Gay Campground

By Jarbear Jarbear

Published on Apr 25, 2011


By Write me and let me know what you think. I answer all emails. Also, I have a layout of the campground as I see it when I write the chapters. If you would like one to go along with the chapters as you read them, just ask and I'll email you a copy.

When I awoke, I looked around. The beach was practically empty which didn't surprise me. Being a Sunday afternoon, the campers were loading up to go back home to work, to their wives, to their families -- whatever. I stood up, gathered my belongings and headed for the registration building. I knew Brad was there working with campers who were checking out.

The campers were lined up at the building patiently waiting their turn when I arrived and when I walked in, Brad was working furiously trying to take care of their needs quickly. I immediately joined him in checking out the campers and before long the campers were checked out and gone. Brad breathed a sigh of relief, "Thanks for helping me out. I was getting swamped here."

"You should have gotten on the speaker and called me to come in."

"I should have, but I was too busy."

"Always take the minute to call for me. When the campers see you do this, they appreciate that you want to get them taken care of quickly."

"Thanks," replied Brad, "I'll remember that from now on. By the way, why are you in here? This is Sunday."

"I just wanted to review what needs to be done this week and get myself organized. It's a big week ahead of us with Trevor coming to write an article and take pics. Also, the construction crew is here to work on the Katrina cottages AND I have a list of goals that I want to present to the staff for their input. Wish I could meet with the staff tonight."

"Why not?" Brad asked, "We are all here. Randy and Frank won't mind -- I know I don't. Let me get on the speaker and get them here." With that, he turned on the speaker phone and called for them. Within ten minutes they arrived and we all went into my office. Brad explained to them the purpose of the meeting and they assured me it was quite all right to call for them.

I shared with Brad my list of goals which Randy and Frank already knew about. Brad agreed with the other two that they were good ideas so we set goals for this week: Finish building the manager's cottage, clean up the grounds (including trimming, mowing, and painting), purchase sun visors for campers who do not want to be in the magazine article, and develop a sales plan for cottage campers.

As we were talking, we heard the sound of the countertop bell – letting us know a customer was at the counter. Brad went out while Randy, Frank and I continued our discussion. A moment later, Brad stuck his head in the door and called to me, "Bob, I think you need to come out here." He had a look of concern.

Standing at the registration counter was Travis (Ch.25). He had a look of concern and Kevin, his quadriplegic friend was not with him. "Hello Travis," I said as I stared at him, "What's up?"

"I'm kind of embarrassed about this, but Kevin refuses to leave. He wants to stay, but we have a primitive campsite and we can't stay here forever. He feels part of the community here and doesn't want to leave. Everyone has made him feel so welcome. What do I do?"

"How do you feel about it?"

"I feel exactly the same way, but I'm realistic. We can't afford to live here – there's no place that is permanent for our stay. We have to work. There are a lot of factors to consider here."

"Why don't you get Kevin and bring him here and let me have a moment to think."

As Travis went to get Kevin, I went in the office and shared with the group what was happening. All of a sudden I had a great idea and shared it with the group – they couldn't see any problem with it.

When Travis returned with Kevin, Kevin had a determined yet hurt look on his face. "This is the perfect place for me. I feel so at home here. I just can't go back to where people just gawk at me and treat me like a kid just because I'm a quad."

I smiled as I walked towards him. I spread my legs and straddled his wheelchair facing him. As I snuggled against him and wrapped my arms around his neck, I whispered in his ear, "I've got an idea you might like," and then seductively Frenched his ear.

He pulled his head back from me and looked at me quizzicaly, "What is it? I'm listening."

"I want to convince you first," I said with a smirk. I then began unbuttoning his shirt while French kissing him at the same time. Randy, Frank, Brad and Travis just stood there watching us. As I crawled off the wheelchair, my cock was now hard. Turning to the guys, I said, "Guys, let's get Kevin presentable. Help me get these clothes off of him. Travis, what are you doing there with your clothes on?"

Randy, Frank, and Brad joined me as we converged on Kevin, stripping him of all his clothes. Travis stripped down quickly and he had a look of excitement on his face. I cleared off my desk as the guys lifted Kevin off his chair and placed him on the empty surface. We all stood around Kevin, stroking our cocks as we watched his beautiful cock grow.

Kevin could do nothing since he was a quad but watch. I bent over and began kissing him long and slow as Frank and Brad each took one of Kevin's tits and began to gently suck on them. Randy stood at the end of the desk between Kevin's legs, bent over and slid his lips down Kevin's now hard shaft. Travis paused a moment, not knowing what to do. But when he got sight of Randy's firm black ass sticking out, he immediately got on his knees behind him. He parted the black cheeks and looked at Randy's asshole. Randy winked it a few times at Travis, enticing him. Travis then pushed his face in between the cheeks and roamed his tongue all over the sphincter, getting it wet and soft. Randy moaned with delight.

