Gay Campground

By Jarbear Jarbear

Published on Jul 1, 2011


By Write me and let me know what you think. I answer all emails. Also, I have a layout of the campground as I see it when I write the chapters. If you would like one to go along with the chapters as you read them, just ask and I'll email you a copy. Characters & events that are referred to in previous chapters will have the chapter number in parenthesis.

When supper was done, I said, "Now it's time to go to the barn. Follow me." As we headed out the door, I asked Trevor, "So, what do you think so far?"

"Sorry, but I normally don't give my impressions ahead of time," he replied, "But I'll tell you this, I'll email you a draft of what's going to be published. I want to get my facts straight, but my opinions are just that - my opinions - whether you agree with me or not."

I wasn't sure if I liked what I heard. His opinions are valued by the readers of the magazine more so than the facts. So that made me very vulnerable.

"But I assure you this," he continued, "I am very fair. You will get a draft and if you think that I am way off base, just let me know. I'll listen to what you have to say and I will explain why I wrote what I wrote."

"That seems fair enough," I replied.

By then, we got to the barn. Of course, when we entered, the first thing Trevor saw was the hot tub. There were several guys relaxing in it. Two were casually conversing and two others were going through a fuck session. One was bent over the edge of the tub while the other was behind him, holding his hips as he shoved and pulled his cock in and out of the ass in front of him.

Trevor walked over to the one getting fucked and said, "I'm the journalist you've heard about -- you know -- the one for the gay travel magazine. I want to ask you a few questions." Rick, of course, had immediately resumed his picture taking.

"The audacity of him!" I thought to myself, "He's got the nerve -- interrupting a good fuck session -- talking as though nothing is going on -- as if they don't care enough of their fuck session that they don't mind being interrupted!"

I had to step in, "Just a minute Trevor. I think it's kind of rude interrupting a fuck session just for a few questions. Why don't you just wait until they're done before you talk to them. Better yet, why don't you talk to these two guys -- they're just sitting there talking."

"That's okay, Bob," the fucker interrupted, "If we can help promote this place, it's worth the interruption." Turning to Trevor, he said, "Ask away. But I want to remind you, you ARE being rude interrupting us. We're doing this for Bob because he's a great guy and he's running a great place here."

Inside, I felt proud. But on the other hand, I didn't want to set Trevor off on bad footing. Oh well, I just have to let it go. I excused myself from the group and told Trevor that I would be waiting for him below the right loft. It's best I didn't listen in on the conversation. So I went to see if things were being set up for the party for the construction crew.

Bernie, our weekly DJ, had already arrived setting up the sound and lighting system. Tim was there helping him. "How are things going?" I asked, "Is everything coming together for tonight?"

"I filled him in about the construction crew," Tim informed me, "I think we've got a couple of special plans for them that they will like."

I listened closed as they filled me in on what was going to happen. I liked what I heard and gave them my thumbs up. I walked up to Tim, gave him a hug and kissed him. "I haven't seen you lately. Things going OK?"

"Sure," Tim replied, "You hired me to be the janitor here. With the magazine writer coming, I wanted this place to look good and clean. I've worked my tail to the bone to clean things up. I hope it meets your satisfaction."

"I've been taking Trevor around this place since noon today," I responded. "I've looked things over as I did and everything looks ship-shape. I'm proud of you. You did a good job." I kept my arms around him -- pressed him against me -- our crotches pressed together. We continued just standing there, looking into each other's eyes. We both felt our cocks hardening between us. "What can I do to please you?" I asked him gently.

"Well," Tim asked shyly, "You can give me a nice fuck -- you can call it 'a fuck of confidence'. I always enjoy a good fuck."

I backed him to a table and he sat on it. He then laid back on it and lifted his legs in the air. I squatted down in front of his ass and tongue fucked him until his asshole was well lubed and loose. I stood up, gave my hard cock a few strokes, guided it toward his hole and slid it in. Tim groaned, "Oh, yes!"

