Garretts Brown Noser

By moc.liamg@gafresonnworb

Published on Nov 4, 2021


Disclaimer: This story is a gay authoritarian fantasy. No part of it is based in fact, and none of the characters are intended to resemble real persons, living or dead. It features a domination/submission relationship between two consenting men above 18. If this type of content is offensive to you or illegal in your area, or if you are under the age of 18, please do not proceed.

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Themes: body worship, mansmells, watersports, verbal degradation, power dynamics

It started years ago, when my working hours were gradually cut in half due to lack of business. I had thought that making $32K as a call center agent was not that great, but I was not prepared for what was coming.

Within a year, I went from having a decent standard of living in a cute Fort Worth studio apartment, to surviving in a basement on the southern outskirts of the metropolitan area.

The more time I spent job-hunting, the more obvious it became that what I had been doing for over five years, and the only skill I had in the job market, was a dying profession.

One day, I was informed that the company where I worked was closing down in two months, and advised to start looking for a new job.

Now, my livelihood was at risk, and there wasn't much I could do about it. My family had immigrated back home, and none of my acquaintances was willing to help. I had to lower my standards way down, or I was going to end up under a bridge. So, I applied for every minimum-wage job in my way.

As the two-month period was coming to an end, and my fate was almost sealed, I stumbled upon a Craigslist posting for a live-in housekeeper position.

Upon contacting the poster, I learned that I would perform domestic duties on a daily basis, in return for free accommodation, free food, and an allowance of $2,000 a month. For my standards, that was a great deal.

At 25, I was hardly a "boy" or even a young adult by some definitions, and I knew a job like that one was much more suitable for a college kid than a grown man.

Then again, what did I have on college guys, or even high school kids? At 5'5", 125lbs, totally hairless, you couldn't tell I was a day past puberty. The average male in middle school could probably beat me to a pulp.

On the other hand, Garrett was a divorced, financially stable 36-year-old petroleum engineer with no kids, who owned the 2000-sqft, two-bedroom, three-bathroom downtown Dallas apartment where he lived, along with two rental properties around the state.

My responsibilities included tidying up his place, washing his dishes, doing his laundry, fixing his breakfast, dinner, and drinks, and of course, making sure every inch of his apartment was immaculate.

From the first day I moved in, he had no problem acting almost like no one was around. Using the bathroom with the door wide open. Walking around half-naked. Spending so long without a shower that air conditioning could barely mask his body odor.

As time passed, his behavior only became more blatant. He started feeling comfortable ordering me to clean his boots before he headed to work while he wore them. Wash his back in the shower. Massage his feet after a long day.

One night, I was woken up by the sound of a girl that he had brought from a bar moaning while he plowed her. No sooner had I found the courage to protest, than he told me to run to the nearest open store and get him a lubricant.

It didn't take long for him to take it to the level of obnoxious. Many times, I woke up to find the head of my toothbrush covered in a big chunk of his spit, as a sign for me to buy toothpaste. My freshly-washed towel covered in what looked like mud, as a reminder that I must clean his boots more often. My very own T-shirts with skid marks on them, simply because I had forgotten to change the toilet roll.

Any man with an ounce of dignity would have manned up and attempted to put an end to his roommate's bullying tactics and overall abrasive attitude. In this case, I was anything but a man, and Garrett was not my roommate or friend. That was his very own place, and I was lucky to be living there.

Not that I could put up a fight against him, even if I dared to. At 6 feet tall and 225 lbs strong, I was like an ant to his feet. From his clean-shaven face and well-groomed hair, you wouldn't expect to see forests of thick, golden-brown hair covering his body. Underneath, he was slowly but surely turning his fat to muscle as he hit the gym at least three times a week.

So, not only was I a charity case compared to him when it came to career success and wealth, but he had more masculinity in his pinky than me in my whole body. More often than not, my attitude towards him was unnecessarily obsequious to the point of ass-kissing, just out of intimidation.

One Thursday, I had set Garrett's steak dinner and ice-cold drink on the coffee table in the living room, expecting him to arrive back from work any second. I was still furious, because earlier that day, I had woken up to find a floater left behind by him in my assigned bathroom.

I looked into the tall glass of beer and thought, "What if I were to drop a few squirts of my precum into it? Would he be able to tell the difference?"

On one hand, it would be a risk to the job it had taken me months to find, which was allowing me to save tons of cash. On the other hand, if all worked well, he would have my cum inside his system, and I would finally achieve some kind of justice.

The more I thought about it, my thoughts became more synonymous with, "Do I even have time? What if he comes back early?"

Eventually, my rage prevailed over my fear. I decided to go ahead and add some flavor to his awaited beer.

Five minutes later, I thought, "What's the harm in one more little drop?"

I chuckled as I headed towards the table for the third time, and got ready to let out yet another drop.

