Garys Awakening

Published on Aug 20, 2005


Gary took one last look at his nearly naked friend, and one last look at himself also nearly naked, and as a feeling of contentness he had never felt before came over him, he shut his eyes and drifted off into sleep.

As the first light of the day peaked in through the window of the hotel room, Gary started to stir in the bed. He struggled to open his eyes as he drifted between sleep and consciousness for a few seconds and finally managed to wake up. For a second he was surprised to find himself in the nude except for his black boxer briefs, but then slowly remembered back to the happenings of the prior day. He took a short second to admire his strong body once more before looking over at his still sleeping friend.

Gary realized that with the tossing and turning of a long night, his own hand was now resting on Pablos firm stomach, nestled just above the top of his green boxer briefs. Still drowsy Gary allowed his hand to rest on his friends belly long enough to feel the tension and contraction of the tight muscles with each breath Pablo took. Without realizing it, Gary moved his other hand onto his own stomach, feeling the power and strain of his own abdominals hidden beneath his soft belly.

He laid on the bed and allowed his half-awake mind to admire the different but equally impressive stomachs. Pablos, tight, rigid and slightly hairy; pulsing with every breath, and his own, a soft layer covering a powerful, strong midsection, completely smooth. As the entrancing rhythm of the inhaling and exhaling bodies tried to draw Gary back to sleep, he took a look once more at his own body and noticed he had developed quite a hard on under his form fitting underwear.

This sight quickly snapped Gary out of his slumber, and he immediately removed his hands from both Pablo's and his own body, and took the covers and pulled them over his pitched tent. Feeling quite embarrassed that Pablo might notice what was going on if woke up, Gary tried to think of the least sexual things possible to relieve the situation, his Mom, his grandma, anything, but instead found himself looking over at his friend. To his surprise, Pablo was also sporting quite the boner.

Gary almost let out a small giggle as he noticed that Pablo was even more excited than himself, his dick was on the verge of peeking out of the of top of his underwear. Seeing Pablo's hard dick relieved Gary a bit, and he realized that it was totally normal for young men like themselves to wake up hard as a rock. He again lowered the covers revealing his now even larger cock trying to escape its home in his boxer briefs. He couldn't help but try and compare the size of his dick to his best friends, but it was hard to tell under the clinging fabric of their underwear. Pablo seemed to be a little bit larger, but both looked pretty average in size.

As Gary tried to mentally measure the two members, he noticed Pablo beginning to stir, letting out warm yawns and stretching his toned arms above his head exposing his hairy armpits. Gary watched as he opened his eyes, and they met his own.

"Good morning sleeping beauty" said Gary sarcastically, "I thought you'd never wake up!"

"Shut up, the alarm hasn't even gone off yet...your little situation down there must have woken you up."snickered Pablo as he looked down at Gary's massive bulge.

Turning a bit red, Gary could think of nothing else to say "Hey, you shouldn't be one to talk, your pitching a tent big enough to sleep in!"

Pablo looked down towards his own package and replied, "haha, yea, I guess I am. So, whats got you so damn horny?"

Even redder now Gary swallowed and said, "Oh, you know, thinking about Sarah and stuff."

" too" let out Pablo jokingly.

"haha, bastard!" screamed Gary as he sprung on top of Pablo and tried to pin him to the bed.

The two young men tumbled and turned on the bed, grabbing and punishing each others bare bodies the way only teenage boys enjoy doing. Gary and Pablo had wrestled many times before in their many years of friendship, and Gary always easily pinned and embarrassed his friend, but not this time. Pablo was proving to be a much tougher match this morning, his chest and arms more powerful and harder to control, his holds harder to get out of, Gary was a bit shocked by his friends new strength.

As the boys grappled on the bed, Pablo took the upper hand and slipped his arms around Gary's and put him in a full nelson, holding his arms above his head from behind with his own arms. Gary became somewhat embarrassed and slightly mad that he was in this position, never having been dominated by Pablo before. He began to struggle with all the force his now sweating body could muscle. Pablo held tight to his grip on Gary from behind, his chest and abs pressing against Gary's strong back stretching his torso. Gary was in pain and his body fully on display, but managed to break out of the hold and flip Pablo over his back on to the bed.

