Gay Campground

By Jarbear Jarbear

Published on Jul 14, 2011


By Write me and let me know what you think. I answer all emails. Also, I have a layout of the campground as I see it when I write the chapters. If you would like one to go along with the chapters as you read them, just ask and I'll email you a copy. Characters & events that are referred to in previous chapters will have the chapter number in parenthesis.

What Trevor (33,47,51) said really put me in a party mood. Assured of a good article in a national gay travel magazine will definitely put me on the road to success. And I knew that I had my staff and loyal campers to thank. I was overwhelmed with the good feeling that it gave me.

And the other good feeling was Trevor's cock up my ass. Telling me that he was going to write a positive article while at the same time fucking my ass got me in the mood to have a fucking good time! I was going to please Trevor in whatever way he wanted. I stuck my ass in the air more to give him more access to my hole. He grabbed my hips and rode me all the more harder.

I grabbed the camper's shoulders in front of me for more leverage as my ass was pounded to the base of Trevor's cock. I heard another camper speak out, "Well, will you look at that! Bob, the owner, is getting a good fucking!" I noticed several others turning around to watch. The camper I was hanging onto turned around but I still hung on as he turned. We looked at each other and smiled. He grabbed the back of my head and pulled my face toward his and practically sucked the tongue right out of my mouth. Boy! That guy sure knew how to suck tongue!

When we broke free from our kissing, I lowered my torso to his crotch. For some unkown reason, the camper had a limp cock and I was about to take care of that. I took that cock in my mouth and swirled it around in my mouth with my tongue. It began to get stiff as I kept working on it and when it became hard, I then worked on keeping my wet lips tight as I slid up and down the shaft. The camper had my head in his hands and he was working as well on fucking my mouth.

In the midst of this, another camper got down under us and started sucking my cock. That makes four of us connected as one group. I wonder if more would join us. It wasn't but a moment when a camper got behind the one I was blowing. He was stroking his hard cock and guiding it towards the ass of the camper I was sucking. He grabbed his hips and easily slid his cock in. That now makes five connected. Any more?

The camper kneeling below me sucking my cock -- another camper somehow squirmed underneath him with his hard cock sticking straight up. The cocksucker below me raised his ass a little, giving the guy below him some more room to slide under. Then he impaled him self right on the cock. The sucking and fucking continued. That made six connected.

After that, I didn't keep count. I straightened up from my cocksucking to relieve the strain in my back from bending over. As Trevor continued to fuck me, I looked around. As the rocking music continued, the dancing had stopped. The sexual frenzy of everyone in the room had increased. This may be the largest orgy the campground has ever had. When I mean orgy, I mean that everyone was involved with sex. No one was just standing around watching except for Rick (48). Rick was busy with his camera taking pics of all the action. Even Bernie, the DJ (50), was involved. He had stepped around in front of the sound board and had bent over. His slacks were down around his knees and he was being fucked in the ass by Randy (16-23). I wondered where Randy went.

I motioned for Trevor to pull out of me. When he did, I turned around to face him. I put my hands on his waist and pulled him towards me. We kissed and then I spoke gently, "I think Rick has taken enough pictures. Have you and him ever had sex together?"

"No," Trevor replied as he looked at me, "We work together too much. I just see us as professionals."

"Well, tonight, why don't you just quit being professional and go fuck Rick. He would love it. He's been admiring you, but is afraid to approach you. He thinks if he did, he was afraid that you would fire him. One thing I've learned is that when I'm good to my staff, they will do anything for me. I think when you are good to Rick, you will find out that he will be even more dependable for you and do more for you. Don't you think it's worth a try?"

Trevor looked at Rick for a moment. Rick was busy with his camera moving around the group clicking away. Sometimes he squatted down to get better shots. Once he got on his back and slid under a couple to get a good shot. Trevor had the look of admiration as he watched Rick. He then answered me, "Yes, it's worth a try."

