Gay Campground

By Jarbear Jarbear

Published on Jul 29, 2011


By Write me and let me know what you think. I answer all emails. Also, I have a layout of the campground as I see it when I write the chapters. If you would like one to go along with the chapters as you read them, just ask and I'll email you a copy. Characters & events that are referred to in previous chapters will have the chapter number in parenthesis.

Jim (13,15,51,53) and I went back to the office and spent the rest of the afternoon going through papers and legal documents. It seem as if it would never end. But I trusted that Jim knew exactly what he was doing. He wanted to meet with Travis (25,40,53) in the evening to look at the books and make sure everything was in order and to give his recommendations as to how we should expand.

At suppertime, Randy (16-23) invited us over to his cottage to eat. He was anxious to show us his place, so Jim and I agreed. When we arrived, we were impressed as to how he had everything put away and how attractive it looked. Brad (1,45), Frank (31-39), and Tim (20,40,42,45) also arrived since they, too, were invited.

Randy fixed us a good home-cooked meal and afterwards, we helped Randy clean up. We all then went into his living room and sat wherever there was a space available. Since it was a Katrina cottage, the space was very and small and needless to say, we were rather "intimate" in space.

We talked about the success of the weekend and Brad had informed me that the finishing crew and the movers had left this afternoon to get back home. He had "strongly encouraged" them to return and they assured him they would. I didn't ask Brad to interpret what "strongly encouraged" meant. But I had an idea. Also Trevor (33,47,51,52) and Rick (48,50-52) had left and Trevor promised to get the column emailed to me.

Jim then stood up and said he had to get back to my office to meet with Travis to go over the books. He left, leaving me with my staff. The evening had settled in and Randy had his windows open and there was a wonderful cool breeze blowing through. We sat there in silence for a moment and then I spoke, "Boy! Do I have a great staff. I want you guys to know that."

"We know we're a great staff," Brad said with a smirk.

"That doesn't include humility," I shot back with a laugh. Everyone laughed. Again there was silence. As I thought about my staff, my cock began to grow hard. I casually reached down between my legs and began stroking. "Do you know what I'm in the mood for?" I asked them.

"We can imagine," Frank said with a smirk.

"I'm in the mood for some good old random sex. Being Sunday evening, I know the crowd is down. What do you say we go out to the campers who stuck around here and give them a good time?"

"I'm all for it," said Frank eagerly.

"I know we're all for it," said Brad.

"Why don't I get on the intercom and have them meet us at the orgy loft in the barn?" I suggested.

"Good idea," replied Randy, "We'll go on to the barn and meet you there."

So we headed out the door and went our separate ways. When I got to the registration desk, I picked up the mike and flipped on the switch, "Hey all you campers who are still here. We don't want you to be bored this Sunday evening since all the others have gone back to their homes to work. The staff is meeting in the orgy loft in the barn for good time. All you campers are invited to join us." I flipped it off then headed for the barn.

As I was approaching the barn, I notice several campers approaching the building as well. "Hey guys!" I said acknowledging them, "Glad you're joining us in the loft."

When I finally got up the ladder, I looked over to the orgy area and saw that the staff was already busy. I didn't take the time to count the number of campers, but there was enough and I knew a few more were still coming.

I first noticed Randy who was sprawled face down on the mattress. His face was in the crotch of a camper and by the way his head was bobbing up and down, I knew that he was giving the camper a blowjob. There was another camper on top of Randy fucking him. By the look of ecstacy on the camper's face, I knew that he liked the feel of his cock in Randy's black asshole.

Looking further, I saw Brad lying on his back with his legs high up in the air. A camper was hanging on to his legs as his cock was giving Brad's ass a good pounding. Another camper was sitting on Brad's face and moaning as Brad was rimming him.

Tim was off to the side in dog position getting fucked on both ends by two campers. There were several standing around him stroking their cocks and I got the impression that Tim was going to be gangbanged. Since the bikers did it to him a couple of days ago (46) he's always been in the mood for multiple cocks up his ass, filling him with their cumloads.

Where was Frank? Oh, there he is! He was lying flat on his back as a camper was over his face sliding his cock into Frank's mouth. Three others were standing around jacking their cocks. The camper fucking Frank's mouth pulled his cock out and Frank's mouth remained open for more. Another camper slid his cock in. This kept up with all the campers stranding around him. They took turns fucking his mouth and with the eagerness he was showing, it was obvious that he wanted all of them to give him their loads.

