Garys Awakening

Published on Jun 17, 2005


The warm water rhythmically hitting Gary's head allowed him to relax for the first time that day. He grabbed the hotel soap from the edge of the tub and began lathering his body. As he stared at himself shower in the bathroom mirror, Gary noticed for the first time many of the things which Pablo had just mentioned to him, and could not help but admire the beauty of his own body. His hands slowly moved down from his strong shoulders and began messaging his naturally smooth chest, circling slowly until reaching his large nipples. Until Pablo had mentioned it, he had never realized how powerful his chest and arms were, and how much his going to the gym was starting to pay off.

While his left hand continued taunting his sensitive right nipple, his right hand slipped lower along his olive colored skin onto his small soft belly. This belly, which Gary had felt self-conscious about for years, now seemed attractive and a welcome contrast to all the rigid hard stomachs he had seen all day. He felt the abs hiding under a thin layer of fat, strong and well formed.

His left hand, having massaged his nipple to near bliss, moved down to join in the journey down Gary's masculine body. It found its home at his belly button, gently exploring the surrounding soft hairs, the only hair on his otherwise naturally smooth upper body, which lead down to his manhood. The hand continued its downward journey along Gary's torso and through the small bush which beautifully framed his circumcised cock and large balls. Gary had always felt his penis was on the small size, 2 inches soft, 5 and a half inches hard, but today glistening under the warm water on the verge of being captured by his left hand, it seemed the perfect size.

Now almost completely hard, Gary watched as his dick continued to slowly grow and move up towards his belly, and could not help but take it slowly into his hand. His right hand now left the exploration of his hidden abdominals and moved back along his waist landing on his round bubble butt, as his left hand unleashed its first squeeze on his now throbbing penis.

By this point, Gary's face was showing expressions of complete ecstasy, mouth opened and eyes shut. His drenched dark short hair laying messily atop his obviously Hispanic strong face. As Gary began stroking his cock, the muscles throughout his body began to tense up, only making him even more impressed with his own physique.

Gary had masturbated before a few times, something he new was wrong being a devoted Jehovah's Witness, and even more wrong tonight as he had just attended the first day of a 3 day Assembly of Jehovah's Witnesses...but never had his masturbation sessions in the past been like this. It had always been a particularly attractive woman on TV, or sexual thoughts about his beautiful girlfriend Sarah which had lead him to commit this uncontrollable sin. But today, today it was the strength and beauty of his own body as pointed out by his best friend which called him to pleasure himself.

As he continued rubbing his penis, which seemed at least half an inch bigger than ever before, he could not help but think back to the roller coaster of a day which lead to this moment of ecstasy.

Earlier that day...

Gary and Pablo arrived at their shared hotel room after a long day at assembly, both having recently turned 18, it was the first time they had ever been allowed to get a hotel room on their own. Gary had been raised a Jehovah's Witness and was use to dealing with these 3 day snoozefests, but Pablo was new to the religion and was itching to get out of his suit and tie.

The two had been best of friends for years, and watching his buddy unbutton his shirt on the way to change in the bathroom, Gary realized that part of what made him like having Pablo around so much besides what a great guy he was and how well they got along, was the fact that Pablo was one guy that he could always look better than. Thats not to say that Pablo was unattractive, he had a strange or strangely attractive face depending on the expression, piercing brown eyes, and very short brown hair. He too was Hispanic like Gary, and stood at about 5'8, also like Gary. The problem with Pablo besides his utter lack of any style, was how skinny and scrawny he was. Gary knew that he himself was no "David" and had dealt with insecurities about his body since the time he hit puberty, but compared to Pablo, he was built. Gary normally considered all this type of subconscious psychology mumbo jumbo to be crap, but in this case he could not deny its truth.

Gary momentarily felt ashamed about feeling this way about his closest friend, but before he could think anymore about the issue, he felt a strong arm around his shoulder. It was Miguel, another good friend of Gary's who was staying at the same hotel during the assembly, and dropped by to see if Gary had already made it to his room. The sight of the 5'11, wide shouldered 21 year old came as a shock to Gary's ego which had just been bolstered moments earlier by its comparison to Pablo.

