Gay Basher is Trained to Serve

Published on Jan 18, 2009


Gay Basher is Trained to serve-chapter 2 By Randy McAnus NOTE: All rights are reserved by the author. You may forward this to friends for their reading pleasure, provided NO CHANGES ARE MADE and it is forwarded complete, including this note. I have had a lot of requests to make this story printable. All chapters can now be printed, but all rights are still reserved. If you are underage in your jurisdiction or you are offended by stories of gay sex, then do not read this. I mean, really what are you doing here, if that's the case? Go away and act all “holier than thou” someplace else. Even under the circumstances of this story, where the victim is a gay basher, the author does not encourage or condone the use of date rape drugs or the use of manipulation or dishonesty to get laid in the real world, under any circumstances. The whole point of fantasy, is that it's a safe release for our emotions and no one gets hurt. Stay safe. Stay sane! The doctor smiled as he looked at the beautiful young man who lay helpless before him. “You said you would do it all for us. Do you really have any idea what that means? You really should be careful what you promise. Don't worry though, there are some things we're not going to do to you. We are not going to do anything that would jeopardize your life and were not going to do anything that would leave you permanently scarred, though I have to say the idea of branding your ass with my initials is very appealing. Keep that in mind, if you are ever tempted to piss me off,” said the doctor. As the doctor spoke a wide range of emotions coursed through Billy Joe. Mostly, he felt a strange mixture of panic, dread and an incredible level of horniness. BJ couldn't believe how much all of this was actually turning him on! Could he really be a Homo? They're just had to be some other answer. “In any event, I think it's time to start your basic training. Sex slave basic training that is. It's time for you to learn how to become a cock sucker first class,” said the doctor. Billy Joe gave out a soft moan. Cock suckers had always been the lowest of the low in his book. Here on this exam table, naked, bound, and spreadeagled with this ball and metal thing in his mouth, he was completely helpless. It occurred to him then, that the way the metal thing kept his mouth open would make it impossible for him to keep their Dicks out of his mouth. Incredibly, the more he thought about his helplessness, the

hornier or he became! How weird was that? The doctor moved in front of him and removed the ball gag from his mouth. He placed his hard fat 7 inch cock on the boys lips. Billy Joe gave a small shudder as he waited helplessly for the first of what he knew would be many cocks down his throat. “I'm going to start by fucking your throat. You are going to need to learn to overcome your gag reflex and you will need to learn to breathe through your nose while sucking cock. I will fuck your throat for a while, then pull back into your mouth to give you a chance to use your tongue. If you are doing a good job with your tongue, I may keep my cock in your mouth longer. Otherwise, I will shove my cock straight back down your throat. The better you become with your tongue, the more opportunity you will have to breathe. And now, I want you to beg for it. Beg for the privilege of sucking my cock,” demanded the doctor. Billy Joe had said stuff like that to the girls he fucked. It was a real power trip. He never gave a thought to how the girl felt. Now he knew. He felt totally humiliated and degraded. What was worse, he felt incredibly turned on. That just made it more humiliating and degrading. He knew those girls did not feel turned on. The looks on their faces told them that. That was part of what made him feel so powerful. So why was this turning him on? He did his best to say the words through the metal thing in his mouth. “Please sir, make me a cock sucker!” It came out, “Ees ir, ake ee a 'ock 'ucker,” but the doctor knew what he was trying to say. The doctor smirked and said, “Since you insist.” he slowly and steadily shoved his rock hard 7 inch bone all the way to the back of Billy Joe's throat. The hot young stud gagged and squirmed, as the massive member closed off his windpipe and stretched the walls of his throat. At first, the doctor simply enjoyed the wonderful feeling of the throat closing around the head of his cock and spasming. He left it there for nearly 30 seconds as the young stud tried desperately to control his panic. He then slowly drew his cock back into the boy's mouth. Billy Joe took deep gasping breaths and tried to calm himself. But he made the mistake of not working his tongue to pleasure the doctor's cock.

