Gareth's Shit

By Namab Mas

Published on Sep 13, 2020


This is a story involving scat play between adult males. All characters are eighteen years old or over. If this isn't your sort of thing or it is illegal for you to view it wherever you are, please leave now. This story is entirely fictitious, and any resemblance to actual individuals is coincidental.

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Gareth's Shit

Chapter One

My cock started to get hard as I read Gareth's WhatsApp message one Wednesday morning, when I was working from home:

  • Hi Mark. You in? I need to go to the toilet ;-)

After I'd messaged back I settled down on the sofa, phone in hand, and massaged my semi through my pants. We'd been doing this for a couple of months now, ever since we'd got talking on Grindr and found that some of the same things turned us on. We had mentioned the possibility of meeting up a couple of times but it hadn't happened, and I got the feeling he wasn't quite ready. He was an open-minded lad, but even so the realisation he was into shit still shocked him a bit, and he had said that it felt like a big step from being watched on video to doing it for real. That was cool with me: it was tremendously horny just doing that if it was as far as he was prepared to go, and I didn't want to scare him away by pushing him to do more than he was comfortable with. Besides, I'd found in the past that guys who started out very cautiously sometimes got more adventurous as time went on! Perhaps I shouldn't have told Gareth about them, though: I wondered whether the fact I'd had a bit of experience, along with being more than ten years older than him, actually made it more and not less weird for him. He'd not said as much, but he'd kind of hinted at it... Then my phone buzzed and broke my chain of thought. It was Gareth again, and my dick stirred in my pants as the video opened.

'Hiya,' he said in a hoarse whisper, smiling cheekily into the camera. 'How you doing?'

Gareth was twenty, and reading some obscure branch of science at the city university. He lived in a student house a few miles from me with three of his mates, and when he whispered like that it meant one or other of them was in. He'd once said that just made having a shit on camera for me feel even naughtier and more exciting! He was a nice-looking lad; no model by any means, but the kind of guy I'd find attractive all the same. He was smiley and fresh-faced, with quite soft features and deep blue eyes, and bushy fair hair. He was a slightly stocky lad; not chubby at all, but with just a bit of extra weight on him. His body was pert and curvy and made me want to run my tongue over his chest, with its cute little fuzz of hair between his nipples. He was already sitting on the toilet, and for a moment he angled the phone down to show me his hairy legs and his jeans and pants round his ankles, and his meaty semi-hard cock lolling fatly down into the bowl. He angled it back up and grinned again.

'I so need a poo!' he mouthed. 'Wanna see it coming out...?'

'Mm, yes please!'

'Ha ha, I thought you would! Hang on...'

He twisted round to hold his phone behind him and leaned further forward, lifting his bottom up off the seat a little. The camera shook for a moment but then steadied, pointing straight at his smooth, pinkish cheeks. He fidgeted slightly, lifted himself ever so slightly higher, and breathed out audibly. At once his bottom seemed to relax and fill out a little, and deep in his crack I could just see his hairy little hole puckering open. He let out a gassy hiss and squeak that turned wet as his smooth, slim turd popped out. His shit was a dull tawny brown with a few dark bits in it, all dull and greasy as it grew quickly out of him and disappeared down behind the seat.

'Ploop, ploop ... plop.'

His bumhole pinched shut for a moment, twitching and rippling, and then flared out around another smooth brown sausage that slid cleanly out of him and plopped loudly in the toilet. In front he began to piss, and he shuffled back on the seat a little and brought the phone round to point down at his cock, and then back up into his face. He grinned again and wrinkled his button nose up cutely. Gareth had told me the first time we chatted that his shit stunk. His housemates used to grumble about the smell and the skidmarks he left behind in the bathroom when he'd been for a shit, but he didn't care. He wasn't at all shy about shitting. In fact, when he was younger he'd been one of those lads who's very vocal about it; the kind of lad who banters with his mates in the pub about their toilet habits, and sends photos of his big shits on Snapchat to gross them out. Only he knew how much it turned him on, though, until we'd got in contact; the fact that when he was horny and he needed a shit dark scat fantasies used to come to mind, and since he was young he'd sometimes used a mirror or his phone to watch his turds come out, was his deepest secret. Now he pointed the camera back down to his twitching dick as he finished his piss, and then back up into his face. I used to love the expression he wore when he was having a shit. His eyes would narrow a little and his face would stiffen, and he'd purse his soft lips cutely. From below him I could just hear the slimy crackle and little hissing farts.

