Gay and Straight

By moc.loa@5504rcmD

Published on Aug 6, 2000


by Dave M. and Bill R.

This is Bill. You should read the other part (Gay and Straight part 1) first to put this part in context. It will probably make little sense otherwise. You should experience these events in the order in which they happened. After all, WE had to.


Do these disclaimers do any good? I mean, what are they gonna do, throw two 17 year old kids in the ol' "Graybar Hotel" for honestly telling you about ourselves? I mean, this is the internet. They probably can't even decide on where the "crime" was committed - where we said it or where you read it.

If you should happen to be in law enforcement and are reading this for entertainment or education, then welcome. We honor those who "protect and serve" and allow us two authors the knowledge that we can sleep securely at night. When you drive by, we wave. If, on the other hand, you are scrutinizing this for violations, then may I recommend that you go to and harass them.

But, instead, how about us voluntarily offering you a friendly alert, just in case you "accidentally" got into this website, "accidentally" failed to notice the word "gay" that appears probably about eight hundred and forty-two times before you got into this subdirectory, "accidentally" missed all the disclaimers in all the other stories ahead of ours and "accidentally" missed our title "Gay and Straight...". Hey, it could happen! Well, if you just happen to be Mr. Unlucky, then we just wish to tell you that this story is about two high school friends - one gay and the other straight. This story may or may not have graphic descriptions of sexual acts or use off-color language, but only if it is essential to the telling and development of this autobiography.

If you are under the local legal age to read text that has graphical, yet artistically required, descriptions of a sexual nature then ... well, what can we say, that you got this far in search of what you want, but that if we tell you not to read us, that you are going to stop because of these words? When donkeys fly, you will.

You know, it just dawned on me - who would have thought it - disclaimers as entertainment.

Oh, and sorry about the language. But this is the way we talk when we're together. I guess we could clean it up, but then it wouldn't be us. And when you read this, I want you to actually hear our voices.

PROLOGUE This is Dave. My arm still hurts - from being twisted by Bill. He's been puttin' the hammerlock on me to continue the story, despite what we agreed to up front - of a one shot deal. What "really" convinced me was the totally unexpected event of email responses. Bill warned me that after we released the story, there was a chance that we may get a response or two, commenting about our story. But I honestly thought that nobody really would much like it, or find it worth such an effort. But more than thirty people wrote with congratulations and personal commentary. I was speechless. This is impossible. Apparently we struck a harmonic chord with some readers that resonated and produced a result greater than our input. You guys are too much. Thanks for the words. And only because of this (OK, and maybe the hammerlock, too) are we continuing this story. This part was taking longer than the first part to do because of some very personal stuff that I had to include. I had to get myself up to do it, and I had to get it right, with Bill. This part is also shorter than it should be because it's taking so long to do it, and Bill and I figured we should release something, the first half, rather than wait until this part's completely done. Also, my big fear, as I described in our emailed response to some of you, was that this story would lose "tension" - the battle between a protagonist and an antagonist - and would decay to merely a diary-like telling of a stream of events. And that would be sad. I'd like to be a writer some day, and so would like to uphold for you the essentials of a truly good story. Let's see how this goes.

Chapter 8 - The Morning After


I awoke.

It was around 6:15a on the digital clock beside the bed. I'm a regular guy - I'm never awake at this hour, except for the one time that I was coming "in" from a long night, and the you-know-what hit the fan with my parents. But I was wide awake now. On a Saturday morning. And Bill was asleep in my bed. Believe me, there ain't much room in twin beds for two full-size high school guys. So we were kinda snugged. And, I'm embarrassed to say (honestly), naked. I had left my gym bag downstairs before dinner with my clean stuff for after the shower to wear to bed, so I sacked it buff, not anticipating what Bill would ask.

A huge wave of guilt or something washed over me. I had this horrible feeling in my stomach about what we did the prior night. I didn't want to wake Bill, so I just lay there with that going around and around in my head. I was really getting sick in my stomach. I HAD to get up, but I didn't want to wake Bill. I didn't want him to see me with nothing on, and get him going again, and I didn't want to talk about last night and have to come to terms with it (whatever that means. I read that phrase somewhere).

So I slowly backed out of the bed. It took me nearly three minutes to do so, just to make sure that Bill didn't wake up. I grabbed his bathrobe off the bathroom door hook and went downstairs to retrieve my clean understuff. I crept quietly because I didn't want his parents to wake and think I was some dangerous deviant in search of underwear. I managed to make it down the stairs without too much creaking, grabbed my bag, went into the downstairs powder room and "donned the 'tights". I then went through to the family room wing to see if I could quietly turn on the TV to watch something. To occupy my mind. To not have to think about last night.

I should perhaps explain - we both live in the larger-house section of town. You know - 4,000 sq ft., manicured landscaping, lots of electronic toys. Bill's dad got himself a 60" big-screen hooked into a home theater surround sound system. With a subwoofer! Talk about carnal experiences. Man, when Bill's mom isn't around and it's guys- only, it's great. When, on a DVD, the volcano erupts or the meteor slams into the earth, the floor palpably shakes. Mark my words - you could feel it all the way to Texas when that thing pounds.

Well, I turned on the screen and the sound system on low-low-low to watch. All I remember being on were 62 channels of some clown tryin' to sell rotisserie ovens, somebody waiting for callers to call in to buy a computer at $3300 which you could probably buy locally or from the manufacturer for half the price, less the worthless software, the 7,000th showing of "Rudy" on HBO, and music videos. Oh shit - Backstreet Boys - sorry, I'm not a fan. But that made me think of Bill and would he be a fan because of their looks. Even the TV was conspiring, making me think about it. I turned off the TV set (why is it called a "set" when there's only one of them?) and I, believe it or not, made the mad-dash outside, in bathrobe and underwear, grabbed the newspaper at the foot of the driveway and zoomed back in. Nobody in their right mind should have been up at that hour to see me, but when I came back through the front door, Bill was at the foot of the stairs there in the foyer.