After about five seconds, the doctor shoved his cock all the way back into Billy Joe's throat. “I warned you soldier, if you don't make good use of your tongue when you have the opportunity, my cock is going to stay buried in your throat!” Billy Joe moaned when he realized his mistake. He would've begged for another chance, but with that cock down his throat he couldn't even breathe let alone talk! As his throat continued to spasm around the doctor's cock, Billy Joe began to regain some measure of control over his panic. He told himself that the doctor would not let him choke to death on his cock. He just had to get a grip on himself and do what needed to be done. The doctor noted that Billy Joe was beginning to gain some measure of control over his gagging. He slowly drew the head of his cock back into Billy Joe's mouth. Billie Jo immediately began an enthusiastic tongue bath of the doctor's cock head. “Well, it least you're making an effort,” said the doctor. “The trouble is, you're sucking technique sucks! Concentrate your efforts on the bottom and around the back of my cock head.” Billy Joe redirected his efforts as instructed. The doctor letting him keep at it for a full 30 seconds before shoving his cock to the back of his throat once more. This time Billy Joe was more in control of his panic, and simply allowed his throat to be violated. The doctor began to slowly fuck his throat, allowing him to get an occasional breath, but never stopping. As Billy Joe got into the rhythm, a sense of peace and acceptance washed over him. He began to accept his fate. All choices would be made for him. He would have only one responsibility: obedience. Having been dominant with everyone in his life, except his father, he wasn't at all sure he liked it, but he knew he would have to accept it. “I will be coming soon, and when I do, you had better swallow every last drop. If you fail, you will be punished,” said the doctor.

Billy Joe made a gurgling noise in acknowledgment. It was the best he could do under the circumstances. As the doctor shot his massive load down Billie Joe's throat, the boy did his very best to swallow every drop. Unfortunately for him, a small amount ran down the massive cock in his throat and dribbled into the doctor's pubes. Billy Joe saw the glistening bead of come and began to panic. The doctor ran his fingers through his pubes, and placed the glistening drop on the hot young stud's willing tongue. Billy Joel tried begging for forgiveness through the metal thing in his mouth, but to no avail. “You were warned,” said the doctor. “Now you will be punished for your failure. Sergeant, we need to paddle this cock sucking pussy boy's ass.” The sergeant pulled a standard fraternity paddle out of a drawer. The doctor put the ball gag back in the boy's mouth as the young stud pleaded with his eyes. “20 strokes on each cheek, Sergeant,” said the doctor. The hot little redheads eyes bugged out. He had been through this many times with his father, and realized to his horror, that he would certainly bone up again. And, unlike his father, these two would notice. It terrified him to think what that would mean. The sergeant was a big strong man and every stroke hurt like hell. And just as the boy feared, he began to bone up almost immediately. Worse, as the paddling progressed, he began to leak pre-come and his balls began to tighten up. “My God, I'm actually going to shoot before this is over!” he thought, as his tight little body squirmed and his hard muscles flexed in rhythm with the paddling. The doctor could not believe what he was seeing! This hot little fuck toy was actually getting off on his punishment! Clearly, this wasn't the first time, the hot little stud had endured corporal punishment! They were all going to have some serious fun with this bitch! As the final strokes were being administered, the little hottie blew his load for the fifth time that afternoon. BJ hung his head and sobbed. He knew they would think that he loved pain and that he would see a lot more of it. DJ silently cursed his daddy for all those beatings. He was too ashamed to admit to himself that the humiliation and pain were a total turn on for him. “Did you notice his response sergeant?”

“Yes I did Sir.” “So, in addition to being a come slut, you are also a pain pig. You may turn out to be worth the trouble of training after all,” said the doctor. The hot little stud's tight defined body continued to shake with his sobs. He couldn't believe that two men could get him to respond this way. He had never come more than twice in a single day! It wasn't just that men were making him come in quarts. It's that every degrading and humiliating thing they did to him, just made him hornier! He clearly had some thinking to do. The problem was Billy Joe had never been any good at thinking. His sobs slowly came to an end, and he realized that the two men were running their hands all over his body. There was no point in objecting as it clearly belonged to them now. “Sergeant, I do believe it is now your turn to fuck his throat.” As the doctor began to rub some kind of cooling goop into the boys ass, the sergeant removed the ball gag and placed his rock hard 9 inch cock in the hot little studs mouth, shoving it all the way in. Again the boy's throat began to spasm around a massive cock. And this one was two inches longer and even thicker than the doctor's! Thank goodness the doctor went first. The bound and naked soldier managed to control his panic and allowed the huge member to violate him all the way down to his tonsils. The metal thing was saving him he knew, as he would never have been able to keep his mouth this far open this long without it. The sergeant pulled his massive tool back into the boy's mouth, and the little stud promptly began to caress it with his tongue as the doctor had taught him. “Not bad, bitch! Not great yet, but you will be, by the time we get done with you!” growled the sergeant. As the sergeant began another deep throat fucking, the doctor grabbed the boys, gorgeous little butt cheeks, spread them wide and rammed his cock home. Caught completely by surprise, the little stud's body went rigid, flexing every youthful muscle for his appreciative audience. The two men got a nice rhythm going, impaling the hot young beauty with their massive cocks. It was clear they would never show him tenderness or