'Ploop ... plop-plop, ploop, ploop.'

Gareth ate a lot. Normally he tried to eat a fairly healthy diet and he liked his fruit and vegetables, but he was also fond of beer, and when he'd had a few pints he liked his takeaways. Hangovers sometimes made him shit first thing, but normally he went to the toilet every day and a half or thereabouts. He liked to take his time and enjoy 'having a poo,' as he cutely referred to it, and when he went at home he'd sometimes sit for a quarter of an hour, reading and playing games on his phone. Sometimes his shit was solid and he did big logs, but more usually it was smooth and gassy like this, especially when he'd been drinking. His turds weren't very big but he did loads of them, with long pauses between each little pushing face, and then the bout of crackling and hissing and loud ploops, so that by the time he was done he'd filled the toilet bowl right up. Now he farted softly and another little lump plopped into the water, and he wrinkled his nose up again and smiled.

'I really needed this!' he mouthed, with a furtive glance at the door in front of him. 'I haven't been for a poo since Monday morning. That's why I needed to go so bad ... oh another one's coming!'

Quickly he leaned forward again and held his phone behind him. He didn't quite get the angle and the camera shook badly too, but even so I heard him fart a couple of times and caught a glimpse of a sandy brown snake slithering out of his bottom.

'Ploop ... ploop, ploop ... ploop.'

He sat up again and looked into the phone, still farting and crackling. I could just hear the squelching and soft splashes as it piled up beneath him, and imagine his busy little hole squeezing and puckering around the turd coming out of it. When it ended he blew his lips out a little in a deep, grunting sigh.

'Uh! Ooh that felt good! Phew ... it stinks in here!' He looked coolly into the camera, and smiled sexily. 'You're wanking, aren't you. Wanking while you watch me poo ... go on, show me!'

So I did, angling my own phone down to show him my massive hard-on that I was massaging hard through my pants, and he playing with himself too, leaning back a bit on the toilet and fondling his growing hard-on. He turned it back to his face and smiled, his face suddenly serious.

'I ... I did think...' he said slowly. 'You know we've talked about meeting up?'

'Er ... yeah? Are you thinking we might actually do it...?'

'Yeah. Yeah, I am now. If you still want to?'

'Yes, definitely! Let's do it! I've got my own place, so if you want to come over and ... are you shitting again?!'

'Yeah. Nearly finished now...'

He leaned forward a little and made his pushy face, and more soft, slimy noises came from his bottom; the sound of the long string of small turds he usually ended with curling out of him and dropping onto pile he'd made. Finally it ended, and he grunted again and strained a couple of times.

'Finished now,' he grinned. 'Wanna see it?'

'Mm! Yes please!'

So he stood up and turned round, and pointed the camera down into the toilet. His shit was huge; a big jumble of curls and lumps that filled the bowl and piled up out of the water, with that last little heap of curled brown worms on top. He held the camera down further to give me a closer look, then sat back down, grinning proudly.

'It stinks,' he breathed again. 'So ... what'd you like to do if you were here? Would you like to wipe my bottom for me?'

'Yes! Mm, I'd love to wipe your arse for you, and then wank off and we can both cum all over your shit!'

'Ooh, naughty! Yeah, I'd love...'

At that moment he looked up quickly as someone banged on the bathroom door.

'You gonna be much longer?' a muffled voice asked. 'I'm busting for a piss!'

'Hang on ... give us a couple of minutes,' he called, and looked back at me regretfully. 'I gotta go.'

'Okay. But ... next time, wanna come over and do it here?'

'Yeah, definitely, if I don't have any classes. Maybe on a weekend? I'll WhatsApp you!'

With that he ended the call. I lay there on the sofa, stroking my cock and imagining what he was doing. Sometimes when he'd had more time he'd put the phone down on the floor so I could watch him wipe his arse. He did it sitting down, looking so cutely undignified as he shuffled forward and reached round behind him. He had this weirdly energetic rubbing technique, and he always used a lot of scrunched-up paper to get his dirty little bumhole clean. The thought of him doing it always got me excited, but this time it was better still. Finally he'd decided to take the plunge and meet up, and the prospect of actually watching this cute student lad do one of his big smelly shits was awesome. I could resist it no longer. Quickly I grabbed the tissues, pulled down my pants and had a wank.

