Gay Campground

By Jarbear Jarbear

Published on May 14, 2010


By Write me and let me know what you think. I answer all emails.

When Randy's ass was drained of cum into the man's mouth, the man stood up, turned to the watchers and opened his mouth wide, showing the load inside his mouth. Then he closed his mouth, smiled, and gulped it down. "Aah!" he said with contentment.

When the episode was finished, Randy walked toward Tim and I and said, "Well, guys, how did you like the show?"

"I'm surprised at you," I said, "I thought you were the shy one. What happened? I thought you didn't have any experience with places like this and groups."

"Well," Randy said with a laugh, "One learns quickly -- especially when they realize they can act out their fantasies." Looking Tim up and down, he said, "And who is this with you?"

"This is Tim," I replied, "He is new with all of this. He's had very little gay experience and when he watched you, he liked what he saw."

"Oh yeah?" said Randy as he sided up to Tim, reached around and felt his ass, "Well Tim, how do you feel about an older black guy?"

Tim felt too embarrassed to answer so I spoke for him, "He told me he'd like to try a black guy."

Randy smiled as he kept his arm around Tim, "Well, I'm here for you. Maybe after supper or tonight you can try me out." Then we headed for the gate back into the campground.

I invited Tim to join us for supper at my trailer and he took me up on the invitation. Walking to my trailer was a whole new experience for Tim as he had never been to anything like this campground before. Randy and I enjoyed watching him gawk at everything going on around him.

He stopped to watch a fuck session on a picnic table. He stared as he walked by a three-way in the grass. Watching a guy getting a blow job in his lawn chair caused Tim to start stroking his cock without realizing what he was doing. By the time we got to my trailer, Tim's cock was rock hard. As we stepped inside, Tim said, "This all has gotten me so fucking horny!"

Randy turned to me and asked, "Bob, is it all right with you-- while you're fixing supper that Tim gets a taste of me? I think this poor boy needs some help!"

"Sure, fine with me." I replied as I got supper ready.

Randy wrapped his arms around Tim and pulled the boy tightly to him. He bent his head down and stuck out his long tongue. Tim opened his mouth to receive it and it slid in. Tim sucked on it like it was a cock. Randy pulled away from Tim, sat on the sofa and pulled Tim down on top of him.

Tim straddled Randy's lap so that their cocks were against each other. Tim and Randy resumed their French kissing as they rubbed their cocks together. It was hard for me to concentrate on supper as these two were going at it just a few feet from me.

When I stuck the frozen casserole in the microwave to cook, I then had a little time to join in the fun. Tim's ass looked so good, I just had to get my tongue in there. It wasn't easy getting my face under his ass, but Randy spread his legs so I could get easier access. Randy took hold of Tim's ass cheeks and pulled them apart. I saw Tim's asshole wink at me and I smiled. Then I got my tongue up there and inserted it into that round pink pucker of his.

I heard Randy say, "Hey, Tim, ever been fucked by a black cock before?"

"No cock has ever fucked me in the ass let alone a black one." replied Tim, "But I sure want to learn!"

Tim raised up a little so Randy could get his hard, black cock pointed to his asshole. But he had difficulty getting it in because Tim's asshole was so tight. So I got some lube and worked it in, getting the hole loose and ready. But since this was Tim's first time, I decided to add something else to make it easier for him.

I reach for my bottle of poppers and held it up to Tim's face. "You ever sniffed on this stuff?" I asked.

"No," answered Tim, "What's it for?"

"It helps to loosen your asshole a little more for easier fucking. Also, it gets you sexually intense. It's a great feeling! Wanna try it?"

"Sure!" said Tim. And with that, I opened the bottle and instructed him to inhale a couple of times as I held it up to each nostril. He immediately began to feel the effects because his ass began to slide down over Randy's cock.

"Awe fuck!" Tim cried out as he began bobbing up and down on Randy's black rod. "This is so fucking great! I never new getting fucked could feel so good!"

"Oh yeah!" Tim called out, "Yours is the first virgin ass for me to pop the cherry!"

As I was getting the table set and the food on the table, I heard Tim say between pants, "Come on, Randy, breed me! Shoot your fuckin' cum seed in me!" Tim rode hard on Randy's cock.

