Gay Campground

By Jarbear Jarbear

Published on Jul 23, 2011


By Write me and let me know what you think. I answer all emails. Also, I have a layout of the campground as I see it when I write the chapters. If you would like one to go along with the chapters as you read them, just ask and I'll email you a copy. Characters & events that are referred to in previous chapters will have the chapter number in parenthesis. 13,15,51

As the orgy was beginning to wind down, one could smell the sweat, sex and poppers. Everyone was getting well-spent. Some were leaving and going back to their campsites. I was talking to a camper when Jim (13,15,51) appeared. I finished the conversation with the camper, then turned to Jim.

"Well, Jim," I started, "I haven't seen you all evening. We came here together and then you disappeared." Then I smiled, "Was that a good thing?"

"A very good thing," said Jim as he smiled back, "What an evening. I don't think I've ever done so much sucking, fucking and rimming in one sitting. It was fantastic! I know this place will continue to be a success."

"Well, I'm heading back to my cabin, wanna join me?"


"I presume you're going to spend the night with me."

"Of course. You invited me."

"Well, you never know. You may have met someone you would prefer to go to bed with this evening instead of me. That wouldn't bother me at all. We can always get together at another time. I don't get selfish with my friends and I hope that tone carries with the campers here as well."

"No, really," replied Jim, "I would prefer to go back and get to bed. It was an exhausting, but fun evening."

As we headed back to the cabin, I shared with Jim my goals and plans. He felt that they were great and gave me advice as to the best way to accomplish them. We planned to review all necessary paperwork in my office the next day. But for now, we needed some rest. It was an exhausting sex-filled evening.

After we entered my cabin, Jim picked up his clothes he left scattered and arranged them neatly on the sofa. We then headed for bed. When we crawled under the blankets, we automatically moved into each other's arms. We laid there for a moment in silence, then Jim spoke, "Bob, have you made any good friends here?"

"Oh, my God," I replied, "They are all my friends."

"No, I mean really good, close friends."

"Well, my staff and I have a great relationship. We go all out to help each other and support each other. I couldn't ask for a better group of workers. But if there was one person who I am the closest to, I would say Randy (16-23)."

"You mean that black guy I met just before the party?"

"Yeah. He's been through it all with me."

"He seems like a great guy. Do you trust him?"

"I trust all my staff. That is the understanding we have. Once there is any distrust, they are outta here."

"I see. What do you think of me?"

"I think you're a great guy. You're great to have sex with. I enjoy being with you and I think you're a great attorney."

"But you don't think of me like the rest of the staff -- trust me, close relationship and all."

"Well, Jim, I haven't been with you as much as I have with the staff. Of course I'm closer to them than you."

"Well," Jim said, pulling me closer to him in a tighter embrace, "I'd like to change that. I like you a lot and I like this place a lot. I've been looking for a vacation home to get away to and I'd like to have something here. I'd like to be the first to buy a lot and build a Katrina cottage on it."

I pulled back, looked at him and smiled, "That's great Jim! It's a start. Golly, I haven't even started the marketing for the cottages and I already have a customer."

"I assure you," said Jim, "Once that article in the 'Out and About' magazine gets published, you won't have any trouble selling lots or cottages. In fact, I'll bet you'll need to buy more property to expand. It's a good thing that famer wants to sell out."

"Yes, you're right," I said yawning. And that was the last I remembered of the conversation with Jim. I was out like a light. When I opened my eyes, the sunlight was coming through the window. I turned in bed and noticed that Jim was gone. I heard some noise in the kitchen and then smelled the coffee brewing and heard the eggs frying. I got out of bed and walked through the door. "Good morning!" I said stretching.

Jim turned and smiled at me, "Hello, my friend. Sleep well?"

"I slept great. This is the second night in my own bed since I moved here. It's great to be back in it."

"I've just about got breakfast ready for you. Just give me a couple more minutes and I'll have everything ready."

"In the meantime, Jim, I'll take a quick shower."

When I was done, I stepped into the kitchen and Jim was seated at the table having a cup of coffee. The table was all set and breakfast was ready. "Wow! This looks great." Then looking at Jim, I continued, "Man, even sitting there naked, you look professional." Then I winked, "You know how I feel about professional looking guys in suits."

Jim laughed, "Yeah, I know. Maybe you should come to my office building sometime and see if you can find any CEO's who want blowjobs. I know there are a couple of gloryholes in the building because I've made them myself."

"Didn't you get caught? Aren't you asking for trouble?"

"I don't think so -- I own the building."

I laughed, "I just might take you up on that!" I then sat down at the table and we had breakfast together. We chatted about what we liked and disliked. We shared our past histories and what we had in common -- mainly man-to-man sex.

As I stood up to begin cleaning up the dishes, Jim stood up to help me. "Bob," he said, "I was serious last night about buying a lot and cottage here. I want to be a regular here because I feel the most comfortable here. Do you need any startup money for this expansion?"

