Garretts Destruction

By Conor Monaghan

Published on Sep 12, 2020


Garrett's Destruction: IV LENGTH: 2,894 words

Author's Note: This is a very early draft of an erotic ebook. The finished ebook as well as drafts of future chapters are now available at The author would love to hear your feedback on the story at

Disclaimer: This story was written for the enjoyment of readers. It should not be reposted or reproduced without the writer's consent.

Warning: This story contains sexual acts between young adult males and/or females. If you do not enjoy this type of material, or if it is illegal in your country or place of residence, please stop reading immediately. This story is not in any way an accurate depiction of reality, and any relations to real persons or acts are unintentional. This story is fiction.


I left Hayden's house early the next morning, long before the rest of the guys woke up, partly because I had plans to play disc golf with Garrett later in the day, but also because I wanted some alone time with the latest REDACTED update. I couldn't help but notice that it was the most liked update on the page, ever. It was approaching 15,000 notes.

It was also the most humiliating post in recent memory.

The situation seemed surreal. A month prior, I had never heard of REDACTED. A week prior, I would lay in my bed and masturbate imagining what Garrett might look like in his underwear, what color they might be, what his package might look like trapped inside of them. But suddenly, there was no mystery. I was staring at pictures of his underwear. I was staring at pictures of his shirtless body. I was staring at pictures of his fat cock and low-hanging balls and unshaved pubes. I was staring at pictures of his spread ass cheeks and his tight little butthole.

Had his girlfriend ever seen his asshole? Had anyone ever seen his asshole, save me and the tens of thousands of followers on tumblr? A man's most intimate place.

Three orgasms later, my hormones had finally been neutered a bit.

I texted Garrett. I had texted him to confirm plans, to play disc golf later in the day, but we ended up talking back and forth for a bit. He felt the need to tell me that he was taking a dump. He told me he was planning on buying a new online survival video game. He was also hoping to swing some alone time with Sara in the afternoon. Her parents were gone. Guy stuff.

I also texted Hayden to remind him that we were going to play. It took awhile, but I eventually received a response: "Dude, I'm still hungover..." Followed by: "...but I'm down. I'll text you when I'm on my way so I can figure out where to meet up with you guys."

I knew I wouldn't hear from him for the rest of the day. He wasn't going to show up. He can be flaky.

I threw on some boxer briefs, basketball shorts, and a t-shirt. I decided to walk over to the park instead of drive. It's about a fifteen minute walk, but it was a nice day outside; 80 degrees, not a cloud in the sky. I couldn't help but open tumblr again. There were no new posts. The last, of Garrett, had been uploaded just hours earlier, after all.

Moreover, what would have warranted a follow-up post about Garrett? Every inch of his naked body was plastered out there for any curious eyes to see. Where could his conversation (if that's what it was) with REDACTED have gone after that last set of pictures? His entire naked body. His asshole. She/he/it had taken everything he had to give. Or so I thought, at the time.

I hoped he had at least gotten to see some pussy and blow a few loads in the process. I received a text at almost the exact moment I arrived at the park.

"Changes of plans man. I can't make it. Sorry."

Garrett. It was strange to receive a text like that from him. The text would be commonplace coming from someone like Hayden, someone who is a flake. Hayden was the type of guy who didn't even bother to let you know that he was flaking out half of the time. But not Garrett. I responded with a question mark, assuming that I would get a more detailed explanation.

At any rate, I had just spent fifteen minutes walking to the park and I was now stranded there alone, at least until I gathered up the will to make the return trek home. The park wasn't too crowded, though there did appear to be a few people up and about. I sat down at a nearby picnic table and texted Hayden again, not expecting a response, but hoping to waste time.

My mind was wandering, but my fingers went through the mindless motions: check Facebook, check Twitter, check Instagram, check tumblr. I snapped back to reality when I realized that I had received a direct message on tumblr. A direct message from REDACTED.

My heart and mind started racing with possibilities.

It was a link. No pictures. No words. Just a link. I debated whether or not to click on it. Opening random links from strangers, especially someone with the résumé of REDACTED. I opened it.

It brought me to a website that I didn't recognize. It was minimal, but there weren't ads or any immediate red flags. A video started buffering. After a few seconds, Garrett appeared. I panicked. My first reaction was to drop the phone, but of course that was irrational panic. He couldn't see me.