Trevor wandered over to Rick and stood in front of him, blocking the camera lense. Rick lowered his camer and looked at him perplexed. Trevor smiled and calmly took the camera out of Rick's hands and placed it on the table next to him. He wrapped his arms around Rick's neck and pulled him forward. As they kissed, Rick wrapped his arms around Trevor's waist. I saw their cocks begin to rise and I knew that they were going to finally enjoy each other on an "unprofessional" level.

As I walked around the dance floor, I admired what I saw -- everyone was involved and having a good time. This is great for business. Now I'm not being selfish in thinking of only business, but I see all of this going hand in hand. There's nothing more I enjoy than seeing everyone have a good time. But to have this, there's got to be a place where everyone can meet -- and the place is this campground. And this campground can't keep going unless the campers are having a good time. So I see my role in keeping both going.

As I looked around I saw Kevin (25,40). He was lying on the floor and his wheelchair was to the side. Two campers were working on him. One camper was fucking him in the ass as he was holding his legs up. The other camper was sitting on Kevin's face, obviously getting a rim job. Kevin may not be able to do much as a quad, but this I know -- he is a great rimmer.

Since everybody was busy having a great time, I decided to take a walk. I exited the barn and went around to the gate at the cruising woods. I took the key from the wall and unlocked it and pulled it shut behind me. It was a full moon tonight and I could clearly see the path before me. As I walked the path, I noticed three guys walking towards me. Of course, they were clothed and of course, I was naked.

As we approached each other I casually stroked my cock. The guys couldn't help but notice. As we got closer to each other, one of them said to me, "Good looking cock."

"Thanks," I replied.

They stopped and continued to watch me jacking. Finally, the second one spoke, "What all are you into"

"I'm into anything and everything at any time. I like to be naked and do what comes naturally. I just came from over there." I then nodded towards the campground.

The third spoke, "Wow! What's it like over there -- a lot of fun?"

"Well, I think so. Of course, I may be prejudiced since I own the place."

"What's it like over there? We've heard different stories."

"Why don't you find out for yourself?"

"Well-l-l, we're not sure, we're kind of afraid of being found out that we go there."

"Well, no one is around right now. Why don't you go in now?"

"We didn't bring any money with us. We weren't planning on going in tonight."

"Why don't you go with me? I'll take you in. Since I own the place, it will be my treat. Just for this evening. OK?"

"Hell yes, we'll go with you!" They followed me to the gate. As I hung the key back on the wall, I turned to the cruisers, "Guys, at this point, you'll have to take your clothes off or the campers will be suspicious of you. You can pile them here on the ground by the barn. They'll be here for you to put backon when you get back."

As they excitedly stripped, I informed them, "You will have to stay with me because you are my guests. If I lose you, I will contact the staff and we will find you. Then I will have you banned from the campground because you are not to be trusted. That is important among the campers here. We trust each other. Do you understand?" They did.

As we walked around the barn to the front, they looked around. There were no campers in sight. One spoke up, "Where is everyone? I thought a lot of campers come here."

"Follow me," I said simply and led them into the barn. They glanced at the hot tub as we passed it and they followed me below the right loft into the dance room. Once they stepped in, their jaws dropped open. They were speechless as they saw the mass of bodies writhing in sexual frenzy. "Oh, fuck!" one gasped.

"Stay with me," I instructed them as we weaved through the various bodies. I looked for and found Randy, Brad, and Tim (20,42,45). I motioned for them to come to me which they obediently did. I introduced them to the cruisers and informed the staff that they were my guests. Could the staff make them feel welcome? They were very willing.

"Why don't we take them upstairs in the loft in the orgy room?" Randy asked his fellow staffers.

"Why not just have fun with them here?" Brad asked.

"I know why," Tim spoke up, "It's like watching those porn clips on the internet. They give you just enough free viewing to entice you to buy the whole video. Am I right?"

