Garden of Songs

By Sun Child

Published on Apr 20, 2001


Well, here we go again. Garden of Songs returns yet again.

WARNING: I'm not going to care if you're underaged or not, you know whether you are or not, I accept no responsibility if you are and get caught, just as I accept nothing if you are offended. I ain't in the mood. All songs belong to respective artists. All owners noted at bottom of the chapter. If it's mine, please ask before using it. I've met Savage Garden but don't know if they like guys or girls.

Feedback: Feedback is great, it let's me know how I'm doing. e-mail: or ICQ: 104300787 (Sun Child) MSN Messanger is connected through Please feel free to add me should you wish (hint hint)

Author's comments: Thanks to all those who have provided me with the great feedback, it let's me know how I'm going and that I'm doing it right. Thanks to the support all readers have provided me with while posting. I love it ... thanks. Thanks also to Dee. Your criticisms and at times support are try inspirational to me. Thanks for all of it. Also note to people, this is Australian terms here, bare with it.

Stories Recommended:

Jamie's Romance - (boy bands) its coming to a close and I will be sad to see such a beautiful, well crafted story finish. I hope it stays for a while longer though. Involves Justin from Nsync and Jamie (non-celeb).

Black the Promise - (boy bands) my latest series I have started. Involves JC and Justin from Nsync.

JC Dreams - (boy bands) My first series which is still running strong... thanks to all those who have made it possible. Casey my friend, you are a legend! MWAH! JC from Nsync and Tony (non-celeb). Also Carsten, you my friend, are another bloody legend! Thanks for all your help.

Yesterday's Child - (high school) This is my third series. I'm proud of the way it's running. I'm glad that so many people enjoy it. Thanks to all those who have sent me the feedback. I'm glad to know you enjoy my work.

Search and Rescue - (boy bands) a heart warming, and heart breaking story. It hasn't been updates in months... write to the author and demand more. JC from Nsync and sorry, can't remember... they're non-celeb.

Alpha Male - (college) it makes for an interesting read. Sometimes indepth but a good read all the same.

Begin Anew - (high school) this has some funky shit. I am totally enjoying it... DaBeagal is da BOMB!

Well, time for me to stop yabbering and start writing huh... well here we go.

Garden of Song 15 by Sun Child

After Daniel and I had climbed out of the shower, we headed to the bedroom where we both got dressed. I looked at Daniel.

"What are we doing?"

"Getting dressed at the moment."

"That's not what I mean. We always fight, I end up running, you end up in tears then we get back together. Daniel, I might just be being, I don't know, too analytical, but there's something about it that doesn't seem right." Daniel sat down on the bed and looked at me.

"Dan, we do what we feel is right. We work by emotion. We are led around by love. It's like a blind person is led by a guide dog. Somethings we aren't meant to comprehend or understand. We are led by passion. Passion is what drives us. Whether it's a passion to love, dance or hate. Without some type of passion we would be empty. I guess it's our passion for music and each other than keeps us coming back." I looked at Daniel surprised.

"Since when have you been so in depth?" I asked stunned.

"Hidden talent." He retorted.

"Very hidden."

"Shut up."

"Make me."

"Fine I will." With that Daniel leant over and kissed me hard on the lips. I relaxed into the kiss with a sense of serenity. I wrapped my arms up around his neck and allowed myself to fall back onto the bed. He leant on top of me. We lay there kissing each other for what felt like an eternity... maybe five minutes. When we came up for air we both looked at each other.

"Wow." Was all Daniel said.

"Wait until the make up sex." I grinned at him.

"Do we have to go to this dinner with Andy and Cheyne?" He asked. I nodded.

"You're paying remember."

"Driving as well I suppose."

"Hell yeah, like I'm not going to drink."

"Now there's a surprise." Daniel commented dryly.

"HEY! I'm not that bad."

"Alcoholic mean anything to you?"

"Not really."

"How much did you spend at the beat the other night?"

"I don't know... about a two hundred."


"I'm a professional drinker, not an alcholic. Alcoholic's go to meetings." I said poking my tongue at him." Daniel arched an eyebrow at me.

"If you say so."

"Shut up and get dressed." I said poking my tongue at him. He grinned and pulled on some pants up and grabbed a shirt. I stood infront of the wardrobe in my boxers.