"I don't know. You'll have to talk to Travis (25,40). He's the new accountant/bookkeeper at this place. I'll let him know to show you the books. You and Travis handle all that stuff. I just manage this place."

"I'll be sure to see him today. Let's go over to your office and start working on some of this legals that I think we should discuss."

I stepped towards Jim, put my arms around him and kissed him slow and deep. As I pressed against him, I could feel his cock begin to harden. I pulled back, "There's something I'd rather do first. It would help me to get in a concentrating mood if we do it."

Jim smiled at me slyly, "I can just imagine what that is."

I immediately got on my knees in front of him and took his cock in my hand. It only took a couple of strokes before it got good and hard. I nuzzled my face in his hairy crotch bush and inhaled his manly aroma. I move my face under his cock towards his ball sack and kissed it gently and licked it. I heard Jim moan. I moved back up and wrapped my lips around his shaft and began to suck.

"Oh God, Bob!" he moaned, I can tell why everybody likes you so well, "You are so personable, open and friendly to everyone, -- I find that incredibly sexy. You like to whore around with all the guys and that's what they like about you. That's what I like about you,too."

Making comments like that make me more sexually intense. I kept pushing him back until he landed on the sofa. He spread his legs for me, giving me easy access to what was between them. I saw my bottle of poppers on the sofa side table and I reached for it. I uncapped the bottle and took several huffs, then handed it to Jim who did likewise.

As we were drawing into our sexual euphoria, Jim lifted his legs, letting me have a good look at his asshole. I love ass! I pushed my face into his ass planting my mouth over his asshole. When I did, my tongue went out and licked around his sphincter muscle. My tongue felt it wink and it pushed its way in. I love tongue fucking a good hole and Jim had one!

I then drew up to his cock again and plunged my mouth down over it. Every time I pulled back up, I gave it good suction which almost sent Jim over the edge. "Oh my God!" he moaned, "You are one fantastic cocksucker! I would love to take you to the city and whore you out. I know I'd make a bundle on you."

While his cock was still in my mouth, I looked up at him and smiled. Then I resumed sucking Jim's cock for all it was worth. At the same time, I reached up and began tickling his ball sack. This definitely sent him over for no sooner when I did that, he yelled and shot his load all over the inside of my mouth. I swallowed it all hungrily.

Jim then went limp as he kept gasping. I remained on my knees between his legs and smiled as I watched him try to get himself back together. When he finally got his second wind, he said, "Fuck, Bob! This makes me all the more to want to buy a place here."

When he stood up, he was wobbly at first, but then he got his bearings. "We better get to your office and get some work done," as he attempted to sound serious. I just laughed.

We walked out of my cabin, across the lane, and into my office to finally and seriously get some work done. We worked all morning and then took a lunch break by going to the barn and relaxing in the hot tub. No one else was there and we were just sitting quietly. We heard some movement and then heard someone ask, "Is it OK if we join you?"

I turned to look and saw it was Kevin and Travis (25,40,53). "Sure!" I replied, "There's plenty of room. In fact, I'm glad you came. I want you guys to meet Jim, our attorney. Jim this is Kevin here in the wheelchair and Travis is his caregiver. I've just hired Kevin to run the canteen and store and Travis will handle the books of the business as well as payroll and all that. They both have the education and experience until Kevin had his accident. Now no one would hire him and Kevin and Travis are a team. I believe they will do great for the business. Also, I believe in hiring the handicapped.

Jim reached out of the tub and shook hands with them and asked Kevin if he could use some help getting into the tub. "I would appreciate it," kevin replied. So Jim got out of the tub, and he and Travis wrapped their arms around Kevin, picked him up and put him in the tub.

As they were moving him, Jim got a look at Kevin's cock and said, "Hey, that's a good-looking cock you got there."

"Thanks," Kevin replied, "My limbs may not work, but my cock sure does. So does my mouth and tongue; don't you think, Bob?"

"Most definitely!" I replied, "We got to be pretty creative with that wheelchair of yours, didn't we?"

"We did. This tub sure feels good. I like the pressure of the warm water shooting on my asshole."

Jim then spoke, "I'm glad to hear that Bob believes in hiring the handicapped. By the way Kevin, what all are you into?"

"You talkin' about sex?"

Jim laughed, "What else is there to talk about?"

"Let me assure you, what I can't do with my arms and legs I make up with my mouth and tongue."

"And your cock is really tasty looking, too!"

"Well, I have to admit, I'm quite attached to it myself." Everyone laughed.

Jim again spoke, "Well then, I surmise that you like sucking cock and rimming out ass."

"That," Kevin replied, "And getting fucked. I may not be able to fuck an ass, but I can lay on my back with my cock up and anybody can hope on for a ride."

"I need to ask you something else, Kevin."

"What's that, Jim?"

Jim stood up, turned his back to Kevin, bent over and with his hands parted his ass cheeks. "What do you think of my ass?"

"I don't know," Kevin replied, "You'll have to back up so I can have a closer look."

Jim backed up closer, "Is this better?"

