Gay Campground

By Jarbear Jarbear

Published on Oct 2, 2010


Gay Campground 31

By Write me and let me know what you think. I answer all emails. Also, I have a layout of the campground as I see it when I write the chapters. If you would like one to go along with the chapters as you read them, just ask and I'll email you a copy.


I apologize, but the last half of this chapter is a sad one, but I did want to show some tenderness in these chapters somewhere. For those of you who are not into this, I will resume my regular style in the next chapter. Thanks for your patience.


I walked back through the gate to the campground and locked it after me. Before I started looking for the other three work crew guys, I decided to fix myself something quick to eat, so I headed back to the trailer. For coming onto the middle of the week, the activity on the grounds was pretty good.

As I walked by a three-way that was happening at a trailer site, I smiled to myself. "Keep it up, guys," I thought, "It keeps the place popular and brings in more customers." I stood there for a moment, watching them and stroking my cock. One of the guys saw me and motioned me to come over. I smiled, waved, but walked on. I was getting hungry.

I entered my trailer, took a quick shower, and then fixed myself a sandwich and pulled a Coke out of the frig. I stepped outside and sat on the top of the picnic table with my feet on the bench seat. As I ate and drank, I looked at my surroundings. It was beginning to get dusk and campfires were being started. I had this great feeling of satisfaction that I have invested in a great business. A business I enjoyed -- all the sex I wanted -- and it brought in good money!!

While I was sitting there, a guy walked up to me and winked at me. I winked back and spread my legs for him. Nothing was said because my mouth was full of my sandwich, but then, nothing needed to be said. He immediately sat on the picnic table bench between my legs and took a hold of my cock. He stroked it a few times and when it began to lengthen and get hard, he slipped it into his mouth and gulped it down to the base.

This was one good cocksucker! I knew he was a smoker because there was a little bit of roughness to his tongue that smokers usually have. It felt good because it got my balls to begin churning. I continued to eat my sandwich and drink my Coke as the guy between my legs continued to suck my cock.

I laid back on top of the table when I was finished. I closed my eyes and smiled. This cocksucker working on me was doing a great job. My head was sort of hanging over the edge on the other side of the table, but I didn't mind. I was just enjoying what was happening between my legs.

I then felt another motion on the table and so I opened my eyes. There straddled above me was a black guy standing on the bench with his legs on either side of my head. His hands were on his hips and he was looking down at me smiling. I couldn't help but smile back. Then I opened my mouth while looking at him, giving him the sign to slip his black cock in. He bent over and put his hands on either side of my body on the table for balance, then squatted and slipped his cock in.

I sure love suckin' a good black cock. I reached up and with my hands grabbed his ass cheeks and pulled him down further, causing his cock to slip in more. "Fuck yeah!" I heard him say, "This fuckin' feels so good!" The black guy continued to fuck my mouth as the guy between my legs continued with his deep throat expertise. This could go on forever!!! Wouldn't ya know! -- guys were beginning to gather around us, talking dirty and stroking their cocks.

When the cocksucker pulled off my cock to take a breather, I heard a guy ask, "Can I fuck him?" "Go at it!" was the reply. As I was sucking the black cock above me, I thought, "Hey! They didn't ask me if they could fuck my ass! Oh what the hell! I love it anyway. I don't give a care who fucks me."

The black guy above me took my legs and pulled them back over me exposing my asshole to all who wanted to take a good look. Then I felt a face between my ass cheeks and then a wet tongue probing my hole. I winked my hole at the tongue, indicating that I was enjoying it and it seemed that the long tongue probed a little further in.

The rimmer knew how well my hole was lubed for then he pulled back and some guy with a hard cock stepped on the bench, bent over and slid it in. Fuck, it felt good! Getting fucked in both holes is such a tremendous feeling -- both cocks working in and out of me like pistons!

The black guy pulled his cock out and lowered himself over me so that his balls were touching my lips. I stuck out my tongue and licked them hungrily. My mouth opened wide and the balls went in. I worked the mouthful of balls well with my spit and tongue and then he pulled them out. He got off the bench, turned around and stood back up on the bench. He lowered himself again and this time it was his ass above my face. He reached behind himself and with his hands parted his black ass cheeks, exposing his ass hole to me. He lowered until his hole was planted on my mouth and I sucked on it. He moved his ass around on my face, sliding his as crack up and down on my wet tongue, getting it good and wet.

It was then I felt the cock in my ass shoot its load. I was kind of surprised because there didn't seem any indication it was going to happen -- the fucking didn't intensify -- I didn't hear any groaning. This must have been a quiet fucker. As soon as he pulled his cock out, another slid in. I guess I'm getting gangbanged! My ass is always willing and my resistance is always weak!

