Gay Campground

By Jarbear Jarbear

Published on Feb 15, 2010


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"What the hell," I thought, "I'm not going to stop a good rim job just because the guys are walking in. If they want a show, they've got a choice -- either the movie or the real thing."

About 20 guys walked in. They all noticed what was going on. Who could help but notice! Several smiled and winked at me as they took their seats. The guys under my legs kept working on my ass with their tongues and I kept bobbing my head back with my eyes closed moaning. Then the movie started.

I was not surprised. Of course, the movie had me included in it. The sound was good and the video had clarity. "Hmm!" I thought, "This looks good enough to be sold as porn." But I knew that it would not happen. It was not allowed to be shown outside the campground and the video was kept in the campground library. But the crowd was not watching the movie -- they were watching me.

"Hey guys!" I said jokingly, " There's a movie going on! What ya doin' watchin me?"

One guy responded, "We can watch the movie anytime. You're the real thing -- why miss that?"

I smiled and said, "Go ahead -- watch -- join in for all I care. I just want sex with anyone here."

"Sounds like we got a whore here," said one guy'

"I was born a whore," I said, "I was suckin dick as long as I could remember." With that, I lifted my legs in the air as the two guys underneath me continued working on my ass. Some of the guys who were watching gathered around. One guy crawled up and straddling the arms of my chair, stood up facing away from me. While my legs were still up in the air, he took hold of my ankles and then slowly lowered his ass until it was just above my face. Then he stopped.

"A little lower, buddy," I said. He lowered his ass onto my face and I reached up and parted the cheeks. I began tongue fucking his hole. What a great feeling! I was feeling a tongue licking my asshole, kisses on my thighs and I was licking and sucking an ass for all it was worth!

"Man! You ARE a whore!" on of them said.

I didn't reply. I was too busy eating out ass. Guys gathered on either side of me jacking their cocks. Then a guy stood on a chair behind me and the guy I was rimming raised his ass a little and moved it back. The guy behind me aimed his cock for the asshole I just rimmed and slid it in. As he was fucking the ass, I licked and sucked on the slapping balls.

He began to pick up his pace in fucking the guy above my face and I knew he was about to shoot his load. He then let out a loud groan and the rest of the group heard him. This made them get more sexually intense as the fucker shoved his cock all the way in and held it there as his cumload shot out.

When his cock stopped pulsating, he slowly pulled it out and the asshole above me lowered to just above my mouth. I opened my mouth to received the cum nectar that was deposited. Sure enough, it oozed out into my waiting mouth and the group moaned in response to what they saw.

When all the cum was out, I did not swallow it. The guy got off me and I carefully stood up with a smile as the cumload trickled out of the corners of my mouth. I motioned for a couple of the guys to come forward. They knew what to do. They eagerly, with their tongues, licked up the dribbling cum and swallowed it and what was left in my mouth I swallowed as well.

All this time, the two guys who were on their knees rimming me continued with their rimjobs. My cock was hard and I was stroking it. As the guys were watching the show, I spoke out, "Fuck man, I'm about to shoot my load. Don't let me waste it!"

With that another guy immediately got on his knees in front of me and opened his mouth below my cockhead. I shot my load and everyone saw it go in. The guy didn't miss a drop.

With all this, I was exhausted from the day. So I said with a loud sigh, "That's all for now, guys. I gotta get some rest." So they moved around, sat on the chairs and sofas and watched the video of me and how I spent my day there.

I, weak-kneed, left the room and headed back towards my trailer. On the way, Brad approached me. "Hey buddy! I wanted to talk to you, but saw that you were busy in the movie room, so I didn't bother ya. Fuck! Are you ever getting this place humming! You are such a guy whore and this place loves it!"

I smiled, "Well, I came to have a good time and I'm not about to stand around waiting for action to happen. You gotta MAKE it happen."

Brad laughed, "Some of the other guys and I have been talking about you and that's why we love having you hear. That is why we want to be part own of this place. We know that you will really get this place going. We are having a board meeting down at the registration building 9:00 tomorrow morning and we want you to be there."

"You can count on it," I replied, "I REALLY like this place!"

"Great!" Brad said, "I'll see you in the morning, then" and with that, he left me alone to walk back to my trailer.

