Gay Campground

By Jarbear Jarbear

Published on May 2, 2011


By Write me and let me know what you think. I answer all emails. Also, I have a layout of the campground as I see it when I write the chapters. If you would like one to go along with the chapters as you read them, just ask and I'll email you a copy. Characters & events that are referred to in previous chapters will have the chapter number in parenthesis.

I woke up Monday morning refreshed after having gone to bed early. After that orgy in the hot tub, I decided to head for my trailer and get a good night's sleep. It was going to be a hard week with so much to do. I had asked Randy if he could sleep in his office since Frank was sleeping with me. He understood and was agreeable. And I made sure Frank understood I was to be left alone in my sleep because I needed a good rest. He also understood and was agreeable. I made sure my trailer door was shut when I went to bed so no one would think I was open for sex. Frank and I snuggled together and then I zonked out.

When I awoke, I looked around for Frank. He was nowhere in the trailer. "Probably had to go out for some midnight sex," I thought, "He's getting to be one of the guys around here real fast." I cleaned up, fixed myself a quick breakfast, a cup of coffee, and then headed out the door.

Before getting to my office, I decided to do a quick survey of the campground to make sure my assessments and goals were on board. I decided first to traipse thru the primitive grounds. Being a weekday, there were only a few tents set up. The campfire was out, still smoldering. I peeked in each tent. Each one had at least two campers in it still asleep. One couple were in a 69 position and one was fast asleep with the other guy's cock still in his mouth. I could see the dried cum on his face. I smiled to myself and walked on.

I headed quickly for the maintenance building to Randy's office (ch23). Randy was up and working in the garage, arranging the tools. I walked up behind him, wrapped my arms around him and pressed my limp cock into his ass crack. Kissing the nape of his neck I said softly, "Good morning, my friend."

Randy smiled and turned around to face me. Putting his arms around me, he pulled me against him. We kissed long and slow, our tongues playing with each other. He then pulled back, "Good morning, Bob." With one hand he cupped it around my neck and with the other hand reached out and stroked my growing cock. "How about a little morning sex to start the day off?" he asked with a smirk.

"Don't have time," I replied, "but I can give you a quick blowjob. I could add your cumload to my breakfast." I then kneeled in front of him and slipped my lips over his black member. With my lips around it, my tongue tickling his underside, I felt his cock grow in my mouth until it was a stiff rod.

Randy spread his feet a little further apart for stability, took my head in his hands and began shoving and pulling his hard cock in and out of my mouth with slow, deep thrusts. I was able to lift up my gag reflect and let his cock slide down my throat. I reached around and felt his ass. I tickled his hole with the tip of my finger and then slowly inserted it. Randy moaned as he continued to fuck my mouth.

I thought I heard a soft voice say, "Excuse me" and then it got louder, "I said, 'Excuse me!'" I kept at my blowjob, ignoring the voice. I was really enjoying Randy's cock in my mouth and I was intent on swallowing the cumload it would soon produce. I heard Randy reply, "Good to see you up, Frank. Join us if you want, but we can't spend much time. We've got to get to work."

I felt a hand on my ass and two fingers slide in my hole. Then Frank got on the floor and slid under me with his hard cock sticking up in the air. When it was under my ass, I automaticaly lowered down on it, easily opening up to the head. It slid all the way in easily.

Randy and Frank picked up the pace and it wasn't a moment before they both groaned and shot their loads in me; one up my ass and the other down my gullet. Their loads swishing inside me will be fond reminders for me as I work today. I stood up, "Thanks guys. Now we need to get to work. There's a lot to be done."

As Randy began giving Frank instructions for the day, I headed towards the door for the office. I stopped momentarily and turned around, "Don't forget guys, get some work clothes on. It's not only for safety, but it's also to let the campers know to leave you alone. Remember, no sex with anyone except for breaks or during lunch."

As I headed for the office, I passed several campers headed for the barn. They were carrying towels so I figured they were going for their morning showers. I decided then to quickly check things out in the barn to make sure things were ok. No one was in the hot tub. I quickly went up the ladder to the right loft and checked the orgy area. It too, was empty. Then I went to the gloryholes. I walked the corrider and chanced upon a cock hanging limp through the hole.

"Poor guy," I thought to myself, "I wonder how long he's been standing there waiting for a blowjob." I could never resist an available cock. I kneeled before it and gently sucked the head into my mouth. I wrapped my lips around its base and moved my tongue around it, causing it to gradually grow and stiffen.

