Gay Campground

By Jarbear Jarbear

Published on May 24, 2010


By Let me know what you think. I answer all emails.

I left Randy with the joy of getting acquainted with all the equipment, supplies and tools. I felt very satisfied with hiring him. "He will do a great job," I said to myself as I walked back to my office.

I had a lot to do: financial reports to analyze, rules and procedures to understand, and especially my job description. I leaned on Brad to be my right hand man. When he was free from checking in a couple of campers, I called him into my office.

"You're going to have to help me understand the ways of this place: what works and what doesn't. I have no idea of how you do things around here. For example, the staff: what are the rules?"

"We really don't have any rules or job descriptions. We just did what the boss tells us and we do it. He was very fair and we liked him so well, we just wanted to please him. I don't think we'll have any problems with you. Of course, you're the boss now."

I was just about to say something when I received a phone call, "You don't know me and I don't want to give you my name. But I was in your cruising woods and there was a gang hangin' out in the cabin with the sling in it. They're so intimidating, that everyone has been staying away. I thought I'd let you know because I don't want the place to close down because of trouble. I just thought I'd let you know."

"Thanks!" I responded to the anonymous caller, "I really appreciate it. Tell you what; I'll give you the code number 1974. Come to the campground for the weekend, give me that code number, and you can stay the weekend for free. OK?"

"Fine," he said, then hung up.

I immediately turned to Brad, "There's trouble in the woods. Come with me."

We quickly walked to my trailer and discussed a plan of action while I was putting on my jeans and t-shirt. We then hurriedly walked to the gate to the woods. "Find Randy and tell him what's up and our plan."

With that, I unlocked the gate, let myself through, and hurried down to the cabin with the sling. I had this tremendous nervous feeling in the pit of my stomach. I had no idea of what was going to happen, but this was my campground -- my property -- and no one was going to run my investment into the ground. The trick is not to let them know I was afraid.

When I got to the cabin, I heard noise of rowdy talking and laughter. I could see the parking lot to the woods just past the cabin and noticed a large group of motorcycles. I counted them -- there were fifteen. I then took a deep breath and barged through the door. There were guys all over the room: standing, leaning against the wall, sitting on the floor and lying on the floor.

There was sudden silence. I stood there with a firm jaw and clenched teeth. Calmly and with a low tone, I spoke, "I understand that people are no longer coming to these woods because of a group that is staying in this cabin."

One guy slowly rose up off the floor and sauntered to me. I could clearly tell that this was the head honcho. "We were just waiting for someone to come," he said with a sneering smile, "We were trying to decide which was better: pussy or mancunt. We just wanted to find out who gives better blowjobs: women or faggots. Anything you can offer us to help us decide?" He then laughed and the group joined him.

Getting a little excited with the way he talked along with him groping his crotch, I answered, "Just how do you expect to find out here? There's no one else around here except for you fuckers. So I suggest you get off this private property or I'll call the police."

"Listen, you son of a bitch," he said with a serious tone, "We came to get some questions answered. We are just waiting for someone to answer them for us." He eyeballed me and then raised his eyebrows. "How about it? Can you answer them for us?" he asked with another sly grin, "Me and the boys here just trying to get a little education." Then they all stood up, moved forward and stood behind the leader.

"Is that all?" I asked him, without flinching a facial muscle.

"That's all," came the reply.

Still looking at him straight in the eyes, I then said, "Well, then, you're asking the right person."

Still looking at me, he said with a chuckle, "Guys, what we have been waiting for has arrived."

Not once taking my eyes off the leader, I stepped out of my sandals and slipped off my shirt. I was nervous stripping because I had never been with a group of bikers. I didn't know what to expect. I only heard stories. Either way, I was excited and my cock was getting hard. I couldn't help it. I slowly unsnapped and unzipped my jeans and let them drop to the floor. I stood before them naked. There were cat calls and whistles and I was embarrassed.

"Turn around and let's see that ass of yours."