While squeezing the head of my penis, it chilled my blood to feel a large, strong hand grab me by the back of my collar and pull me away, which caused me to fall on my butt. Slowly, I was dragged across the place, flopping around, screaming, and yelping in fear, until I found myself in the main bathroom.

I barely had time to look behind and find out that it was Garrett, looking down, unzipping and taking his cock out, before he lifted his foot and forcefully pressed my head into the toilet bowl under the heel of his US 13-size boot.

I just knelt there, trying to embrace the point of no return. I had just been caught in the most compromising position by the man who controlled my livelihood, and could crunch me like a fly.

I was too petrified to say anything, even to apologize, or make any move that could ruin his amusement of flooding my hair with his warm bladder contents until the last drop.

While he relieved himself, he hawked and dropped a giant wad of spit that landed on my cheek and flowed down to my nose along with the piss stream.

"Sir, I'm so sorry, Sir. Sir, I promise that will never happen again, Sir. Sir, please don't--", I pleaded, turning my head to speak while he shook the last few drops.

He let me know that my apologies weren't welcome by flagrantly flushing the toilet, with my head still down.

Garrett then yanked me up by my wet hair, so that my face was inches away from his crotch.

"Congratulations. You just single-handedly added a ton of workload to your daily schedule."

I couldn't imagine doing what he was hinting at. Serving a gross older bully's houseboy was bad enough, but engaging in sexual acts with him was rock bottom for me.

"Sir, please, Sir. Sir, I'm not even gay, Sir. Sir, I'm begging--"

He wasted no time jamming his semi-hard, uncut, reddish-white, girthy 6" cock into my breathless mouth.

"Sorry, I didn't catch that. Did you say you wanted to sleep on the street from now on?"

The thought of being homeless was so frightening that I was willing to do anything to get rid of it. Regardless of my desires and needs, I needed to keep a roof over my head, at any cost.

So, I just tightened my lips, and sucked as hard as I could.

"That's what I thought."

With a full grip on my head...

"Oh, and do you expect me to believe that you manage to get pussy with that sad broken clit? How much is it? Two inches? Three?"

...he started to brutalize my face, mashing my nose into his dense pubic hair.

This went on for a few minutes, while I pleasured his cock with my tongue and lips, and he moaned at the top of his lungs.

"Because to me, it seems like you were born to suck dick. You're a natural at this."

At some point, I accidentally grabbed Garrett's butt for support, which I instantly regretted when I felt him take his cock out.

Surprisingly, he had a mild smirk on his face.

"Follow me, cocksucker."

I was terrified. Remaining silent, I followed him into the master bedroom.

"Stay on the floor, faggot, and rest your head here," he ordered, unbuckling, unbuttoning, and pointing to the edge of his bed.

"Now, you're going to play with my hole while I fuck your throat. Got it, fuckface?", he instructed, lowering his trousers and briefs to reveal a massive ballsack and an incredibly hairy crotch.

"Sir, yes, Sir. I wi--" I was interrupted by his rigid cock being shoved back down my throat.

Obeying, I placed my hands on his asscheeks and struggled to slip my fingers into his buttcrack.

As soon as I dove through the forests of damp, thick hair on his inner asscrack, and proceeded to fondle his dirty butthole with my fingers, the throat-fucking intensified.

He couldn't seem to keep it out of my throat, not even so I could catch a proper breath. To make it worse, he pushed himself all the way down, resting his wet, hairy gut over my head while groaning in total bliss.

"Stick one finger inside," he demanded, with his full length stuffed into my face.

Seeing as how nastily-lubricated his asshole was, it wasn't that hard putting his order into action. I didn't hesitate to slip my thumb in there and move it around.

Then, the throat-plowing stopped, and I was back to bobbing backward and forward. I looked up to find him fondling his own soft, large nipples, using the smooth back of his index fingers, with a wide grin on his face.

At this point, he must've been receiving so much satisfaction that he didn't need to shove his cock down my throat to orgasm. He was going to cum any second, and my job was to keep my mouth tight and the suction strong.

"No swallowing."

"Mmm! Mmmm! Ah!"

I felt Garrett's cock spasm and his asshole twitch around my thumb...


...then I was struck by a hefty spurt of cum hitting my palate with force, followed by four equally powerful loads that ended up filling my mouth.

When his loud moaning stopped, he kept his cock in there for about one minute, then slowly pulled it out. Obeying his order, I was to keep his pungent cum inside, compelled to taste it until further notice.

While catching his breath, Garrett stripped fully naked, filling the air with the unmistakable scent of his socks and wildly hairy armpits. He then turned around, giving me a clear view of his hairy asscheeks.

"Put your nose in there and follow me, asswipe."

I spread his meaty buttcheeks, shoved my nose in there, and proceeded to move behind him. I struggled to keep my nose in place as he walked all the way to the living room, forced to learn how each corner of his asscrack smelled.

When my nose came in contact with his butthole, I was so heavily struck by the sheer musk that I had to cough through my nose, which gave him a good chuckle.