I then pulled away from kissing Kevin and hopped on the desk, straddling both sides of his face. I slowly and carefully squatted down with my asshole approaching his waiting mouth and tongue. It was a perfect landing and Kevin moaned with contentment. As I began stroking my cock, I instructed Brad to get on the desk in front of me so I could suck his cock.

Brad laughed, "I'm afraid too many of us will break the desk down. Let's get Kevin on the floor. Then we can really work on him!" So we did. I resumed my position of sitting on Kevin's face while Brad stood in front of me flagging his hard cock in front of my face. He teased me as I tried to capture it with my mouth. But I caught it and quickly slid my lips to the base.

I sucked Brad's cock just a furiously as I stroked my own. And I could tell by the slurping sounds Randy made that he was picking up speed on his sucking as well. Frank just stood there beating his cock while watch the whole scene. Travis was beating his own cock as well while his face was still in Randy's ass.

When I was ready to shoot, I scooted back and aimed my cock for Kevin's mouth. At the same time, Brad squatted down and aimed his cock as well. We shot at the same time; quickly filling Kevin's open, hungry mouth. Just as we were finishing, I heard Frank groan and step forward. He didn't squat down to Kevin's face, but aimed his cock at Kevin from his standing position. Only one drop of his load missed Kevin's mouth.

I guess Travis wanted to be more creative. As he was about ready to shoot, he immediately moved forward and shoved his cock in Randy's ass. As he yelled in ecstacy, I knew Travis' sperm did not see the light of day as they entered Randy's ass.

As I crawled off Kevin, Randy, still stroking his cock moved forward and squatted over Kevin's face and let Travis' cumload ooze out into Kevin's mouth and down his throat, joining our loads in his belly. Then Randy was ready to shoot and Kevin was ready to receive. Randy scooted back so that his cock was now aiming for Kevin's still open mouth. Direct hit! It all shot directly to the back of his throat. We all were gasping.

Once we got our breaths, I spoke up, "Now Kevin, I heard that you were in business administration and Travis, you are a certified accountant. Am I right?"

Lying on the floor still panting, Kevin replied, "That's right. We were doing pretty good before my accident. I don't know, but some people think that a quad is not very smart and can't do much. That's when I ran into problems. No one was willing to let me prove myself."

"Well, my man," I said, "I want to make you a proposition. This campground business is expanding and I want to hire you both on as staff." As Kevin and Travis looked at me with amazement, I continued, "Travis, I need someone to handle the financials of this business, write payroll checks, and keep me apprised as to what we can and cannot afford to do in expanding this business because I've got a lot of ideas in mind. Kevin, I need you to run a store/canteen combination. We need to provide supplies for the campers, to keep them from running off the grounds for every little thing they need. Also, they need a place to eat. What I can do is built you a Katrina cottage like mine next to the building and both of you can live there. What do you think?"

They yelled with delight and agreed to meet the next day to work out the details. "I guess we need to go back and set up camp again," Travis laughed.

"You won't be sorry you hired us," said Kevin excitedly as Travis and Randy picked him up and put him back in the wheelchair. Then Travis wheeled him out the door.

Randy spoke as he, Brad and Frank stood looking at me, "That really is a great thing that you just did – hiring those two guys." Brad and Frank agreed. Randy then stepped up to me, put his arms around my waist, slid his middle finger up my ass and spoke sweetly in my ear, "Doing things like that make me like you and appreciate you that much more."

Brad then stood behind me and spoke gently into my other ear, wrapping his arms around me, stroking my cock, "And it's a turnon for me even though I just shot my load." He began kissing the nap of my neck which sent chills up and down my spine.

"Don't leave me out of this," chuckled Frank as he stepped up to us and tried to wrap his arms around the group. "You guys are becoming quite an intimate group of friends and I want to be a part of it."

We all began kissing and intertwining our tongues and feeling each other's asses and cocks when I had to break away, "Guys, it's time to close the office for the evening. All the campers have left that are going to leave. Let's all get to the barn in the hot tub and just relax for a while and enjoy each other's company."

They all agreed and we headed for the barn. There were still a number of campers staying on for the week and since there were four of us with our arms around each other heading for the barn, we had obviously gotten their attention. They probably thought that as a staff we were probably up to something. How do I know? We only do what comes naturally.

The hot tub was empty, so there was plenty of room for the four of us. I turned the pumps on and the warm water began its churning. We crawled in and sat back, enjoying the warm water swirl around us, between our legs, causing our cocks and nutsacks to bob around. I got by a pump and sat down in front of it, letting the water shoot on my ass with the force massaging my asshole. It felt so good!

As we sat in the tub and casually talked, some campers strolled by. I could tell that they we watching us casually, probably hoping that we would start some sort of orgy. I'm getting to read their minds pretty good. Of course, I'm always in the mood for a good orgy. So as a camper was walking casually by, close to the tub, I casually reached over the edge and copped a feel from him.

