Gay Campground

By Jarbear Jarbear

Published on May 9, 2011


By Write me and let me know what you think. I answer all emails. Also, I have a layout of the campground as I see it when I write the chapters. If you would like one to go along with the chapters as you read them, just ask and I'll email you a copy. Characters & events that are referred to in previous chapters will have the chapter number in parenthesis.

I kept an eye on the clock because I wanted to check on the finishing crew when it was their break time. When it was close to time, I "high-tailed" it across the lane to my cottage where they were doing the finishing work. They didn't notice me enter as it looked like they were working furiously.

"My!" I said aloud so they could hear, "You guys got a lot of work done! I'm impressed."

They all stood up and faced me, looking me up and down in all my nakedness. One of them spoke, "Well, with you promising that party Friday night really gave us motivation to get the work done."

Raising my right eyebrow at them, I asked, "Just what do you think will be goin' on at that party that's getting you so motivated?"

Annother crew member gave a wicked smile and said, "We can imagine. We've heard plenty about this place and we've heard plenty about you."

"Well, your break has started, what are you going to do?"

The third member grabbed his crotch and spoke, "Well, since you're here, maybe you can sort of give us a foretaste of Friday night."

Walking towards them, stroking my cock, I said calmly, "I just might do that. Remember guys, it's only a 15 minute break." I then got down on my knees in front of them with my mouth open, stroking my now hard cock. They knew immediately that I had given the sign that I wanted to give them some good oral action.

They immediately unzipped their flies and pulled out their cocks, giving them full, long strokes. They walked up to me, surrounding me. I immediately got to work, alternating between all four cocks, giving as deep a suction as I could so they all could feed me within the break time.

As I sucked furiously on one cock, the other three kept theirs erect and throbbing by constantly jacking them. As they stood around me, I just kept moving to the left in a circle. I don't know how many complete circles I made before the grunting started, indicating to me to open up and start swallowing.

I held my head back and opened my mouth like a cup. As they orgasmed, they made sure that their cocks were aimed directly for my throat. The loads came aplently and it took me several swallows to get them all down. They were panting when they were done.

"That was fucking great!" one said, "Is this going to happen at the party?"

"This is nothing compared to what's going to happen Friday night. Hey! Anyone got a marker pen in their pocket?"

A guy handed me his and I wrote on a wall stud: "Bob sucked off four guys of Dave's Construction at this site and swallowed their loads." I dated it and handed the pen to the guys and told them to write their signatures -- which they gladly did.

One guy asked, "Why do it since it's going to be covered with drywall?"

"Well," I replied, someday this will be torn down and I want them to read this and think of what's happened here. Well, guys, time is up. Get back to work." I then walked back to the office and worked till lunchtime.

When it was time for lunch I walked out of my office to take stretch. I noticed Brad wasn't present when I walked through the registration office, but I found him when I walked out the door, across the lane, into my cottage. Brad was bent over a sawhorse. He was getting fucked in the ass by one crew member and sucking the cock of another. They all were naked. Their clothes were laid out like blankets on the floor and the other two crew members were lying in a 69 position, deepthroating each other's cocks.

I calmly walked back to the registration building, got on the loudspeaker and called for Randy and Frank to meet me at the manager's cottage. I then walked back to my new future home. They were still going at it and I just stood there watching them as I jacked my cock. It wasn't a moment before Randy and Frank arrived. They were taken aback by the scene, but only for a moment. Then they immediately stripped and join in the action by join the 69 couple.

So there we were -- all eight of us forming into one large collection of naked bodies. I kneeled behind the man fucking Brad, parted those beefy cheeks and began rimming his ass. "Ah fuck!" the fucker gasped, "I ain't ever had a tongue up my asshole."

I pulled back a moment to ask, "How does it feel?"

"Don't talk. Get your fuckin' tongue back up in there!"

I gladly did, tongue fucking his ass for all it's worth as he continued to ram his cock in and out of Brad's ass. I then continued working down his ass crack, between his legs, to his low-hanging ball sack. I continued to lick on his ball sack until it was dripping with my saliva. Of course, it wasn't easy to do as it was flopping back and forth from the fucking that was going on. Then for a moment, I just laid on my back, looking up, watching the cock slide in and out of Brad's ass above me.