The black guy whose as I was rimming, was jacking his cock furiously and I then knew he was going to shoot his chocolate cream any time. I pushed his ass off my face. "Shoot that load in my mouth. Hey guys! Gather `round and watch this happen!"

The black guy continued his jacking off as about a half a dozen guys gathered around to watch. The black guy backed up and sat on my chest, his hard cock right above my open mouth. The men gathered closed. The black guy then let out a moan and aim his cock slit toward my tongue that was sticking out of my mouth. His cock didn't shoot, but more or less oozed out onto my tongue and the load slid down my tongue into my mouth.

The hot scene got two guys watching ready to shoot and they stood up to my mouth and shot their loads in as well. Lying down on my back like that with the loads in my mouth, I couldn't swallow. But the problem was there was that second guy who was fucking my ass. So I had to wait until he shot his load in me before I could get up.

I then stood up on the table and with a grand gesture in front of the guys, I swallowed the three loads. The guys laughed and applauded and I took a long gratuitous bow. In so doing, a guy hopped up on the table and rammed his cock into my ass as I was bent over. When the guys saw the sudden look of surprise on my face, they laughed. I then got a contented look and let the guy behind me continue his fucking.

That made three loads up my ass and three loads down my throat. "Any felchers here?" I asked. One guy raised his hand and hopped up on the table and laid on his back. I squatted over his face and when he opened his mouth, I let the loads flow in. He reached up when I was done and pulled my ass down on his face. With his tongue he cleaned me up. That was some group sex!

As the guys were walking away, I heard my cell phone ring in the trailer. I hopped in real to quick to answer it. It was a close friend of mine, Frank. His voice was trembling. "Could you come right away? Anthony is dying!"

My heart leaped in my throat. Anthony is about 75 years old and his partner of 20 years and 20 years younger as well was informing me that his tired body was finally giving out and he wanted to talk to me before he died. I told him I would leave in 10 minutes. He gave me directions to a Hospice where they were staying. It was a two hour drive. I quickly gathered my things together, informed the staff, Randy and Brad, of what was happening and then took off.

The two hour drive gave me time to think. Anthony and Frank were partners for as long as I could remember. They never had sex with anyone else for they were so in love with each other. They knew how promiscuous I was, but it never impeded on our great friendship.

They were never flamboyant in public with their relationship knowing how people could be offended. They were patient with the impatient crowd. Tears filled my eyes as I drove, reminiscing of the great times we had together as friends. I just could not understand people. We go to war, killing each other when the Bible demands we don't kill. Yet, people are offended when two guys are in love when the Bible demands that we love. "It isn't natural," they exclaim. Two people loving each other isn't natural? What isn't natural is people killing each other! I'll never understand.

I arrived at the hospice about 10pm and quietly walked in. The place was beautiful with it's furnishings -- very homey -- subdued lighting and soft relaxing music. I found the room and entered slowly and quietly.

Anthony was lying in bed asleep. Frank was in a recliner right next to the bed. He was asleep and they were holding hands. I stood there for a moment looking at them. I have never seen two people so right for each other as Frank and Anthony. They never swerved in their dedication or love for each other.

I lightly touched Frank on the shoulder. He awoke, looked at me and then stood up. We hugged. He buried his face in my neck and wept. I felt his tears trickled down my neck and down my back. He just stood there and held each other tight. Frank whispered, "The doctor said that his heart is wearing out fast and there is nothing that can be done."

"His heart was so full of love for you," I replied, "That it just wore out." We sat together on the edge of the spare bed which Frank used while staying there. I put my hand on his shoulder and looked at him, "I am here for you now -- totally -- whatever you want. Just ask."

Frank sighed, "Just you being here right now helps me. That's all I want -- just you being here supporting me."

"You've got it," I replied.

"I need a quick break and a cup of coffee. Would you stay here with Anthony? I'll be right back."

"Take your time. I'll be here."

When Frank left, I stepped to Anthony's bedside, touched his shoulder and softly called his name. Anthony opened his eyes, looked at me and smiled. "Oh my friend," he said, "You're here!"

I took his hand, pulled it up and held it against my chest. With a smile, I replied, "I'm here for you. What do you want -- anything."

He looked at me still smiling, "I want you to do a favor for me -- one last request."


"Frank and I have been so devoted to each for these past 20 years. Our love is so strong. There is one more thing I want done just for him. I want you to be me and make love to him."

