Garden of Songs

By Sun Child

Published on Sep 19, 2000


Hey all, it's me yet again. So what's new? Well this part of the story is that's for sure. Thanks to all that have written in about the story so far, I love hearing from you all and getting feed back on how you all think the story is going, also thanks to those who have given me a few ideas.

WARNING: yeah I know you lot are sick of it, but it's something that I have to do. You're sick of reading, I'm sick of typing it. If you aren't 18 (or the legal age as it stands wherever you are) go away. I ain't havin' my ass busted open because you have been accessing this when you're not meant to. Okay, I'm in no way associated with Daniel Jones or Darren Hayes except that I have met them a couple of times, I am in no way associated with the record company that they are signed with.

Okay all songs that are featured in any of my stories belong to respective artists, any poems featured, unless otherwised noted, belong to me. You touch them you die. They are mine, many of them born of what my emotions at the time they were written. For that reason they are sacred. If you do want to use them, please write and ask for permission, I will understand but don't just take.

Stories to read, I'm bored so here we go:

JC Dreams - Shameless self-promotion Hey Mickey - not sure where it's going but I know I love it Affirmation - SAVAGE GARDEN!!! AND IT GOES OFF! Jamie's Romance - very cool Nsync story

Search and Rescue - Old story, need to look for it right down in the boybands section. It's kinda been left hanging, still, read it and write to ask for it to be finished.

Brandis Redemption - I must admitt, I didn't like this story first time I read it but now I love it. I have a whole new respect for Jon Brandis ... man he is cute.

Okay, moving right along now ... should you spot spelling errors or phrasing errors, bare with me, I'm Australian and trying to write towards a more American audience, sorry if I stuff up.

Now should you not be liking my story (why are you reading it then) or should you be really liking my story write to me and let me know, just make sure you let me know it's this story you are commenting on: -= =-

Lastly now, Derwan, I love you more so than ever before, I miss you babe.

Garden of Songs 4 by Sun Child

Waking up several hours later, I found Daniel sitting there, his hands still stroking my hair. I lay there perfectly happy until I heard a car out the front and Daniel groan. I guessed Darren was back. I sat up and kissed Daniel lightly on the forehead.

"I'm going to bed now. I don't feel like dealing with him." Daniel didn't even realise that I was awake.

"And you're going to let me deal with him on my own? What a caring boyfr... uh... brother you are." Daniel caught himself and changed it.

"Yes well, this boyfriend, which is what I'm assuming I now am, will be waiting in bed for you." I grinned and kissed him again lightly then headed upstairs to Daniel's bedroom. Stopping on the top of the steps I turned around and looked down at the front door. Daniel opened the front door and Darren stood there, his shirt partly undone, a very obvious hard-on showing through his tight jeans. He grabbed Daniel by the head and pulled him down into a kiss. Daniel resisted and eventually managed to break free of Darren.

"What the hell are you doing Darren?" asked Daniel shakily, knowing I was watching.

"Doing what we both want." Darren replied walking forwards, pushing Daniel further back into the house then closing the front door. He then pulled Daniel into another kiss and I started to walk down the stairs.

"Funny, I didn't know evil could enter a house unless invited." I called out. Darren flew back from Daniel, surprised at my voice. He looked at me, then his eyes narrowed.

"What the hell are you doing here?"

"Hmmm... it would appear breathing and talking to scum at the moment. Touch Daniel again and I will do to you what I did before I left in the taxi." I watched as Darren reflectively covered his stomach. He must have realised what he was doing and dropped his arm to his side then step closer to Daniel.

"On what grounds do you have to tell me that?" He asked. I looked him dead in the eye, my voice emotionless, my face a blank mask.

"On the grounds I don't want you near my boyfriend." I spoke calmly, refusing to betray any emotion. Darren spun around and looked at Daniel.

"Please tell me he's lying. Please Daniel, don't do that to me."

