hard, throbbing cock went all the way in and the cumload shot down his throat. His tongue worked the underside of my cock as it continued to shoot. I became weak-kneed and had to grasp the railing for balance. He finally let my now limp cock slide out of his mouth. He looked up at me and smiled.

When he stood up, I noticed a drop of my cum sitting on his lower lip. I pulled him to me, stuck my tongue out and licked it off -- then kissed him. He grasped the back of my head and pulled me harder against him as he kissed me long and deep. When he finally pulled back, I gasped, "Thanks for a great start of the morning." He laughed as he hopped off the porch and simply walked away.

After breakfast, I decided to grab my towel and suntan lotion and go to the beach and get some sun. The last minute I grabbed my poppers necklace and hung it around my neck (you never know when it might come in handy). No one was there when I arrived and realizing that many were going back home to go to work, I decided it would be good to be alone -- for a while anyways. So I laid out my towel, spritzed lotion on my back as best I could as well as my ass and legs and laid down on my stomach. The warm morning sun felt good -- so good, in fact, I dozed off.

I don't know how long I was asleep, but was awakened to the feeling of a pair of hands rubbing on my back. I raised up my head to look behind me, but a voice gently spoke, "Relax. I'm just putting more lotion on you. I don't want to see you red, good buddy." So I laid my head back down and closed my eyes.

The gentle working of his hands on my back felt so good! Once he was done, he began working on the back of my legs, spritzing the lotion on and then working it in well. Then he began on my ass. God, those hands felt good -- and erotic! And I told him with a moan, "You've got some magic in those fingers buddy. They feel so good on my ass."

He didn't say anything, but continued to kneed my ass cheeks, periodically sliding his fingers up and down my crack. I moved my ass up a little, indicating to him that I liked it and to keep going -- which he did. Gently he worked a finger in my hole -- then two -- then three. I moaned with satisfaction as I pulled up my popper bottle, unscrewed the cap and took several huffs. I took the necklace off and handed it to the person behind me -- whoever he was -- he took it. As the euphoria began to overtake me, I hear the man behind me take several huffs.

I felt my legs being spread apart and then my ass cheeks. The tongue of this anonymous person licked up and down my ass crack and when he began probing my hole, tingles went up and down my spine. I then felt him move up on my back and I knew that any second his cock would be probing. I was right. This anonymous cock slid in easily because I lifted my ass more, giving it easier access. At the same time, the stranger put his mouth close to my ear and breathed heavily. As I continued to tingle in excitement, my cock began twitching at the same time.

"Oh fuck!" I gasped, "You've got me so fucking hot!"

"That's the way I like to do it," he whispered gently in my ear, "I love the feel of my cock up your ass and soon I'm going to fill you with my seed. You want that?"

"Fuck yeah! Breed me with that cock of yours" I wanted him to get that cock of his as far up my ass as he could.

Then the tempo of his fucking began to increase and I knew he was going to gift me with his load of seed. I squeezed my asshole muscles around his cock to build up the tension. Sure enough, it worked because this anonymous fucker on top of me began to breathe deeper and faster. Then he let out a yell and rammed his cock up in me one more time. His load coated my insides and I was happy and satisfied.

He practically fell on top of me in exhausted. I felt his cock go limp as it was still in me. Then it slid out easily.

I started to turn around to see who this fantastic fucker was, but he stopped me, "Your ass is a mess! It's got to be cleaned up." He reached under me and pulled me up so that my ass was sticking up in the air. I felt another pair of hands separate my ass cheeks and a face push in. This new anonymous person massage my sphincter muscle with his tongue and relaxed it so much, that the cumload quickly oozed out. He placed his mouth over my hole and sucked out the load.

"I don't know what to say -- that feels so fuckin' good!" I finally turned over onto my back and looked up to see who these two anonymous guys were. It was Jim, the black guy who helped me set up my trailer when I first arrived at the campground a few weeks ago. I reached up to him with a big smile and he fell into my arms. We hugged and kissed. "Man! You are one fantastic fucker!" I said with delight, "And who is this guy with the hot tongue who cleaned me out?"