"What should I wear?"

"What you're wearing now is fine."

"For you. I don't want to blind everyone." Daniel looked at me.

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, I could stand to lose of few more kilos."

"You're kidding? You're stick thin now."

"Not going to argue."


"You need to gain weight."

"I thought you weren't gong to argue."

"Hushing." With that, I grabbed a tight black shirt I had and a pair of black cargos.

"Now why am I not surprised at how you look?" I heard Daniel from behind me. I turned and looked at him.

"And how am I dressed?"

"HOT!" He told me grinning. I sighed and walked back into the ensuite. I came back 15 minutes later with my hair done and my face done. With that we walked out to the car and climbed in and scooted off to meet Andy and Cheyne.

On the way I had to put on their CD. When 'Don't Call Me Baby' came on I cranked up the volume and Daniel looked at me with his eyebrow arched.

You and me, we have an opportunity

And we, could make it something really cool

But you, you think I'm not that kind of girl

I'm here to tell you baby,

I know how to rock your world

Don't think that I'm not strong

I'm the one to take you on

Don't underestimate me boy

I'll make you sorry you were born

You don't know me

The way you really should

You sure misunderstood

Don't call me baby

You got some nerve, and baby that'll never do

You know I don't belong to you

It's time you knew I'm not your baby

I belong to me, so

Don't call me baby

Behind my smile is my IQ

I must admit, this does not sit,

With the likes of you

You're really sweet

Mmm, you're really nice

But didn't mama ever tell you not to play with fire?

Don't think that I'm not strong

I'm the one to take you on

Don't underestimate me boy

I'll make you sorry you were born

You don't know me

The way you really should

You sure misunderstood

Don't call me baby

You got some nerve, and baby that'll never do

You know I don't belong to you

It's time you knew I'm not your baby

I belong to me, so

Don't call me baby

You and me, we have an opportunity

And we, could make it something really cool

But you, you think I'm not that kind of girl

I'm here to tell you baby,

I know how to rock your world

Don't think that I'm not strong

I'm the one to take you on

Don't underestimate me boy

I'll make you sorry you were born

You don't know me

The way you really should

You sure misunderstood

Don't call me baby

You got some nerve, and baby that'll never do

You know I don't belong to you

It's time you knew I'm not your baby

I belong to me, so

Don't call me baby

You got some nerve, and baby that'll never do

You know I don't belong to you

It's time you knew I'm not your baby

I belong to me, so

Don't call me baby

We both sang along and even tried to mimic some of Cheyne's more intricate vocal patterns on a couple of words. I was pretty funky. I made a mental note that we both had to record it for one of the solo albums. Pulling up at the restraunt, 'Everything You Need' had just started to play. Walking inside, Andy and Cheyne were standing there, surrounded by fans. Cheyne was smiling pleasantly but strain was begining to show on her face. I looked out the door and screamed.

"OHMIGOD, THERE'S KYLIE MINOGUE!!!!" The crowd turned and hurtled out the door. I looked at Daniel who was trying not to laugh and we made our way over to the others. Cheyne looked at me.

"Kylie? We were upstaged by Kylie?"

"It got rid of them didn't it?"

"I guess, now let's go eat before they all come back." We were soon taken to a table where we all sat down, me next to Cheyne and Daniel. Cheyne glanced around.

"The mob's gone, thank God." With that she leant back and stretched. "So who's driving out of you two?"

"The one that can't hold is drink." I grinned. I got a kick under the table from Daniel. I looked at him and poked my tongue at him.

"Coming to the after party?" Asked Andy. Daniel looked at Andy.

"I wasn't telling him about that. He had enough drinking last night." Cheyne and Andy looked at me while I turned red.

"How much did you drink last night?" Cheyne asked me.

"A bit."

"Apparently he spent nearly two hundred." Daniel chimed in and I kicked him hard under the table, turning even more red.

"That's why you aren't driving... you aren't sober yet." Laughed Andy.

"Actually, I did an RBT this afternoon and blew straight zeros."

"Asshole, it would take me a week to get rid of that much alcohol." Cheyne said.

"Bonus of being young." I grinned at her. She just poked her tongue at me and laughed. We all sat there talking until our meal was served and then the conversation continued, punctuated by taking mouthfuls and chewing. When the meal was over, Andy, Cheyne and I sat there while Daniel went and paid the bill. Andy looked at me and spoke quietly.