I noticed Randy getting up and moving behind the crew member whose Cock Brad continued to suck. Randy wrapped his arms around the construction guy and began kissing him on the neck. The guy did his best to turn his head back to reach Randy's lips and Randy moved his head more forward. Their lips then touched and then their tongues. Randy released his hold of the guy and began sensuously to lick down his spine -- slowly. He kept getting lower and lower until he reached the man's ass crack. Gently, Randy parted the man's ass cheeks and continued to lick down his ass crack. When he got to the asshole, he swirled his tongue around the sphincter muscle until it loosened and then slid his long tongue in.

The man groaned as he pushed his ass back against Randy's face which by now it looked like it was pushed all the way in his asscrack. Randy then slowly stood up again and wrapped his arms around the man, pushing his cock against the man's saliva-dripping ass crack. Randy spoke gently into his ear: "Hey man, you want this fine black cock up your ass?"

"Oh, fuck, yeah! I gotta have it!" was the panting reply.

"Since I primed your asshole with my tongue, can I shoot my cum juice in?"

"Fuck yeah! Go ahead and breed me!"

"Well then, here it comes!" said Randy as his hard, black cock found the hole and slid in. It took a few gentle back and forth thrusts before his cock slid in all the way to the base. "Your asshole feels tight," Randy whispered in his ear.

"It's because I've never been fucked before."

Randy got a concerned look on his face, "Are you doing OK? Are you hurting -- this being your first cock up your ass?"

"Oh, fuck no!" the man gasped, "I didn't know getting fucked like this would feel so good! Keep it up!"

Randy gave a soft chuckle, took a hold of the man's hips and began working his black cock in and out of the white man's ass like a machine piston. There was a special rhythm going on. As Randy pushed his cock all the way in to the base, Brad's mouth, which was on the man's cock, pulled back to the rim of the cockhead. Then when Brad shoved his mouth down to the base of the man's cock, Randy pulled back to the head. It sounded like it was sending the man over the edge.

I looked for Frank. He was with the 69 couple. This time, he was sitting on the face of the man who was lying flat on his back on the floor. The other man was riding his partner's cock (all the way to the base, mind you) and was in an upright position in front of Frank. They were both kissing passionately. Their tongues were so intertwined that I couldn't tell whose tongue was doing what.

As this orgiastic lunchbreak was going for almost the full hour, I took a moment and made an announcement to the group, "Five minutes before you get back to work!" There were some groans, but then the action of the group grew to a fevered pitch. Everyone wanted to cum before going back to work.

This is how the orgy concluded: One crew member shot his load up Brad's ass. The second crew member shot his load in Brad's mouth which Brad gladly swallowed. The third crew member, whose cock was up the fourth crew member's ass, shot his load in him and the fourth crew member, last minute shot his load down Frank's throat. Randy of course, shot his load up the second crew member's ass. I, of course, ate the loads out of Brad's ass, the ass of the man Randy fucked and the fourth crew member. Made a good lunch.

When we were finished, there was a loud applause and cheer. Startled we looked around and notice and there were campers hanging through the open windows watching us. we all laughed. "Ok guys," I said with authority, "Now get back to work." The crew members dressed quickly -- they still planned on getting the cottages done by Thursday. "All right, campers, you are in a restricted, construction area. Let's move out."

I then went back to my office. I was working intently in the office when I heard, "Delivery." I looked up briefly, then went back to work thinking that Brad heard it and would take care of it. Then I heard it again, "Delivery." Where was that coming from? I walked into the registration office and Brad was nowhere around. Then I heard it again, "Is anyone there?" I saw the speaker next to the back door of the office.

I pushed the button and spoke, "This is Bob. Can I help you?"

"Yeah, I'm from UPS and I'm in your delivery building. I have a package and need someone to sign for it."

"I'll be right there." I immediately went out the back door and into the delivery building. This was one place I haven't been in yet. Imagine that! Over two weeks at this place and I haven't seen everything. I took the sidewalke six feet into the next building. When I entered through the back door, the UPS man was standing in front of the counter with a package and a clipboard, holding the pen, ready for my signature.

Man! UPS guys are so-o-o good looking with those brown uniforms! As I walked to the counter, the UPS guy looked me up and down good until I got up to the counter where he couldn't see any more. I suddenly thought, "Was I suppose to be dressed in this building since people from the outside make deliveries here? I'll have to ask Brad. Too late now. He and I will just have to deal with it."

The man smiled at me, showing his beautiful teeth and handed me the package. As I set it on the counter, he then handed me the clipboard and pen. I signed it handed it back to him. He then stood there and looked at me.

I stared back at him for a second or two and then asked, "Is there something else?"

"Yeah, I'm suppose to pick up a package to deliver."