It took me a few moments to process what I was looking at. It was a livestream. A livestream of someone's computer screen. Whoever it was in a Skype video call; or as far as I could tell, they were receiving a Skype video call from Garrett, but weren't actually supplying video back.

Garrett was just staring into the camera smiling. At the bottom right of the screen, I saw the word LIVE. Was he talking to REDACTED? Was this really happening at that moment?

He appeared to be pacing around holding his phone, recording himself using the front-facing camera on his phone. I could hear a light wind in the background. I recognized a familiar landmark behind him, a disc golf goal. Was Garrett here right now? After he just told me that he couldn't make it?

Garrett must have reached his destination, because he finally stopped walking and spun the camera around in a 360 degree arc, as if to show whoever he was speaking with on the other end of the Skype conversation where he was. I recognized the spot. He was on a small ridge with a picnic table adjacent to Hole 2 of the disc golf course.

The camera shook for a few moments and then stabilized with Garrett's body in unobstructed view. He must have propped his phone up against a branch on a tree or something similar. The camera was facing the picnic table. The disc golf course was visible in the background beneath the ridge.

Garrett was wearing tennis shoes, black basketball shorts, and a cotton tee. He had a huge, goofy smile on his face. God, he looked hot.

"Is this good? Can you see me?" Garrett asked. He appeared to be squinting into the camera. He must have been reading text from whoever he was talking to. After a few seconds, he moved closer to the camera, though his body remained in full view. "Is that better?"

He seemed satisfied, because he stood there with his feet apart, presumably awaiting further instruction. Then, his arms moved to the hem of his t-shirt, and he slowly lifted it up and over his head and dropped it carelessly to the dirt beneath him.

His face still carried the same goofy smile, but I could already tell that his cheeks were flushed with light embarrassment, which he was doing his best to mask. He squinted at the camera again and then stood with his feet approximately two feet apart and his hands crossed behind his head.

He was exposing himself. I had seen his bare chest a hundred times over the prior few weeks, but there was something much more sensual about seeing it live, in secretion, in motion, on video. I can't explain it, but it was erotic.

Let my reiterate that Garrett is a jock, but not your typical jock. He had a six pack, and I was staring at it then, in the video. His arms were toned, and his pectorals were so well-developed, and his nipples looked fantastic, manly but without hair, but he was so lean. Skinnier than me. And shorter.

Looking at him then, I realized that it was the first time I had ever taken the time to really notice his armpit hair. It was trimmed short, kept clean, but it wasn't shaven. There was something intimate about it. It was like seeing a symbol of his manhood. It was an aphrodisiac. I wondered what it smelled like. What it tasted like. Had anyone ever put their mouth on his armpit hair?

I snapped back to reality when he bent over and started untying his tennis shoes. He tossed them to the side near his t-shirt. He slipped off his socks and did the same. Then he assumed the position once again, with hands crossed behind his head.

What was happening?

"Do you like what you see?"

That cocky smile again. It had returned to his face. It appeared as if the front of his shorts was beginning to tent as well. He looked oversexed. Did he like this? Did he like stripping in public? Did he like being told what to do?

He inched closer to the camera to read his phone screen again. He laughed.

"I don't know about that."

He stared at the screen for another moment and then stood back up. He turned around and scanned the clearing. He seemed suddenly self-conscious. He turned back to the screen and stared into it. Then his hands slowly creeped toward the waistband of his shorts. He slid them down his legs and threw them on top of the growing pile of clothes now sitting about a yard away.

His eyes darted around once again. Still nervous. He returned to his position. He was standing upright wearing nothing but a pair of green Hanes boxer briefs. His hands were crossed behind his head. There was a huge bulge running down the leg of his underwear and his face was red with embarrassment.

He looked again towards the phone. Then scanned the clearing a third time.

He repeated his earlier sentiments. "I really don't know."

Then, "Promise you're going to show me your tits?"

Garrett turned suddenly. There was a voice in the background. A group of three dudes appeared in the distance. They were making their way across the disc golf course below the ridge, and they were facing the opposite direction. After peering in their direction for a few moments, Garrett's eyes returned to the screen. He smiled. His hands moved to his underwear, his fingers slid under the waistband, and then he slowly slid them down and hooked them underneath his balls. I figured REDACTED was satisfied, because his hands moved back to his waist. I expected him to pull his underwear back up, but instead, the opposite happened.

