Gay Campground

By Jarbear Jarbear

Published on May 20, 2010


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When I awoke, Randy was gone; "Out fuckin' around," I thought . He's a really great guy. He deserves to have a great time.

I got up, went to the kitchen and fixed myself some breakfast. Being my first day on the job, I had a feeling it was going to be busy. I wanted to give a "good first impression" to our customers -- whatever that may mean.

As I finished breakfast, I heard a cell phone ring. Startled, I looked around and saw a cell phone lying on the sofa. I picked it up and answered it. It was Brad down at the registration desk.

"You found the phone," he said, "I left it there for you so we can keep in contact with you now that you're our boss. I was going to wake you when I stepped in your trailer, but you were sleeping so peacefully, I didn't have the heart. I saw you lying there naked, and got turned on. I wanted to crawl on top of you and fuck you, but I didn't know your policy about staff people fucking around."

"Thanks for the phone and the information. I want to take a shower first. Then I'll meet with you there at the office and we'll start working out details," I said.

"Fine," said Brad, "I'll wait for you here. Oh, by the way, something for you to think about; we lost our maintenance/grounds guy. I'll give you the details when you get here. Oh, a couple of new campers just walked in. Gotta go!"

"Great!" I thought to myself, "Problems already."

I grabbed a towel and headed for the showers. I couldn't help but observe all the sex that was going on around me as I headed for the barn. I had to keep telling myself, "You're on the job! You're on the job! You're on the job!"

When I stepped in the shower room, there was Randy on the ladder working on a showerhead. He didn't notice or hear me. I stood there, admired him for a few seconds, and then spoke, "What a nice black ass I see before me!"

Randy turned around, looked at me and smiled, "Words don't mean much to me -- action does." With that, while still on the ladder, he stuck out his ass to me, giving me the invitation to do what I want with it.

"Man!" I said with a note of frustration, "I'd love to do something about it, but don't you remember? This is my first day of work. I'm not sure what I should be doing or not doing right now."

With a smirk, Randy said, "Well, just don't forget; my ass and cock are yours whenever you want them." He then wiggled his ass a little teasingly at me."

Changing the subject, I asked, "By the way, what are you doing?"

"This showerhead was broken and I decided to fix it. I found some of your tools in the toolbox in your truck. I helped myself to them. I hope you don't mind. Since you're part owner of this place I wanted to show my appreciation to you in some way. This I can do. Also, before I forget, some guttering on the office building is beginning to come off. I can get that fixed for you."

"You don't need to do any of this," I immediately said, "But I appreciate your wanting to."

Randy then got serious, "Please, let me. I want to do something for you and this is what I do good. Please don't deprive me of the joy of doing this for you."

"All right," I said with hesitancy, "But you give me a lot of joy just by having sex."

I then stepped under a showerhead, turned on the water, adjusted it, and then proceeded to take my shower. Randy got down off the ladder and came to me. "At least let me help you with your shower," he said gently. I just stood there and let him soap me down and rinse me off. He had such a calming way of taking care of me. When we were finished, he toweled me off.

I left Randy to do what he wanted to do. I draped the towel around my neck and headed for the office building where the registration desk was. When I stepped inside, there on the counter with his back to the door was a camper with his legs in the air and Brad was between them giving him a blowjob.

"Ahem!" as I cleared my throat, "Am I interrupting something?"

Startled, Brad stood up and the camper swung around on the counter with a shocked look on his face. But their surprised looks quickly dissipated when they saw my smile and hard cock. Brad quickly adjusted his hard cock and balls in his jockstrap which he always wears when he works.

The camper nervously said, "I gotta go and set up camp." and then quickly left. Brad just stood there nervously looking at me.

I looked at him with a smirkish grin and then said, "Loosen up, Brad, I'm not going to be your tyrannical boss. Yeah, we're going to need to set a few rules, but nothing to worry about. First things first. Tell me about the maintenance/grounds guy that quit."

"Well," reported Brad, "I found a note by him early this morning. He said that he was giving notice that he had to quit due to a family emergency in the next state. He believes he's going to have to stay there quite a while. He apologized and left the keys to the maintenance building."