Then I heard Randy let out a loud groan as he grabbed Tim's shoulders and pushed him all the way down to the base of his cock. I knew Randy was shooting. As they were getting a breather, I laid down on the floor between Randy's feet. As Tim stood up, I motion for him to sit on my face which he did. I massaged his asshole with my tongue, thus loosening it to let Randy's cum ooze out into my waiting hungry mouth. I love felching a good ass. And Tim had one!

When we got our breath, we sat down for supper. During the meal, I filled in Randy and Tim on the Friday night party/orgy that was held in the barn. They seemed anxious to go, but I advised them that it might be wise to get a couple of hours' rest before we go. They agreed.

So when supper was done and everything was cleaned up, we went to bed to get rested up. We all three snuggled together with Tim in the middle. Of course, my cock got hard as I spooned up against Tim's ass. Tim took notice, obviously, because he reached behind, took hold of my cock and guided it into his asshole which still contained Randy's cumload.

As I was gently and slowly fucking him, Tim said to Randy, "Hey! You got to cum and Bob is hopefully going to shoot in my ass, how about helping me out with my cock?"

"Glad to help!" Randy replied and he immediately scooted down between Tim's legs and wrapped his lips around the hard cock waiting for him. We got a good rhythm going with me fucking Tim's ass and Tim fucking Randy's mouth.

As I continued to fuck Tim, I wrapped my arms around him and began kissing him on the neck and blowing softly into his ear as well as gently sucking on his ear lobes. He moaned with content.

It wasn't long before Tim and I shot our loads together. Perfect timing! I pulled my cock out and turned onto my back. Randy came around to my side of the bed, gently cupped my face in his hands and kissed me long and slow. As he did, I felt Tim's load flow into my mouth. I swallowed. When we were done, we fell asleep together in each other's arms.

When I awoke, I looked at the clock and it showed "8:30". "Omigosh!" I thought, "The party has already started!" Tim and Randy were still asleep in bed, wrapped in each other's arms. I woke them up, "Time to get going! The party has started! Let's go!"

As we stepped out of my trailer, there were other guys walking down the street to the barn where the camp events were held. We three walked side by side with Tim in the middle. We hadn't gone far when I sensed someone approach Tim from the rear. "Hey guy!" I heard the soft voice say in Tim's ear, "You've got an ass I'd love to fuck sometime."

Tim stopped in his tracks which caused us to stop also. He turned around with a wicked smile, "Well, you might as well do it now, because I'm going to be busy when I get in that barn!" With that, he turned around with his ass to the stranger and bent over.

Randy and I stood there on either side of Tim. We looked at each other quizzicaly. "Hey Tim! I thought you didn't have much experience for places like this. Now you act like you've been here before. What gives?"

"I've seen enough now to know what to do and what can happen. If I don't hop on the wagon now, I'll miss the ride!" Then turning to the stranger behind him, Tim said, "Hop on!"

The man stroked his cock as he fingered Tim's ass. "Hmm!" he said, it feels like you've been fucked not too long ago. Am I right?"

"Randy, here, just fucked me a couple of hours ago. That was my first time. And it won't be my last. I hope you fuck as well a Randy did with that black cock of his."

"I'll try," came the reply, "but it seems your asshole needs a little lube."

"Let me take care of that," I said as I got behind Tim and began tongue fucking his hole. Randy moved around in front of Tim opened a bottle of poppers and let him have a couple of good huffs. He then offered him his black cock. Tim took it hungrily and began bobbing his head up and down the shaft.

When I felt Tim's asshole was lubed up enough, I stood up, stepped back and let the man step forward. He aimed his hard cock for the hole and gradually slid it in. I heard Tim give that satisfying moan. I felt awkward just standing there so I took a good huff of my poppers, got on my knees behind the stranger and proceeded to eat out his ass.

By this time, several guys who were walking to the barn stopped and gathered around to watch. They stood there moaning out obscentities as they stroked their own cocks. When a guy talks obscenities while I'm having sex gets me really turned on! It's like saying, "Sicem!" to a dog. It made me munch out the man's ass all the more.

The guys stood around close to Tim as they were stroking their cocks. It seemed as if anyone was going to shoot their loads, it would be right on Tim's back. My guess was right. It wasn't long before four guys shot their loads and they pooled right in the middle of Tim's back. It was then that the guy fucking Tim in the ass let out a yell (obviously an orgasm) and shoved his cock in all the way to the base and held it there. By the way he shook, it looked as though he shot a good one.