I didn't hear from him for a couple of weeks. That wasn't unusual, but when I messaged him one time and he didn't reply I started to think he was getting cold feet about meeting up, and maybe he'd even gone off the whole thing. It wasn't like him to go completely quiet, and I wondered whether just talking about meeting up had freaked him out a little. Then on the Saturday morning I was walking home from doing a bit of shopping when my phone buzzed in my pocket. I pulled it out and saw it was a WhatsApp call from Gareth.

'Hi Mark!' he said, with just a hint of excitement in his voice. 'How are you? Are you at home at the moment?'

'Not right now, but I will be in a few minutes. Why, are you, erm...?'

'Yeah, I'm starting to need a poo, and I was just wondering if you wanted to chat, or maybe ... well, y'know what we were saying last time...'

'About meeting up?'

'Er ... yeah,' he mumbled. 'I mean, if you still want to ... I was thinking we might ... I'm not doing anything til later.'

'Ooh yes, I still want to! Let's do it. Do you want to come straight here, or shall I meet you somewhere?'

'It's okay.' His voice brightened suddenly, and he giggled. 'I don't think you're an axe murderer or anything! I'll come over. Maybe in an hour or so, if I have a quick shower and then walk over?'

'Sure! Can you hold it that long?'

'Ha ha, I'll be fine. You know I can usually wait a bit!'

'Heh, yeah. So when did you last go, then?'

'Erm ... day before yesterday, when I got in from work. I ate loads yesterday, and I had a few beers last night too and got a kebab on the way home. Anyway ... I'll go and have a shower and head out. Whereabouts are you, exactly?'

I gave him the address and rang off, and hastened home buzzing with anticipation. No matter how much we'd talked online, meeting a guy for the first time still felt like a bit of a jump into the unknown. I wondered what Gareth would be like in person, and I wondered what he'd want to do. We hadn't talked about it and maybe he'd only be comfortable with being watched on the toilet; or maybe he'd be one of those adventurous guys who'll do pretty much anything even on a first meet. I put a couple of bin liners and an old towel ready in the bathroom, in case he ended up doing it on the floor, then went and sat on the sofa, massaging a semi through my pants as I thought about what might happen, and wondered whether him shitting in reality would be as awesomely sexy as it was on video. I was still pondering on that when he knocked on the door.

He was slightly taller than he'd come across on video. That was my first impression of him. Well, that and the fact he was every bit as cute and boyish, and just a little nervous. He was smiling pleasantly when I opened the door, but he looked a bit wary and he hesitated just a moment when I invited him in.

'So...' I asked him casually. 'Do you want a drink? Tea, or a beer or something, or...?'

'Erm ... yes, sure, if you're making,' he said, and then relaxed and smiled. 'Tea'd be nice.'

He and sat down at the kitchen table as I brewed up, looking around him curiously, with the air of a lad trying to think of what to say. Although he wasn't shy about shitting, and for all that I'd seen him do it so many times on video, actually being there in my house getting ready to do it for me must still have been a big deal for him. Even so, he met my eyes and smiled cutely when I handed him the tea.

'So...' I asked slowly. 'You need to go, then...?'

'Er ... yeah. Yeah I do.'


'No, not badly. I can wait. I do feel a bit full though.'

'Ooh, good! Gonna be a big one then?'

He looked all coy for just a moment, but then nodded and grinned.

'Mm! Nice and smelly too...?'

'Probably.' He blushed a little. 'It usually is.'

'Good! So, what do you want to do then? It's up to you. Do you just wanna sit on the toilet, or squat? It'd be hot if you want to squat or kneel or something, so I can see you do it.'

'He he, is that what you want? Wanna see it come out?' he giggled. 'Yeah, if you want, I can squat. Do you still wanna wipe my bum for me?'

'Of course! Actually, though, you take your time over it, don't you. How about you sit backwards on the toilet? That way, if you piss it won't make a mess, and I can sit behind you.'

'He he, yes, but I don't think I'm gonna piss much! I'm ... I'm nursing a semi a bit!' He blushed a little and giggled again. 'Still can't believe we're gonna do this for real!'

I looked him up and down as he drank his tea. He really was quite a handsome lad, in his boyish, stocky sort of way. Face to face he seemed bigger and somehow more masculine than he'd come across before, but just a little bit camper as well. I was intrigued. He'd told me he was bi but he'd not said much else about his sexuality except that he liked shitting, and he was hard to read. In some ways he seemed very straight, but he also had that little giggle and some slightly camp mannerisms. He was very cute, I thought, and the air of ambiguity that hung around him was strangely sexy, and the prospect of what he was going to do made my dick stir in my pants. He saw me looking at him closely and blushed a little, and all of a sudden he seemed very tense again. I realised that the time had come.