"Back up some more." Jim backed up more.

"Still more." So Jim backed up right onto Kevin's face. Kevin then immediately began to feast on Jim's asshole.

"My God!" Jim said in amazement, "You HAVE got a talented mouth and tongue. Your tongue can fuck my asshole any time."

Travis spoke up, "Can I say something here?"

"Sure!" I replied.

"I'm sorry, but I think I'm being ignored here."

"Well, get over here, then," I said with conviction, "I'm the host of this place and you are to be satisfied."

Travis stepped in front of me stroking his now hard cock. I sat deeper in the swirling warm water so that I was eye lever with his crotch. With one hand, I held Travis' cock and with the other, reached between his legs and fingered his ass. Travis moaned in delight.

"Man!" Jim spoke up, "I've never done it with a handicapped person before, but I really like it. It's sort of controlling, yet creative at the same time." Jim continued to rub his ass crack up and down Kevin's face.

I, in the meantime, leaned forward and took Travis' cock in my mouth and began to suck. Travis put his hands beind his head and gently gyrated his hips, moving with my sucking. We must have been doing pretty good because a groups of campers bega to gather around the hot tub.

Jim turned around to face Kevin. He kneeled on the tub bench which Kevin was sitting on, placing each knee on either side of him. This put his crotch right in Kevin's face. Jim grabbed his cock, stroked it a couple of times then aimed ir right for Kevin's mouth. Kevin smiled then opened wide to receive the hard cock. Kevin pushed it in. He took hold of Kevin's head with his hands and began fucking his mouth. Kevin was enjoying it as evidenced by his moaning.

"Can we join you?" said a voice behind me. I pulled off of Travis' cock and turned to look where the voice came. There stood Doc John (46) and his nurse Bill (46).

"Hey guys, it's great to see you! I didn't see you at the party last night."

"We couldn't make it because we had to work last night. We just got here," replied Bill

"Hop in and join us. We'll talk more later," I encouraged them.

They guickly got in Doc John quickly got to work on Jim's ass and Bill began working on Travis as well. I resumed sucking Travis' cock as Kevin continued giving Jim a blowjob. I must confess; a good time was had by all.

It was only a couple of moment's before Travis began moaning loudly and I prepared my self for a cum lunch. It came and I swallowed eagerly. When Travis regained his composure, he stood back and Bill stood up. His cock was sticking straight out and seeing it, my asshole began to twitch, telling me that I wanted that cock of his parked up my ass.

So I sat on the hot tub bench, stuck my legs up in the air and smiled at Bill. Bill smiled back for he knew what I wanted. He stepped up to me stroking his cock, squatted down, aimed it for my ass, then slid it in. He then began fucking me. All who have been fucked know the tremendous feeling of being filled with in the ass with a cock. As my legs were in the air, I spread them further apart so he could get his cock in me further. As he fucked me, I sighed with contentment.

As I was being fucked, Jim crawled off Kevin and invited Doc John to reach down and take a feel of Kevin's cock. When he did, he gave that look of pleasant surprise and immediately turned around and sat in Kevin's lap. I couldn't see below the swirling water, but I knew that Doc John had planted his asshole on Kevin's cock and was taking a slide down.

John didn't ride Kevin's cock, but just sat on it, for he bent over and took Jim's cock in his mouth and be sucking. Travis, since he came, sat down next to Kevin and they began kissing. I could tell by watching them that Travis wasn't just Kevin's caregiver, but they were close friends and had a special affection for each other.

Bill, who was fucking me, began panting, "I'm gonna fucking cum!" And as soon as he said that, I felt his load spurt deep inside me. That's another great feeling, a cock shooting its load inside of me.

As soon as he was done shooting, he sort of collapsed on top of me. When he finally finished panting, he raised his head, looked at me, and smiled. I smiled back, leaned my head forward and kissed him. He returned the kiss and stuck his tongue in me. I sucked on it and then he did the same to me.

It was then I heard Jim groan. He grabbed John's head with both hands and jammed his cock deeper down John's throat. John gagged a bit, but didn't resist. After a couple of thrusts, he let out a loud, "Aagh!" and held his cock in John's mouth. I knew he was shooting. I saw John's adam's apple move up and down, indicating to me that he was swallowing it.

As soon as he was done, Jim pulled his cock out of John's mouth and John began moving up and down on Kevin's cock. Kevin broke away from his kissing Travis and closed his eyes, moved his head back and enjoyed the feeling. All of a sudden, Kevin's face began to grimace. He gave a couple of grunts and I knew he was shooting. John stopped his riding, looked at me and smiled, "I can feel it. He does a good job shooting it."

When that was done, we all climbed out of the hot tub. I told Doc John and Bill to walk around and get acquainted with the place while Jim and I return to the office and get some work done. I informed them that Jim will have to go back home tomorrow to get back to work and we needed to get things wrapped up today.

I thanked Kevin and Travis for "stopping by" and told them to enjoy the rest of the day. We all went out separate ways.

Next: Chapter 54

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