"Darren, you're making yourself look pathetic." Daniel said. I looked at him. That was cutting and Daniel didn't do cutting. I think he took Darren by surprise.

"Don't forget who the talent is in this band Daniel." He spat. I then stepped down onto the same level as Darren and walked up to him.

"Yes don't forget Darren, you are a no hope, pathetic no-talent muso. Without Daniel you would have no band."

"Well, I have more talent than you in my little finger." Darren shot back.

"That you do, but we aren't talking about masturbation here Darren." I think I really offended Darren that time because he shot me a furious look and stormed out of the house. Daniel wrapped his arms around me and leant his head on my shoulder.

"Thanks for that. I don't know what I would have done if you hadn't been here." Daniel told me.

"You would have been fine Daniel. Don't stress about it okay. Now come on, let's get up to bed. It's been a bloody long day." I felt him let go of me then walked forwards, locked the door then turned off the light. I then did a trip around the house and shut down the rest of the house then headed up to bed with Daniel.

I tugged off my shirt and jeans and slid into bed in just my boxers and lay beside Daniel. I then rolled over and put my arm across his chest and hugged him lightly. Daniel looked at me.

"Dan, I'm not pushing you into anything you don't want to do am I?" I shook my head.

"I only do what I want to do. You should know that by now." I told him. Daniel just nodded and kissed me lightly on the forehead. I smiled and nuzzled into the crook of his neck.

The next morning I was awoken by Daniel padding lightly back into the room. I opened my eyes and there he was, still dressed only in his boxers but holding a tray infront of him. I smiled.

"Hmm... I get breakfast in bed. What a way to wake up." I smiled at him. He smiled back.

"Don't get too used to it kiddo. This is just my way of saying thanks for last night and yesterday with your support over the thing with Darren." I just shook my head.

"No need to thank me, you know I enjoy slaying Darren. It's a slightly harder challenge than at the uni ... those are just drive by slayings. No challenge required." I told him and he nodded.

"Well, if you say no thanks is required I'll take this back downstairs." He said, turning to walk back out the door.

"Like hell you will. Get your ass back here." I told him. He was placing the tray down when the phone beside the bed began to ring. Seeing as it was right beside me, I answered it.

"Hello? ... Morning Mum ... Yeah I got here safely ... no staying here's cool ... I know this is the number to Daniel's room ... I died on the couch and rather than fight with my suit case, Daniel put me up here and slept downstairs ... yeah he just came in to get me up ... okay ... love you too ... bye." I handed the phone to Daniel.

"It's my mum." I told him.

"Hello Julie ... no he didn't ... yeah I know most of the story ... okay ... would you believe me if I told you 'Scream 3' ... okay ... yeah, no problem, if anything goes wrong I'll call you ... okay bye Julie." He handed the phone back to me and I put it back on the base. I looked at him.

"You got third degreed?" I asked him. He just nodded. "Thanks for going along with what I said anyways." He just nodded.

"Why didn't you tell your mother about us?" He asked, I could hear the hurt in his voice.

"It's not that I didn't want to, it's just that I knew my father would have been close by and I didn't want him to hear. I'm sorry babe." I leant forwards and kissed him softly. Daniel smiled.

"It's okay. Now come on, let's eat before it all gets cold." I smiled as we devoured the food on the tray.

As we finshed I looked over at Daniel.

"It would appear that I have a very talented boyfriend on my hands here." Daniel blushed slightly. "Well he can, sing, write beautiful music, and cook. What more could I ask for?" Daniel looked at me and grinned. I sighed and shook my head at him.

"Get your mind out of the gutter boy." I stood up and picked up the tray.

"I'm going to take this down stairs, clean it, then have a shower. Any objections?" Daniel just shook his head and lay back on the bed. I kissed him softly on the lips then grabbed the tray and headed downstairs. I walked into this kitchen and started to clean up. I happened to look up and jumped back in fright. Standing at the window was Darren. He was looking in at me, his eyes hard and cold. I shook my head at him and drew the curtains. Next minute I knew there was a knock at the back door. Walking up, I opened the wooden part and left the screen door closed and locked.