'So ... shall we do it?'

'Er ... yeah, let's do it,' he said. 'Yeah ... we better had. I need a poo quite bad now!'

'Mm! Been looking forward to this! Come on, bathroom's this way.'

He stood up clumsily and followed me through to the bathroom. It was a fair-sized room, with the toilet in the middle of the back wall between the basin and the bath, giving plenty of room for me to get behind him in the middle of the floor. He stood in the doorway, with a semi visible in the crotch of his jeans.

'Gonna get naked to do it...?'

He nodded and started undoing his belt. We both stripped naked together and threw our clothes back outside the door, and he stepped out of his trousers and kicked them away he turned to me. His cock was more than half hard now and it swung weightily in front of him. He glanced down at it and then at me, sporting a full hard-on as I picked up one of the bags I'd left ready earlier and spread it in front of the toilet. Then he stepped forward and straddled it. Quickly I knelt down on the floor behind him, and studied his arse as he sat down. Like the rest of him it was cute and curvy, and his cheeks nicely rounded and pink. They parted and tightened as he lowered himself slowly down, showing off the darker skin of his crack and the wiry hair either side of his hole. He settled himself down on the seat and fidgeted until he was comfortable, sitting well back with his sturdy bottom hanging over the bag and leaning forward to balance himself. I leaned in a little closer, loving his bigness and cute young masculinity as he sat there with his little wrinkled bumhole clenched up tight, holding back the big shit his body was urging him to release but all his instincts were still telling him he should do alone.

'You ready?' he breathed. 'I really need to go!'

'Yes, I'm ready. Go on, take a shit now.'

The silence was total apart from his quick, excited breathing. Then his body seemed to relax, and his crack opened slightly wider. His muscly little ringpiece twitched in and out a couple of times, then a little wider, and he let out a sharp hiss and a soft, gassy fart. The smell hit me at once, It was thick and a little ripe, and my dick throbbed. I watched transfixed as his hole twitched again, he grunted, and then his hole flared open and a long smooth turd snaked out of him with a crackle and squelch, and a couple more hissing little farts. A greasy, tawny-brown curl hit the floor with a thud, and then another, and another that tapered off and fell back towards me as it landed, and the last little lump dropped on top.

I looked from his rippling, twitching hole down to what he'd just pushed out of it; three smooth curls, squashed together and curled over each other in the middle, with their broken ends spreading out like a starfish, all that gorgeous tawny colour, glistening dully where the light caught them. His smell was a ripe fug that filled the room, rich and manly and erotic, and I sniffed eagerly at it as I wanked.

'Uh,' he grunted. 'Ooh ... sorry, it smells!'

'Mm, yeah it does.' I sniffed conspicuously. 'It's nice!'

'Serious? You actually like it?!'

'Yes! I must have told you before the smell gets me going. Yours is really nice! Mmm ... ooh, are you doing more?!'

'Yeah. Unf ... here it comes.'

His busy, dirty little bumhole had started to twitch and flare out as he gave a couple of little pushes. He paused a moment and strained again, and this time it flared out with a little fart, and crackled and squeaked softly as he did another snaky turd. It was slim but lumpy, and it curled slightly up as the pointed end slid out of him, but then it bent downwards and broke, and grew quickly again, and again with a squeak and filthy crackle from his bum. The curls and lumps piled up underneath him, until once again he curled out a little slim worm and squeezed up again. Now his pink little arsehole was mainly brown and it clicked wetly as it rippled, puckered and let out a gassy fart, and then wider for him to do another small, rounded turd. Another couple of farts followed, soft and gassy, adding to the thick smell. In front I could hear him pissing, holding his hard dick down and doing it in fits and starts,

I leaned back a moment and looked at him, sitting there naked over his big pile, flaring his dirty hole in and out. The sight and nasty sounds and awesomely dirty smell of this cute, bright lad having a big dirty shit right in front of me was horny beyond belief! My dick was throbbing and dribbling pre-cum even though I'd long since left off touching it for fear of cumming before he'd finished. He'd done a hefty load already, but from the way he was sitting there, pushing slightly every so often and making his brown hole wink at me, I guessed he had more to come. I leaned forward a little further than I had been so my face was nearer to his shit, emptied my lungs and took a long, long sniff, really breathing in his stink. Most people would find it disgusting; for me it was as exciting and sexy as a hit of poppers.

