Gay Campground

By Jarbear Jarbear

Published on Aug 4, 2011


By Write me and let me know what you think. I answer all emails. Also, I have a layout of the campground as I see it when I write the chapters. If you would like one to go along with the chapters as you read them, just ask and I'll email you a copy. Characters & events that are referred to in previous chapters will have the chapter number in parenthesis.

I was stunned. No one else was around and I sensed trouble. I was beginning to get angry, "How in the hell did you get in here?"

"We snuck in and we're glad we did."

"I'm calling the cops," and immediately headed for the registration building.

"No! Wait! Don't"

I stopped, turned slowly and looked at them with anger.

"Is there somewhere we can talk privately?" one of them asked.

By the looks on their faces and in the tones in their voices, I sensed they were not here to cause trouble. Cautiously, I replied, "We can talk in my cabin." I led them in and then spoke again, "OK, now what's all this about?"

"Well, we were suspicious of Jack bein' gay, so we followed him here to find out for ourselves."

"What happens here is nobody's business. So get out!" I shouted angrily.

"Wait! We're not here to cause him trouble or anybody trouble. Can we tell you something?"

"We have a policy that what goes on in here stays in here and it's nobody's business outside of these grounds. Everything said here and happens here is confidential. That's one of our strict rules."

"We like guys."

I stood there perplexed and said nothing.

Continuing on, the other spoke, "I'm Trey and this is Joe. We've been together for a year, but nobody knows about it. I guess we've been doing a pretty good job of it so far. We had a great time in the woods last week and we want to know about this place. And we want to know about Jack -- just for ourselves -- if he's gay."

"Well -- he was here to check on Tim to see if he was still okay," I lied. I still wasn't sure and I needed more proof. "You remember him?" I continued, "You guys gangbanged him."

"We remember," Joe answered, "How's he doing? Is he okay?"

"He's doing fine. I don't know if I can trust you -- sneeking in here like that."

"What can we do to prove it to you?"

I thought for a moment, then sat down and smiled, "You figure it out for yourselves. I'll just sit here and say nothing until you prove to me you're on the up and up."

Trey and Joe stood there for a moment with blank looks on their faces. Then their looks changed as they realized what I wanted. They looked at each other and smiled. Joe looked back at me, "Right here? Right now?"

I didn't say a word. I just sat there and looked at them expressionless.

Joe then turned back to Trey, "Let's do it, my friend." He pulled Trey to him and they kissed -- long and deep. I could tell that they were doing a tango with their tongues together like that. As they continued kissing, Joe groped Trey's crotch as Trey reached his hands around and cupped and massaged Joe's ass cheeks.

Without looking at what he was doing, Joe unbuckled Trey's belt, undid his slacks and Trey let them drop down to his ankles. It was obvious that Trey wasn't wearing any underwear. Then Joe unbuttoned Trey's shirt and opened it. When they broke from their kissing, Joe kissed Trey's neck and with his tongue worked his way down Trey's chest.

As he worked further down, Joe ended up on his knees and engulfed Trey's cock in his mouth. Trey closed his eyes and let out a loud sigh as he reached down for Joe's head and began fucking his mouth. Joe reached around and began fingering Trey's ass. My cock was beginning to get hard as I watched.

When Trey's cock was hard and sticking straight out, Joe stood up. As he undressed completely, Trey watched him, his feet set apart, jacking his cock. when Joe was done stripping, he did the same: set his feet apart, jacking his cock as well, imitating Trey.

Trey then got down on his knees in front of Joe, took hold of his cock, stroked it a few times and then wrapped his lips around it; sliding down all the way to the base. It was then Joe imitated Trey -- head back, eyes closed, moaning -- grabbing Trey's head and fucking his mouth in like manner.

I could hold back no longer. I stood up stroking my now hard cock and stepped behind Joe. I liked the look of his ass and so kneeled down behind him and parted those cheeks. As Trey continued to give him a blowjob, I pushed my face into Joe's ass and began tickling his rosebud hole with my tongue.

"Oh God! Fuck!" Joe cried out in ecstacy. His knees were literally shaking. I was enjoying this -- getting a guy so into it that he was shaking. The chair I sat in, I pulled it up to me and then sat in it. I spread my legs apart with my cock sticking straight up in the air. I took a hold of Joe's hips and pulled him towards me. As he got closer, I pulled him down so that his asshole was headed towards my cockhead.

When his ass touched it, his hole opened up naturally and my cock entered easily. He went all the way down on my cock, sitting on my crotch. I could tell that he had been fucked a lot by the way he easily took my cock. Trey continued sucking Joe. I could hear the slurping sounds as Trey bobbed his head up and down in Joe's crotch.

It was then that Brad (1,45) stepped in, "Boss, I got a question I need to ... WHAT THE FUCKIN' HELL?" He stopped in his tracks, staring at the sex scene in front of him. He recognized these two self-proclaimed heteros from Tim's gangbang a few days ago. The cock sucking and ass fucking continued without interruption.

I spoke out. "Hey Brad, this is Trey sucking Joe's cock and Joe is goin' for a ride on mine. It looks like Trey's ass is sticking out in the air waiting for something. Think you can take care of it?"