When it was hard, I began my suck job on it. I slid my mouth slowly back and forth on it, sucking it for all its worth. I reached through the hole and began to finger the balls of this anonymous camper. I heard him groan as he automatically began to move back and forth. His cock seemed to fit my mouth perfectly as I sucked away.

I heard him groan and then felt his load shoot in my mouth. With my tongue like a brush, I basted his semen over his cock and then sucked it off again. Finally, the camper stopped shaking and pulled back. I stood up, gulped down the cumload, and resumed my stroll thru the corridor. No one else was there, so I headed back to the ladder and climbed down off the loft.

After checking underneath the left loft (Dancing floor & stage empty) I went to the left loft and climbed the ladder. I checked the photo gallery and noted the pics that were added. There were a number of me in action with groups. They looked pretty good, if I say so myself. I stepped into the theater and there was a video playing. My God! I was in that one too -- getting fucked in the mouth and in the ass at the same time. To me, what makes a good video is when it's amateur (guys not getting paid for sex) and the guys are really having a great time. "Damn!" I thought to myself, "I've got to find out who's doing all these pics!"

I just about stepped out of the theater when I glanced at the sofa in the front. There was a camper sleeping. He was lying there on his back and he had a morning hardon. His cock looked so fine! I just couldn't resist. I quietly walked to the sleeper and got down on my knees next to him. I looked at his hard cock closely and then carefully began licking down his shaft to his balls. I licked all over his balls until they were dripping with my saliva. I moved down and around some more and began kissing and licking his inner thighs. Instinctively, he moved them further apart so I could gain easier access to that spot between the base of his balls and where his asscrack began.

I knew he had awaken by now and was willing for me to work him over. He slowly lifted his legs in the air so I could have access to his ass. I gently kissed his ass cheeks and with my hands gently parted them, giving me a good look at his fine asshole. And it looked so fine! I leaned forward and kissed it. I don't know how many cocks have slid in this hole, breeding his insides, but just the thought of it excited me. I wet my tongue and with it licked up and down his crack. This lonely camper moaned in delight. I looked up at him and he looked down at me and we smiled at each other.

I slowly crawled over his chest up to where my face met his. Our cocks were now pressed against each othere. We continued to smile as I slowly ground my crotch into his. I leaned down and we kissed. We opened our mouths to each other and our tongues did a dance together. And as we did, I moved myself more forward so that his hard cock sprung up. I moved back so that his cockhead touched my asshole. I continued to move back as his cock slid in. I went clear down to the base.

As I was slowly riding his cock, the camper moaned, "Oh God! What a fuck! Can't believe I'm fucking the owner of this great place!"

I continued to ride when I asked, "How do you know about me?"

"By watching the videos here in the theater. They identify you as the owner."

As I sat down to the base of his cock, I tightened my sphincter muscle to tantalize it, "I guess it's to the show the campers what a good host I am."

"Well, it doesn't just have to be the video. It's the talk of the campground that you will share your ass, cock, and mouth to anyone here."

"It don't do just anyone," I smirked, "But so far, I haven't turned down anybody." Let's get this fucking done," I said as I began to ride him harder, "I've got to get to the office."

He grabbed my hips for more support as I bobbed up and down on his cock, "Ok, I'm going to shoot!" As soon as he said it, I felt his cock throb and his cum shoot up in me. It felt good. Of course, it always feels good.

I bent down to him and kissed him, "Thanks for the fuck. It really did feel good."

I crawled off, crawled down the ladder from the loft and went below to the stalls. They were all empty and I heard noise from the showers at the end. So I decided to check it to make sure everything was in order. Stepping in the shower room I saw five guys showering together -- well not exactly showering. The warm water was running, but the men were in one big pile -- scuking, kissing fingering each other. As far as I could see, no one was doing any fucking. I stepped closer to them and then spoke, "Hey guys, everything going OK? I'm Bob, the owner here. Is there anything you need?"

The men untangled themselves, stood up, and looked at me. Their cocks were hard and wet from the shower. One spoke up, "We're doing great. We love your campground. But there is just one thing we would like."

"What's that?" I asked, "I'll see what I can do for you."

The five guys looked at each other with smirks and smiled, "We've wanted sometime for you to join us for a group session. Can you join us now?"

"Well-l-l," I said slowly, looking back at the doorway. I knew I really needed to get to the office to get work done. But group sex -- I'm so addicted to it! I gave in, "OK, this time, but I've got to get to the office."