When I entered the trailer, I closed the door behind me. As much as I always enjoyed having a guy to have sex with, I've got to get some rest. Tomorrow is Sunday and I'll have to go home and get ready for work on Monday morning. I sighed to myself, "Time goes so fast when you're having a great time." I plopped into bed and immediately fell asleep.

It was 8:30 when I woke up. I rushed around fixing breakfast and taking a shower before I walked out the door to the meeting. I was five minutes early when I arrived. No one else was there yet, so I just walked into the room behind the registration desk and sat down. The cool chair against my naked ass felt good.

I sat there with my back to the door looking out the window, enjoying the scenery and pretty well coming to the conclusion that I was going to be part owner of this place and what ideas I wanted to share. I heard some commotion of a couple of guys behind me at the registration desk and I stood and turned around to face them. There was Brad and another man coming my way -- and they were both dressed! The stranger was in a well tailored suit with shirt and tie, well groomed hair and shiny shoes.

"Excuse me, what's going on here?" I said with a surprised tone of voice.

"Oh my god!" exclaimed Brad, "I forgot to tell you that we dress for business meetings. This keep us focused on the business at hand. I am so sorry I didn't tell you."

I know I turned beat red from embarrassment as I said, "I'm sorry, I'll go to my trailer, get dressed, and I'll be right back." As I started to quickly leave, the well dressed man standing next to Brad reached out and stopped me.

"Wait!" he said staring right into my eyes, "I need to talk to you alone first." Without diverting his look away from me, he said to Brad, "Would you wait out here with the other for about half an hour? I need to talk to him alone."

"Sure," said Brad, acting surprised, "I'll guard the door. Let me know when you want the rest of the group to come in. Bob, this is Jim. He is our attorney and is working out the agreement on us buying this place. He's drawing all the necessary papers."

"Hello, Jim," I said, reaching out to shake hands. He took my hand firmly and led me back into the room.

"We need to talk," he said earnestly. I had no idea what he had in mind that he would want to meet with me alone. He closed the door, then turned to me.

He stood in front of me -- within inches. I could smell his cologne -- It was Polo -- my favorite. He gave me a warm smile, wrapped his arms around me and pulled me towards him.

Pressed against him, I could feel his cock getting hard through his suit. I was surprised and confused. "What is this about?" I asked. I made no motions of reciprocating the gestures he was making to me.

"You are what it's about," he said with a smirky grin. "I know where you work. I'm an attorney for your corporation. I've seen you walk by the conference room when I met with your boss. I know you didn't see me. You were too busy with your work."

"Wow!" I replied as I wrapped my arms around him. "I didn't know there were men at my office that had the same interests as mine." I reached around and grabbed his ass cheeks with both of my hands. I felt their fullness as well as their firmness. My naked body pressed up against a fully suited guy was a great feeling.

"I just want you to know," he said softly as he gently nibbled my ear lobe, "that I was hoping you would be gay when I saw you walk by at the office. Now seeing you here has made my hope come true."

I smiled as I leaned forward to kiss him. As I did, he opened his mouth to receive me. Our open lips met -- then our tongues as we deeply French kissed. His hands kneaded my ass as we continued kissing and sucking each other's tongues, every once in a while slipping his middle finger into my asshole.

I was really getting into this! As I began to pick up the pace of sexual intensity, he suddenly pushed me away. I looked at him with alarm.

"We've got to stop for now," he said, "You've got to get dressed so that we can have this meeting. Rules are rules! But I promise -- we will continue and finish where we left off!"

"Okay," I replied as I reluctantly stepped back.

He smiled, "Go get dressed you hot fucker. We've got business to tend to."

I opened the door and walked thru. There were now five men waiting for the meeting -- all dressed. They gave their wicked grins as though they knew what was going on behind the closed door.

"It's not what you think," I laughed as I walked through the group, "I'll be right back." I then rushed to my trailer to throw on some clothes to make myself presentable for the meeting.