Miguel was clearly in a different league than both these boys, he was a man, with a mans body. Strong and strapping with a chiseled torso clinging tightly to his expensive dress shirt. His arm around Gary's shoulder alone seemed like it must weigh more than all of Pablo.

"Hey Bro, how you doing?" Let out Miguel in his deep manly voice, flashing a million dollar smile which would make any girl melt.

"Good Man, just got to the room." Stuttered Gary, trying to compose himself and hide the insecurity he felt around Miguel.

"Cool, well im just passin through, wanted to let you know that me, Emanuel and Alex are gonna head down to the hotel pool in a bit if you wanna come," said Miguel, letting go of his strong grasp on Gary's shoulder.

"Yeah, bro, sounds good, ill see you there" replied Gary.

"Alright, later bro" and with that Miguel turned and was on his way, Gary watching his broad back leave the room.

"Who was that?" Pablo popped out of the bathroom in an ugly shirt that was 2 sizes too big, and jeans that were even bigger.

"It was Miguel, we're gonna go down to the pool and hang out for a while" replied Gary.

"Oh cool, you can change into your trunks in the bathroom, ill change out here" said Pablo in his loopy voice which could not be more opposite than Miguels masculine tone.

Gary got his swimming trunks from his suit case, and went into the bathroom to change. As he stripped down to nothing he looked at himself in the mirror. He was far from fat, but no matter what he did, he could not turn his midsection into a muscular work of art the way he knew the other men at the pool would have...except for of course Pablo. He decided that rather than be the only loser at the pool without a hard stomach, he'd just put on a tank-top and lounge around the pool but not actually get in. He then moved to the toilet and took a piss, put on his swim trunks, and arranged his dick and balls so that their was no bulge visible, and opened the bathroom door.

To his relief he saw Pablo still wearing the same ugly shirt, now with ugly swim trunks instead of jeans, and having obviously not done the same 'arranging' gary had done, as their was definite bulging going on. Gary was glad to see Pablo had a shirt on as well, it would make his tank-top seem less strange, and pool worthy in comparison to Pablos baggy shirt.

The two friends looked at each other and walked out of the room towards Gary's girlfriends room to pick her up. Sarah was already waiting outside looking amazing in her bathing suit, and suddenly all the 'arranging' in the world couldn't prevent some bulging from going on. Sarah had recently lost 15 pounds, and looked even more stunning than usual

"Hey Babe! Hey Pablo!" said Sarah before planting a quick kiss on Gary's lips.

"Hey baby! You look amazing." Said Gary, trying to control his bulge situation.

"Thanks babe. Why do you guys have your shirts on, I thought we were going to the pool? Replied Sarah, putting her hand on Gary's belly.

"Eh, I dont really feel like getting wet' whined Pablo.

"Yea, I dont either, we'll see" seconded Gary, happy Pablo spoke up first, making his story more believable.

And with that, the three were off to the pool. As they entered the pool area the view that hit them could have been the cover of a fitness magazine or an Abecrombie and Fitch catalogue. Miguel, Emmanuel and Alex were laying on lounging chairs, their three different but magnificent bodies glistening under the late afternoon sun.

Miguel was the biggest and bulkiest, with a huge chest and arm that had been developed to perfection, and a stomach so hard that you could bounce a a dime off of it. His massive thighs and legs were proportionate to the rest of his amazing body. Every inch of his body hairless except for his armpit and anything hidden under his purposefully tight trunk, to maximize the appeal of the masterpiece he had created. He was massive and muscular, but looked like a Greek God, not a body builder, it was impossible to not admire his beauty.

Emmanuel was the youngest of the whole group at 17, but also the tallest at 6'1. Being Miguels younger brother, he inherited the same amazing body shape as well as will to to develop it too perfection. His body did not rival that of his brothers, but it would still put most male models too shame. At 17, and with his height, their was no reason that with his growth into manhood he could not match his brothers stunning physique. His face however, was a less attractive version of his brothers, although still quite good looking. The young man had a small patch of hair on his huge chest, and a line of hair from his 6-pack framed belly button, down into his trunks, which were considerably looser than his brothers.