"We have a front door Darren. I don't let enemies in the backdoor, less chance of forgetting to lock it again. I will get the front door for you, but not the back." With that I closed the door and went back to what I was doing. Moments later, I heard a knock at the front door and wandered down to let Darren in.

"I'll go and get Daniel for you shall I." Darren just gave me a cold look. I turned and headed up the stairs and into Daniel's room. I climbed onto his lap as he watched the morning TV.

"Babe, you have a visitor down stairs and he's real shitty with me."

"Darren then I take it." Daniel commented dryly. I just nodded my head. Daniel sighed deeply and I kissed him on the forehead.

"You'll be fine. I'm just going for a shower then I will be down to join you. You be in the studio?" I asked. Daniel nodded and I smiled.

"You can do that new song for your solo album you were telling me about."

"For the last time, I'm not going to do a solo album." I smiled slyly.

"Okay then, if you say so." I kissed him again and went down to my room.

Going through my stuff, I felt someone standing in the doorway behind me. I spun around to see Darren standing there.

"What do you want?" I asked.

"To warn you, you may have won the battle, but the war is far from over."

"Darren, give it up. He doesn't want to be with you. You are, were a friend and nothing more. Why not go back to friends before you destroy the band as well as your friendship. Keep your shit going and I will pull the plug on Savage Garden. Don't think I won't either." I warned. I gathered my clothes together pushed Darren out of my room and closed the door. I made my way down to the bathroom and collapsed back against the door once I had closed it. I could see that I was going to have to fight to keep Daniel and if Darren wanted to fight me for him, it was a fight he would get.

I finished my shower and all of that and headed back towards the studio where Daniel and Darren would be working. As much as I hated the idea of Darren being left alone with Daniel, I knew they needed to get this recording done. I was about to enter when I decided to wait a few. I placed my ear up against the door.

"Daniel please. Why can't we try and make it work. I know we can make it work."

"Darren, understand, I like you as a friend only. I love Dan, I am seeing Dan. Why can't you understand that?"

"Because I know that there can be something there should we try." I leant back from the door and knocked loudly, waiting for a few moments then opening the door and walking in.

"So have you started recording anything?" I asked them. Daniel shook his head and Darren didn't even look over at me as I spoke.

"Well, are you writing today or recording?" I asked.

"We wrote some stuff yesterday. We are meant to be recording today." Daniel told me, I nodded.

"Don't let me stop you." I replied.

"Daniel, I don't feel up to singing today." Darren said suddenly.

"Darren, we need these demos into the company by Wednesday. It's Saturday here in case you haven't noticed." Daniel told him annoyed.

"I can't sing if I don't feel well do I." Darren snapped back. "Besides, you were the only one who wrote yesterday, they are sorry excuses for songs. They aren't worth it in any shape or form." I was standing behind Darren and tapped him on the shoulder. He spun around.

"Take it back." I seethed.

"What? Take back the truth." He glared at me. I brought my fist back and slammed it into his jaw. I watched him stagger backwards.

"It's wise to do as I say when I get angry because sometimes, I can get a little violent." I then grabbed Darren by the shirt collar and dragged him towards the front door.

"Only come back when you have some sense of respect for people and not before hand." With that I opened the front door and pushed him through. I then closed the front door and walked back to the studio.

I walked back in and saw Daniel sitting there at the piano, playing a song I guess he had written. It was haunting in the way the notes seemed to echo and resound, they sounded so sad. Then Daniel's voice started to fill the room.

Gentle song of whispers

Hear it echoing throughout

Gentle song of whispers

Like a broken heart calling out

Hear the song raise its pitch

Feel the call become stronger

It reminds like a seven year itch

Only the songs lasts longer

Gentle song of whispers

Calling on the wind

Gentle song os whispers

It calls me within

I walked over and hugged Daniel close.