When I returned, the owner had just arrived and the meeting was just starting. My new friend, the attorney, presided the meeting, "The owner and I are glad you are all here. You six men were invited to join as a team to invest in the purchase of this campground. I have written down the asking price agreed upon by the owner." With that, he handed each of us a piece of paper with the written amount. As I looked at the figure, I mentally divided the amount into six equal amounts to determine my share of the investment. That sure is a lot of money I'll have to put up! It would take half of the inheritance I received from my parent's tragic accident. With what's left, I would only be able to afford to purchase a nice modular home.

But I felt good about this. I had a strong hunch that this investment would really pay off. My hunches have always been good. Besides, I had such a good fucking time this weekend, that I knew that I would be a devoted camper at this place.

The meeting took two hours of discussing the details. The others were just as interested as I was I the investment. We all had ideas on how to improve the place and enlarge it for more campers. We knew that this could be the largest and best male campsite in the country. -- maybe even the world!!! All it took was ingenuity, dedication, and creativity.

We all immediately signed the agreement and decided to meet again next weekend with our shares of the money to make the purchase. As we were leaving, Jim pulled me next to him and whispered in my ear, "I've got to have a taste of that cock of yours and I want the feel of my cock sliding up your ass."

I smiled and replied, "What do you think we need to do about that? I've got a new trailer parked not far from here. I haven't spent much time in it since I moved here." Then with a smirk, I said, "There's been so many extracurricular activities around here."

He laughed, "Well, then, let's go there."

He started out the door, but I grabbed him back and slammed the door shut. "You can't go out there dressed like that!" I said with concern. "You'll stand out with everyone else being naked."

I then helped him slip his suit jacket off. He started undoing his tie and I said, "No, let me do it." I unknotted it and slid it off. I then stepped behind him, reached around front and unbuckled his belt. I then unzipped his fly and unbuttoned his slacks. Gently, I pulled them down. To my surprise and delight, he was not wearing any underwear. I pulled his slacks all the way down. Doing so, I squatted down and his ass was right in front of my face. It was round, firm, and covered with blond fuzz.

I kissed his ass. I couldn't resist. I gently massaged the back of his thighs and then gently parted his ass cheeks. His pink asshole winked at me. I smiled, leaned forward and kissed it. Jim let out a slight moan when I tickled it with my tongue. I then wet my lips and rubbed them up and down his asscrack. Jim moaned some more.

I moved around to the front of him so I could remove his shoes. As I did so, I noticed his 8" cut cock sticking out thru his shirt tails. On my knees, I looked up at Jim and smiled. He smiled back. I then worked on his shoes -- untied them -- slipped them off -- and then slipped his socks off. I bent down and gently kissed his feet. He stuck up one big toe -- so I slipped my mouth over it and sucked it. I did the same with the other.

I then raised myself up and his cock was still sticking out between his shirt tails. I grasped it gently, stroked it a few times, then slid my mouth over it. I gave him the most seductive blowjob I could give. I finally pulled away and stood up. I unbuttoned his shirt -- all the time looking into his eyes. He stared back at me. I slid his shirt off and it fell to the floor.

There he stood before me -- stark naked. He then said, "There's a problem here."

"What's that?" I asked.

"You're not naked. The meeting if over now. You need to get your clothes off." He then undressed me. He had a gentle touch as he slid my clothes off. I felt his hands on my ass as be pulled me close to him -- I felt his finger slide in my twitching hole. As he finger-fucked me, I moaned with pleasure.

Now we were both naked. We picked up our clothes and headed out the door for the trailer. Even naked he looked professional. He carried his slacks, draped carefully over his left arm with his suit coat carefully folded and draped over the slacks. He held both of his shoes with his left hand. He tossed his shirt over his right shoulder. He looked so seductive!

As we walked to the trailer carrying our clothes, guys who walked by us smiled and murmured sexual remarks. I could tell Jim enjoyed it. Looking at me, he said, "Believe it or not, I've never been here before. This is quite a place!"

"Since you are our attorney, you'll have to come here more often," I said with a conviction.

Looking around at his surroundings with all the naked guys walking around, he said, "That is for sure!"

"Here we are," I said when we got to my trailer. When we stepped inside, I asked, "Shall I leave the door open in case others want to join us?"

"Now right now," he replied, "Maybe a little later. I want that cock and ass of yours for myself right now."

I smiled and closed the door.

Next: Chapter 14

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