Quickly like a cat Gary pounced on his friend, and straddled his stomach with his legs. With his arms he grabbed Pablo's arms and pinned them above his head. Pablo bucked like a stallion under Gary's strong legs, trying to escape his friends hold. Gary tightened the grip with his legs, squeezing Pablos torso even more, and strengthening his hold on his friends hands over his head. It was now Pablo's bodys turn to be in a completely vulnerable and humiliating position.

"Had enough bitch!?" Let out Gary cockily, as he grinded his legs even further into Pablo's abdomen...

"Ahhh! Yea dude, I give" surrendered Pablo, with a painful look on his face.

Gary got off of his friends sweaty body and stood beside the bed looking at Pablo in his green underwear looking very defeated. He could not help but feel a little bad for his friend, who had obviously put more of himself into this wrestling match than usual.

"Damn dude, you've gotten way stronger! You almost had me there for a second!" said Gary, trying to make his friend feel better.

"Yea, yea, you don't gotta humor me dude, we both know you can kick my ass" replied Pablo as he slowly picked himself off the bed.

"Nah really, ive never had to work that hard to humiliate the hell out of you" said Gary with a smirk on his face, realizing Pablo was feeling a bit better.

"Ha, just shut up and get dressed bitch, we're gonna be late to assembly" joked Pablo.

The two boys began getting dressed, and continued joking and insulting each other in the way good friends commonly do. As Gary put on his slacks over his boxer briefs, he watched as Pablo hopped around trying to get his pants on. He may have been more of a man now, with a mans body, but he was still just as much of a dork...and Gary loved that about him. Gary grabbed a white undershirt and pulled it over his head. He took a second to look at himself in the mirror; he loved the way the tight shirt felt and looked on his body. He could see the shape of his large nipples under the thin fabric of the white shirt, aswell as the indentation of his belly button.

The musky smell of young men filled the air as the two teens continued getting dressed. Gary put on his gray dress shirt, and black suit, which fit just right to accentuate his body. Pablo wore a black vest, with a white shirt, and looked like a waiter, but Gary had to admit that he actually looked like a sharp good looking waiter today, compared to the horrible clothes his friend usually wore.

"Lookin sharp as usual dude." said Pablo.

"Thanks, you're actually not looking like a total slob yourself...shocking" gaffed Gary.

"Ha, thanks. Yo, think you could help me with my tie, I dunno how to work these things." replied Pablo.

"Sure." answered Gary, and grabbed the tie Pablo had laid on the bed.

Gary got behind Pablo and began tying the knot around his neck. While Gary's hands started the process of tying a tie knot it had done thousands of times before in his life as a Jehovah's witness, his mind wandered off into other thoughts. He could feel the arch of Pablo's back against his chest and stomach, and without realizing it, his still somewhat erect cock made contact through his slacks with Pablo's ass. Pablo's face made a quick little turn, and gave Gary a strange, and then sly look. Gary had never been so embarrassed in his life, he could feel himself getting redder than he thought possible.

"All-ll-right, done with the tie" managed Gary to get out of his mouth, still amazingly embarrassed, "im gonna go see if Miguel, Alex and Emmanuel wanna ride with us to assembly" trying to get out of the room as quickly as possible.

"Ok, thanks..." replied Pablo, but Gary had already zoomed halfway out the door.

Gary could not believe what just had happened, it wasn't really a big deal, but it was so damn embarrassing. He knew Pablo had realized what happened, and he just had to get out of that awkward situation as quickly as possible. He zoomed past several doors, and arrived at the room he knew that Miguel and Alex were staying at. He knocked at the door, and after a few seconds of waiting, was surprised to see a half dressed girl wrapped in a towel slip out of the door without even acknowledging his presence. He then heard Miguels booming voice summon him into the room.

What Gary saw as he entered the room took his breath away. Spread across the bed was Miguels massive nearly nude body, covered only partially below the waist by the bed sheets. He lay there with his arms folded behind his head, smiling widely, covered with sweat. Gary saw clothes including both male and female underwear spread across the floor, as well as a condom rapper lying next to the bed. Gary had never had sex, but he could tell that this was the smell of sex, and at that moment he heard the screams of a girl and the moans of a man coming from the bathroom.

"Hey Gary, Me and Alex are fucking the hell out of some bitches. Wanna join us? Alex is in there with like 5 of them right now, he could use our help." said Miguel calmly, looking over towards the bathroom door.

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