If Miguel was the human equivalent of a stallion, Alex was a cheetah. Miguel's work out partner and best friend, he was not quite as big as Miguel, but was even more chiseled and defined. Every single muscle on his 5'10 frame was visible and perfect, and without an ounce of excess body fat anywhere on his body. An 8-pack adorned his midsection, and cuts that few people even know exist were visible all throughout his body. Miguel's sidekick a role Gary himself had held in the past, Alex followed Miguel's lead and removed any distraction from his spectacular physique by shaving his torso and legs...and considering how low he wore his swim trunks, it seemed quite possible he had gone all the way.

Gary, Sarah and Pablo could not help but examine the works of art lying before them along the pool. Gary's heart dropped as out of the corner of his eye he noticed Sarah transfixed on the male buffet, and especially on Miguel. He knew that his physique was a piece of shit compared to these men, and he would not blame Sarah if she wanted a man that looked like these jocks. Honestly, he never really understood why such a beautiful girl was going out with someone as average looking as he was.

At that moment Miguel noticed the 3 friends walking towards him and his boys.

"Hey guys, glad you made it down. Damn Sarah, you're looking good." Said Miguel, turning on his unmatched charm.

"Thanks, you are too...I mean, its good to see you, its been a while" Said Sarah trying to save face having obviously momentarily forgotten her boyfriend was right next to her.

Gary felt hurt, ashamed, confused, and every other emotion in the book at that moment. He searched his brain for something to say to diffuse the strange situation, as everyone at that pool noticed that their had been a moment of flirtation between Sarah and Miguel...but could not find anything to say.

Pablo noticing the desperation on Gary's face took a shot at helping the situation and jokingly blurted out "Yea man, you're looking hot, can I put some sun tan lotion or something on you."

"What the fuck? Are you a faggot or something? Dont you ever say anything like that you prick, or ill beat your ass." Roared Miguel, obviously not getting the humor.

Gary was relieved that Pablo had managed to change the mood and diffuse the moment, and knew that it was a purposeful move on the part of his best friend. He was thankful he had a friend that would do that for him, even if it meant risking getting the living shit beat out of him by a massive man.

"Anyway, why dont we just get in the pool?" said Sarah trying to put an end to the tension.

Alex awoke from the stupid but strangely sexy stare that he always wore and said, "Yea, good idea, dont want to ruin my perfect tan."

Still somewhat intimidated by Miguels reaction to his joke, Pablo replied "You guys go ahead, im just gonna lounge out here"

"Yea, me too, im not feeling all that great." Seconded Gary, again grateful Pablo had commented first.

"Hell no, you guys are getting into the pool, dont be pussies" screamed Miguel.

"Yea dont be Pussies!" echoed Alex.

"Trust me, just go in the pool, when these two want you to do something its much easier to just oblige"chimed in Emmanuel, with a much softer, kinder tone.

Feeling intimidated, Gary quickly pulled off his tank-top, tossed it to the floor and jumped into the pool as quickly as possible, and said "Ok, just for a little bit though."

Gary felt so inadequate shirtless near these 3 adonis', especially in front of Sarah. He observed the hugeness and tightness of all their bodies and the relative softness and smallness of his own, mostly hidden under the pools cold water. Only the prospect of Pablo's even less impressive torso being exposed provided him some comfort, but to his surprise, Pablo seemed to ignore the taunts of Miguel and ALex and just walk away. Gary was disappointed that he would not have the comparison with Pablo to bolster his own appearance, but at the same time admired Pablo's ability to ignore such immature behavior and insults, and wished he could do the same

At that moment, Miguels huge voice roared again "Fine faggot, we'll help you. Alex, grab him. Ill get the shirt."