"Wow!" I replied, "What do I do now+"

"Well, it's your job to hire another. How you are going to find a guy with maintenance and grounds talents willing to work in a gay campground is something you're going to have to figure out."

"Well, that will be my goal today: to come up with a way to find someone. This has got me pretty tense. Brad, you're going to have to help me on this one."

"How's that? What can I do?"

Walking around to his side of the counter, I smiled at him, reached out to his cock and stroked it. "You're going to have to fuck me to ease the tension I feel." I then bent over the counter with my ass towards him.

There was a slight laugh when Brad said, "Hey! Glad to help my boss out." He then squatted down in front of my ass, parted my cheeks and then licked and tongue fucked my asshole. It felt so-o-o-o good!

Then as he began fingering my hole, I said, "I forgot to bring my poppers. Wish I had them!"

"There's a bottle in the drawer next to you. Help yourself!"

I opened the drawer, found the bottle, opened it and took some good huffs. The euphoria began and my asshole began winking and twitching at Brad, giving him the sign that I was ready to be fucked.

Brad stood up and with his now hard cock, pressed it against my anxious asshole. It opened to receive him and his cock slid in easily. Man, do I love getting fucked! The feel of a guy's fuck tool sliding in and out of my ass is an incredible feeling -- especially when their load is shooting in me!!"

A camper entered, coming in to register. He stopped in his tracks and stared at us. I smiled at him as Brad continued to fuck me. "May I help you?" I asked as I continued to move my ass in motion with Brad's cock.

"Uh," the guy said as he continued to stare at us, "I guess I want to register for a campsite. Wow! Look at you guys go at it!"

"Well," I said calmly, "That's what this place is all about! We require that there be no inhibitions here!"

"You got that right!" the new camper said excitedly as he stripped his clothes off right where he was standing. Leaving his clothes lying on the floor, he walked up to the registration desk and signed in. Every once in a while he would look at us with a smile. He couldn't help it, but his cock grew hard.

When he was done registering and paid his fee, I handed him a map of the grounds and said, "Have a great time here. If you don't, let me know and we'll see what we can do for you."

"I certainly will!" he said excitedly, "Have a good fuck you guys!"

"We will!" I called back as Brad kept fucking me. "Mmm, Brad! Your cock feels so good in me!"

All of a sudden, Brad let out a yelp and yanked his cock out of me. Straightening up, I asked what happened. "Look!" he exclaimed as he pointed to the window.

There over the outside of the window leaned a ladder and a black cock hanging between the rungs. Only the torso could be seen because the shoulders and head were above the window at the building's eaves.

"Oh, that's Randy," I said, "He wanted to fix the guttering that was beginning to come loose. I didn't want him too, but he wanted to help out so much."

Then a great idea entered my head. With a look of amazement, I turned to Brad and said, "Are you thinking what I'm thinking?"

"That this might be a new person on our staff?" Brad asked with raised eyebrows."

"You got it!" I replied, "Right now, let's give him a surprise."

With that, Brad went to the window, stood on the ledge and carefully slid down the upper section. He waited until I got around the outside to the ladder and deftly climbed up so that my face was level with Randy's ass. Randy was earnestly working on the gutter and didn't notice what was happening. A curious crowd of guys gathered to watch what was going to happen.

Then, on cue, Brad slipped his mouth over Randy's cock and I pushed my tongue into Randy's ass. Randy gave a yell, grabbed the ladder for leverage and looked down. Brad and I continued sucking Randy's cock and eating out his ass as Randy laughed out loud. The crowd of guys laughed along.

Once Randy got his breath and senses back, he said, "Fuck! You guys sure know how to surprise a guy in a unique way!"

I pulled my face from out of his ass and crawled up the ladder behind him until my cock was aimed for his ass. Randy knew what I was going to do because he moaned saying, "If you think you're up here to fuck my ass, well, you're in luck."

Randy pushed his ass back, giving me easier access to slide my cock in him. It was quite a scene: Randy getting fucked up on a ladder with his cock sticking between the rungs getting sucked by a guy with his head stuck through a window. One has to admit, this scene would certainly draw a crowd.