"I'm sorry, but I'm new here. Do you happen to know where they put it?"

He smiled, "They always keep them under this counter until I pick them up. Check here under the counter."

I squatted down to look. He was right. There it was. I reached for it and then glanced straight ahead. There on the back of the cabinet wall, some ingeneous person drilled a glory hole. It was right where the UPS man was standing and it was obvious he knew about it because hanging through the glory hole was his cock and balls. He was standing right up to the counter and I couldn't tell when I walked in that he wanted a blow job.

So I crawled a little further under the counter, stuck my tongue out and gently licked the bulbous head of his cock. I then kissed the piss slit and I heard a moan as I watch his cock grow. I immediately wrapped my wet lips around his hardening shaft and slid to the base.

As I started giving him a good blowjob, I gently reached up and played with his ball sack. It seemed then that he thrusted his crotch further forward, giving me more access. I kept sucking. His cock fit my mouth wonderfully and when a cock fits my mouth well, I suck for all it's worth. I picked up the pace of sliding my lips back and forth' the same time playing with the undershaft with my tongue.

I heard him grunting louder and then it seemed his whole body shook. I then felt the spurts of his cumload shoot to the back of my throat. I then swallowed. When he was done, he pulled back and I watch him through the hole push his cock and balls back in his slacks and zip up.

I grabbed the package and stood up facing him. "I found the package. Here it is."

"Thanks!" he said as he received it with a smile, "Have a good day."

"You too," I replied. Nothing more was said. That was it. It was sort of a "Slam, bam, thank you ma'm," situation. Fine with me. I need to find out sometime who put that glory hole in front of the counter. I'm sure Brad knows. By the way, I need to find out where Brad took off to!

I walked back into the registration office and Brad was there at the counter with a smile on his face. "Where were you?" I asked, "There was a delivery out back."

"I know," said Brad still smiling, "I saw him coming up the drive and I knew that you knew nothing about the delivery building. I thought it would be fun to find out for yourself. So I ducked out so that you would have to handle it. Was that OK with you?"

I laughed, "Sure, it's OK. But you usually handle the deliveries don't you?"

"Yeah, I pretty much do."

"So then you give them blowjobs when they come in?"

"That's pretty much it. There's a benefit to it, though."

"Oh, yeah! I can imagine."

"No, really. It's a win-win situation. I like giving blowjobs and eating cum. The guys like getting blowjobs and quite a few of them give us good discounts on their products for 'services rendered.' What do youo think?"

"I think that's good business savvy. Smart move. You've got my approval. Keep up the good work."

"Thanks boss."

I then walked back into my office. At the end of the work day, I went over to see what the crew had done. They were gone, so I decided to give the new cottage my private inspection. They were done with everything except for the kitchen and bathroom hardware as well as the flooring. I smiled to myself, "Good progress. They'll surely be done by Thursday."

I walked over to see how Randy and Frank were doing on cleaning up the grounds, mowing, painting and all that good work that maintenance people do. Randy and Frank were just stripping out of their clothes when I arrived. "Looks like you guys are done for the day, I see."

"Yep," replied Randy with a deep sigh, "We have really put in a full day's work and now we're ready for some relaxing fun."

"Go ahead, you guys deserve it."

"By the way boss, with grounds upkeep, maintenance of buildings and equipment, we just can't get any of the janitorial done. I can give you a list of what we're doing and you'll see there's just no room for us to get the inside of the buildings cleaned up. We really need another staff person."

"I understand. I agree with you and I'll see what I can do."

"Great," replied Randy, "Now goodbye. Frank and I are going out to fuck around. See ya later, Bob."

They then started to leave when I called out to them, "Hey, have you seen the construction guys?"

"Yeah," Frank yelled back, "We took them to their tents at the primitive."

"Thanks. I'll catch them there, then." I headed for the primitive to make sure the crew was settled in and comfortable. Looking ahead as I approached the area, I saw the crew gathered around someone. As I got closer, I realized that they were in control of young Tim (ch20&39). One crew member had his arms around Tim's chest and two others each had Tim's leg and were holding him up as the fourth crew member was fucking him in the ass. They were speaking mean talk and it looked like a rape situation to me.

I ran to where they were, "Back off, guys or I'm calling the police!" Immediately, they backed off, dropping Tim on the ground. "Are you OK, Tim? Did they hurt you much? I'm gonna nail you fuckers! I'm reporting you to your boss and you're having your asses hauled out!"

