Garden of Songs

By Sun Child

Published on Oct 11, 2000


Hye guys, part 5 is now here... ain't ya lucky ;o) I hope that you will enjoy reading it and thanks so much for the support I have been receiving in relation to the story. If you are going to give feedback, please put the title of the story in the subject.

Thanks to everyone who has given me feedback, it's been amazing. There have been so many people that have written that I am truly blessed. Thank you all.

WARNING: (here we go into my like totally fav part--NOT!) Underage? Well go away. Offended by m/m concepts? Go away. I know Savage Garden (from a few meet-n-greets) but have no idea of any sexual orrientation. All songs used are owned by the respective artists. Any poems, unless otherwise noted, are mine.

Feedback to the new address please. -= =- Also, when you write in can you like write the story title in the subject please.

Lastly, Derwan, I love you.

Here we go:

Garden of Songs 5 by Sun Child

Sitting there with my head on Daniel's shoulder I just felt so comforted. I don't know what I would have done without him there. He just made me feel safe, warm, protected. I didn't know how to thank him. So I just sat there holding him. Daniel eventually let go of me and sat back a little.

"Dan, I want to know... will you come on tour with me? I know it's a big ask, but I can't deal with Darren on my own." I looked Daniel in the eye, this was a big ask but it didn't take me long to figure out my answer.

"Of course I will come. You know I would never pass up and opportunity to travel and you know the added bonuses?" I asked. Daniel just shook his head.

"I get to spend the tour with my boyfriend and I get to slay Darren as much as I like." I grinned at Daniel. He just smiled back.

"Don't bullshit me Dan. You're only going so you can slay Darren daily." I grinned even more.

"You know me too well."

Several hours later we were just sitting back on the couch when the phone rang. Being the closest I reached across and answered it.

"Hello? ... hey Mum... yeah he is... okay just a sec." I handed the phone to Daniel who looked at me.

"My mother again." I told him, he just nodded.

"Hey Julie... yes... who tells you that?... oh okay... well, you should ask him... okay... bye." I looked at Daniel as he handed me the phone.

"Hello?" I asked.

"Dan, are you going out with Daniel now?" My mother asked.

"Umm, yeah. Who told you?" I asked.

"Darren called and told me. He said that I should talk to you because he knows it won't work with Daniel going on tour soon."

"Well, Darren's got it wrong. It will work."

"You sound sure about yourself. Hang on, what have you got planned?" asked my mother.

"Well, Daniel asked me to come on tour with him and I said yes." I told her.

"Is that wise? You will be living with him full time then."

"Mum, I'm living with him now."

"Okay sweetie, as long as you are sure."

"I am, there's nothing to worry about."

"Okay then, well I'm going to get off the phone. I'll speak to you later."

"Okay, and Mum, don't tell my father. I'm not ready for him to know yet." I heard her sigh.

"Alright Dan. I do wish you two would get along."

"So do I Mum, so do I. Anyways, I'll speak to you later." With that I hung up the phone. Daniel looked straight at me.


"How'd you guess." Daniel sighed and I lay down, my head in his lap and he started to stroke my hair.

We didn't move from that spot for several hours afterwards. We just lay there, not speaking, just enjoying the knowledge that the other was there should we at any stage have something to say. Eventually I started to drift off to sleep. When I woke up I noticed Daniel had also drifted off to sleep as well. Not wanting to disturb him I lay there, just watching him as he slept. He looked calm and peaceful. I was jolted back to reality moments later when there was a loud knocking at the door. Moving slowly and gently I slipped out from where I was lying and walked to the front door. Opening the door I saw Darren standing there, his eye's red from crying.

"Can I come in please?" Darren asked me quietly. I was shocked at how mild his personality was. Standing back I moved so that he could come in. When he was in the door he looked at me and said two words I never thought he would ever say to me.

"Thank you." My surprise must have been written across my face but I quickly hid it.

"Darren, are you okay?" I asked.

'Could this be some sort of trick to get to lower my defenses?' I wondered.

"Where's Daniel?" He asked, his tone still low and quiet.

"He's asleep in the lounge room. Is it important? I don't really want to disturb him." I told him, my defenses on edge. Darren just nodded so cautiously that I wondered what had happened. Deciding it wise, I walked into the lounge room and woke Daniel gently.

"Daniel. Time to wake up sweetie. Darren's here and needs to talk to you." I told him gently while shaking him lightly. Groggily Daniel opened his eyes and looked at me.