"That was beautiful babe. Don't listen to what Darren said, he wouldn't know talent if it bit him on the ass." I reassured, kissing his hair lightly. Daniel turned slightly and wrapped his arms around me, burying his head in my chest. After a while he let me go and sat back.

"Daniel, is it okay if I do a few songs I've written?" I asked. He looked up and shook his head at me. I smiled and went down to my room and grabbed my song book then reappeared. I motioned for him to get off the piano. I sat down and opened my book.

Love beyond pain

Love beyond grief

Tears falling like the saddest rain

Love, your life's theif

We both hurt each other

Now you are gone

I loved you, closer than any brother

You are gone now, so how do I go on?

We promised to be there forever

I promised to look after you

Promises made on a white feather

My promises now untrue

I wasn't there for you

I promised I would be

I feel empty without you

I'm sorry, I didn't know this would be

Even now, in your death

I feel you watching me

I know you loved me in total truth

I was just blind and didn't see

I played the last few bars and sat back from the piano. Daniel then came and wrapped me up in a big hug.

"That was so sad ... why did you write that?" He asked.

"An ex of mine killed himself and I wrote it as a poem and changed it to a song. I want to demo it then get someone like Nsync to record it if I can." I told him. Daniel looked at me and smiled.

"Well, I was recording that so I should have it down. Why don't you go for a recording deal, you know you have a great voice. You could record it yourself." I shrugged and looked back at Daniel.

"You have a great voice as well, why don't you do a solo album?" I asked. Daniel just shook his head. I shrugged and looked back at the piano and started to play. I don't know what I was playing but it came out and so did the words.

Say that you'll love me

now and forever

Please tell me

We'll always be together

If I don't have you

I don't know how I would cope

My love for you is always true

Because with my love comes hope

With love comes hope

When you say you're leaving

Something inside me dies

My heart's love is always believing

When you go, my heart always cries

If I don't have you

I don't know how I would cope

My love for you is always true

Because with my love comes hope

With love comes hope

Please don't leave me here

With all this darkness and sorrow

Because of all this

I am scared of tomorrow

I will sing you a sad song

To tell you how I feel

And to help my heart along

And so you know, that my love is for real

If I don't have you

I don't know how I would cope

My love for you is always true

Because with my love comes hope

With love comes hope

With any love comes hope

How do you think

We manage to cope?

I played several more bars and stopped. I just looked at the piano. Daniel came over and hugged me again.

"You sure know how to write beautiful stuff there Dan." I nodded absently.

"I guess, considering I just wrote that then." Daniel looked at me and laughed.

"Yeah right, that must have taken ages to write." I looked at him, my face dead serious.

"I'm not kidding, I wrote that as I played, look through my book if you don't believe me. I have never seen, heard or written that before. That was born purely of you sitting here holding me." Daniel kissed me on the forehead.

"I love you Dan. I think that' what the song is talking about. Do I love you or vice versa, do you love me? I don't know that answer to that but I do love you." I smiled and hugged him.

"I love you too babe, I love you too." I wrapped my arms around him and put my forehead down on his shoulder.

--- Well there's is part 4... was it any good? Well titles of songs now:

  1. Gentle Song - mine. No real dedication, just written because it was in my head and I loved it. You should hear it played, amazing. 2) Love in the Beyond - mine ... dedicated to my dear Brendon, no longer with us in this world but always in my heart 3) With You There - mine ... dedicated to Derwan. Not in my arms, but I still love you loads.

As I have warned you from the start ... all poems that are mine, remain mine. You touch them I will be really pissed off. If you want to use them, just write and ask ... you have a 99% chance I will say yes. If you also read my JC Dreams series, it's inevitable by what I just put in today -- I'm heading to crossover territory ... should be fun. Keep safe. SC.

Next: Chapter 5

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