"This is Doug, a good friend of mine. He's also a partner with me. We run an investment firm. We invest in businesses -- helping them with sound business practices and setting goals for improving the business in the way of expansion...."

"Why are you telling me all this?" I interrupted, "What goes on outside of this campground is none of my business. I don't care how you live your lives outside of these grounds."

"Well," Doug replied, "Jim brought me here to see this place. He thinks you've got a great business and we would like to help you keep it running well as well as expand it. We think you could use some professional advice."

"I don't know," I said with hesitation, "I've got myself a good accountant as well as an attorney -- in fact his name is Jim, too. I think I have enough help, thank you. I want to keep control of this place."

"We agree that you should keep control of this place. Your personality as a host is a definite asset," said Jim, "Let's do this, why don't you set up a meeting whereby we could meet with you, Jim, your attorney, and your accountant. We'll lay everything out on the table and Jim can give you his professional opinion on the matter."

"That sounds fair. I'll tell Brad tomorrow morning to set up the meeting."

"Thanks!" said Jim as he began to stand. He reached out his hand to me and I shook it. Doug did the same thanking me for allowing him to eat out my ass.

"I'm pretty flexible and available," I responded with a laugh.

They walked off and I laid back down on my towel and fell asleep. The rest of the afternoon was quiet and uneventful which gave me a good relaxing rest. When I finally woke up and looked around, it was noon and time for lunch. I gathered my belongings and head for my cabin. After lunch, I took another shower to get the lotion off as well as the morning sweat and decided to head for the hot tub in the barn. A hot water massage sounded really good at the moment. So I grabbed my towel and popper necklace and headed out.

Walking to the barn, it was noticeably quiet. I guessed the weekenders have left, but wondered where my staff was. Have they left the grounds for the day? As soon as I stepped in the barn, my question was answered. The hot tub was crowded with my staff, Randy, young Tim, Kevin (the quad), Travis, Brad, and Frank. They were all seated talking and laughin and when they saw me, they gave a yell for me to come over and join them.

I dropped my towel and as I crawled into the tub, I spoke, "I came in here just to relax and have a quiet rest, but I guess you guys have other plans."

"And what plans might they be?" asked Brad with an aire of arrogance.

"I don't know. You are the ones who got here before me."

"We do what comes naturally on our time off."

"Well then, I know what that means?" and I sat down in the only empty seat in the tub.

As we sat together, we made small talk and I was going to mention to Brad to arrange a meeting as well as a couple of grounds items that needed to be done by Randy. But then I thought, "Hey, this is their time off. Absolutely no business until tomorrow." As we sat, we talked and laughed together. It was then Randy, who was sitting next to me began stroking the inside of my thigh under the swirling water which got me automatically doing the same thing to him. He looked at me and smiled and we automatically leaned toward each other and kissed.

It was then that Randy and I seemed oblivious to our surroundings as we got more involved with each other. But it did get quiet. Randy and I kissed deeply, our tongues probing each other, taking turns sucking each other's tongues as well. It then seemed automatic for us. I slid down further into the water, leaning on the back until my head was resting on the ledge. Randy got up and straddled me, facing away from me. I knew that any moment I was going to be eating out his fine black ass. As he began lowering his ass to me I glanced between his legs and noticed the rest of the staff sitting there quietly watching us. As he continued to lower himself onto me, he reached back and parted his ass cheeks. I got a good look at that black sphincter muscle of kiss and licked my lips. I was ready for some ass munching.

He moaned as his ass pressed against my face and I stuck my tongue up his fuck hole. I massaged the back of his thighs as he slid his ass crack up and down over my face. I didn't know what the rest of the staff was doing, but at the moment I didn't give a fuck. I was really into Randy as I always was when I'm with him. The staff can take care of themselves. Randy was one of my favorite guys. He was there for me when I needed him and he sure knew where and how to push my sex buttons!

As I continued to rim out Randy's ass, I felt a hand stroke my hard cock under water. I felt some movement -- it felt crowded around me -- I felt knees on either side of me. Then I felt my cock head press against something. One of my staff was lowering their ass down on my cock and wanted to go for a fuck ride. Fine with me! Fuck away! I continued to work on Randy's ass with my tongue.