He immediately stopped, letting me grasp his cock to begin stroking it. He laughed along with the rest of the group when Frank said, "Good God, Bob, don't you ever let up on sex? Don't you ever give it a rest?"

"Why?" I replied, "I always want it and that's what the campers are here for and it helps keep the campers sexually satisfied. I run this place and I want to be a good host as well as a good manager. So I want to give my all. And that includes my mouth, my ass and my cock." I turned around and kneeled on the seat in the hot tub and bent over the edge. With the camper's cock still in my hand, I bent down and engulfed it in my mouth. I began sucking the hard member, licking it at the same time.

With my ass sticking up in the air while sucking cock, the staff started making some smart remarks and I knew that they were inviting the other campers standing around to crawl into the tub. I didn't give a fuck. I was ready for anything. As I continued to give the camper a good blowjob, I felt a pair of hands on my ass, then fingers sliding up and down my ass crack. I didn't know who it was, but I felt a face push in which began a tongue massage on my hole. That always feels so good. Once in a while a finger or two would slip in, massaging my prostate.

There was a pause and I knew that some anonymous cock would be sliding in next. I was right. I didn't look around me to see who it was. As I said before, I didn't give a fuck. I love anonymous sex.

I held my head still which gave the camper I was sucking the indication that I wanted my mouth fucked. He got the idea. He place both of his hands on my head and began sliding his hard cock in and out of my mouth like a piston. At the same time, whoever was fucking my ass began picking up the pace. Both the fucking in my mouth and ass began to go faster and I knew that I was going to be rewarded. Sure enough, the cock in my mouth throbbed, spurting its load into my mouth at the same time I felt the cock up my ass shoot its semen into my bowels. The feeling of getting two loads at one time is terrific.

When they were done shooting, they pulled their cocks out an attempted to stand up. But Randy spoke, "Hold there! We're not done with you yet! We've got a few campers to finish up yet. In fact, I think it's time for you to get double fucked again (ch22)." That was fine by me!

Randy sat on a seat in the hot tub and I squatted over his hard cock with my back to him and slowly slid my ass lips over his hard,, black cock. I then slid down easily to the base of the cock. I've been fucked so many times that my cock can accomodate practicaly anything. I leaned back against Randy and brought my legs up in the air. Randy's cock up my ass couldn't be seen very well as it was under water, but our postures gave enough indication that we were waiting for the next camper to step up and take over.

Immediately, one did. He smiled at me as he aimed his cock for my ass. It easily slid in right above Randy's. They both began a rhythm in unison which got my body tingling all over. It amazes me that my asshole can take two cocks at the same time. As the fucking continued, Randy reach around and began stroking my cock as the camper bent over and began Frenching me. Our tongues played with each other and our mouths sucked on each other as the pacing of the fucking increased.

Panting, Randy spoke up, "Hey fucker, when you're ready to shoot, let me know. My cock is ready whenever yours is." The camper didn't say anything, but when his panting increased, Randy knew it was time. Then they both exploded. The force of the cum shot in me was almost like a water hose spraying. But this wasn't water -- they were warm, creamy loads. When the shoot stopped, they both pulled out.

"My turn!" said Frank as he sat in the other hot tub seat. His cock was hard and ready to go. I sat on him the same way I did Randy and the next camper stepped up to fuck me as well. He slid his cock in on top of Frank's and I could feel the cocks sloshing around in the cumloads that were shot in me. The only thing the camper said was, "This is so fucking hot!"

I was beginning to wear down as they worked on fucking me, so I let them do all the work -- no, that's not right -- so, I let them have all the fun -- that's still not right because I was having fun, too! Oh hell, you readers know what I mean!

I have to admit that Frank and the camper were more vocal than Randy and the last camper when they shot their loads. For they let out yells as they added they loads to the three loads that were already in me. I just smiled. I was so satisfied!!

"Last, but not least!" said Brad as he sat in the next seat. Dutifully, I moved over and immediately slid my ass down over his cock. "Nothing better than a good fuck!" he sighed.

I laughed, "I don't know, good blowjobs are pretty well up there!" I closed my eyes in ecstacy. I felt the hands of the next camper on my legs and then felt his cock slide in. I opened my eyes and saw young Tim (ch20&39) before me. It was his cock that was up my ass. When he saw that I notice him, he smiled at me. "Tim, my man!" I said in greeting as he continued to rid my ass, "Your cock against Brad's up my ass feels pretty good!"

"I was hoping you would like it," Tim replied, "I was afraid that you wouldn't let me fuck you -- me so young looking. Like a son raping his dad."

"I always like a good fucking," I said, "You know what I always say..."

"You can never rape the willing!" the staff said in unison. We all laughed.

Next: Chapter 41

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