Gay Campground

By Jarbear Jarbear

Published on Jun 21, 2011


By Write me and let me know what you think. I answer all emails. Also, I have a layout of the campground as I see it when I write the chapters. If you would like one to go along with the chapters as you read them, just ask and I'll email you a copy. Characters & events that are referred to in previous chapters will have the chapter number in parenthesis.

Following that "escapade" in which Trevor suprised us all -- especially to Rick's delight -- we continued to walk the circle around the camper trailers. I explained to him the meaning of the trailer doors being opened and closed. Open means you are invited to enter-for sex or whatever-usually sex. Closed means "do not disturb"-we'd like to think that the camper is exhausted from all that sex and he needs a rest. At least I got Trevor to laugh at that one.

Passing by one site, a camper was just seated in his lawn chair in front of his trailer jacking his cock. He had his sun visor on, so Rick didn't take a pic. But as we passed he spread his legs further apart and flagged his cock at us. In return, Rick turned to him and gyrated his hips so that his cock and balls, which were still hanging out of his slacks, flopped back and forth. The camper smiled and licked his lips. We we laughed walked on.

At another site, a camper was lying back on the top of his picnic table. As we were passing by, he raised his legs in the air and parted his ass cheeks, exposing his sphincter muscle. I could clearly see it winking at us. As we we walking away from him, I saw a camper approach him, get on his knees and start eating out his ass. I smiled to myself as I noticed Trevor continuing to look back to watch the scene as we passed.

As we approached a rather large camper, Trevor said that he wanted to enter it, as the door was open. I invited him to go ahead reminding him of the "open door policy." So the three of us entered in. Peering into the bedroom to our right, we saw two black men laying on their bed, side by side jacking their cocks.

Seeing us standing there looking at them, one of them spoke, "Are you just going to stand there watching us, or are you going to join us?"

Trevor paused, and then said, "Oh, what the fuck! I can't resist." He dropped his pad and pen on the nitestand and stripped totally naked in front of them. Rick and I just stood and watched. When Trevor got naked he stood up on the bed above them, spread his legs a little further apart and began jacking his cock in front of them. As he did, he asked them, "Just what do you want from me?"

The black guys looked at each other, smiled, and then back at him. "We want all that you're willing to give," said one of them, "You'll get the two of us for the price of one -- you. We'll give you double of what you can give to us."

"So if I asked for a pair of lips to give me a good blowjob, I'll really get two?" asked Trevor.

"You got that good buddy," one of them said as they both got on their knees in the bed in front of him. Trevor's cock was now hard and the two blacks planted their lips on either side. Trevor put a hand on each head for leverage and then began to slide his cock in and out between the two pair of lips. With a free hand each of the two blacks reached around and felt Trevor's ass, grandually working their fingers into his ass. With their other free hand, they jacked their hard, black cocks.

I turned to Rick and saw that he was just standing there, transfixed at what was happening before his eyes. I nudged him with my elbow so that he looked at me. With my eyes, I looked at his camera while at the same time nodded my head toward the three-way. He got the hint and immediately picked up his camera and began clicking away.

The sounds of the camera clicking didn't phase Trevor. In fact, it seemed to encourage him to become more involved with the sexually active three-way that was going on. Trevor put his hands behind his head as the black guys continued to orally work on his cock and finger-fuck his ass.

As if to get better shots, Trevor then pulled the heads off his cock and turned around to face the camera. When he did, the blacks resumed their double mouth job on his cock. Trevor again put his hands behind his head and gave that look as if he were in utter ecstasy. It was obvious now that he was performing for the camera. And he seemed to love it!

Then Trevor began to gyrate his hips faster, causing his cock to slide through the two pair of lips faster. Then when he was ready to shoot, he again moved the heads off his cock. He grabbed his cock with one hand and placed the other hand under the head of his cock. He moaned loudly as he shot his load into his hand. The black pair remained on their knees in front of Trevor just watching. Trevor then smiled at them as he smeared his cumloads over both of their faces.

They laughed at what he was doing and when he was done, they turned to each other and licked off Trevor's smeared cumloads off each other's faces. Rick continued to click away. Of course, my cock was hard again and I was slowly stroking it. The two black buddies saw me and one of them motioned for me with their index finger to join them. As I crawled on the bed, Trevor crawled off.