As I continued my rimming my face bumped against a pair of hands on Randy's ass. Now I've got to figure out what's going on here. So I pulled my face out of Randy's ass to have a look. What I saw was Frank riding my cock and he was facing Randy, sucking his black rod at the same time as he was hanging onto Randy's ass.

Looking across the tub, Brad had straddled Kevin's. I couldn't see under the swirling water, but by Brad's motions, I knew that Brad was getting a good ride on Kevin's cock. Being a quad, Kevin could do nothing but enjoy it. Trevor, was standing, straddling Kevin, fucking Kevin in the mouth. So it was, everyone was involved and having a good time. You know, one could consider this a staff meeting!

Before I resumed eating out Randy's ass, I opened my handy bottle of poppers and took some good huffs. If I get really exubriant with this popper aroma, I can really get into some good ass rimming. I put the cap back on and handed it around Randy. I don't know who took it, but it was taken. I then resumed my rim job on Randy.

Even with the sound of the swirling water, I could hear my staff taking turns huffing on my poppers. I knew that once everyone got their share, we would really get into one good staff orgy. I was right. Randy continued to run his ass crack up and down my face as my tongue continued to lick as it went. Since I had a hold of Randy's ass to keep my face in there, I knew that Randy had Frank's head in his hands and was furiously fucking Frank's mouth. Even with his mouth full of cock, Frank was moaning loudly.

I could hear the trio across the tub having a great time. Everyone was picking up pace and it seemed like we might be all shooting in unison. Then the yelling began, Randy, Brad and Trevor. Couldn't hear Kevin or me cumming -- our mouths were too full of cock to make much of a sound.

I finally pulled my face out of Randy's ass crack and let out a yell and shot a good hard load up Frank's ass. I watched as Randy shoved his cock all the way down Frank's throat to the base. "Oh fuck yeah!" Brad yelled as he was pumping his ass faster on Kevin's cock. Trevor yelled, indicating to me that he was shooting his load down his partner's throat. When he pulled his cock out, Kevin coughed a couple of times and then said, "That was fucking great!"

Randy stepped away from me and Brad stood up next to me on my right, stroking his cock. I opened my mouth -- ready for it. My head was still tilted back and my mouth was like an open bowl. Frank hopped up on my right side, stroking his cock as well. What great timing! They both shot into my mouth at the same time -- Randy and Trevor watching the scene. They watched as the cumloads slid down my tongue into my mouth.

It seemed everyone was finished, but I knew there was one person who was watching but did not participate. It was young Tim. When everyone sat back down, I didn't say anything (because my mouth was full of two cumloads which I had not yet swallowed) but with my middle finger, motioned him to come to me. Tim came to me and I reached up and had him bend down to kiss me. In so doing I gave him my mouthful of cumloads. This got him sexually intense as he attempted to kiss me deeper, swirling his tongue in and among the cum.

As I held onto the rim of the hot tub, Brad and Randy came over and each took one of my legs and lifted me up, exposing my ass to Tim. Tim, stroking his now hard cock, walked up between my legs and aimed it for my waiting asshole. It slide in easily. Tim held onto my waist as Brad and Randy continued to hold my legs up in the air. Tim's fucking started.

The feeling of Tim's cock sliding in and out of my ass felt so great that I had to speak up, "Isn't getting fucked in the ass the greatest feeling in the world?"

The staff started to disagreement in their mumbling, speaking of liking sucking cock better, or fucking, or rimming until I finally spoke out, "Work with me guys! I'm into the moment here!! And I'm the boss!" Then they readily agreed.

As Tim continued to fuck my ass, Randy had my bottle of poppers. He opened it and held it under Tim's nose. Tim pulled back saying he never had poppers before. Randy assured him it was great and showed time how to huff and take in the aroma. Tim was willing and in no time he started gasping, "Fuck!! This is fantastic!! This fucking is so intense! I'm gonna fucking explode!"

As Tim yelled, he rammed his cock into me one final time and held it in. Cumloads shootin in me is another great feeling and several spurts coming from Tim's cock made me smile. When Tim was done shooting, he collapsed on top of me. "What a fucking ride! Those poppers made it so much fun!"

I could only pat him on the back and kiss his neck.

Next: Chapter 58

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