Gareth's Shit

By Namab Mas

Published on Sep 23, 2020


This is a story involving scat play between adult males. All characters are eighteen years old or over. If this isn't your sort of thing or it is illegal for you to view it wherever you are, please leave now. This story is entirely fictitious, and any resemblance to actual individuals is coincidental.

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Gareth's Shit

Chapter Three

I couldn't get the prospect of being Gareth's toilet out of my head. I'd been shat on by two different guys in the past, and it had blown my mind every single time. It was the sheer foulness and the sense of absolute defilement as some hot lad squatted over me, the helplessness of it, but also the willing submission to what he was about to do, the sense of honour in getting to serve some gorgeous guy in the most intimate way possible. I craved young Gareth's shit like I'd craved cigarettes when I stopped smoking, and I longed to push my own boundaries with him too. I'd only ever had my hands or body shat on, but I dreamed of taking it on my cock, and even in the face. Beyond lay darker fantasies where I opened my mouth, and they came to the fore a bit as I anticipated my next meeting with Gareth. For three weeks one or other of us was always busy and we couldn't meet, and all we could do was talk on video while he was on the toilet, and talk about what we wanted to do when the chance came up. Finally, on an afternoon when I was working at home, the message I'd been hoping for arrived.

• Hi Mark. Are you in? I need a poo! Wanna go 2 the toilet ;-)

He wasn't desperate when he arrived, and we sat and talked for a bit. He'd last been for a shit the day before yesterday, he said, massaging his cock through his jeans, and since then he'd eaten loads.

'My housemate Leo's been making porridge for breakfast,' he chuckled. 'It really makes me poo! Apart from that I've just been eating normally, but I've been doing so much. I nearly blocked the toilet the other day ... uh, I'm gonna fart.'

'Hang on. In my face. Will you fart in my face?'

His eyes lit up, and he stood up and stood in front of me, and bent to stick his bottom back so I could press my nose into the seat of his pants, right against his arsehole as he did a couple of deep farts and then a little gassy hiss. The smell blasted into my brain and I wanked hard through my pants, and harder when he farted again. This time I felt him clench up sharply.

'Mark ... I really need the toilet now.'

He stood up straight and pulled me upright, and still holding my hand he took me through to the bathroom. I'd made everything ready before he arrived, and he grinned when he set eyes on the plastic bin liners spread on the floor, covering a couple of pillows, with a toilet roll close by. He stood to one side and fondled his crotch whilst I stripped, smiling sexily when I pulled down my pants and he saw how hard I was. I hadn't been so turned on in years, and I was buzzing with excitement as I stepped forward and lay down on the bags with my head on the pillows. The sense of submission I loved so much took hold as he stood over me, tall and beautiful and suddenly awesomely masculine, and started undoing his belt. He let his jeans fall down round his legs and his cock tented out the front of his pants, but then he turned away to pull them down and bare his bottom. That made me feel even more like his toilet, and my dick bobbed up and down even though I wasn't touching it. He pulled his pants and socks off and kicked them to the side, stepped backwards and straddled me so I was looking up his legs and his arse, and my heart started to race. Then he squatted. Pinned between his legs, I watched his peachy young arse descend on me, cheeks parting to show off his hairy little hole that hovered right above my chest. He fidgeted as he got into position, and then silence descended and the only sound was our breathing. Heart racing and stomach churning, I waited.

'Uh,' he grunted softly.

I couldn't take my eyes off his bumhole. It twitched a couple of times, then slowly puckered out as his crack opened a bit wider, and uncovered the thick end of his turd. Slowly it came out of him, all firm and lumpy, and the smell started to tickle my nostrils. He paused for a second or two with a thick brown spike jutting from his hole. Then it started to bend downwards, and suddenly it dropped away and fell heavily between my nipples, small but surprisingly heavy, and wonderfully warm and tacky. Above me he had a jagged brown plug in his hole and I stared at it in amazement for a few seconds before he gave another strain and a loud grunt. His hole flared a little wider and he grew a thick brown tail, lumpy and glistening, whose broken end touched down on my chest and started to spread out and bend. The hissing crackle and squeak seemed to ring in my ears, and the smell hit me like a blow in the face. More came out and a great crack opened up across his column, and all at once it snapped and dropped two big chunks onto me. Straight away another brown log descended on top of it.

My head blew apart as my hot boy used his toilet. I lay there moaning in ecstasy, watching his hole squeeze and stretch around the turd sliding through it, tapering slowly off until at once it touched down again and he pinched it off, and it toppled back and fell upwards so its obscene broken end was almost on my neck. Immediately his little brown hole twitched and flared out, and he added two more smooth turds to his pile. The smell seemed to hit me afresh and I moaned again. Then I felt his hand on my cock, and his voice came as a breathy whisper.