Within the time I spoke those few words, Brad's cock got hard. He immediately got down on his back and slid up between Trey's knees and took his dangling cock into his mouth and began sucking away. We immediately got into a rhythm that satisfied all four of us.

Then Brad slid back out, turned around, lying on his stomach, facing Trey's ass, pushed his face in for a rim job. Trey, even though his mouth was full of Joe's cock, let out a loud satisfying moan. Joe continued to bounce on my cock, increasing its stimulation. Then Joe stood up, pulling his ass of my cock and pulling his cock out of Trey's mouth. He immediately got on all fours on the floor and Trey immediately mounted him like a dog ready to fuck a bitch in heat.

When this happened, Brad immediately mounted Trey and a new rhythmic fucking began. I sat and watched, stroking my cock. I then got the urge for some poppers and reached towards the side table for the bottle. I opened it and got on my knees and first put it under each of Joe's nostrils. He took some deep huffs and then I did the same for Trey and Brad before I did it for myself. I stood and jacked my cock as I watched the fucking before me get more intense as the rhythm picked up its pace.

I then straddled above Joe, pointing my cock towards trey as he continued his fucking. I was ready to shoot my load and Trey could tell by the way that I was acting. He opened his mouth, but my cock didn't enter in. Just a couple of inches from his open mouth, I shot my load in. After about four good squirts, he closed his mouth, swallowed and then licked his lips. He looked up at me and smiled as he continued with his fucking Joe -- not missing a single beat.

Then his facial expression changed. I knew he was ready to shoot his load into Joe. Sure enough, he scrunched his face and shoved his cock into Joe one last time. With his grunting, I figured he squirted in Joe five times. When Trey finally pulled his cock out of Joe, Brad pulled his out of Trey also. Brad then moved around, parted Joe's ass cheeks and pushed his face in sucking out the cream that Trey deposited.

When Brad was done, he turned to Trey, "Hey guy! You've got a great tasting cumload there. Thanks for sharing it." Trey laughed in response.

Joe turned around, spreading his legs, and said, "Hey! Nobody's taken my cumload yet! I need to let loose"

"I'll take care of you," I said as I got down on the floor between his legs. As soon as my lips slid down over his hard member, I used my expert sucking/tickling technique on him. While pulling back and sucking hard on his cock, I tickled the underside with my tongue. "Oh my God!" he cried out in delight.

Well, it didn't take but a minute before she shot a large load down my throat. I pulled of his cock and licked off the remaining cum that was sitting on his cock slit. His cock had then become very sensitive and he jerked as he spasmed.

When we all got our composures, I turned to Brad, "Well, Brad, what was it you wanted?"

Brad pondered for a moment, "Gosh! I forgot!" We all laughed. "Oh yeah! Now I remember: How do you want me to do the add on the website for the Biker's Weekend you got planned?"

Before I said anything, Trey spoke up in amazement, "You've got a Biker's weekend planned?"

"Sure," I responded, "I want to know how many gay bikers we got out there beyond these campground walls. I know that there has to be some. There's you two already!"

Brad spoke up, "I suggest Trey and Joe here help me. They can show me how to make it interesting using pics and biker lingo. Is it all right with you guys?" Trey and Joe nodded eagerly.

With an authoritative tone and manner, I said, "All right you guys, the project is yours. I expect it to be good and I know the weekend will be a success. It's all in your hands." I then dismissed Brad and he left, leaving me with Trey and Joe. "All right. You've convinced me. You're gay. You were not imitating there, that was the real thing. I appreciate the time you took to prove it to me."

"OK," said Joe, "then what about Jack? Is he gay?"

"What did you see?"

"We saw him here at the campground get on his cycle and before he left, you and him kissed."

"I can't tell you anything. You have to draw your own conclusions." I then winked at them. I promised Jack I wouldn't tell -- and I didn't! I then continued, "I am concerned that the gang may be suspicious and on to him. I am afraid that if they found out, they would beat him pretty bad -- even kill him."

So Trey, Joe and I made plans for Monday evening at the Dog Bone Tavern as to what to do. We felt pretty confident and Trey and Joe promised me that they would not tell Jack what they knew. They then got dressed and left in the darkness of the night.

Before I went to bed, I decided to walk the grounds to make sure everything was OK. It was Sunday night and I knew that it would be quiet, but I still needed to take a walk to calm my nerves; considering what was going to happen tomorrow night. I first went to the barn and checked everything out. No one was there except for a solitary person who was taking an evening shower.

I just stood in the doorway and watched him. He didn't notice that I was there. He carefully and thoroughly lathered himself up, giving special attention to his crotch, cock and ass. He took his time and as he did so, I noticed his cock getting hard. I noticed his towel he had hanging on the hook and I stealthily went over and took it, returned to my place and hid behind the door. I was going to have a little fun. When he was done thoroughly rinsing himself off he turned to get his towel. Noticing it was gone, he bgan looking all over for it.

It was then I stood in the doorway holding his towel. "Looking for something?" I said with a smile.