"Darren wants to speak to me? Great, my day was going so well." I looked at him.

"I think it might be serious somehow. He's been crying, I can tell you that." Daniel just nodded and I left the room to go and get Darren. I led him into the room then walked away sensing that this would need to be private.

Daniel came into the kitchen where I was a while later. He just came over and sat down beside me and cuddled up to me. Surprised by the sudden show of affection.

"Are you okay?" I asked, I guess there was some type of surprise in my voice.

"I just wanted to give you a hug and little attention or aren't I allowed to do that now?" He spat at me. I sat there and looked up at him amazedly.

"Look Daniel, I don't know what Darren has just said to you but there is no need to take it out on me. If he's upset you, I will let you vent and bitch about it, but I won't be abused." With that I stood up and walked to my room to grab my smokes. Walking out the front I sat down on the step and lit on up.

"Don't smoke here. If you want to smoke go down on the foot path." I heard behind me. Turning I saw Daniel standing in the door. Shrugging I stood up and walked down to the footpath and started to walk away. As I started to walk I heard a Daniel from just behind me.

"Where are you going?" He asked accusingly.

"None of your fucking business." I spat back.

"Going to see your other boyfriend are you." He snapped. My head snapped back and I looked at him.

"I only had one boyfriend Daniel, but I don't think I even have that now."

"Yeah right, what about your little 20 year old you were going out with?" Daniel shot at me. I took a step back, memories of Brendon flooding back into my mind.

"He's dead." I told Daniel very quietly.

"What you killed him with your cooking did you?" Daniel told me harshly. I felt like I had been slapped in the face.

"No, he killed himself when he was diagnosed with AIDS. I haven't seen anyone apart from you since then. I haven't even looked at anyone. You don't love someone for nearly two years then just forget them and stop loving them and just find someone new. It's been nearly six months, so I think I'm fairly much single." I snapped at Daniel, turned and walked away.

I followed a long line of twisting streets getting more and more lost as each street went by. I didn't really care. I was about to call a cab when I realised I had left my wallet back at Daniel's along with my phone so I couldn't even call him for help, not that he would come. I shrugged and lit another smoke and started to head back the way I had come. As I turned onto a street, a group of about 7 guys stepped out of the shadows.

"What are you doing here?" asked one of them.

"Walking home." I told them, my voice flat and calm, my insides shaking like jelly.

"Well you ain't comin' this way. You shouldn't have even come this far. This is Clan territory." Another guy grunted.

"Hey, I'm sorry, I didn't know... I don't live here, I'm only here on holidays."

"Well, if you were here on holidays, you would have some money. Give us what you've got and we'll consider lettin' you pass." The first guy spoke again.

"I don't have money here with me though. I left it at the place I was staying. All I have are my smokes." I told them.

"How many left?" The guy asked.

"About forty. I only bought them this morning." I told him. I buy packs of fifty because I usually share smokes with my friends.

"Hand them over." The first guy said again. As I reached out with them, one guy grabbed my arm and through me to the ground. As I hit the ground I felt a boot ram into my side, then another. These guys were getting in and kicking as hard as they could. I started to lose conciousness when it stopped.

"Thanks for the smokes man." One of them said. I tried to stand up but couldn't. So I tried to drag myself onto the sidewalk. I made it onto the sidewalk and half way up someone's driveway when the blackness caved in on me.

I awoke I don't know how much later to find myself in a bed that was unfamiliar and without Daniel in the bed beside me. Then all the memories of what had happened came flooding back to me. Looking around I saw several items that kinda confirmed my suspicions that I was in hospital. Looking up, I reached for the buzzer to get the nurses attention wherever she was. I then lay there looking around only to stop myself rapidly when I felt a headache starting to loom overhead. Soon a young guy walked in.

"Yes what can I do for you Sleeping Beauty?" He asked smiling, picking up my chart.

"Maybe get me something for my head, it's pounding like a really bad Spice Girls concert." I told him. Smiling he looked at me.

"Well I can't get you anything for that just yet. The doctor said we're not allowed to feed you anything until he sees you. My name's Robert by the way." I smiled and reached out my hand to shake his. Smiling he took it and firmly shook mine.

"Is there anyone I can call for you? Family, friends?" Robert asked. I thought about it and slowly shook my head.

"No thanks, there's no one." Robert looked at me in surprise.

"You're here on your own? You don't even have that special someone down here? Talk about lucking out."