Later, Garrett ended up sitting on the couch, legs wide open.

"Have you swallowed yet?"

I shook my head.

"Show me."

He looked into my mouth to find every drop of his cum still there.

"Good faggot."

Garrett's idea of rewarding me was to hawk up a massive spit, and drop it right into my mouth. I knew better than to swallow without being told. I just kept my mouth closed and maintained my position, laying between his thighs, my face inches away from his big, full balls.

"Lift up my ballsack with your nose."

I obeyed, placing my nose under his round, weighty nutsack and letting it rest on the bridge, with my nostrils stuck to his taint.

Since my mouth was still full of his fluids, I had no option for air but to snort a mixture of his ball sweat and lingering butt funk, causing some of the hair on his taint to penetrate my nostrils with every air intake.

"I have to admit, feeling your giant nose rubbing up and down my asscrack almost made me hard again. How did you like the smell, brown-noser?", Garrett taunted me. "Right, you can't speak with my cum in your mouth."

The last sentence confirmed that he did know how repelled I was, but that made it all the more entertaining to him. If anything, seeing the obvious look of disgust on my face was giving him the urge to torment me further.

"'Brown-noser' is a name you should get used to, and it's very suitable considering all the time you're going to spend with your face sandwiched between my asscheeks."

The idea of going anywhere near his foul butthole one more time, let alone multiple times a day, probably for the rest of my life, almost forced my lunch out of my stomach.

"It's been nice having you as my houseboy, but this is where my real fun begins."

I nodded, causing Garrett's balls to bounce on my face.

"If that's not already clear, the main purpose of your stay here is now to satisfy my sexual needs, no matter how revolting or humiliating you think they are. Today was a preview, nothing more."

In less than 15 minutes, he had pissed and spit all over my head, shot his load and spit again in my mouth, and made me sniff his ass, taint, and balls. Now, he was telling me that it was just a warm-up. How twisted was it going to get?

"Tomorrow, you'll receive a few maid uniforms that you're going to switch between on a daily basis."

I nodded again.

"Meanwhile, I'll just go back to sleeping, laying down, and walking around naked, just like I used to before you broke hobo moved in here. That means you'll have extra time to get well-acquainted with my cock, balls, and ass with all five of your senses."

All I could do was keep kneeling there, smelling and tasting his essence, feeling the heat and humidity of his crotch on my face, and listening to him laugh at my predicament.

"Every morning at eight, you're going to wake me up by licking whatever part of my body is exposed to you. And when I come home, you're always going to greet me by kissing my shoes in anticipation of my first order. More rules will follow when the time is right."

A few minutes passed as he cooled down, and I continued to breathe under his ballsack. Later, Garrett stood up, grabbed me by the hair, and shoved my face back into his butt.

As soon as he made a first step, the instruction was clear. I was to walk on hands and knees, with my nose touching his asshole.

From the tiles I was used to scrubbing, I could tell we were back in the bathroom.

"I need to take another leak, and this time, I don't feel like holding my own dick."

Still having not received permission to take my face out of his buttcrack, I reached around, grabbed his now-soft cock, and tried to figure out what the best aim was.

As he relaxed and got ready to piss, I could feel his asshole obscenely stretch to engulf the tip of my nose.

I heard his piss wet the toilet seat, and realized I wasn't doing very well. Urgently, I moved it to the right, until I was sure it was splashing into the water.

About 12 seconds later, Garrett turned around.

"Open your mouth, cuntface."

As soon as I did, he released the last drop into the piss/spit mixture, making the taste even more unbearable.


I looked up, pushing the cocktail of his body liquids to the back of my throat, and gargled as he exploded in laughter.

"You can swallow now."

The variation in texture and flavor between his piss, spit, and cum down my throat had to be the most repulsive things I had ever experienced. At least, I could finally breathe through my--


"Look at the mess you've made, shithead."

Grateful that my teeth were still intact after Garrett's ruthless strike on my face, I immediately lowered my head onto the toilet seat and picked up every drop of piss on it with my tongue.

"Then again, it must be your first time ever touching a real cock. You probably pee sitting down, like anyone with a pussy should."

The problem is, he was absolutely right. Growing up, my penis would cause a mess whenever I attempted to take a piss the normal way, so I ended up habitually opting to use the ladies' seat and tucking it down.

"I'll let you know when I need to use you again. Go back to cleaning for now, brown-noser."

"Sir, thank you, Sir," I said, kneeling down to kiss Garrett's feet.

I could hear him snickering from above despite the loud kisses I was giving to each one of his toes.

It was funny, indeed. He towered over me in every single aspect, and I was just a pathetic little worm cleaning his place and sucking his cock to secure a shelter. I was at the mercy of his feet, literally and figuratively. If anything, it was kind of him to only be making me aim his cock in the bathroom, since he had the power to take a dump in my mouth if he wanted to.

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Next: Chapter 2

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