Gay Campground

By Jarbear Jarbear

Published on May 27, 2011


By Write me and let me know what you think. I answer all emails. Also, I have a layout of the campground as I see it when I write the chapters. If you would like one to go along with the chapters as you read them, just ask and I'll email you a copy. Characters & events that are referred to in previous chapters will have the chapter number in parenthesis.

Man, this hot tub sure feels good! I slid my ass forward on the seat and then leaned my head back on the ledge of the tub and closed my eyes. I felt all the bad vibes begin to flow out with the water. I was happy -- and so content! With the swirling of the warm water and the noise of the pump, I didn't hear anyone get in the tub with me.

As all the tension flowed out, sexual visions began to appear in my mind. Finding this campground was so fortuitous for me. Meeting campers, making friends, having all the sex I want. Now I own the place! I mentally relived the fun times I've had with the staff and campers. Of course, by doing that, my trusty cock began to get hard. I instinctively reached in the swirling water for my hardening cock and began to casually stroke it.

Then I felt a hand over mine in the water. I felt another slowly feeling my inner thigh. I smiled to myself, "There's always someone available to have fun here!" I pulled my hand out of the water and draped my arms on the ledge of the hot tub behind the guys sitting on either side of me. I didn't open my eyes. I just let these strangers do their job on me. I decided to let them do whatever they want -- I don't give a fuck! I enjoy anything and everything. They continued to stroke my cock and feel my thighs. Then I sensed another coming up between my legs and feeling under for my ass crack. I I lifted my legs a little to give him easier access. He took advantage of it by slipping up further and sliding his middle finger up my hole. As he began to massage my prostate, I moaned with satisfaction. My moaning must have given them the signal to do more for I felt another pair of hands on me -- playing with my tits and sucking on the other. Four guys working on me. What fun in a hot tub!

I finally opened my eyes and gasped in surprise, "My God! You guys are here already!" There were the four movers (ch19).

"We were so excited to get down here, that we went to your storage space early, loaded everything up, and got our asses down here. We checked at the registration office and the guy there, I think his name is Brad, told us where to find you. He told us that one of the cottages is not quite done yet and we need to wait a little bit. Fine with us. So we just stripped and decided to take a gander around this place."

"The construction crew is finishing up the second cottage," I said, "and they'll let us know when to move in. In the meantime, let's just enjoy each other's company."

They all smiled at me and stood up. Their crotches were above the water line and their cocks were sticking straight out -- at attention -- waiting to be serviced. I kneeled down in front of them in the warm water. "Guys, stand around me. I'm going to take you all in rotation." So they did and began jacking.

I took the first cock in my mouth and slide my lips to the base. Then I began sucking and tickling underneath the shaft at the same time. The man attached to the cock I was sucking groaned in delight, "God, now I remember what a great cocksucker he is!"

"Fuck yeah," one responded, "Look how he's deepthroating that cock. I'll bet he's one professional cocksucker."

I pulled my mouth of the cock just enough to say, "I'm not professional. A professional gets paid for the job done. I do it for free because I love sucking cock." Then I resumed sucking the cock.

Another guy spoke, "Well, then, that makes you a cocksucking whore." I nodded in response. I didn't want that cock out of my mouth until he shot his load down my throat. I guessed it would be soon because the man grabbed my head with both of his hands and began to gyrate -- fucking my mouth. I relaxed and let him do all the action. He began panting louder and then all at once he rammed his cock all the way into my mouth. I felt his cumload shoot in me. It felt so fucking good.

Without waiting for even a second, I pulled off that first cock and slipped my mouth down over the second. I was really getting into this. The first cumload made me hungrier for the second. So I was giving this second guy a fast and furious blowjob. I could tell that this second guy was going to cum faster than the first for his groaning began to pick up volume. He then grabbed my hair and pulled my head back. I immediately knew he wanted to watch his load shoot into my mouth. I was willing to oblige. I opened my mouth wide and stuck my tongue out. Then he shot in his creamy nectar. His seed was going to help satisfy my hunger.

As soon as he was done, I was still panting when I said, "Who's next? I need more cock. I want more cum!"

"Here you go, you hot cocksucker!" the third one said as he stepped forward. I opened my mouth, reached around for the man's ass cheeks and pulled him towards me. My mouth quickly slid to the base and I felt the cockhead tickle my gag reflex. I've sucked so many cocks in my lifetime, that I don't gag anymore. As I furiously sucked the cock that was in my mouth, my hand which had clutched his ass, moved around to the front and started to fondle his ball sack.

"O man," the third man sighed, "Playing with my nuts gets my balls to churnin'!" That's what I wanted to hear. I wanted more cum down my throat and I wanted it now! My jaws started to ache, but I didn't want to stop. I kept at it and any time now, I knew that I was going to get my reward. Sure enough, I got it. The third load didn't go down my throat, but instead just shot in my mouth. I didn't swallow this one. I had other plans.