He asked what I was doing up, and I said I couldn't sleep and I wanted to read the paper. He said he couldn't sleep either, and that he wanted to talk about last night.

Oh, crap!


I awoke.

And I was alone. Dave wasn't there. It felt empty. And cold. A thousand memories were swirling through my mind. Last night was delicious. It was fulfilling. It was perfect. And I wanted to do it again and again. Where was Dave?

I got up and checked the bathroom - No Dave, and no bathrobe - so I put on some running shorts and went downstairs. He was coming in the front door with the paper. I said "We gotta talk". For some particular reason, he instantly didn't look too happy at that suggestion, and he nodded his head up toward my parents' bedroom. I knew what he meant, so I said, "Let's get dressed and go for a run." I run every day, either at practice or at home - during the cool months in the afternoon and the hot months in the morning. It was October, but it was still warm. Actually, I like it when there's a slight cold-bite in the air. That's good for you (not like Dave's showers that would scald Satan and send him fleeing back to Hell to cool off). So we got changed and set out on my loop.

For the first few minutes or so, we said nothing. I kinda waited to see if Dave would say something, but apparently he wasn't going to. So I broke the silence. "Well, what'd you think of last night?".

And Dave said, "I don't know. I feel real strange about it. I don't know. Guilty-like. No offense, but I really don't think we should do that anymore.

Oh crap!

Chapter 9 - Revelation and Self-Analysis Bill: "But why? I thought you liked it. Didn't you, last night? You said you did. What's wrong?" Dave: "Hey, man, it's not you. It's me. This whole thing's got me fucked up in the head." Bill said, "Wha'd'ya mean?" I replied, "There were things goin' around in my head that I didn't like. About you. I don't really want to talk about it." And Bill said "C'mon, man, you gotta tell me. I don't understand." I said, "It's weird shit. It's, like, embarrassing an' stuff." Bill said, "Since when've we never talked about something that's embarrassing? We do all the time." I said, "But this is like inside shit, and y'don't talk about that stuff." Bill said, "Oh, and me talkin' the other night about my being gay and how I feel isn't the deepest inside shit you can ever have? Why is it OK for me and not for you?" So I said, kind've angry, "You want it? Ok. You got it. When you were blowin' me, even though I was liking the feeling, in my head it was like I was debasing you and degrading you and making you worth shit. And when I was fuckin' your ass, it was like I was out of control, like I was an animal, tryin' to pound the fuck out of you and to break you and turn you into garbage, to conquer you and you make you beneath my feet." We jogged on for a while in silence. And on. And on. "That's cool," Bill said in a kind-of up-voice, suddenly. I instantly stopped, grabbed his arm and spun him around. "Didn't you hear what I said? I wanted to fuckin' break you, to turn you into shit ... and you're my best friend. And now I don't know what I'd do with girls, if I'd do the same thing. But I do know that if some guy ever gave me any shit, I'd want to fuckin' destroy him by fuckin' the shit out of him, and leave him crying on the floor and afraid of me. I don't ever want to feel that way about you again." Bill: This is psych stuff. I don't know what the hell to say. "Would you ever do that in real life to anyone who ever gave you a rough time?" Dave said, "No way. Absolutely no. No. No. No. I don't want to hurt anybody like that. Man, I'd feel so guilty, I'd be apologizing forever." So I said, "Then it's OK. You're in perfect working order." And Dave said, "What??" And I said, "You're in perfect working order. Everybody's wanted to hurt or kill somebody who's fucked them over, every once in a while when they're really pissed-off. But they don't. Because of their conscience. That's what makes us different from the animals. Most everybody's got a conscience that's more powerful than their anger and that deep stuff you felt. So it safely keeps it inside. And if you realize your conscience is stronger, and that stuff can't get out, you'll be more confident in it and you'll reinforce it. And you're a lucky guy. You now know what's on the other side of that wall. "Where's you get all that?" "I don't know. Maybe from watching martial arts movies." "Dammit. I should'a known it. I should'a known it. You were gonna get that in somehow. Those damn Kung Fu movies of yours." I laughed at him and he threw a punch at my arm, but I dodged him and ran ahead a few steps and turned around and looked back. He looked better, more at ease. I honestly don't know to this day where all that stuff came from, or if it's even correct. But it did the trick at that time, and seemed to be the right thing to say to make him feel better about himself. Dave is into "strength" stuff, even though he's not like a bulky guy. He likes to know he's stronger than outside stuff and any situation that comes his way. That he can master and control anything. That's why he'll never be a booze or drug user. And to tell him he's stronger than those demons is exactly what he wanted and needed to hear at that moment. And I think it's true. That's one of the reasons why I like him. He's always been like a rock. He's my best friend, Dave.


D.& B. - There's more. We're in mid thought and mid-paragraph continuing this.

D. - I hope what I'm telling you about myself doesn't put you off about me. I don't think I'm a bad guy, but those things were just in there. And I don't know if anyone else has those kind-of feelings when having sex. I don't know if I'm alone. All I know is that I didn't choose to have those feelings in there. My parents didn't put them in there. My friends, teachers, church and community didn't put them in there. They were just kind-of in there naturally. Does this sound familiar to you? Bill, I think I now understand, a bit. Bill, my best friend.

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