Startled for a second, he looked my way, then smiled, "I thought I was going crazy there for a minute, not finding my towel."

I handed it out to him and just as he was about to take it, I yanked it back. What will you give for it?" I asked with a smirk.

He took another step closer to me and with a raised eyebrow he replied, "What do you want?"

"Wel-l-l-l-l, I'm walking the grounds this evening. First, I could use a quick fuck and then someone to go with me to keep me company as I make the rounds. Interested?

Reaching for his cock and stroking it gently, he said, "Sure. Why not? I'm free this evening."

I calmly turned around and stuck my ass out to him. "Go ahead, fuck me," I said. This was what I wanted at this moment -- just a basic, generic fuck -- a base sex act -- nothing more. I reached around and spread my ass cheeks apart.

Simple enough. His cock easily found my hole and slid in. We began a rhythm and fucked away. Nothing was said. As I felt the hard shaft slide in and out of me, my prostate was being massaged -- and it felt good. Sometimes good old-fashioned basic sex satisfies the banal instinct in me. I just enjoy being the whore-dog that I am.

It didn't take long for him to give that one final shove in me before he shot his load. I felt his juices coat the insides of me and then he pulled out. Turning around, I handed him his towel, "Nice fuck," I said calmly, "My ass feels good. Now follow me."

We exited the barn and headed towards Randy's (16-23) cottage. Lights were on in the window, so we quietly stepped on the porch and peered through the window. He was on his hands and knees busy sucking a camper lying on the floor in front of him while another camper was on his knees behind Randy fucking him.

"That looks so hot!" the camper with me whispered. "I sure love fucking around with a black guy. I'm tempted to go in there and join them."

"No, don't," I whispered back, "Let's leave them to their fun. Come on, let's move on." And we moved off the porch and headed towards the circle of camper trailers. There were a number of them empty as the campers had gone home for the week and had rented their lots by the month or the summer.

I decided to walk the circle drive to make sure everything was okay. The campers know that I make my rounds and they feel more secure in knowing that I watch over their sites while they're gone. I think it's just good business to show that you care.

While we walked the circle, I extended my hand and introduced myself, "By the way, I'm Bob, what's yours?"

As he extended his hand towards mine, he chuckled, "Hey that's my name too! But everybody calls me Bobby."

"Well, Bobby, how long have you been camping here?"

"This is my fourth year coming here. It's the only place I know of where I can relax and just be myself and not worry what others think."

"I'm glad you feel that way. How do you feel about this place the last few weeks since I've taken over?"

"I didn't think it could get any better, but it has. This feels more like a community. The staff is more open and friendly. The guy that works at the registration office -- what's his name?"


"Yeah, that's it. I sensed he was being overworked. He wanted to relax and enjoy working here, but he just didn't have the time. I know that you have hired more staff and it has helped him tremendously. He's more relaxed and open to our sexual advances. Also, the staff you hired is very friendly too. When they aren't working, it seems like they just become one of us."

"I'm glad to hear that. My goal is to make this one of the best gay campgrounds in the country and hearing your feedback really helps."

"Well, if you want to keep trying to make this place better, why don't you set up a campground council? This group would give you feedback, suggestions as well as compliments on how you can improve. What do you think?"

"I think it's a great idea! Do you think that there would be campers interested in being in this council?"

"I'm sure of it. You have improved it a lot so far and as a result, the campers believe that you really care about this business and how can you go wrong taking their suggestions for improvement?"

As we continued to walk, I draped my arm around Bobby's shoulders, "Bobby, I'm so glad we got together. If we hadn't taken the time to fuck around, I wouldn't have heard your great suggestions. Can I ask you a favor?"

"Sure! What do you want?""

"Would you get the word around about starting a council and get suggestions on how to form one and get back to m?. I think one should be started as soon as possible."

"Be glad to help out."

By then, we were getting around the circle and had approached Cain and Cameron's (49,52) trailer. I nudged Bobby and then said, "Hey, here's Cain and Cameron's trailer. Remember the black brothers in the orgy?"

"My God, how could I forget?"

"Well, it looks like they're in. Let's peek and see what they're doing." The door was open and we peered through the screen. They were just sitting there calmly (naked of course), watching TV. So I opened the door and Bobby and I stepped in. "Hey bro's, how's it goin? You're door was open, so I figured it was an invitation to come in."

"Hey Bob," Cain spoke up, "We're just sitting here, relaxin, watchin' some good ole porn. What you and your friend doin?"

"This here is Bobby. Bobby, this is Cain and Cameron. Remember them at the orgy?"

Bobby reached out to shake hands with them, "Boy, I sure do!"

"I'm glad your name is Bobby and not Bob," Cameron laughed, "Talk about some confusion with you two!" He then stood up, "You guys want a Coke?"

I looked at Bobby, "Sure if you've got time."

Bobby nodded, "Sure. I've got the time if you do."

As Cameron passed Bobby on his way to the kitchen, he pulled him against him, cupped his hands on his ass cheeks and kissed him deeply. I sort of stood there awkwardly. When they broke from their kiss, Cameron said, "I know my brother and I've got the time!"

Next: Chapter 56

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