I looked at him perplexed. "Just what do you mean?"

"You play the role of me and have him think of me as you two make love to each other. This is my last act for him and it frees him to find another to spend his life with."

"I'm not sure I can do this. You two are so dedicated to each other."

"This is my only request. I want you to do it in this room. I want to watch. It will be my act of approval and my release. This is all I ask of you. Will you do it?"

Seeing his imploring look, I could not turn him down. I finally nodded. It was then Frank walked into the room. He set his coffee on the bedside table and sat in the recliner, once again taking Anthony's hand in his.

"Can I have a moment?" I asked as I gestured toward the door.

Frank nodded, "Come right back."

I nodded, stepped into the hall and looked for the nurse. She was at the station working on papers. She looked up at me. "Frank, Anthony and I need to privately talk without any interruptions. Is it all right to close the door? I'll let you know when we're done talking."

The nurse smiled, "Sure. No problem. We'll respect your privacy. Just let me know when you're done by opening the door."

"Thanks." I turned and walked back to the room. Before I entered, I took a deep breath (for assurance for what was about to happen) and then stepped in. I closed the door behind me. I looked at them and knew immediately that they had talked about it. Tears were streaming down Frank's face as he stood up looking at me. I looked at him intently, "Are you okay with this?"

He smiled at me, "Very much!"

I turned to Anthony, reached to him and gently turned his head so that he was facing Frank's bed. Anthony was too weak to make any movements. He smiled. "Thank you," he said.

I turned to Frank, cupped his face in my hands and gently pulled him towards me. We kissed gently at first, and then long and slow. Our tongues touched. Frank wrapped his arms around my neck and pulled me closer to him. Our bodies pressed against each other and I could feel the growing hardness in his groin. I reached around and felt his ass and pulled him against me harder.

I began putting soft kisses on his neck and he raised his chin so I could have easier access. As I was kissing him, I glanced at Anthony and saw him watching us with a warm smile as though he was indicating his approval.

I stepped back to look at Frank and began unbuttoning his shirt. After removing it, I gently pushed Frank back until he sat on the side of his bed. I knelt in front of him and removed his shoes and socks. Then I quietly undid his slacks and removed the rest of his clothing until he was naked before me. I pushed him back until he was lying in his bed.

He then watched me as I removed my clothes slowly. Never a word was said between us as he slowly stroked his hardening cock. I stood there for a moment stroking my own as I watched him. I then turned to Anthony in his weakness so he could view me. He continued to smile with his approval.

I turned back to Frank and crawled into bed lying on top of him. I kissed him gently and repeatedly all over his face, then his neck, then his shoulders and I worked my way down his body, not missing a spot. Getting to his crotch, I buried my face in his crotch hairs, smelling his musky aroma. I kiss his hard cock -- all over and attempted to insert a little of my tongue in his piss slit. I deep throated his cock several times before I moved on down his body. Frank moaned as he let me worship him. I licked his ball sack and gently took each nut in my mouth and savored it. I covered his legs and feet with kisses and then had him turn over.

I ran my wet, warm tongue up and down his spine which made him shiver. I kissed his back -- totally and completely. Then I gently kissed his ass cheeks, trying to get him to feel the tenderness I wanted him to feel. I parted the cheeks and gently pushed my face in. I kissed his hole and then tongue fucked it. I licked up and down the crack, hoping he was enjoying this in his sorrow as much as I was. He was moaning -- yes, he was enjoying it.

I crawled on top of his back, leaned forward, and whispered into his ear, "Do you want me to make love to you, my son?"

"Yes, please, daddy," he replied, understanding that I was now in the role of his lover, Anthony.

I gently stroked my cock, got it hard, pointed it towards Frank's asshole and then slowly pushed it in all the way to the base. I held it there as I leaned forward and whispered again into his ear, "This is Anthony making love to you one last time. As my cumload is released into you, you are then released to go and find someone to share your life and love with. For your love for me has been far to precious to stop just because I'm gone."

I fucked his ass gently and slowly and I turned to look at Anthony. He continued to watch with a smile on his face. One time, he quietly said, "Yes."

The time came and my cumload shot into Frank. He felt it because he responded, "Your last great gift to me, daddy. Thank you."

"I now release you to go on loving as you have loved me."

I pulled out of him, reached down and took a couple of drops of cum on my fingers. I walked to Anthony's bedside and as he weakly opened his mouth, I put my precious fluid on his tongue. He closed his mouth, smiled at me and said, "Thank you, so much."

These were the last words he spoke for he slipped away in the early morning hours.

Next: Chapter 32

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