While I continued to fuck him, I kissed the nape of his neck and then sucked on his earlobe. Then I whispered gently in his ear, "Meet me inside. I want to make you an offer you can't refuse."

Randy smiled at me, "How can I meet you inside when you got me trapped on this ladder fucking me? Besides, one of your employees has got his mouth clamped around my cock. What am I suppose to do?"

I laughed, pulled out my cock and proceeded down the ladder. Part way down the ladder, I looked through the rungs at Brad and said, "Let go of Randy, we've got to talk." Brad quit sucking Randy and we then proceeded into the building.

Once inside, I led him into the office to talk alone. I got right to the point, "Randy, our maintenance/grounds guy had to quit last night due to a family emergency. I'm offering you're the position? Do you want it?"

Astonished, Randy replied, "Do I?! Of course! But how do you know that I'm up for the job?"

"I know you are," I said with a smile. "I'll give you a week to prove yourself and you will be paid for that week. I don't know what your salary will be because I don't know what the last maintenance/grounds guy was paid."

"I don't care," Randy said with excitement, "I trust you and know that you will be fair. Now I'll be able to afford a place to live."

"Well, you'll have to live here on the grounds to handle emergencies as well as the upkeep. We'll provide you housing. Tell you what -- since a Katrina cottage is being built for me here on the grounds, I'll have them build a cottage for you to live in. In the meantime, you can stay in my trailer. Does that sound fair?"

"More than fair," Randy replied almost tearfully, "I promise that you won't be disappointed in my work."

"There is one rule right now you'll have to follow: you have to be dressed while you're working. This is a safety issue as well as letting the campers know to leave you alone."

"That's fine. When do I begin."

"You start Monday. Congratulations!" I said as I reached out to shake hands with him.

"Thank you!" said Randy reached out to me, "How can I ever thank you for giving me this opportunity?"

I laughed, "Don't worry. You'll have lots of opportunities to thank me. Here's the keys to your building. According to Brad, it should have all the equipment, tools, and supplies you need. Let's go looke at it."

I put my hand on Randy's shoulder and we walked out the door towards the maintenance building. We unlocked the door and entered. There was a hall and to the right was to be Randy's office. It was a large room with a desk, chair, recliner, TV, hot plate, refrigerator, and a single-size bed.

"Hey!" said Randy, "This looks great! I can stay here instead of bothering you in your trailer."

Taking Randy's face in both of my hands, I looked into his eyes and said, "Randy, my friend, you are no bother. Let's just play this by ear."

We then walked down the hall to the next room which was obviously the laundry. On the door, it said, "Staff Laundry". Upon entering, I said, "I have a hunch that since this is a nude campground, this isn't used that much..

It was a small room with a washer, dryer, laundry sink and a counter running along the opposite wall. There were shelves containing laundry supplies as well as cleaning supplies. What caught our attention was a dildo that was lying on top of the washer.

Picking it up, I said, "I wonder what this is about."

"I bet I know!" said Randy, "Let me show you. I'll also show you why this is a front-loading washer."

Randy then place the dildo up with the suction cup on the end firmly stuck on top of the washer. He then set the control on "spin" and turned it on. As the washer was vibrating from the spin, Randy crawled on top and lowered his ass down on the dildo. As his ass slid further down, Randy began moaning.

As he rode the fake cock up and down while the washer was spinning, he smiled at me and said, "This is fun! It's not as good as the real thing, but it's still fun!"

"Let me try it," I said. For I had never done anything like this before. Randy slid off and crawled off the washer. I then got on and lowered my ass down over the dildo. As it filled up my ass, the motion and vibration of the washer was sending thrills through my body.

"Awe fuck!" I exclaimed with amazement, "What a ride! We should set up an adult carnival and sell tickets to ride this thing!"

Randy laughed. I got off and then shut off the washer. We walked down the hall which then opened into a large garage containing a small tractor, mower, tools and other needed equipment for the campground.

"Looks like you are set up for the job," I said with satisfaction.

"Yep, it looks like I am," Randy replied with a smile.

Next: Chapter 24

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