'Okay? You alright?'

'Oh yes ... yes. It's fucking amazing man!'

He wanked me slowly, and then his arse heaved and his hole puckered out, and he did a long, smooth turd. It slid sinuously out of him like a hissing brown rope with one curl after another dropping from its end, the hot pile on my chest grew heavier and the smell stronger, and the sheer exquisite foulness of him having a shit overwhelmed my senses and nearly made me cum. Frantically I pushed his hand away. Above me he grunted deeply, and when he pushed again his shit was gassy and soft, falling from him in mushy lumps like a cowpat with little wet farts. Slowly he covered the top of his pile with it, a little hot, gooey shit slid down the side onto my skin, and as his bowels emptied he wanked contentedly, and pre-cum dribbled from his dick and dripped onto my tummy. Finally it ended in a last couple of little lumps and farts, leaving him squatting across me, his dirty bumhole winking at me as he pushed a few times. Then he reached for the toilet roll.

I lay and watched him wipe his bottom, feeling utterly submissive again. He scrunched up wads and rubbed vigorously at his bumhole, and then dropped the shit-stained paper onto his pile. I was his toilet, taking his shit and used paper, and it felt fantastic! He gave his bumhole one last rub, leaving it clean and pink, got up and turned around, grinning sexily as he looked down on what he'd done.

'Cum all over me,' I said. 'Spunk all over your own shit.'

He nodded, breathing hard, and started to wank again. So did I. This time there was no drawing back from the brink, and we wanked and gasped together. His breathing grew heavy and he started to gasp, and then his face contorted and he came harder than I'd ever seen him cum before. He cried out loud, spattered spunk all over my face and rained it down on his filthy brown pile. With that the dam burst within me too, and I howled and shot all over his beautiful bottom.

Shitting on me seemed to be a turning point for Gareth. He couldn't get enough after that, and I started seeing him at least once a week and sometimes more. The next time I saw him he had a hangover and tremendous farts, and I got him to kneel down in his pants and grind his arse into my face, and break wind again and again, until I was gasping for breath and nearly gagging with the smell. Then he clenched up tight and said urgently that he couldn't wait any longer, pulled me upright and half-dragged me through to the bathroom. This time I lay with my head propped against the wall, so my face was closer to the action when he squatted across me. He did the nastiest, smelliest shit I ever had from him, that started off in big soft clods that soon turned into a gassy mush, and every time I thought he'd finished he'd fart out another hot cowpat all over my chest, grunting and wanking his horny, hung over young dick so that he came all over my legs before he'd even finished his dump.

We started experimenting with positions. Kneeling was easier on his legs than squatting so he could take more time over it, and it was awesomely hot lying under him as he knelt over me on all fours with his arse sticking out, taking a shit like an animal. He'd eaten a lot of cabbage the day before and his big, fairly solid shit smelled really rank. He did it quickly that day, in one long string of big, sinuous turds that piled up between my nipples, and even though he was more than half hard he pissed all over my cock and balls and thighs. Three days later he was back to do the same thing, this time with a nice, semi-solid shit that wasn't very big for him but smelled wonderful and made me cum all over myself while he was still doing it.

We tried it in the bath the time after that, with him sitting on the side hanging his bottom over me, still with his pants round his ankles as if he was having a dump on the toilet. Somehow that made the experience even more intense, and I lay and fizzed with excitement as he sat down over me and let out a couple of little farts that smelled much lighter and fresher than usual.

'Mmm, you smell nice today,' I said. 'What've you been eating?'

'Oh, nothing special. My veggie housemate cooked dinner last night so we had that shepherd's pie with lentils he does, and we're still doing porridge for breakfast.'

'Heh, you must be really full!'

'I am! Feel like I'm gonna do a really big poo in a minute.'

His hole twitched and he farted, two sharp little rasps that tickled my nose and made my dick throb. Above me he shuffled his bottom back further, leaning well forward to balance himself, and I lay and stared up at his pert young arse and twitching hole, and submitted to him in my mind. I was his toilet, and I wanted what he was going to do to me as badly as I'd ever wanted anything. He puckered and farted again, deeper this time and gassier, and the delectable smell made me edge.

'Uh,' he grunted. 'It feels really nice ... here it comes!'

His hole twitched and puckered out again, and he pushed the point of his turd through it with a little grunt. Very slowly it came out, thin and lumpy at first, but then it grew thicker and pushed his hole out further. A crooked brown finger dropped from him and landed right by my nipple. It was hot and sticky, and above me his hole was still flaring out, squeaking and crackling, slowly pushing out a chunky turd. His hot vapour trail washed over me and I moaned. All of a sudden his shit came more quickly, he grunted, and a thick, lumpy column extended quickly down from him, touched down on my chest and seemed to spread out as it bent. Then it snapped and a big curl fell thumped down across my chest and another beside and on top of it. The sensation overwhelmed me. I was completely submissive, lying helpless underneath him and receiving his hot, heavy shit straight from his pert young body. Another smaller curl hung briefly from him and dropped onto his logs, and his hole squeezed stickily shut. Quickly he stood up and shoved his semi-hard cock down. Piss streamed from it, ran down the sides of the bath and formed a warm pool around me whose sharp smell mingled with the stink of his shit, and together they hung around us in a filthily erotic fog.