As I was into fucking Tim, Bernie strolled towards us. Normally, when he sets up and runs the sound system, he's dressed for safety's sake. But this time, he had stripped down. This was the first time I saw him naked.

He walked around the table Tim was lying on toward Tim's head. As I continued my fucking, Bernie bent over and kissed him long and slow. Their tongues worked around each other. Bernie's cock was hanging just past Tim's head and Tim reached back, got a hold of Bernie and pulled him closer. As he opened his mouth and Bernie's cock went in easily.

As, Bernie began fucking Tim's mouth, he looked at me and smiled. I smiled back as we bent over towards each other and kissed. I took Bernie's face in my hands and drew my kisses deeper, sliding my tongue as far into his mouth as I could. He wrapped his arms around my neck. As we were into our three-way, we did not hear Trevor and Rick enter.

When the clicking of the camera began, we both looked at Rick, then at each other. "OK with you?" I asked.

"Fine. Just fine!" Bernie replied. So we continued with our three-way as Rick continued with his task of taking pics. Then I felt a body press up against me from behind. I felt me ear lobe being nibbled on as a pair of hands massaged my breasts. A soft voice spoke into my ear, "Would I be too rude to join in?" It was Trevor.

I chuckled lightly and said, "When it comes to sex and you joining in, no. Do what you want."

I felt his hard cock against my ass. The head of his cock pressed against my asshole which was still stretched from the double fucking with the two black guys. His cock slid in easily and massaged my prostate as he fucked me and when a cock does that to me, my cock gets ready to shoot.

I was still fucking Tim, so my cock was not only tingling from Trevor's cock, but also from Tim's fucked asshole. Realizing the four of us sexing together really gets me excited -- along with being photographed by Rick for the national gay magazine. "I'm gonna shoot!" I warned Tim. He gave no response. His mouth was too full of Bernie's cock. So I shot.

When my cock finished throbbing, I pulled out and as well, Trevor then pulled his cock out of me. As I stepped away from Tim's ass, Trevor immediately got down on his knees and sucked the cumload out of him. It was then I heard Bernie gasping. He pulled out of Tim's mouth, grabbed his cock and began strokng furiously. Tim laid still on the table with his mouth open, tongue hanging out, waiting for Bernies load. Bernie shot right on his tongue all of his load. When he was done, Tim closed his mouth and then made cum suds come out just enough to be noticeable. Trevor moved over to Tim and kissed him long and deep. I knew that Tim shared Bernie's cumload with Trevor, for when Trevor pulled off from kissing, he was licking his lips.

After a moment, I spoke, "Well guys, you better get back to finish setting up. I'll take Trevor and Rick on to see the rest of the place. See you later at the party. Are you getting enough pics, Rick?"

"My God! I've got so many that my first disk is almost full. But don't worry. I've got a couple more empty disks."

As we were heading up to the right loft, Trevor asked, "What's this party tonight? Somebody's birthday?"

"No," I responded, "it's a party for the finishing crew. It's a way of thanking them for getting their work done before you guys arrived. The cottages are finished and they deserve a nice reward."

"What have you got in mind?"

"Well, I don't want the word to get out. It's a secret until the party."

"But, we won't tell. Besides, we've got to leave before the party. Can't you tell us your plans?"

"Sorry, but it's your loss for not going to the party."

Trevor stopped. We stood at the edge of the loft as Trevor pondered what to do. "Rick," he asked, "what do you think about tonight?"

Rick shurgged his shoulders, "Whatever you want to do. I'm just following you around. I'll do whatever you want."

"Do you have anything planned that we can't stay here tonight?"

"No, not really."

"Well then," said Trevor with an air of finality, "We will stay. I can get some more information for the article and will be able to see how you run your parties."

"It's your decision if that's what you want to do," I responded nonchalantly. Secretly, I was delighted that he was staying. The more exposure he gets to this place, the more positive the article. Also, I felt that he really wanted to stay for the party -- to participate. This was fine with me!