And before Pablo had a chance to make a move Alex's gigantic arms were holding him captive with his arms behind has back, struggling to get loose. But it was pointless, he was no match for the power of the man that was holding him. Suddenly Miguel came up to his face, grabbed his shirt, and in one pull ripped it off his body.

"Fuck man! My shirt!" squirmed Pablo, still helplessly trying to free himself from the hold of Alex's painful hold.

"We did you a favor man, that shit was ugly" Exclaimed Miguel, as Alex broke out in laughter, and Sarah and Emmanuel looked on unsure of what to say or do.

As Gary watched on from the pool, he wanted to help his best friend, but new their wasn't much he could do. Before he could think of anything, he was drawn to perform a closer analysis of Pablos now exposed and vulnerable body. As he watched his friend struggle he noticed that Pablo was no longer the scrawny kid he had known so long. His body now had a thin but lean shape, and where their was once bone, their was now subtle muscle. His chest was no longer bony and flat, it was now a small, well shaped muscle covered with a thin layer of hair throughout. Continuing to explore this surprising development, he was even more shocked to find that his friends formally shapeless stomach had been transformed into a tight beginnings of a 6-pack, similar to those a runner might have. Pablo was also hairier than Gary had remembered, not in an over the top way, just a natural dusting all over his body. Gary was amazed by his best friends body, and how much it had changed. While much smaller and less worked than the 3 other men by the pool, its natural leanness and tightness seemed in some ways their equal in beauty.

Being snapped out of his analysis by the splash of Pablo being thrown into the pool by Alex and Miguel, Gary began to feel sick to his stomach. It was hard for him to comprehend, but it seemed like the discovery of Pablo's transformation had made him extremely jealous of his best friend. It was the first time he had ever felt this way about Pablo, he had often longed for the bodies of other men, but never Pablos. This feeling was too much for Gary to take at the moment, especially already feeling so self conscious and hurt after Sarah's obvious attraction to Miguel. Doing all he could to keep from crying, Gary made his way out of the pool.

"Guys, I feel really sick, im gonna go," and walked away quickly.

Sarah followed behind and asked, "Honey, are you ok? Want me to go with you?"

"Nah, thats ok, you stay here and have fun." replied Gary coldly, and walked away quickly, disappearing into the hotel.

As he walked through the hotel quickly, having left his tank top by the pool, he felt as if every person he passed was looking at his body and staring at its short comings. The little extra fat in some areas, the lack of tightness in others, it was driving him crazy. Why was he feeling this way? Weren't only girls supposed to feel this shit. He continued even faster into the refuge of his room and shut the door behind him. He took one last look at what he now considered to be his disgusting body, and got the first shirt he could find and put it on. Drained from the strange emotions he was feeling he plopped down onto the bed and tried to make sense of what was going on in his head. As he continued to spiral down into the depths of depression, Gary heard the door of the room opening. It was Pablo, still with his newly firm body exposed and wet, taunting Gary even further.

"Get the fuck out dude, I wanna be alone." Yelled Gary, taking out his anger on his closest friend.

Surprised at Gary's uncalled for hostility Pablo responded "Damn dude, im sorry, I just came to see if you were ok. You stormed out of the pool pretty quickly."

"Im fine" replied Gay coldly.

"Gary, I know you better than that. Whats going on?" persisted Pablo.

Feeling guilty about screaming at Pablo, and being jealous of him, Gary lowered his wall and decided he'd share at least some of his feelings with his best friend. He knew that if their was one person he could trust in the world, it was Pablo, and he deserved to know why he had snapped at him.

"Im sorry dude, didn't mean to snap at you. Im just feeling really depressed." Admitted Gary in a much softer tone.

Surprised by his friends admission, Pablo replied, "Thats ok dude. Depressed? Does it have to do with Sarah's comment about Miguel? Dude, shes in love with you, it was just a moment of physical attraction, no big deal."

"Its not just that man, its everything. Its Miguels amazing chest and arms, Emmanuels perfect shape, Alex's insane 8-pack and definition, and what the fuck, worst of all, now you too! Im just feeling like a fat ass unfit bitch!" exclaimed Gary honestly.