"Right," I replied. "You give them a good time up there and they'll want to come back for more of what the campground has to offer. Don't you think it's a pretty good marketing ploy?"

Brad laughed and grabbed his crotch, "I think it's pretty good as long as we are part of the marketing."

I laughed too, "Ok, go ahead and do some marketing for me."

I followed them all out of the dance room and as they were climbing up the ladder to the loft, I hit the red button which turned the hot tub on and crawled in. I sat down in the swirling warm water and leaned back to relax. I watched as the staff and cruisers went up the ladder. I watched as Brad, behind a cruiser, pushed his face into his ass to rim him. Startled, the cruiser fumbled on the ladder and Brad quickly grabbed him to support him. I laughed as I called out, "Safety first, Brad!"

He turned, looked at me, smiled, and gave me the OK sign. They then disappeared from sight. I closed my eyes and relaxed with contentment. Everything was going well.

After about 10 minutes of soaking, I decided to get out before I overcooked myself. I knew the orgy was going great, so I decided to go up to the loft and see how they were doing. I climbed up the ladder and headed towards the orgy area.

Tim was lying on his back, legs up in the air, getting fucked by his cruiser. Brad was in a 69 position with his and doing some good deep throating. Randy's cruiser was lying on his back and Randy was on top of him riding his cock. They all had looks of satisfaction and ecstacy on their faces.

I walked over to Randy and stood in front of him, straddling his cruiser. Stroking my cock, I flagged it in front of Randy and he willingly opened his mouth. I took another step forward and slid my cock in. As he slid his lips up and down my hard shaft, I took his head in my hand and kept a firm grip as I reached around with my right and began finger fucking my ass. It was definitiely a good feeling. My black buddy, Randy sure knew how to suck cock! He kept riding the cock he was on as he kept orally riding my cock.

Then I decided that I wanted Randy's black cock up my ass. I pulled out of Randy's mouth, wrapped my arms around his neck, pushed myself against him, and slid down to his waiting cock which was sticking straight up in the air. He didn't have to guide it for my wiaitng asshole easily found it. The head found my sphincter muscle and I pushed down. The muscle loosened up and allowed Randy's cock to enter in. I felt Randy's hard shaft slide up in me and with it filling up my insides, I knew that I was in for a glorious ride!

As Randy was riding the cock below him and fucking my ass at the same time he spoke in my ear as he panted, "Oh, Boss! This feels so fucking good. I love so much fucking you!"

"Randy, you have no idea how I love being fucked by a black cock -- especially yours! You are my best bud. I love you!" We then kissed long, slow, deep and hard. "I want you to shoot your fucking load in me. I want you to breed me with your chocolate sauce!"

"You've got it, Boss! My cock is yours. I know it belongs to you because it fits up in your ass so good!"

"I promise you this, Randy: from now on whenever you're in the mood to fuck, my ass is always available to you -- night or day. I'm yours!"

"Hearin' you say that really tingles my nuts and I'm about ready to explode up your ass. You want my load now?"

"I ALWAYS want your load, good fuck buddy!"

"Well, here it comes!" With that, he let out a loud grunt for all to hear and I felt his cock throb several times and I felt his cumload spray the inside of my bowels. Randy sure knows how to please a guy!

When we calmed down, I pulled off of him and stood up, "Well staff, it's time to get back to work downstairs. Guests, it's time for me to take you back to the gate.

"Aww!" one of them complained, "We aren't finished. We haven't shot our loads!"

"Too bad. I'm sorry. This all was just to entice you and give you an idea of this place. Let's go."

Grumbling, they got up and followed me down the loft ladder, out the barn and to the back gate. I began to feel bad for them and thought maybe I teased them too much.

When they got their clothes back on, I spoke up, "OK guys, if you want, I'll let you fuck my ass. Randy's load is in me and you can add yours to the collection." They pulled their cocks back out and while I sucked one cruiser, another began fucking my well-used ass. The third stood there watching, jacking his cock.