He dropped his boxer briefs to the ground and kicked them to the side.

I couldn't process what was happening. Garrett was standing completely naked in the middle of a park with his hands his behind his head, so that she/he/it, not to mention anyone else standing on the clearing or looking up onto the clearing or walking along the nearby trail, could see him.

If anyone had bothered to look in Garrett's direction, from the field below, from the clearing he was standing on, or from the dirt trail adjacent to it, they would have seen a teenager standing there butt naked with his hands behind his head, purposely exposing his huge erect cock, hanging down between his legs like a python beneath a forest of thick pubes. Let me remind you. Garrett was fucking hung. His penis was circumcised and at least eight inches. It was thick. It was the kind of think that necessitated heaviness, such that even when he was completely boned, his meant dangled down low between his legs from the weight alone. His balls were coated in short brown hair.

I knew for sure then. He wasn't lying about needing Magnum condoms. It was a monster.

He was too small of a dude to have a cock that huge. But there it was.

He was squinting down at his phone again, with a primitive confusion etched across his face.

He walked towards the camera and the frame started shaking. He had picked up his phone and he was on the move again. He held the phone out at arms length and above his head, so that whoever was on the other end could trace his movements. He was walking along the trail now. His cheeks were scarlet with embarrassment. His head rotated in mild panic, but the smile had returned to his face. His fat cock was visible swinging between his legs at the bottom of the frame as he walked, and it remained completely hard. He seemed to walk for a good two minutes, and the journey was filled with renewed dirty talk.

"Do you like this baby?"

"Do you like seeing me walk around naked? Do you want other people to see my big dick babe?"

Eventually, he stopped.

"Is this good?"

Apparently. He spun the camera around. He stood at a huge cock staring out over another ridge. I wasn't familiar with this one. Satisfied, he bent over and propped up the phone against something, such that the camera had a full view of the rock, perhaps the trunk of a tree or another rock. A few seconds later, he was standing in the middle of the frame, facing away from the camera. He climbed on top of the rock and bent over. His knees were at the very edge of the rock, such that the bottom of his legs and feet were hanging off the end. His hands were on the rock. And there it was again on display. His tight little ass was spread wide, and the camera had a full view of the almost invisible hairs lining his crack and his tiny little pink butthole. I recall thinking about how skinny his waist was for a jock. Tight little ass truly is an appropriate way to describe it. He looked ready to be fucked.

His hand reached back and took hold of his huge cock and started jerking it.

Suddenly, I had an idea. I started walking, thought my eyes remained glued to the screen.

I was incredibly horny, and the tent jutting out from my basketball shorts was pretty apparent, so I kept one hand in my pocket as I watched to mask it. I wanted nothing more than to drop my shorts and jerk it, but I couldn't. I couldn't whip my cock out in public to blow a load.

But that's what Garrett was doing. And I couldn't miss it. I couldn't stop staring at it. That ass. The brown hair lining his crack. His asshole. The asshole that no one had ever seen, none of his guy friends, none of his girlfriends, no one except for me and 10,000 other people.

After a few minutes, I arrived at my destination. I stood and watched the video in the shade of a nearby tree. I had never watched anyone jerk off before, especially not from this angle.

He was stroking his cock his both hands now. Each motion was a long journey up and down that shaft. I couldn't related. Mine just wasn't that huge.

I could tell that he was getting close. His asshole started tensing and puckering. Then his legs started shaking. Then, I heard his moan through the camera and saw shots of cum fire out from his cock and land on the ground beneath him. He shot six or seven times. He was spent. After he shot his load, he let his upper body fall onto the rock and relax. He was still on his knees. He didn't seem concerned with being discovered. His ass was still sticking up in the air, cheeks spread. His thick cock was hanging down, beginning to soften. I could see a strand of cum suspended beneath the tip of his penis dancing with the sunlight.

Then, the stream went black. REDACTED had ended the stream.

I gazed down at the ground in front of me. There was a pile of clothes. A pair of sneakers, some socks, a t-shirt, some black basketball shorts, and some green Hanes underwear.

It was happening right then.

Not far away from my position, Garrett was bent over a rock ass naked.

I bent over and picked up his clothes and walked home.

Next: Chapter 5

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