"What do you mean?" replied Pablo, truly confused.

"Dude, don't play stupid, you know you're looking good. All of a sudden you've got an amazing body man.' Gary said, slapping Pablo on his tight stomach.

Turning red, Pablo reluctantly admitted "well, ive been doing some pushups and crunches everyday, but please dude. You're obviously a million times hotter than me. You're hotter than all those idiots, muscle isn't everything."

"What are you talking about, are you blind?" replied Gary, feeling as if his friend was only trying to make him feel better.

"Dude, get up and take off your shirt." Ordered Pablo.

"What? No." said Gary defensively.

"Gary, this is me, you can trust me. Just do it." Persisted Pablo warmly.

Gary reluctantly got off the bed, and slowly pulled his shirt over his head, exposing his body to his best friend. Pablo grabbed him by the shoulders and pulled him over to the full length mirror in the room.

"Look at yourself man, you've got an amazing naturally manly body. Id give anything for those arms" said Pablo as his hands made their way from Gary's shoulders down his strong arms. "And look at your chest. Its not huge and fake looking like those idiots, but its obviously strong and powerful, its perfect" continued Gary's friend.

"I guess you're right," admitted Gary, starting to feel a little better about himself, "but look at my fuckin belly, its ugly as fuck. I wish I had that washboard you've got."

"No way man, you're natural shape looks way better than whatever it is ive got. I only do crunches cause if I don't have these abs, then I have nothing, but you've got an amazing strong shape without the 6-pack. And you're naturally smooth, thats awesome, look at how Miguel and Alex shave to try and get the look you already have naturally" Pablo comforted his friend, while moving his right arm onto his stomach.

"Thanks man, but you're only saying all these things cause you're an awesome friend." replied Gary.

"No, its all true. Just think about it man, which of all of us is the one with the beautiful girlfriend? You're a super good looking dude, you dont look like an artificial gym rat like Miguel and his crew, or like a scrawny kid trying to get in shape like me, you just look like a naturally strong man, with a naturally awesome body."

Gary looked closely at himself in the mirror and realized that a lot of what Pablo was saying was true, and began feeling much better about himself.

"Thanks man" said Gary, as the two shirtless men hugged, their still wet bodies meeting in embrace.

"No problem dude, why dont you go take a shower and relax some." replied Pablo.

"Good idea" said Gary, and walked into the bathroom.

Returning to the present...

Gary pushed the memories of the day out of his mind, and continued focusing on his masculine body, and his ready to burst dick, while the hot water continued to pound his head. His entire body from his shapely legs, to his formidable back, and large arms and chest became rigid as he neared orgasm. His penis was now a good inch larger than he had ever seen it before, and before he could admire its size any longer it exploded sending the largest load of white cum he had ever seen all over the shower and his own stomach and chest. Gary had never felt such ecstasy, as he spread the cum over his body, enjoying its warmth.

Suddenly the teachings of his parents and his church hit him like a brick, and he felt very ashamed of what he was doing. Gary turned off the shower, said a prayer asking for forgiveness, and began to dry himself. It was already late, so he put on his customary undershirt and pajama pants to go to bed. As he walked out of the bathroom, he saw his best friend laying on the bed in only his boxer briefs, sleeping peacefully with his body completely on display. Gary felt strangely compelled to take of his own shirt, and pants, and sleep in his own boxer-briefs, something he had never done in the past. Gary quietly crawled into the one bed in the room which he and Pablo would be sharing, as to not wake up as his friend. Laying there, a few inches from Pablo, Gary had never felt closer to his best friend, watching him sleep, and feeling the heat of his body. He so appreciated the comfort which Pablo had provided for him, and always provided for him, and hoped that one day he could repay the kindness.

Gary took one last look at his nearly naked friend, and one last look at himself also nearly naked, and as a feeling of contentness he had never felt before came over him, he shut his eyes and drifted off into sleep.

Next: Chapter 2

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