When he finally relaxed and pulled out, Tim called to me to take the load out -- which I was more than willing to do. "You were so good in doing it last time," he said, "I want you to do it again." So I got on my knees by Tim's ass and began to tongue fuck his hole. As the cum began oozing out of his hole, Tim stood up from sucking Randy's cock and the cumloads on his back dribbled down. The loads flowed down his as crack, funneling it on down to my open, waiting mouth. I hungrily drank it all. Delicious!!

When I finished drinking the loads, I stood up and we three resumed our walk to the barn. "You are going to enjoy the barn!" I said to Tim, "A lot of nonstop action happens there."

"This is great!" Tim said excitedly, "This place is beyond my wildest sex dreams! Can't believe it's happening! This place is great!"

When we entered the barn, the DJ's music could be heard. The crowd was forming at the doorway and others mingled around the hot tub. The guy who fucked Tim in the street sided up to him and put his arm around his waist. He said seductively in Tim's ear, "Glad you caught up with us here. Wanna come with me? I'd love to show you the layout of this place."

Tim looked at me for approval. I replied, "You don't need my approval. You're on your own here. I just helped you get acquainted with this place. Go on! Have a great time. Maybe I'll catch you later."

Tim smiled at me, waved, then left. Randy and I then casually entered the room with the dance floor and stage. I don't know how many were there, but it was crowded and it seemed that everyone was in a good mood for they were moving around to the beat of the music. I looked towards the DJ and He was dancing along to the music as well. He wasn't completely nude, but he did have his shirt off.

I went to his corner. I stuck out my hand and introduced myself to him. I told him I was the new guy running the place starting tomorrow. He gave me a surprised look as though I was going to give him some bad news.

"Don't worry," I assured him, "I'm not firing you. You seem to be doing a great job. The only thing is, why aren't you naked like the rest of us?"

"Well," he said sheepishly, "if I'm naked, I get a hard on and then I get distracted. Also, my dick, when it gets hard, accidentally hits the buttons on my equipment and messes up my job. Also, it reminds the guys I'm here for the job right now and I can't mess around on the job."

"I understand it and I appreciate it. Keep up the good work. We'll talk more later." With that, I smiled at him and gave him a quick grope of the crotch.

All of a sudden, he stopped the music and picked up the microphone. "Hey guys! Here's the new boss of this place. His name is Bob and he starts work here tomorrow. How about giving him a welcome!" The guys started whistling and applauding as I took the mike and stood on the stage. As the crowd quieted down, a guy called out, "Hey! We remember fucking you last weekend!" They all laughed.

I laughed along with them as I turned my back to them, bent over, and spread my ass cheeks and said, "Then you remember this! I winked my asshole as them." They all cheered.

"Well now, you're getting an idea of what to expect from this place in the future. I promise you, this place is going to be even better and more popular when I'm running it." I said as I turned around to face them. Then I grabbed my cock and started stroking it, "Because this is what the place is all about!" The guys all whistled again, cheered and yelled.

"Have a great time, everybody. If you're not having a good time, let me know and I'll take care of you personally. In fact I'll prove to you what I can do." I then turned to the DJ, "Give me some music!"

When the music started, I motioned for Randy to join me on the stage. The crowd started moving to the music as Randy came to me. I put my arm around him and we kissed long, deep, and slow. He stuck is tongue out at me and I wrapped my lips around it and sucked it while I took his black cock and stroked it.

When it got hard, I got on my knees and started sucking him while Randy clasped his hands behind his head and started gyrating his hips. I knew the guys were watching because they were calling out, "Yeah! Suck that cock! Fuck his mouth. Shove that cock in!"

As I reached for the poppers bottle hanging around my neck, Randy turned around for me to eat out his ass. After a couple of huffs, I was ready to eat some ass!. I parted his ass cheeks and pushed my face in. Above the music, I could hear Randy let out a loud moan as tongue fucked his hole. It seemed like he was enjoying putting on a show as much as I was.

After a few minutes of ass eating I stood up and faced the crowd. They all cheered. Randy turned to the crowd, smiled, and waved along with me. We then got off the stage as the crowd resumed their dancing and "socializing."

As Randy and I strolled through the crowd to step outside, guys made comments to me as I passed, congratulating me on the job and that they looked forward to more fun at the campground. I was feeling pretty pleased with myself.

Next: Chapter 22

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