'Ooh,' I moaned. 'So fucking good ... feel like I could cum any second!'

'Oh, no, don't cum yet. I haven't finished.'

His brown bumhole twitched and flared a little, and he farted on me again. I loved how he used to fart a lot when he was having a shit: it made the act even more gloriously disgusting, and the submission to him even more exquisite.

'Oh... oh Gareth, god you smell so good. Gimme your shit ... oh yeah!'

Above me his dirty bottom heaved and his hole twitched and puckered out, and once again his body started expelling its beautiful waste. He did a long brown snake that curled this way and that, pulled apart and snapped and dropped one smooth curl after another onto his logs. I lay moaning and wanking, watching his shit pile up and feeling its growing weight, sniffing eagerly as the smell hit me all over again. Then his turd grew thinner and slowed down. Now that he'd pissed his dick had got hard and I could see him playing with it, wanking and grunting with pleasure. One more long, slim worm grew down from him, hung for a few pregnant moments, and then fell across the top of his pile. His hole was even dirtier now, and it squelched and clicked softly when he strained and flared it out. He reached for the toilet roll.

I lay and watched him scrunch up a wad of paper, lean forward and bring his hand round like he did on the toilet. He reached in further and rubbed at his hole with that circular sort of motion he used. He dropped the well stained ball of paper on me without even looking at it, scrunched up another one and did it again. I couldn't help chuckling at his inefficient technique.

'What's up?' he asked, still wiping hard.

'The way you wipe your arse. It's weird!'

'Is it? I dunno, I suppose you kind of don't think about doing it differently, do you.' He twisted round and inspected a crumpled wad of paper, dropped it and started another one. 'Why, how'd you do it?''

'Slowly at first, clean the worst of it away. I fold the paper too.'

'Ooh, yeah, you do don't you. Like you do when you wipe my bum for me. Want to finish me off?'

He held the bog roll down, leaned forward again and grunted softly as I reached up and wiped his hole, gently so as not to disturb the heavy, cooling pile he'd done. As I did it he lifted himself up a bit and started to wank, and so did I with my left hand even as I cleaned his bum with my right. As soon as I was done he jumped up and turned around, and showed off his hard-on in all its glory. He was already breathing hard and his face was flushed, and I could see he was near to cumming. So was I. He leaned over me wanking, slowly at first but then harder and harder, until we both came, and he rained his hot spunk down on me.

The next time he did it on my cock. He needed the toilet quite badly when he arrived, but I got him to hold it in for a bit, and got him to kneel down in front of me, on all fours with his bottom in the air so I could tickle his tight little, and lean in with my nose right between his cheeks so he could do a couple of little need-a-shit farts right in my face. He smelled wonderful again that day; all rich and fresh, like his shit smelled when it was nice and solid. Then I got down on the bathroom floor, reclining with my shoulders propped against the door, and he came and knelt down over me, and pushed his sturdy, full young arse back towards my face. One again I leaned in, until my nose was right between his cheeks, in the musky warmth of his crack with the sharp aroma of his arsehole in my nostrils. For a moment I wanted nothing more than for him to shit there and then, right in my face, and when he grunted and heaved and let out another ripe little fart I almost begged him to do it.

'Uh! Ooh ... gonna shit...'

My cock was throbbing and pulsating, so hard it hurt. He shuffled forwards hastily so his bottom was right above it, and lowered himself down slightly, his legs wide apart and his hole already starting to pucker out. I felt the warm puff of gas on my shaft when he farted, and just as I got the smell he opened up wider and curled out a thick, cracked log. It surged out of him and touched down on my cock at once, slid greasily down onto my pelvis and started to bend back on itself, hot and slimy as it spread across my skin. It snapped suddenly and fell heavily across my shaft, and another descended on top of it, smoother and stickier, making a filthy crackle. He grunted and sighed in animal pleasure as he covered my manhood in his disgusting, delightful shit, his smell gassing me and the slim tail end of that huge turd still hanging from his flaring brown lips. It dropped onto his pile, stood upright for a second and then toppled over, and I spurted cum onto my tummy. I tensed up frantically, but I couldn't hold it back.

`Ooh ... Gareth, I'm gonna cum!'

He didn't answer; just opened up again and curled another smooth, hissing turd onto me. Hot shit enveloped my cock and slid onto my balls, and I came uncontrollably even before he'd finished.