"I had someone, but we broke up yesterday." I told him sadly. Robert shook his head.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to pry. If you need to talk though, just give me a buzz and I'll come, lucky you, I'm your special nurse for the duration of your stay." I nodded my thanks and closed me eyes opening them again slightly.

"Thanks Robert, but I think I'll just go to sleep now." Robert nodded his head.

"Sleep well, happy dreams." Robert whispered walking out the door.

Drifting off to sleep I felt my mind wander over to thoughts of Daniel. I loved him so much, now we had broken up.

'Well he did say some horrible things.' I told myself. 'Then again I wasn't the nicest person either.' In the end I gave up trying to figure it out and just drifted off to sleep. As I started to dream, it was my lying in bed with Daniel walking towards me. He was carrying in a tray of food like the morning after we started to go out. Then he layed out the tray in front of me and there was photos of me and Brendon lying all over it.

'See,' he hissed 'you were cheating.' I just sat there in the bed then while I looked at the photos Brendon seemed to climb from the photos. He wrapped his arms around my neck and kissed me and it was all infront of Daniel. Then when I didn't kiss Brendon back he moved away and started to kiss Daniel. He then started to undress Daniel as he used to undress me and Daniel started to undress him. I sat there sickened.

I jolted awake in the bed, my breathing heavy. I looked around the hospital room frantically. Robert was in the room and came over hurriedly to my side.

"What's wrong? Are you okay?" He asked concerned.

"I just had a nitemare. It was just about my break-up. It's nothing too serious." I told him. He put his hand on my shoulder.

"Like I said before, if you need to talk I'm here." I smiled and looked at him.

"I meant to ask before, how long have I been out of it? Like before I woke up."

"Before you woke up earlier, three days." I groaned quietly. Then I looked at him.

"Can I get a phone to use?" I asked. Robert nodded.

"I'll bring it in as soon as I can. I've just got another patient to see then I'll bring one in." I nodded and lay back on the bed and closed my eyes again.

Robert returned soon with a phone in his hand. I took it from him and looked at it.

"This isn't a land line, it's a mobile phone." I looked at him. "I'm assuming this is yours." Robert looked at me and nodded. I handed the phone back to him. "I'm not going to run up a phone bill on that." I told him.

"Alright, well, let's take you to the nurses station and you can call from there." He sighed. He tucked the phone into his pocket and then started to lift me up. I swung my legs over the side and tried to stand. As soon as I put weight on my left leg it started to throb with pain. I gasped. Robert looked at me.

"What's wrong?"

"Left leg. Hurting like mad." I managed to get out. He put me back down on my bed and squatted down to look at the leg. He soon stood back up.

"That one was sprained when you got hurt. It hasn't finished healing so I'll go get you a wheelchair and we'll take you over to the station. I just nodded, trying to get my head around the pain. Robert soon returned with a wheelchair which I climbed into. Soon we were at the nurses station and I picked up the phone to dial. Robert hung me up then looked at me.

"Can I find out your name first?" He asked. I looked at him.

"Dan. Dan Murphy. Didn't you know?" Robert shook his head.

"You had no ID so we had no idea." I nodded and Robert picked up the phone and got me an outside line. I dialled the number and looked at Robert quietly asking for privacy. I think Robert picked up on it as he left. I could hear the phone ringing and then it was picked up... by the answering machine. After hearing the instructions I left a message.

"Hey Daniel, it's me Dan. I'm calling to let you know I'm okay, well, kinda. I'm sorry..." I was going to say more when I heard the other end pick up.

"Dan? Is that you?" Asked Daniel's worried voice.

"Yeah it's me. I missed you. I'm callin' to say that I'm kinda okay."

"Kinda okay? Dan what's happened?"

"After our fight I went for a walk and on the way back some guys kinda beat the shit out of me and took off with my smokes." I told him.

"Okay, well where are you now?" He asked.

"Hospital. Can you come for me please?" I asked quietly.

"You don't need to ask me to come, I'll be there in a heartbeat. Which hospital?" He asked. I gave him the name and he said he's come soon and hung up. As I hung up, Robert reappeared.

"You got someone coming for you?" He asked. I nodded. He smiled sadly.

"Well, I'm gonna miss my fav patient. You're great, you sat there quietly and never complained once."

"I was out cold." I told him and he nodded.

"That's why I liked you so much." He told me with this big huge shit eatin' grin. "That and you're not too hard on the eye." Robert flirted. I sat there amazed.