As I stood there watching my staff involved in this orgy, I opened my bottle of poppers and took some huffs. I let the aroma being to infiltrate my senses and then took a couple more huffs. I closed up the bottle and then got on my hands and knees and crawled into the middle of the group. As I did, I felt hands all over my body. My cock was being stroked, my ass finger fucked, my ball sack being fondled.

When I stopped in the middle of the group, I remained on my hands and knees and decided to take whatever came. It was only a few seconds when a camper approached me, walking on his knees. He was stroking his now hard cock and it was aimed straight for me. I opened my mouth for that missle to make its entry and dock itself between my lips. At the same time, I felt my ass cheeks being parted and a warm, wet tongue slide up and down my ass crack. I winked my sphincter at the rimmer a couple of times, inviting him to stick his tongue in. It didn't take much encouragement for almost immediately, I felt a mouth firmly planted on my asshole and a tongue slide in.

There was a lot of moaning and gasping going on in the group and that pleased me. I pulled off the cock my mouth was attached to and opened up my bottle of poppers again. I took several more huffs and then spoke out, "Guys, help yourselves to my bottle and pass it around." I held it up in the air and a hand reached out and took it. As I resumed sucking the cock in front of me, I heard the huffs happening. As the bottle was being passed and I heard more huffs, the group began to get sexually intense.

Whoever was fucking me began to pound me harder and faster -- which is just the way I like it. I knew by the way he grabbed my hips for leverage and the way he was pounding, he was going to shoot in me any minute. I was right. I've been fucked enough times to know just when it was going to happen. With a loud grunt, he gave one more mighty shove of his cock up my ass and I felt it spray my insides.

When he got his composure back, he pulled out. But almost immediately another cock slid in and began pumping away. I kept with the rhythm and let him have a good ride on me. I squeezed my sphincter muscles around the hard cock which sensated it more. Someone uncapped my bottle of poppers and stuck it under my nostrils. I took some good hard huffs and then slipped into sexual oblivion as another camper slid under me. With his advantage, he slid his cock into my ass right under the other cock that was already in. Aah!! Getting double fucked again. Two cocks riding in my ass -- the feeling is so full, yet so satisfying.

I looked at the camper who slid under me. It was Cain (49,52). I smiled down at him and lowered myself and we kissed. His full lips felt wonderful against mine and his tongue was so big! I began sucking on it. The tongue had a slight roughness on it which I liked. I then pulled back and asked him where his brother Cameron (49,52) was.

"If you want to know," Cain said with a smiled, "He's right behind you. His is that other cock that's up your ass."

"Two black cocks up my ass," I sighed, "What a feeling!"

Cameron spoke from behind, "Hey, bro, you about ready to shoot? I am and I can't hold out much longer."

"I'm ready," Cain replied, "Let's do it!"

And they did! What a gusher! Three big loads inside me. After they pulled their big black cocks out, I didn't know if I could hold all the cumloads in. I then heard another voice say gently, "Get on your back, Bob. I want those loads."

So I laid on my back and lifted my legs for the camper's easy access to my fucked asshole. As I lifted my legs, I looked between them. It was Jack, (24,47) the leader of the biker gang! Before I could say anything, Jack pushed his face into my ass and sucked hard on my hole. The loads came out easily and he swallowed it all eagerly. When he was done, he lifted his face up from my ass, licking his lips and smiling at me.

I smiled back, "It's good to see you Jack, though it's only been since last Thursday." We both stood up and hugged.

"I've been looking for you. I wanted to talk to you and they said I would probably find you here." Looking around, he continued, "Boy! What I've seen of this place so far looks great!"

I interrupted, "What do you say we go down and sit in the hot tub and talk." Jack agreed and we climbed down the ladder and crawled into the swirling water.

"What is it you want to talk about?" I asked once we were settled in.

"I think they're suspicious of me," Jack replied.

"What do you mean?"

"Well, you remember last Thursday I told the guys to go ahead back and I'd catch up with them later? When I caught up with them, a couple of them were giving me sort of suspicious looks as if they might be on to me."

"And if they find out?"