When the third pulled out and the fourth stepped forward, I let the cock slide right into my cum-filled mouth. The load began to form a suds around my lips and it was sliding down my chin. As it was sliding off my chin, it did so in long cum-strings. One guy spoke up, "Will you fuckin' look at that! That guy is latherin' up our buddy's cock. Makes it easier to slide in and out of his mouth, doesn't it?"

The guy who was fucking my mouth only grunted his affirmation. For he was intent on shooting his load hard into me. He then let out a yell and I felt the load shoot and hit the back of my throat. As it went down, I went ahead and swallowed the third man's load as well. We then all sat down, panting. What a fuckin' good time!

"Well, guys," I said, once I got my wind, "We need to check out the cottage projects and get the work done. You guys stayin thru the weekend? I'm giving a party for the construction guys tomorrow night for getting the projects done early. You wanna come?"

"Is it here? Is it a sex party?"

I laughed, "Of course! What else would it be?"

"We'd love to stay, but we didn't bring any tents to stay in. Plus, what will it cost?"

"I've got tents for you to stay in. Tonight, I'm moving into my cottage which will free up my trailer for the construction crew. They will be moving in it tonight and you can move into their tents. You will be my guests this weekend."

We all crawled out of the tub and walked into the registration building. Brad was doing some paperwork and he looked up at us, "I guess you guys found, boss. Considering how long it took you to get back here, I'll bet you had some fun first."

The movers laughed and Brad spoke up again, "Hope you guys stick around for a couple a days because I'd like for you to stick something up my ass." He then bent over, reached back, and parted his ass cheeks, showing the movers his winking asshole.

"Golly! Nobody's shy around here!" one said in amazement.

"There's not enough time to be shy around here," I said, "We all admit why we are here. We just love to suck, fuck and mess around with the other guys. If we're honest about that, then we get along real good. Now let's get dressed so the campers leave us alone and get out there and get some work done. We got to get all this moving done, get the place in order and be ready for that journalist coming tomorrow."

Everyone got serious and followed my orders. When we got to Randy's cottage, the crew had just completed their work. I was delighted with their job and congratulated them. Randy and Frank showed up and I introduced the movers to them.

"I remember you," one mover said, "you're the one with the fine black ass I got to fuck."

"You sure were a great cocksucker, too!" said another, "Who's this other fella?"

"This is Frank," I answered, "He lost his partner a couple of weeks ago and he's staying with us a while and working until he decides what he want to do next."

"Does he like to mess around with the guys?" one asked.

"Does a bear shit in the woods?" Frank replied. We all laughed.

We then all got busy and unloaded the moving truck of Randy's and my belongings. I then emptied my camper trailer of my personal belongings and we helped the crew move their personals into the trailer. This freed up the tents in the primitive area for the movers. After that, we labored till suppertime cleaning up the grounds, touching up on painting and getting everything cleaned up. I then went to the registration desk, got on the loudspeaker and called for all the staff, construction crew and movers to come to the office.

I didn't realize what a crowd we had. There was me, Randy, Frank, Brad, Tony, the four construcion crew guys, the four movers and Travis and Kevin (they felt obigated to come since they would soon be on staff anyways). That was a total of 15. "Well guys," I began with a big smile, "We did it! We got it all done for tomorrow. The place looks great and everything seems to be done for now. You can't imagine how this makes me feel and how grateful I am. You guys went overboard in helping me out and I'll always be grateful. If this weekend goes as well as I anticipate, we will definitely need to do more expansion. We first need to build something more permanent for the construction crew to stay in during the week. So the next project will be a twelve-bed bunkhouse. Then we'll need to put up a buildng for a canteen and store. The more food and supplies we have available for the campers, the more often they will come and the longer they will stay. As a result, we will need to build another Katrina cottage for Travis and Kevin who will be running the business and handling al the finances of this campground. So you see, it keeps getting more and more to be done. My attorney, Jim, will be coming tomorrow to discuss all the legalities with me. So, there's a lot more planned -- so much more to do. But for now, we we will see to the needs of the journalist coming tomorrow and then we'll just relax for the rest of the weekend. Sounds OK?"

Everyone agree. "So what do we do now?"

"For tonite, all of tomorrow and thru the weekend, you just do what comes naturally. Make sure the campers are satisfied with the place. If there's any problems, do be afraid to let me know. You think you can do that?"

They cheered and one of the construction crew guys called out, "What about the party you promised us?"

"It's still on," I replied, "It's tomorrow night as planned in the barn below the right loft. Now go and have a great time and if I need you guys for anything tomorrow, I'll call you on the loudspeaker.

Everyone left except for Brad and I. It was suppertime and I invited Brad to join me in my new cottage for a private meal. "I'd like just for you and I to talk if you don't mind."

"Not at all, boss. Let's go." And we headed off across the drive.

When we got inside, I closed the door behind me. I didn't want to be interrupted. As I fixed the meal and Brad set the table, we made small talk. Then we sat down to eat. I decided to be up front with Brad, "Brad, you have no idea how much I appreciate you. When I had to take off to see to Frank's needs when he lost his partner, you took over and saw to it that things got done that needed to be done. I want you to know that you will continue to be my assistant. You know the fine workings of this place better than me. So I want you to know that I am going to have a Katrina cottage built just for you. you can live in it as long as you work here.