"I'm sorry if I embaressed you with the question about the drinking."

"That's fine... it's a night I want to forget."

"Why? What happened?"

"I got Daniel kicked out of The Beat. Then got home with a friend and passed out." I admitted quietly. Cheyne was trying hard not to laugh and Andy sat there grinning. Daniel got back and looked at us.

"I'm not asking... ready to go?" He asked. I nodded and stood as did Andy and Cheyne.

"Need a lift?" Daniel asked. Andy shook his head.

"I managed to wrangle a car. As for Cheyne, well, she can come with me or you... her choice."

"I'll go with Daniel and Dan. They seem to be the life of the party." She grinned.

"Flattery, my dear, will get you anywhere." I said blinking at her. She laughed and looked at my eyes more closely.

"I like the eye liner. Very Egyptian." Okay, I better explain that now. I have one totally fem trait and that's that I wear eyeliner the same way the egyptians used to. I only do it when I am going to a club, concert or so on. That's the deal on it. With that we all walked outside and headed for the cars.

Climbing into our car, I turned down the CD player before starting the car and when the car started, took out the CD.

"You wanting to listen to your songs Cheyne?" I asked looking back at her. She scrucnhed up her face.

"Pass thanks. What else you got in there?"

"Tina Cousins, Nsync, Madonna, Cher and Kylie."

"Nsync'll do." Nodding I slipped the CD into the player and the first bars of 'Bye Bye Bye' filtered out. The traffic was mayhem on the way to the Entertainment Centre. We made it there just after Andy and pulled into the reserved parking lot at the back of the centre. We all then made our way inside. Daniel and I walked into Andy's dressing room with him and watched the hair and make-up departments start to work their magic on him, not that there was a great deal for them to do.

Soon he was done and getting ready to go on stage and Cheyne appeared.

"One of my dancers is sick. Dan, do you think you could cover. They're only on 'Don't Call Me Baby' and we all freestyle. No choreography."

"Which set?"


"I can do that for you." I told her nodding. She smiled and kissed me on the cheek.

"You're a doll. After 'Reminiscing' go to hair and makeup then to costume and they'll give you a hand in getting ready." I nodded and we all made our way out to the front. Daniel and I stood in the wings watching. The band blasted off with 'Who the Hell Are You' and then went through with numerous other numbers. Cheyne soon blasted into 'Reminiscing' and I made my way backstage. I met up with hair and makeup who then directed me to costume where I got into the clothes I was meant to wear. I headed to where the other dancers were standing and smiled at them.

"Ring in?" Asked the guy standing to my left.

"Yup. Cheyne asked me right before she went on stage."

"You know her personally."


"Cool." Music started and her jerked a thumb towards the stage.

"Our cue to enter. Freestyle it. There's no choreo." I nodded and walked on stage. We all walked till we found a certain space which Cheyne half directed me to with her own dancing. I had done some work with the song the previous year in dance and uni and launched into that dance. I loved it... it seemed to go okay. We all got off stage and Cheyne grabbed me and hugged me.

"You, my dear, are a life saver. Thank you." She said and kissed me on the cheek.

"No problems my dear." I smiled. "I enjoyed it."

"Daniel wasn't kidding when he said you could dance was he. Where did you learn those steps?"

"I choreographed them last year for uni." I told her and she nodded.

"Well, you did a good job." I felt and a hand on my shoulder and I turned only to be swept up in a big hug by Daniel.

"You were great." He gushed at me. "Better than the other two bit stars on stage."

"HEY!" Demanded Cheyne from behind us. Andy then wandered up to us.

"Drinks time." Cheyne and I cheered and Daniel groaned. I kissed him and let go of the hug. Cheyne and I headed to costume to get our clothes. Andy looked at Daniel.

"He's talented."

"Yeah the bitch. He makes we muso's look bad."

"Any objections to us hiring him to dance with us?" Andy asked.

--- Dan? On tour? With Madison Avenue? Hmmm... we'll see. 1) Don't Call Me Baby - Madison Avenue. Thanks to all those who have written to me. Let me know what you think. Feedback to the usual addresses. SC.

Next: Chapter 17

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