"I'm no longer leader of the group."

"Is that so bad?"

"And they'll beat the hell out of me -- could even kill me."

"Why would they do that?"

"Because they would feel betrayed."

"Who knows," I said with a smirk, "They may think different and make you their group cocksucker once they find out you like eating cumloads."

"It's not funny," Jack replied with frustration, "They could beat me up bad. What am I going to do?"

"Tell you what, why don't I go to the Dog Bone Tavern alone?"

"They won't let you in. Even though you gave them blowjobs and they gangbanged you, they won't let you in."

"I could meet them in the back of the building," I said, lost in thought, "I think I got a plan that might work."

"What is it?"

"Just trust me. When will they be there again?"

"Tomorrow night."

"I'll be there."

"Be careful!"

"Oh, I will. My ass and mouth is ready for them. If I don't find out who the gay guys are, I'll have fun trying." I smiled at Jack and turned to him. I reached down between his legs and took hold of his cock. It hardened in my hand as I stroked it. We looked at each other. I leaned toward him and we kissed -- long, deep and slow. Our tongues played with each other.

When we pulled apart, Jack spoke, "You know when we kissed back in the woods a couple of days ago?"


"Well, that was the first time I kissed a guy. You know I really liked it and this time when you kissed me again, I like it even more."

"I'm glad," I said with a smile. I wrapped my arms around his neck and crawled around in front of him, straddling his lap. I lowered myself on his hard cock while we continued to kiss with deep affection.

I broke from our kissing and let out a sigh as Jack continued to fuck my ass. "Man! Your ass is so easy to fuck!" he said.

"That's because Cain and Cameron just double fucked me," I said with a laugh, "My asshole is still stretched and loose."

"Those black guys sure looked a lot alike. Are they related?"

"Yep. They're twins."

"My God! Incest! How fuckin hot!"

"Yeah, but right now it's hot just ridin' your cock in this warm water. Mmmm! It feels so good!"

While we were fucking away, a couple of campers crawled into the tub with Jack and I and moved up close around us. I felt a hand fingering my ass -- I guess he just wanted to make sure that there was a cock up in me. I let him finger it for a while and then I turned my head to him and said, "Hey guy, quit fingerin around down there. You gonna slide your cock up in me or not?"

The camper laughed as he moved up against my back. I felt his hard cock find the opening in my ass which was still being fucked my Jack. His cock slid in easily and he and Jack began a unified rhythm on me. The other camper stood on the ledge and then wedged himself between Jack and I facing me. This gave Jack the easy opportunity to do some rimming while the camper and I started some serious tongue sucking.

By this time, some of the sunday night campers were gathering around watching our orgy. As a result of the audience, Jack and the camper fucking me began to pick up their rhythmic pace and started to fuck me harder and faster. I could take it like the whore I am as I continued to suck face with the camper in front of me.

Suddenly there was yelling and grunting and I felt the two cocks in my ass shoot their loads. This was the second time in one evening that I was double fucked, takiing their loads. My asshole felt so loose in the warm, swirling water and the cumloads sloshing around inside me felt so good.

As soon as the cocks pulled out of me, I immediately turned around and sat on the ledge of the hot tub with my ass sticking out towards the audience. "Anybody want a couple of cumloads for evening snack? Help yourself!"

I didn't know who or how many, but I felt mouths and tongues all over my ass and ass crack as the loads oozed out. I heard sounds of satisfaction as the loads were licked up. with as many mouths and tongues working on my ass, I knew that not one drop was wasted.

When the cumeaters were properly fed, Jack and I crawled out of the tub. I escorted him to his cycle where his clothes were neatly folded and stacked. As he began to dress, I assured him that I would take care of things regarding his gang. "Something will work out," I said, "If my gaydar is correct (and it usually is), I know there are some gay guys in your group. We're going to find out who they are and we'll work out some arrangement -- even if it takes some blackmail. Trust me."

"Thanks, buddy!" said Jack as he climbed on his bike. He leaned over and kissed me and then turned around and sped off.

As I stood there and watched him disappear in the distance, I heard some rustling from behind my cabin. I turned and looked. Approaching me were two of Jack's bikers.

They walked straight up to me, stopped and looked at me long and hard. Then one of them spoke, "We saw you and Jack together!"

Next: Chapter 55

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