I gently pushed one of the guys onto his back and crawled on top of him. I kissed him long, slow and deep as I ground my cock against his. At the same time, his bed buddy got behind me and with his long black tongue began giving me a wet, warm rim job. His tongue went deep into my asshole as he tongue fucked me.

I then noticed a bottle of poppers on the headboard shelf and I reached for it. The guy below me smiled as I continued to grind my crotch against his. He reached behind me with both of his hands and parted my cheeks, giving easier access for his friend to rim me deeper. I opened the bottle, took some huffs and then put the bottle opening beneath the nostrils of the camper below me. He took several deep huffs. I handed the bottle behind me and the rimmer pulled his face away from my ass long enough to take several huffs as well. I put the cap back on.

We were now beginning to reach a sexual euphoria. I moved my body forward just far enough for the cock below me to pop up enough for the head to touch my sphincter. I then pushed back and the cock slid in easily. I felt it slide all the way in and my bowels felt full. But this time I wanted more. I was not only getting high, but Rick was taking pics of me in action and I wanted some special scenes. As the man below me began fucking my ass, I turned my head to look back at the other black man and said, "I am so fucking horny, I want your cock up my ass, too."

He didn't need any further encouragement. He immediately got behind me, and pressed his cockhead against my asshole, on top of the black cock that was already in me. I yelled, "Fuck me!" So he did. He shoved hard on his cock and it went in easily because my ass had been fucked so many times and the poppers had loosened my hole. I heard Rick's camera continue to click away.

Rick moved around the bedroom and on the bed in different positions and angles trying to get as many different shots as possible. We were a human Oreo -- white cream between two black cookies. As I was getting double fucked, I resumed kissing the guy below me. We explored each other's mouths with our tongues, letting our saliva mix together. We then took turns sucking on each other's tongues. All the while, Rick took close-up shots.

As the fucking began to pick up pace, I knew that any moment now I would get a double load of chocolate juice up my ass. I wanted every drop of those two loads in me. My ass lips stretched around those two black cocks gave me such an incredible feeling. Now these two black guys were yellers! As they orgasmed inside my ass, they literlly yelled. I felt their warm juices flowing inside of me and it felt like it kept coming. Finally, they were done. They slowly pulled their cocks out of me and fell back on the bed.

I smiled with satisfaction. I not only got double fucked, but I got doubled fucked by two black cocks. And not only that, but Rick got some incredible pics of the action. I hope they publish a couple of the pics for the magazine. The readers should see that the owner/manager really does get involved with his campers.

As we were laying there, getting our breaths, Trevor spoke up. "You know what's wrong with this scene here?"

"What's that?" I asked.

"Here we are - all naked having had great sex except one." Trevor then fully turned and looked at Rick straight in the eye. He then stepped up to Rick and without a word, took his camera.

He stood there awkwardly for a moment and then I took over. I crawled out of bed and stood in front of him. I took his face in my hands and kissed him very sensuously. As we continued to kiss I unbuttoned his shirt and slid it off his shoulders. Continuing with our kissing, I reached down, felt for his belt and unbuckled it. I groped for the button and fly on his pants and undid them. Trevor kneeled by us and helped Rick get out of his pants and get his shoes off.

As I pulled him onto the bed with me, the two black guys moved off and I began hearing the clicking of the camera. Trevor had now taken over the photo shoot. We stopped kissing and he began to move down to my chest. He suckled on each of my nipples which tickled, but felt good. He then ran the tip of his wet tongue down my stomach to my crotch hairs and nuzzled his face in my crotch, kissing and licking the areas on both sides of my ball sac -- where the inner thigh and crotch join together. It felt good.

He licked the tip of my cock and then gently sucked my cock into his mouth. It became hard almost immediatley. As he deepthroated me, my cock began tingling. After a few more slides of his lips down to my cock base, he slid his lips off and worked on my nut sack, gently sucking on each nut. Then he nuzzled further under my sac licking the scrotum and approaching my well-fucked asshole. I lifted my legs in the air to give him easier access. As I did, he reached up and parted my ass cheeks and got a good look at my used fuckhole. He glanced up to me, smiled, and then dove his face into my ass. He sucked on my hole and with his long tongue, fucked it. He kept at it until I could no longer hold in the fuck juice given to me by the two black guys. It began oozing out and Rick slurped it all up and swallowed it.

He then worked his tongue bakc up to my cock and began bobbing his head up and down my shaft again. He sucked hard as he did which got my balls churning quickly. In no time, I grabbed his head and shoved my cock all the way in, shooting my pent up load down his throat. The two black guys laughed and applauded as Trevor continued clicking away with the camera.