As I was showing him the orgy area in the loft, there were three campers in a circle sucking each others' cocks. They noticed we were there, but ignored us as we stood and watched. "I may remove this area," I explained to Trevor, "They can have their orgies anywhere at any time. They don't have to have it here."

"I just may disagree with you on that one," Trevor replied, "Sometimes, when I'm in an orgy, I like it in the dark, where it's just groping and feeling around, not knowing who I'm having sex with. I like the anonymity of it -- not recognizing the person later who I had sex with."

"I think you're right," I responded thoughtfully, " I'm glad you said that. Plus, it seems like there's always someone here."

Then I led him further back in the loft where there was the maize with the gloryholes. I instructed Rick to go ahead of us and take pics as I talk to Trevor, which he did. I explained how one side is for the cocksuckers (the reason for the stools) and the other side is for the camper who wanted the blowjob.

Trevor didn't say a word, but stepped up to a hole and pushed his cock and balls through. He stood there for a moment with no response, but then I knew that someone had latched onto his cock, because his facial expression change. He began to rock back and forth into the hole. Once he pulled all the way back and I saw an open mouth with the tongue out press agains the hole -- a sign the cocksucker was wanting the cock back. So Trevor guided his cock back through. And the sucking resumed.

I just stood there watching and after a couple of moments, Trevor pushed harder against the wall and his knees were shaking. He gave a short gasp and I knew he was shooting his load. When he had compsed himself, he pulled out, and very business like, turned to me and said, "Shall we move on?"

He was walking ahead of me back to the loft ladder when Rick caught up with me. I turned to look at him just as he was wiping his mouth with the back of his hand. I raised my eyebrow at him and he whispered to me, "I finally got a taste of his cock -- great load!"

I smiled. We then climbed down the loft and crossed over to the left loft and went below. There, I showed him the weight room, slings, showers, restroom, and video room. I didn't make any comments, but did write some notes to what I said. In the photography room, Rick looked closely at the equipment. "This is professional stuff," he commented. In the video room, again he made more positive comments.

"Do you have any professional photographers here who work this equipment?" he asked.

"No, I don't," I responded, "These rooms are only used on weekends by the campers here. I have to admit that sometimes I feel uncomfortable about the campers using unfamiliar equipment."

"Maybe we can work something out where I can help you. Trevor and I rarely work on weekends (this being one of those rarities) and Usually I'm free on weekends. I would love to be here to run the equipment. You need a professional who knows what he is doing. Would you be interested?"

"I don't know," I responded, "I will have to think it through. I'll need to talk to Travis, my new accountant and hear what he has to say."

"I could stay in the bunkhouse when you get it built. Giving me free lodging would be pay enough for the service. I could set up a schedule or something with the campers that want to be photographed."

"Sounds fair enough. I'll let you know."

We then climbed in the upper loft to the theater. There was a camp video showing and some campers were seated in front of the screen jacking their cocks. They turned and glanced at us and then looked back at the screen. On the screen was a video of me getting gangbanged on a picnic table.

Trevor turned and looked at me, "Are you in all the videos?"

"No," I answered, "The videos are all of the campground. The campers are in the videos as well. Sometimes the campers like to see themselves in action. So we make it available to them. I took Trevor and Rick to the picture gallery. "These are stills of the videos taken as well as what was taken below here in the photography and video booths."

We climbed back down the left loft and stepped out of the barn. "Well," I said, "This is it. You have seen it all. Do you have any questions?"

"None I can think of right now. When does the party start this evening?"

"About eight or eight-thirty."

"Well then, if you don't mind, Rick and I will just wander around, looking the place over one more time and then be back her in time for the party. Is that all right with you?"

"Fine with me," I answered, "In other words, quoting my good ole grandmother, 'Just straighten up and act like you live here."

Next: Chapter 51

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