I turned with my back to them and then decided to be a little brazen. I bent over, reached back, and parted my ass cheeks. There were more whistles and cat calls. I then turned around and faced the guys, still not smiling.

"Well now," said the leader to the group, "do you think this ass should be fucked?" There was a unanimous, vocal affirmation. "Maybe we should show him what he's in for," he then said.

With that, all the guys unzipped their jeans and pulled their cocks out and began stroking. It was then that I started to smile, "Looks like I may have to answer those questions to all you guys." They snickered and laughed.

"Naked from the waist down, guys," I commanded, "I don't want any fabric burns on my face or ass."

It was kind of funny. The group didn't argue, but did just what they were told. There they all stood naked from the waist down with their pants lying all over the floor.

"Well then, let's get the show on the road," as I calmly bent over and reached into the pocket of my Levi's. I pulled out a bottle of poppers and a white handkerchief.

"What's that?" the leader asked.

"Poppers," I replied, "It loosens up my ass for all those cocks so that you guys have a more enjoyable ride." I wasn't about to tell them that it was for me -- to get me sexually intense.

"Give us some," the leader demanded.

"Oh, you want your asses to be loosened up too? You wanted to be fucked as well?"

"Not on your fuckin' life!" he retorted.

"Well then, that's what poppers are for," I lied. I then wrapped the handkerchief around the bottle, opened the cap and gave myself some good huffs. I then tied the handkerchief on a chain above the sling. This was my cue to Randy and Brad who were spying through the window that everything was going to be okay and to not call the cops.

I crawled into the sling, raised my legs up on the chains, bound them, and then said, "Okay, guys. I'm ready."

The leader gave the instructions to one of the guys to be the first to fuck me. He walked up to my ass, and began to finger fuck me. After about a minute, I got indignant and said, "Hey, are you going to fuck me with that cock of yours or are you just going to play around? I haven't got all night. There's fourteen others waiting!"

The leader then instructed another one of his members to shove his cock in my mouth to get me to shut up. That guy didn't have to force his cock in. When he approached me, my mouth opened up eagerly to receive it. The gangbang was about to begin.

As the stranger slid his cock into my ass, he grabbed the chains and began driving his cock into me like a piston. The guy whose cock I was sucking had his balls resting on the bridge of my nose as he fucked my mouth. The rest of the gang gathered, around me watching and stroking their cocks.

"How does his ass feel?" the leader asked.

"Fucking awesome!" replied the assfucker.

"I didn't know blowjobs by a guy could feel this good!" said the mouth fucker.

I was pleased with what I heard because when they are satisfied, I'm satisfied. It makes getting fucked in both holes more fun. I took some more good huffs of my poppers and then relaxed to enjoy the fucking. It was kind of funny in a way; the bikers who wanted the satisfaction were doing all work and I was just laying there taking it all in. Even with the blowjobs. I really wasn't doing any work -- they were just taking turns fucking my mouth.

As they kept taking turns gangbanging me, I kept on huffing the poppers. Everything was picking up in pace. When they were ready to shoot up my ass, they would shove their cocks all the way in to the base. I felt the loads shoot in me and I moaned in delight. I couldn't say anything because they kept my mouth filled with hard cock. I swallowed hungrily every load that was shot in my mouth. I didn't keep track of how many times my ass or mouth were fucked. I didn't care -- I was just enjoying it all.

After an hour, when the guys finally shot all their loads in me, the leader instructed them to wait outside in the parking lot. As all the bikers had fucked me in one way or another, he never participated. He had stood away leaning against the far wall -- just watching. When the bikers left, he was gong to have me all to himself.

I was still in the sling when the last biker walked out the door. The leader calmly sauntered to me. I looked at him between my two raised legs. With no expression, he calmly said, "You have pleased the guys. They don't know that I planned all this out for me to enjoy watching and to finally do what I want with you."

"What's that?" I asked, still panting from all the fucking.

"I want to eat all those cumloads that are in your ass."

I was surprised, "They don't know about you wanting to do this?"