Brad's eyes watered and he came around and gave me a hug. "Thanks so much! I was hoping you would do that. I love working here, but my trailer is old and I was afraid I was going to have to get a new one."

"And I want it to be understood between us that we can discuss anything together--and I mean anything. We may disagree and that's OK. But we've got to trust each other to make this business work. As long as we do that, you've got a job. If you're unsure of anything, always ask. I will always give you the benefit of the doubt and will always stand behind you and support you. Do you understand?"

Brad smiled and nodded. "What's the matter?" I asked, sensing his restlessness.

"Well," Brad replied sheepishly, "I was wanting to go see the movers -- to make sure they're settled in their tents."

I looked at him for a moment, then a broad smile came on my face, "You just want to fuck around with them, don't you?"

Embarrassed, Brad nodded. I laughed, "Go ahead. We'll talk more later."

"Thanks for supper!" Brad said quickly as he took off out the door. He then paused and looked back at me, "I'm so glad you bought this place. You will never be sorry you did. I and rest of the staff will see to that."

I cleaned up the supper dishes and opened the moving boxes and put things away. Then I was cleaning up the place when I heard a knock. When I opened the door, there stood young Tim. "Can I come in?" he asked.

"Sure!" I replied and stepped back allowing him into my living room.

"Wow!" This sure is nice!" Tim said looking around. "Someday, I hope to have a place like this. For now, I'm satisfied to stay with Brad as long as he lets me.

"Well, I think you need to know that I will be building Brad a Katrina Cottage to live in. So I presume he'll be moving out of his trailer. Maybe he'll let you stay in the trailer for a while."

"Do you think he will?"

"Well, why don't you talk to him about it? I know where he's at right now and I'll take you to him and you can talk it out."

"Sounds great! Let's go!"

So we stepped out and headed for the primitve area. Tim had no idea what I was leading him to. "We'll see if Brad will let him join in," I thought and smiled to myself.

As we were approaching the campfire area, I could see that there was a group gathered around a picnic table. Just as I thought: Brad was lying on it crossways with his legs in the air and ass sticking out one side and his head hanging out the other. Both his ass and mouth were being fucked at the same time by two of the four movers. They had a good hold of him and were moving in perfect motion. While one shoved his cock in the other pulled his out and vice versa.

As we were drawing closer, I heard Tim exclaim, "Wow! That is so fucking hot! Who are those guys?"

"They are the guys who moved Randy's and my possessions from storage to here today." I replied, "I see two other movers standing around not doing anything but jacking their cocks. Might I suggest you hop up on that table and join Brad?"

Nothing more was said. Tim immediately took my advice. He hopped on the table and took the same position as Brad. He didn't say anything to the two movers but lifted his legs up in the air and extended his arms out. They immediately took the hint and positioned themselves on either end of Tim. They easily slid their cocks in and began their pumping frenzy. The movers stood side by side and looked at each other for a moment. As close as they were to each other, they began french kissing while they continued to pump their hard shafts in and out of the available holes.

I decided I wanted to get in on the action too. I hopped on the picnic table and stood for a second. Then I straddled Brad. I flagged my hard cock at the mover in front of me who was fucking Brad's mouth. It was an invitation for him to blow me which he very willingly obliged. Then I was surprised by the mover behind me who was fucking Brad's ass. He bent over and shoved his face into my ass and began rimming me.

So there was seven of us on the picnic table, fucking and sucking to our heart's content. It's a wonder the table didn't break down! Needless to say, with all of us standing on top of the picnic table, we got the attention of the campers wandering around. About twenty of them gathered in a circle around us and stood there watching. Since my cock and ass were now being occupied by two mouths, my mouth was free, so I looked around at the guys around me.

As I watched, I noticed their cocks begin to rise and I also noticed that they were reaching down and beginning to stroke them. It was getting to be quite a scene. So I gave the invitation, "Anybody want to join us, get on up here!"

It was unbelievable! They all came! I just assumed maybe one or two. But no! They ALL got on! The table crashed under the weight and we all fell in one pile.

Everybody was laughing at what happened and amidst the laughter I heard other noise. I heard cries of pain. I immediately took over. I yelled for everyone to get off. The guys immediately sensed something was wrong by the sound of my voice and they immediately spread out. There lying on the ground was one of the movers. His arm was twisted in such a way that I knew immediately that it was broken.

I instructed Randy to run back to his place and get some clothes on. I instructed Brad to stay with the hurt mover while I run back, get my clothes on and bring the truck to load him in. One of the campers quickly said that he knew first aid and could put a temprorary splint on the arm. I instructed him to go ahead. When Randy and I got back; clothed and with the truck, the arm was temporary splinted. We loaded up and Randy and I took the hurt mover in town to the local hospital.

"Good Lord!" I thought to myself, "Now what's going to become of this?"

Next: Chapter 46

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