While this was going on, other cruisers had gathered and were watching from the other side of the gate. "How did you guys get over there?" they asked.

One of the three responded, "Bob, here, let us in, he owns this place."

"Wow! What's it like in there?"

"It's fucking awesome! Right now, there's a huge orgy going on in the barn. We only saw a little bit of the barn, but this place is so awesome!"

"Did you guys have a good time?"

"We did, but we couldn't stay that long. The owner here showed us just enough to tease us to want to come later."

"Are you going to?"

"Definitely! We got to fuck around some with the staff."

"Say, Bob, would you let us in to see the place?"

"Well, not tonight," I replied, "Maybe another time if you catch me here. You can always come in through the front entry and be a camper."

"What if we only want to come in for the day and don't want to camp?"

"I never thought of that. Good idea! I'll work up something as a day pass." Through all this conversation, the three cruisers were fucking me and the third finally got his load shot up my ass. As I let them through the gate, I casually asked the others, "Anyone else wanna try my ass?" There were six of them and they were all willing.

So I walked across the path to the tree stump and bent over. "Might as well get a good load collected." I thought to myself. They took their turns on me. Being gang banged by the motorcycle group (24) not too long ago had put the desire in me to have my ass well used.

Needless to say, their fucking me felt good. I never felt used by any fucker. You know my favorite saying, "You can never rape the willing!"

As I went back through the gate, the cruisers called out to me, "Thanks for the fuck!"

"Any time!" I called back. I walked back into the barn and the group was still going at it, but not everyone. There were some who were taking a breather. Back in one corner I saw two black guys just standing there holding their drinks. I recognized them. They were brothers, Cain and Cameron. "Hey guys! Good seeing you here!"

"Hey, it's good to see you, too." said Cain, "Where have you been? We saw you at the start, but then lost sight of you."

"Well, I went to the cruising woods and brought in a few cruisers to show them this place -- sort of a marketing ploy to entice them to camp here. I kept them long enough to want to come, then I took them back. But it ended up they fucked me and then there were six more cruisers and they fucked me, too."

The brothers began to get excited and Cameron spoked up, "You took their loads?"

"Yep, including my staff person's load, I've got ten loads in me right now."

The brothers sided up to me and each put an arm around me. "How was it?" Cain asked seductively.

"It's always great. I love getting fucked and to me, it's even more fun getting gang banged. Just a few weeks ago I was gang banged by a motorcycle group ini the woods."

They immediately got a concerned look on their faces, "Are you OK?"

I laughed, "Never better. When they were done with me, I was like a contented cow."

Cameron smiled at me, "Well then, good friend, good buddy, ole pal, what are you going to do with those ten fuck loads that are in your ass?"

"I don't know," I smiled back, "Got any suggestions?"

The black brothers looked at each other knowingly and smiled at me, "You know what to do!" They immediately laid down on the floor, the bodies extending out from each other. Their faces were next to each other. They were then ready.

"Hey guys!" I called out to the group, "Watch this!"

I faced the group, straddled the brothers' faces and then quatted down over them. To make it a show, I put my hands behind my head, closed my eyes, gave a look of satisfaction and let the cum loads pour out. Their faces were literally covered. The watching campers first gasped at the sight, then cheered. As I stepped away and the crowd continued cheering, the brothers stood up, faced the crowd and bowed. They then wrapped their arms around each other and licked all the cum off each other's face and swallowed it all. Everyone cheered again.

By then, I had gotten back on stage to the sound board and took the microphone. I gestured towards the black guys and spoke: "Those two guys, my friends, are brothers, Cain and Cameron."

There was another momentary gasped from the crowd at the thought of brothers and sex. The a camper started chanting, "Incest! Incest!" and then the rest joined in along with cheers. The brothers bowed again, laughed and walked away.

"This is some party!" I thought.

Next: Chapter 53

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