"Well, my fav nurse isn't too bad either. Maybe a few too many grey hairs and too large nose but other than that." I threw back smiling. Robert poked his tongue out at me. I just laughed and wheeled myself out so that I could go back to my room.

I was sitting there in bed, channel surfing the TV when Daniel burst into the room closely followed by Mum and Darren. Daniel threw his arms around me and kissed me lightly on the forehead. When he let me go, Mum came up and hugged me, again kissing me on the forehead. When she moved away Darren took a step towards me and I looked at him with a stare that stopped him dead in his tracks.

"Why are you here?" I asked Darren accusingly.

"Because I wanted to see how you were going." Darren told me defensively. "Is that such a crime?"

"Well considering it's partly your fault that I'm here. If you hadn't lied I wouldn't have had the fight with Daniel, walked away and gotten the shit beaten out of me." I told him angrily.

"Hey, I'm sorry. I didn't mean for that to happen."

"Well it did. Let me return the favour one day, then you can know what it's like to have nine colours of shit beaten out of you it's like such a total thrill and you just want everyone to experience it." I told him sarcastically. The look on Darren's face made him look like he was about to cry. He didn't but instead he turned and walked out of the room. Daniel looked at me sternly.

"Dan, he was sorry. He felt terrible for doing what he did. Maybe you should lighten up on him a little." With that Daniel turned and followed him out before I could reply. I sagged back into the bed and Mum looked at me.

"Kiddo, I don't know what's happened between you and Darren, but Daniel is torn between you both. He is Darren's friend and he's your boyfriend. I know it's all hard, but can you at least try? For Daniel." She asked pleadingly. I nodded and closed my eyes then opened them again.

"Mum, I don't want to be rude but can I have some alone time please? I've got to think." She just nodded, came over to the bed and kissed me lightly on the forehead. She then left the room, turning before she left to impart one last piece of knowledge.

"Dan, he loves you. Don't let this destroy your relationship." She advised then left.

When I awoke a time later, Robert was sitting the beside the bed. I looked over at him.

"Surely your shift if over by now."

"Yeah it is but I saw the way your three visitors left and figured that you might need someone to talk to or at least just have someone here for you to keep you company." He told me. I nodded.

"But won't your girlfriend or wife or whatever be missing you?" I asked. He shook his head.

"My boyfriend walked out on me last week. he felt that my work took priority over him." Robert told me. I half nodded.

"Well, I have a strange feeling that I am single again. I can't get along with one of his friends and boyfriends come and go but friends stay forever so I think that, know that, he will go with his friend rather then me."

"If he does, I think he will be missing a lot in life. You are a nice guy, you have a good heart. Yeah you might not get along but there are worse things. Besides, who will he have to fuck while he's on tour?" Laughed Robert. A look of complete surprise crossed my face then it turned crimson red. This only made Robert laugh even harder. When I finally found my voice again I looked over at him.

"Not funny. So I take it you know who my boyfriend is, was... whatever." Robert just nodded.

"Daniel." Was all he said. I just nodded. He leaned over and put his hand on my shoulder and left it there.

"What ever happens Dan, don't ever let yourself believe that you are not a good person and that you can't make people happy. I mean, if things were different, we had met some other way, should we be in a relationship with a rough patch, I would be doing my best to hold onto you."

"Darren's his friend though. I can't just expect him to walk away. I know that relationships aren't easy. I mean I've known Daniel for years and years now. I love him so much, but it doesn't seem like it's enough..." I was about to say more but there was a knock at the door and I called out for who ever it was to come in. I was hoping it was Daniel, instead it was the doctor who walked in. Robert stood, at this point.

"I'm going to go and have a coffee, I'll come back when the doc is done." He advised me. I nodded my thanks, Robert then walked out of the room. The doctor sat back down with me and we started to talk about what was happening, what I needed to do and finally decided that I was right to be checked out of the hospital. As he was leaving the doctor turned to me.

"Is there anyone who I can call to come and get you?" I just shook my head then thought and replied.

"Can you just send Robert back in please?" The doctor nodded and left me there.

--- There we go. Could it be over between Dan and Daniel? Well, we'll find out soon enough. I hope you enjoyed this story as much as I enjoyed writing it. Feedback on your thoughts of the way the story is going will be appreciated. Please put the title of the story in the subject line though. Thanks. Feedback is now to the address of -= =- Keep safe, SC.

Next: Chapter 6

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