"No. They think I'm into cunt, but I fooled them. I'm into guys, really." He then moved to my face. Looking closely at me, he said, "I love cumloads. I love sucking cock. I love to eat out ass."

And as he kept talking quietly to me, he kept moving his face closer and closer to mine. Finally, his lips were touching mine. I opening my mouth and he then slipped his tongue in. I sucked it as I wrapped my arms around him and pulled him closer to me.

He pulled away and then said gently, "I've wanted to do this for a long time, but understand, I'm the leader. I had to do it this way."

"I understand," I replied, "But there's one thing I want to know."

"What's that?"

"Why are you talking when you should be eating out my ass?"

He laughed gently and then got on his knees in front of my ass. With his hands, he parted my cheeks and then pushed his face in. He put his lips around my asshole and somehow made a vacuum lock. My asshole was still wide open from all the fucking, so it was easy for him to suck the cum out. As he sucked on my sphincter muscle, I felt the cum flow out.

When he stood up, I sighed with contentment. He then came up to my face again and as he bent over, I open my mouth to him, expecting him to kiss me again. But he didn't. This time, he opened his mouth a little and all the cumloads he sucked out flowed from his mouth into mine. I swallowed the large mixture gladly.

When he was done, he just smiled at me, got back to my ass again and slipped in his hard cock. Then he got the sling swinging to the point that he was not moving his hips at all, but the swinging made his cock slide in and out of me like a piston. All the time he looked at me and smiled. I smiled in return.

When he closed his eyes and threw back his head, I knew he was shooting his manseed into me. My sphincter muscle gripped his cock and milked out the last drops of his semen. When he was finished, he pulled his cock out. He put it back in his jeans and then zipped up.

He smiled again at me and said, "Any time you are in the mood to get gangbanged, just come on over to the next county. We hang out at the Dog Bone Tavern. I'm sure we can do it all for you again.

I gave him a weak smile and said thanks. He walked out and I fell asleep -- right there in the sling. I was too weak to get out of it. I was totally exhausted.

I don't know how long I was there, but I was being roused awake. It was Randy and Brad. They had look of concern on their faces.

"My god, all you all right? What did they do to you?" asked Randy as they helped me out of the sling.

All I could say was, "They gangbanged me."

"Let's get you back to the trailer, then we'll talk." said Brad as he wrapped my arm around his shoulder and his arm around my waist. Randy did the same on the other side of me. They provided the strength I needed to get back to the trailer. They had me lie on my stomach so they could examine my ass.

"Wow!" said Randy, "That asshole is really open! How many guys were there?"


"My god," said Brad, "you want us to call the police and report this? You were brutally raped!"

"No, don't," I replied, "You know my favorite saying, `You can't rape the willing.'" I then looked at them and smiled.

Randy laughed, "How many cumloads are in there?"

"Only one. The head guy sucked out the cumloads and then snowballed it into my mouth. The loads tasted great! But he did fuck me before he left and put his load in me."

Brad licked his lips, "Mind if I have it?"

"Only if Randy adds his to it first."

As Randy crawled on top of my ass stroking his cock, he said, "Buddy, you've got it." He slipped his cock in me and as his black tool filled my insides, I could help but smile to myself.

Brad asked, "Since your asshole is so big, can I slide my cock in there too?"

"Sure. Why not?" I said as I shifted myself to accommodate both cocks. Two cocks rubbing against each other in my ass -- the feeling was overwhelming.

It wasn't long before both loads were shot in me. Randy helped me in my weakness position my ass over Brad's face. He reached up, parted my cheeks and opened his mouth to receive the three loads.

When we were done. They tucked me into bed. As they were turning out the lights for me to rest, I called out, "Randy, would you sleep with me? I want your friendship wrapped around me right now."

"Sure, buddy," was the reply and he crawled into bed with me. He spooned himself against my back and draped his arm over me. He kissed the back of my neck and whispered, "I sure like sleeping with the boss!"

Next: Chapter 25

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