'Mmm!' I breathed. 'That smells so fucking nice. Your shit's beautiful, man! God, you do so much. Does it feel good?'

'Yeah, it's amazing! Can't believe how ... kind of intense it is, doing it for you like this!'

Now that he'd done pissing he was wanking clumsily, and he turned around and grinned.

I've not done either,' he said. 'Nah, serious, I've got more! You know me! And are you gonna wank over it when I've finished? Cum all over it like you once said?'

'Yes! And you too? Spunk all over your own shit...?'

'Oh yeah ... unf ...ooh ... I'm gonna finish now.'

He did the last turd right in front of my face, wanking as he strained, and his bumhole flared and squeezed. His turd was like a long brown rope, but one that broke off again and again in little short curls, all gassy and slimy. Then it got looser, and the filthy sound was louder and mingled with wet little farts as he dropped a few last mushy lumps onto his big pile. I stared down at it, all the smooth curls mixed with ragged lumps and now topped with a little glistening brown slime. He gave a couple of little strains, flaring his dirty hole out, but no more came.


'Uh-huh.' He turned around and looked at me, his face all intense and horny.

'Want your bottom wiped?'

He nodded eagerly, picked up the toilet roll from the cistern in front of him and passed it back to me. I saw my hand was shaking a bit as I took it. I tore off a few sheets, folded them and reached in to press the pad to his hole. It came away again with a brown smear, and I folded it and did it again, moving it slowly round to clear away the worst of the shit round his muscular little hole. I dropped the paper next to his shit, folded another one and did it again, a bit more firmly this time.

'Ooh...' he sighed. 'Oh that feels nice!'

It felt awesomely intimate, wiping Gareth's arse for him like this. It took a lot of little pads of paper before they started coming away with only faint brown stains, and as I rubbed and stimulated his hole he grunted with pleasure and fumbled with his dick. He was breathing hard by the time I dropped the last bit of crumpled paper onto the pile I'd made. He stood up slowly, stepped sideways over the toilet and turned around. He was rock hard, and he stood over me for a moment fingering his cock, with a bead of cum leaking from the end. Quickly he knelt down next to me.

'I'm gonna cum in a second,' he breathed.

'So am I! Fuck me, that was awesome...'

We started to wank, urgent and excited, getting off together over his big shit. His smell gassed both of us. I was already close to cumming, and as he wanked he too quickly began to gasp and tug harder. Then the orgasm burst through him. His head went back and his mouth fell open in a strangled cry, then his dick jerked in his hand and fired great gouts of sticky white cum all over his cooling brown pile. A second or two later I did the same.

''Phew!' he sighed as his breathing came back to normal. 'That was absolutely mad!'

After I'd cleaned up the bathroom and opened the window, and we'd both washed our hands, I made us another drink and we sat down and talked for a bit. He'd been nervous about meeting, he admitted: shitting for me on camera was horny but he hadn't been sure about making it happen for real. Now that he'd done it, though, he wanted more. Scat was something he'd only recently started to explore, he said, with the air of a lad taking me into his confidence. He'd always found shitting faintly erotic but it was only in the last year or so that he'd started to get actively turned on by it, watch scat videos online and fantasise about playing with his own shit, and maybe other guys' too. He wasn't sure how far he could actually go in real life, he said, and for now he was just interested in watching and being watched, but he could feel himself starting to open up to the possibility of more, and although it scared him a little bit it also turned him on like nothing else.

For the first time he asked a bit more about what I'd done. I'd played with three or four guys over the years; mainly just watching, but I'd been shat on the few times and done the same for other guys; been with a lad who liked to shit himself, and another who liked me to play with his full arse before he took a shit in my hand. Gareth's eyes widened and he started to nurse a semi again as he listened.

'That's amazing!' he said, fumbling his cock into a more comfortable position in his pants. 'I mean ... it's a bit extreme for me, some of it, but ... so hot!'

'It is, innit. Trust me, it's an amazing buzz, pushing your own limits like that. So ... want to do this again sometime? Come over here and do another big smelly shit for me?'

'Definitely. I'm up for it if you are. Let's do it!'

Enjoyed this? You can find a complete list of my stories on the prolific author page. Name: namab mas

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Next: Chapter 2

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