It took a bit of persuasion to get Gareth to give me what I really wanted, but finally, one sunny morning, he agreed to do it. He'd been coming over a lot for the last few weeks, getting in as many horny sessions as he could before he went home for the summer. He was trying to lose a bit of weight as well, so he'd cut down on biscuits and beer and takeaways, and compensated by eating more bread. His shits were bigger than ever, and time after time he'd knelt or squatted over me and curled out a beautiful, solid pile. He'd never liked the idea of shitting on my face, but that morning we were both madly horny and I asked him to do it. He looked a bit unsure at first, but then he agreed.

If you're sure,' he said dubiously. You're not gonna eat it though, are you?'

`No. No that's, erm, a bit too much for me. I just want to take it in the face.'

`Okay then. But ... oh, I'm gonna fart.'

I thrust my nose into his crack until his arse-hairs tickled my nose, and let him gas me. His farts were hot and thick and they smelled beautiful; that fresher, less rank aroma he'd been making recently, and it drove me wild. Face buried in his sturdy bottom, I grew an uncontrollable hard-on and begged him to make me his toilet. He grunted and leaned forward away from me, and let his hole relax so the light-brown tip of his turd just peeped through and the smell of his fresh shit filled my nostrils. He pinched his hole shut and it disappeared again.

`You ready? I need to go to the toilet!'

He took my hand and led me into the bathroom, and stood fingering his pulsating hard-on as I stripped naked and put on my swimming goggles. I'd put a pillow in a bag out ready, and now I lay down on a bin liner and rested my head on it. He looked down at me for a moment, smiling slightly, and then stepped forward and straddled me. I lay and looked up at him, taking in his manly young body. Then he squatted down. His hairy arse descended on me, and he shuffled back a fraction so his tight little hole was right above my nose. Pinned between his thick legs, I was completely helpless, and my dick went crazy. When he reached out and tickled it I yelped and dribbled cum on my tummy, and batted his hand away before he made me cum.

I so need the toilet,' he breathed. I'm gonna poo ... oh, here it comes.'

I clamped my mouth tight shut. Above me his hole twitched a couple of times and puckered slightly open, and his turtle's head re-emerged. He let it push his hole out wider and slowly a thick brown spike emerged from him, that beautiful light colour and glistening in the light, with the softest little crackle and puff of gas. I began to smell it as he squatted there for a second or two with it jutting from his arse. Then he grunted and grew a thick brown tail. I lay and watched his hole squeeze and flare around its lumps and bumps, sensing its weight as it grew steadily down until six chunky inches hung from him. The smell hit me and I whimpered. Suddenly his turd broke, and the blow of its landing was as intense as if he'd punched me. It landed right by my nose, toppled over and fell right across it, just below my eyes, hot and slimy, and as I struggled to take in the sensation another sturdy log descended. The crackle and squelch and squeak seemed to ring in my ears, and then another weighty log dropped. It fell forward across my nose and mouth, and the stink made me gag. His turd tapered off into a thin tube and then fell across my nose, and his dirty bumhole squeezed shut.

`Okay?' he said, his voice all low and breathy.

I moaned and held up my thumb. In my mind's eye I could see him making his cute pushy face, and above me he fidgeted, puckered his brown hole out and farted. Even over the turds on my face I could smell it. Another fart escaped him, and as his hole flared I saw shit behind it. He reached forward and started to play with my dick again.

Gonna make you cum,' he said. Cum all over yourself while I'm having a poo on your face. Uh ... oh here it comes!'

He farted gassily and began to crackle, and then a smooth turd coiled out of him. It snapped off again and again, so the curls piled up on my face, stickier and hotter than before. He'd shuffled back ever so slightly so they fell over the bridge of my nose, covering his first big log and spreading onto my goggles so they started to block out my vision. I lay helpless, loving every second of it as my horny boy went to the toilet on my face. At the same time his hand was doing wondrous things to my cock and balls, and I was on the verge of cumming. I tried to push his hand away but he brought it back, nudged mine aside and started to wank me quickly. At the same moment he grunted and strained, his hole flared out with a big gassy fart, and the little brown worm still sliding from him gave way to a surge of mushy little lumps. And I came. I couldn't stop myself. It was all I could do to keep my mouth shut as it burst through me, and I groaned through tightly closed lips as I spunked all over myself.

Gareth went home for the summer a week later. I won't see him for months, but in the meantime we talk on WhatsApp a lot. He still likes to call me when he's having a poo, especially when he's at home and his family are in so he has to whisper into the phone before he holds it down to show me his turds coming out. One time when he was really horny he laid it on the floor under a sheet of cling-film and squatted over it, giving me the same wonderful view as I'd had the last time I saw him. I can't wait for him to get back in the autumn!


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