As I stepped into the shower, the group of five surrounded me. They placed their hands all over me and began feeling up every part of my body. It was like getting a total body massage all at the same time! I bent over to the guy in front of me and quickly engulfed his cock down my throat. Bending over, of course, caused my ass to stick out, thus giving the invitation to the guy behind me to slide his cock in. Needless to say, he did.

It was then another guy stepped around to the front of me and offered his cock. So I opened my mouth wider to accommodate it. Now two cockheads were peeping at my tonsils. I alternated between the two piss slits, tickling them with my tongue. In the meantime, another camper crawled under me and engulfed my cock into his mouth.

That's four. Where is the fifth? I didn't know and I couldn't take the time to look around. With two cocks in your mouth, one up your ass and yours in another, I'm not about to break away to find out.

Then we became more flexible, moving around, sucking each other's cocks, eating out asses, fucking around. Finally I said, "Hey guys, I'm gonna lay down on this floor and you guys kneel around me. I want my mouth to be a cum depository. I want all your cocks pointed straight at my mouth when your jerk. It's the least you can do for a guy who runs a great campground."

I laid on the shower floor, smiled up at the guys and said with conviction, "Give me your loads you hot fuckers!"

They immediately gathered round, got on their knees, moved up as close as possible around my head and began jacking. Watching all their fevered jacking, I couldn't help but jack on my own as well.

They were all becoming more intense and tried to move their cocks to my mouth. Then it began. I kept my mouth as wide open as possible with my tongue out. They showered their cumloads into my mouth all at once. Perfect timing – perfect landing!! My mouth filled quickly and when they were done, I didn't swallow until I sat up. Then I swallowed all the loads in one loud gulp.

As they stood there watching me, one spoke up. "Fuck yeah! Now that's the way to get a group together!" We all laughed as they helped me get back on my feet.

"Gotta go, guys," I said as I headed for the door, "Thanks for the fuck and suck. Your cumloads tasted great!!"

I just HAD to get to work. Walking into the registration building, there stood four men fully dressed what looked like carpenters staring at Brad who, of course, was only standing in a jockstrap. "What's up, Brad?" I said, now standing as the only one naked in the group.

"They say they're from Dave Construction."

"Where's the regular crew?" I asked suspiciously.

"They were assigned to another project," one of them said, "We are the finishing crew."


"Here," one said and they pulled out their identification cards along with a letter from Dave. It was on Dave's regular letterhead and it read: "Bob, I sorry, but I forgot to inform you that each crew I have does a special task. The previous crew built the building. This crew does the interior finishing work. They should have proper ID's. These guys know all about your campground. Last week's crew filled them in on the understanding you have established. They know that they are to spend the week in the tents you set up, etc. Hope all this is OK with you. If you have any questions or concerns, just let me know. I want to keep good business with you. Thanks. Dave."

I folded up the letter and carefully examined their ID cards. Everything looked legitimate. I looked at the four dressed men standing before me. They were wearing tight t-shirts & tight jeans. I looked at their crotches and as I did, one calmly reached down and groped it. I smiled, "OK guys, I trust you have been filled in on everything around here. I expect your compliance. Follow me and I'll show you the project."

I led them out of the building cross the lane to my cottage. We walked through it quickly and they made nods as if they understood perfectly what they had to do. I then led them over to the maintenance building where Randy's cottage was built next to it. As we were walking across the front of the barn, several campers were walking in. The crew stared as them as they walked by and the campers stared back. One daring camper stopped facing them, spread his feet a little apart and flagged his cock at them. One crew member called out as he continued to walk by, "Catch you later, good fuck buddy!"

To the leader of the crew, I asked, "So you guys are into a place like this?"

"We asked to come here to work," he asked simply. Then with direct eye contact, he said, "Understand?"

I smiled. I understood. My cock began to grow thinking about getting down and getting naked with these guys sometime this week. I continued with my business, "We're having a journalist from a gay travel magazine coming Friday for pics and a writeup. Do you think you could have it done on Thursday so we can move in Thursday night?"

"We'll do our best."

"If you do, I'll give you guys some extra benefits," I said smiling with a wink "Like a special party just for you guys Friday night."

"Well in that case," he laughed, "We should be able to do it. We will be looking forward to the fun."

After I showed them Randy's cottage, I left them to their work and headed back to my office. Brad was at the registration counter, "Looks like we're going to have a great time with those guys."

"We are," I said as I walked by him and headed towards my office, "But the deal is, if they get the two cottages finished on Thursday and Randy and I get moved in, we'll give them a special party Friday night. Let's help them reach their goal by keeping them to task, OK?"

"Got it, boss."

Next: Chapter 42

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