Once I got my breath and we got out of bed, I told Rick and Trevor to keep their clothes off. If they put them on, they would probably have to take them off again later. I was surprised when Trevor agreed and said it was a good idea. Then Trevor began interviewing the two black men, "How long have you guys been coming to this campground?"

"Oh, about six months on and off. We didn't start coming every weekend until Bob took over."

"What made you come more regular?"

"The place started looking better -- Bob, the manager is so personable, that he's willing to do anything to satisfy his campers." And with a wink, he continued, "And I mean everything. Also, the atmosphere around here has changed. Everyone is accepted. I guess we regard each other as sort of comrads. Any new campers that come, we sure make them feel welcome -- if you know what I mean -- just like we did with you."

"Yeah, I noticed that. What are your names?"

"My name is Cain and this is my brother, Cameron..."

In suprise, Trevor interrupted, "Brothers? Have we got some incest going on here?"

"Well-l-l," Cameron replied, "Have you witnessed us having sex togehter?"

"Well, no, but have you?"

"We're not going to say whether we did or didn't. That's something we keep personal - for right now," said Cain.

"I respect that."

As we headed out the trailer, I turned to the black brothers, "Thanks for the fun. I'll definitely remember you guys -- and I'll be on the lookout to catch you two doing anything together!" I then winked at them.

As we continued to walk around the camper circle, I pointed out the wooded area in the center of the circle. I told Trevor of my plans of building an adult playground some day. As we got closer to the barn, I pointed out the area where the bunkhouse was to be built.

We then went around to behind the barn to the beach. "It's not that big of a beach, but it's sufficient. We've got so much of everything else going on around here that the campers don't waste time just sunning. There's too much sex to be had. Of course, when we got there, there was a couple on a beach blanket fucking away. One was on top of the other, riding his cock like a horse. And there was another couple doing a 69. Trevor turned to me, "It looks like your beach is big enough."

I then took him around to the side of the barn to the entrance of the cruising woods. I explained that it was for the public and it was sort of an advertising ploy to get them to want to come into the campgrounds. I informed Rick that he was not to take pictures in this area as it was public. I told him just to hang his camera on the hook on the barn wall and we would retrieve it when we got back. As we were about to enter, Trevor stopped, "Shouldn't we put out clothes back on?"

"Don't need to. Campers wander in the woods naked all the time. The cruisers would, but they've got no place to put their clothes. They asked me to put in lockers, but I decided not."

"Why not?"

"Because if they want to run around naked, they can check into my campground. I can't give them everything. Just enough for them to become my customer."

As we took the circle path through the woods, Trevor got to witness action with the rim seat, the sling in the cabin as well as the chair in the pavilion. He complimented me on the business strategy.

As we headed back through the gate, I made a suggestion, "When I show you everything that's in the barn, it's going to take some time. So why don't we have supper first? It's my treat at my house. There you can still ask me more questions."

While I made supper, Trevor continued on with his questions, "What are your plans in the future? You told me about plans for an adult playground and a bunkhouse. What else?"

"I'm planning on building a canteen and a store. We provide what they want and need, they'll stay longer. I need to build two more cottages for staff. After that, I want to build more cottages on these grounds to sell for those who want to live here. Also, I want to make this place handicap accessible. We already have a quadraplegic here and I've hired him on staff here for work the canteen and store. He can't live alone. He has a caregiver who takes care of him. I've hired him also to handle the finances of this business. I also have a young man who was abandoned by his lover. He had absolutely nothing. I took him in and now he works for us. A good friend of mine died just a couple of weeks ago. I brought his partner back here to spend time to figure out what he wants to do next."

"I'm impressed.

"I just want you to understand that as I run this business, I also care about the people I meet. I care for my staff. When they understand that, they will do anything for me because they know that I'll do anything for them. When that happens, I will have a successful business."

"I'm really impressed!"

"When campers come here, they come to get away from everything that is outside of our grounds. I don't aske them questions as to who they are or what they do. I don't care if they are married or not, have a family or not. I don't care if they are a big executive of a corporation, a preacher or a ditch digger. They just come here to get away from it all and just be themselves without any expectations from anyone else. I believe that is all they ask - that is all they want. This is my campground and this is what I want it to be."

Next: Chapter 50

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