"Hey wait a minute, Bob," said Tim as he struggled to get up, "It's OK. I'm just trying to be a good neighbor to the guys. I was really enjoying myself."

Startled, I replied, "You mean to tell me you're into S&M?"

"Not really," he replied, "I like guys kinda rough – but not THAT rough."

Turning to the crew, I apologized, "I'm trying to run a safe campground here in which no one needs to be afraid. I guess if Tim likes it, you can fuck him all you want."

"We understand," one member said as he helped Tim up, "We would never do anything to anyone who wouldn't enjoy it." He then resumed wrapping his arms around Tim's chest as two guys picked him up by the legs and the fourth guy slid his hard cock back in.

"Oh God, I love this!" Tim cried out in ecstasy,

I just sat down on the ground and made myself comfortable as a watching spectator. This is looking good!

As the group resumed their fucking of Tim, other campers gathered around and sat with me to watch the show. I overheard several campers talking about what they were seeing:

"Hey, I've fucked that young guy before – he's got a nice, fuckable ass!"

"Yeah, and he gives out good-tasting cumloads, too!"

"He sucked me off yesterday. When it comes to a good blow – he's a pro!"

"Does he work here or is he a camper?"

"I don't know, but I really like the guy. He's friendly to everyone!"

The fucker with his cock up Tim's ass let out a yell indicating that he was shoot his load in Tim's bowels. When he was done grunting, he pulled out, and took the place of the guy who had his arms around Tim's chest.

That guy, then, went around, gave his cock a few strokes, getting it hard and then slid it in Tim's already open asshole. I glanced around as the fucking resumed. I notice that almost all the cocks of the campers sitting around me were hard. Several were stroking them.

I resumed watching the show, but as I did, I got on all fours like a dog. I didn't do anything else, but just watched the show in that position. I felt like a real bitch and I hoped the campers around me would notice.

Sure enough, they did. I felt a hand on my ass and then a thumb was inserted. Then the hand moved between my legs and my ball sack was cupped. Then another pair of hands parted my ass cheeks and I felt a breath pass over my ass crack. A tongue slid up and down and then its tip was inserted thru my hole. That tongue massage sure felt good. I continued to watch the orgy in front of me as the orgy around me began.

Four campers were working on me as the fourth crew member was just about to climax his load in Tim's boyish ass. As the load was shooting in I had turned over onto my back in the grass and lifted my legs in the air -- inviting my asshole to be plowed by anyone who wanted it. As a camper stepped up to the plate with his hard cock, the crew members still had Tim lifted in the air. They moved him over to me, lowering his ass just above my face with his hole right above my mouth.

I wanted those four crew member's loads in Tim's ass, so I opened my mouth wide. They continued to hold him right above my mouth as Tim's asshole winked at me and then loosened up. The cumloads creamed out, making a direct hit to the back of my throat. And there was still room for the camper to still get to my ass and fuck me. As I was being fucked, the crew lowered Tim's ass down to my mouth so I could lick the cum clean off of him.

The crew lowered Tim gently on the grass, sat down with him and watched the show the four campers and I were giving. A camper straddled above my face and then lowered his ass down onto my face. I stuck my tongue out and as he slid his asscrack back and forth across my tongue, another camper got behind him and worked his hard cock into the hole that I just tongued. As the fucking began on my face, I kept my tongue out, keeping the cock and the asshole it was fucking lubed.

The fourth camper spoke up, "Hey guys! Let's shoot our loads on Bob's chest and then decide who's gonna lick it all off!"

And so they did with the fourth camper shooting first. The camper fucking my ass built up his sexual tension, pulled his cock out, stroked it a couple of times, and then made his deposit on top of the first load. The camper who was sitting on my face was jacking his cock furiously and so added his load to the other two. Finally, the last camper pulled his cock out, quickly moved around just in time to add his.

As everyone was playing "rock, paper, scissors" to determine who the lucky cum eater would be, Tim moved over to me. He crawled on top of me with our cocks pressing together. Seductively, he ground his crotch into mine all the while kissing me deep and long, our tongues intertwining. When the winner was determined, Tim moved off of me onto his back lying next to my side.

Now there were two chests smeared with cum. The lucky camper got on his knees eagerly and began licking both of us clean. We couldn't help but laugh because it tickled. But the camper did a good job because when we finally stood, there wasn't a single trace of cum left.

As everyone departed, I invited the crew to my trailer for supper. With a hard day's work along with the orgy, I knew they were ravenous.

Next: Chapter 43

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