consideration, and oddly enough he was grateful for that. If they had been tender and loving and he had responded to that, he would've known in no uncertain terms that he was a fag. Maybe he was and maybe he wasn't. But at least this way he could take his own sweet time coming to terms with what he actually was. “Yeah, you little bitch, take it all from both of us! That hard dick of yours proves your loving every minute of this,” growled the sergeant. “And you better swallow every drop this time, or your last punishment will seem like a walk in the park.” As the sergeant began to shoot his massive load, BJ tried desperately to swallow and lick up every single drop of come. He almost made it. But he failed to lick the head to clean, and as the sergeant withdrew a single drop fell from his piss slit. The sergeant caught the drop on his finger and fed it to the little slut, as the doctor shot his load into the boy's ass. As the doctor pulled out abruptly, the boy's hot little ass continued to hump the air. “Can't get enough can you bitch?” said the doctor. “Well don't worry, pussy boy, there are a lot of very horny men on this base. The fun is just beginning.” The exhausted little stud just groaned. The doctor removed the Velcro straps and ordered the naked boy to his feet. The young soldier, every muscle in his body aching, slowly responded to the order. As he stood, he looked down and could not believe what he saw. Beneath his beautiful come soaked abs he saw that his cock was still rock hard! The doctor moved him to the center of the room and ordered him to place his hands upon his head, elbows to the side, and spread his legs shoulder width apart. The doctor and sergeant inspected the naked young troop carefully, looking for signs of even the smallest amounts of body hair. While the boy had a nice thick pubic bush and and a smattering of red hair under each arm, and wisps of hair on his legs, he was hairless everywhere else. It was clear he couldn't even grow facial hair yet. “As you have failed once again to obey orders, it is time for another punishment. A little pussy boy like you does not deserve to have body hair, so we are going to remove it. We have a special depilatory cream we use to remove body hair for surgery. We have to make sure that the patient is sedated before using it because it causes a great deal of pain, which is why you'll never find it in the drugstore. It has the advantage of keeping you completely smooth for about four weeks. For our purposes, it has an additional advantage. When your

body hair does grow back, it will be finer, and there will be less of it. If we continue to use it, the hair will take longer and longer to grow back and be finer and sparser each time. After about a year of steady use you will no longer be able to grow body hair. We haven't decided yet whether we will remove your hair permanently, but we are going to remove it now and without any painkillers. You are going to stand there and allow it to work without moving, groaning or complaining,” said the doctor. “But sir, the other soldiers will see!” “Only the ones we lend you to will see. I am going to have you assigned to work at the clinic here. You will be sharing a room with the Sergeant here. It has its own private shower and toilet. As long as you don't piss me off, you should have no problem hiding your lack of body hair. If you do piss me off, I will send you back to live in the barracks and you will just have to deal with it. Is that clear, soldier?” “Yes, sir,” whispered the naked beauty. “As you have no specific skills, other than shooting guns and blowing stuff up, your job here at the clinic will be to clean things up. You'll be scrubbing floors and toilets, cleaning up vomit and doing our laundry. Plus whatever else the Sergeant decides to have you do. We have a workout room at the back of the clinic. You will work out a minimum of two hours each day to maintain your body for the pleasure of others. If you fail in any of your assignments, humiliation and pain will follow. The sergeant worked the cream into the boy's pubic hair and pit hair, then spread it over his legs. Just for fun, he also put it on his balls. As the medication began to do it's work the boy felt a burning sensation begin. As the minutes passed, the pain got worse and worse. The doctor and sergeant stood back, enjoying the spectacle of the naked young soldier on display, his beautiful muscles flexed in pain. After a half-hour, his magnificent little body drenched in sweat, the young soldier began to moan. Satisfied, now that more punishment was to be forthcoming, the sergeant took a hose and washed his body off, sending all of his body hair to the floor. Throughout the ordeal, the young stud's cock had remained rigid, and pointing straight up. “After your enema, you can begin your chores by cleaning this room up. That means getting your hair off the

floor and all of your come off my exam table, in addition to a standard clean-up. When the Sergeant is satisfied with your work, he will give you your fatigues to put on and take you to your room. You will not wear anything under your uniform—ever!” said the doctor. “yes, sir,” said the naked young man, in a quiet voice. Behind the two-way mirror, every second of the now completely smooth little stud's ordeal was duly noted by the six soldiers who were now cleaning up and dressing, and by the video camera they operated. If you have any comments or questions, or would like the story to continue, please let me know at: Any legitimate feedback, positive or negative is most appreciated.--rm

Next: Chapter 3

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