Gang Banged by 3 Straight Guys

By Lloyd Baker

Published on May 23, 2004



I entered a gay bar and sit down on a bar stool and a good looking young well-built guy named Chuck sat down next to me and bought me a drink. Eventually under questioning I told him I was wondering about my sexual identity. He seemed very supportive, asking a lot a questions about my history and sexual experience. I surprise myself and actually admit I have deep inferiority feelings about my penis size/late puberty and doubt my masulinity.

Finally, he asks if I would like to try sucking his big cock as he gently puts my hand on his cock. I felt the hardness through his pants and respond immediately. My knees get weak and little dicklette stiff. I whisper yes and he leads me back to his apartment. He assures me that he will be gentle, won't cum in my mouth and that I will love it. When I enter his apartment it is dark. Suddenly the lights come-on, I turn back toward the door and there are three additional young men, two already nude with big hard cocks standing near the door. The guy in clothes peers up and down the hallway and then closes and locks the door. The guy I met at the bar, Chuck, takes off his clothes revealing another big hard cock. All four start to move toward me, smiling and sneering at my growing fear. . .

"Oh, look," said the Chuck as they all laughed at the fear in my face, "Lloyd is scared, the sissy is scared. Wait to you see his little dick. He says it's probably the smallest dick in the world! Barely a clit! And a virgin too! Let's see Lloyd, take off you clothes now. . .I said I'd be gentle."

Briefly, I thought about fighting my way out of the room, however, Chuck's mention of my little dick had excited me a little and with his reassurance about being gentle, I took off my clothes, feeling a full body flush come over me as I thought, "Prudence is the better part of valor. "

"Oh, wow! laughed Chuck, "this queer boy really has no cock! That is barely a clit! It's not even cold, you got nuthin!" he mocked while he stepped up and examined my flaccid, withering dicklette and disappearing retracted little nuts, stretch and jerking a little with thumb and forefinger. The remaining three guys stepped-up laughing and joking to join the fun, handling my genitals and goosing my anus a little with their fingers as their hard cocks bumped up against my legs, butt and arms; to my shame, my dicklette started to get stiff.

"Look, the clitty girl is getting a little stiff clitoris! Me first, I found the little sissy queer," said Chuck. "Get on you knees between my legs, girly boy," said Chuck as he sat down on the couch. I obeyed. "Watch this, guys!" said Chuck as he grabbed the back of my head with one hand and inserted his cock to the back of my mouth. The other guys gathered around the scene on the couch, hard cocks in hand and eyes shining in anticipation. "Make him suck it," said one guy. "Suck it bitch," said another. "He's a cocksucker now, make him gag," said the 3rd. With that encouragement, Chuck pulled my head back and brutally forced the remaining 3" of his 8" cock down my throat. "Ahhh! Thats good! moaned Chuck. The pain was severe as I gagged several times on his thick hard manhood, tears streaming from my eyes. About the time I thought I would sofocate, Chuck pulled out his cock. My relief was overwhelming. . .I looked up into Chucks laughing eyes and smiled appreciatively as I gasped for breath. "Like that Lloyd?" said Chuck. "I thought so," grinned Chuck as he began beating my face with his big cock, splattering a little precum as he went. Chuck forced me into deep throat gagging several more times. Each time I smiled with gratitude when he released me just on the brink suffocation. Then he face fucked me for about 5 or 10 minutes, hard, but just short of forcing deep throat, finally flooding my mouth with a huge load of hot cum, hitting the back of my mouth with incredible velocity. As Chuck shot his load, groaning and exclaiming with each of 3 or 4 spasms, the other guys palmed their own cocks with more vigor and, suddenly very serious, shouted orders and putdowns to me: "Don't spit that up, cocksucker!" "Swallow it bitch." "You cocksucking whore!" Finally, Chuck removed his cock and ordered, "Swallow it all Lloyd." I swallowed and automatically opened my mouth to show Chuck it was gone. To my surprise, I felt proud and then I felt the hormones from Chuck's cum, probably testosterone, course into my blood steam. . . .an amazing high of energized enthusiasm swept through my mind and body. My smile broadened and I could feel my eyes shining. "You're a nasty little bitch Lloyd," smiled Chuck as he got up and moved away from the couch. "See, I was gentle, just like I promised! Bob may not be so gentle, sissy boy. . .NEXT!"

Now Bob sat down on the couch displaying a huge half-hard cock, thicker and longer than Chuck's was hard. . .this guy had his huge half hard hose in my mouth in no time. His cock really forced my mouth wide; the head was enormous. Bob thrust in and out slowly. With the cock head in the back of my mouth I could see many inches sticking out of my mouth. He must have had more than 12 thick inches, now rapidly swelling and throbbing with bulging blue veins. As the cock hardened and thickened, I realized I could barely open my mouth wide enough for it. Suddenly I had a painful jaw cramp. Bob warned, "Watch those teeth boy! Ah, shit this sissy's mouth is too small for my cock," cursed Bob as he pulled his hard meat out of my mouth. "You little punk, I'll fix you," laughed Bob as he beat my face with his heavy cock. His cock emitted a major flow of pre-cum which he rubbed into my face with glee with his massive cockhead. "Bitch slap the little queer!" said one of the other guys as they leaned in, leering with big grins and gently pumping their big hard cocks.

Suddenly, Bob had a terrific grip on my hair with his left hand and began slapping me violently back and forth with his right hand, repeatedly until I began to cry like a baby whining "don't please, stop! dooon't" "Ok, then, lick my balls and do it right" growled Bob. With relief I dove into Bob's balls. I was fascinated with Bob's balls, expecially their huge size and tightness. Bob's tightly wrinkled ball sack pulled his huge bulging balls pulled tight to his body beneath his massive cock which still stuck sharply up. I licked and sucked Bob's balls gently, but enthusastically. "Ok, now the asshole, sissy boy," demanded Bob as he grabbed his legs above the knees rolled his hips up to make his hairy asshole avalable to my tongue. Without hesitation I drove my tongue in. . ."Ah, that's it Lloyd eat my nasty asshole, you punk. You're a real nasty slut" Suddenly I felt one of the guys putting one, then two, then three greasy fingers in my asshole. "That's it Sam, LUBE him," laughed Bob. "We don't want any embarassing hospital runs for this queer later on. Ha Ha!"

Bob got up, pulled me up to my feet, turned me around and then laid me on my back on the edge of the couch. Facing me, he spread my legs apart and looked down at my stiff little dick and little nut sack, practically drawn into my body. "You really are a girl, just a little clit and pussy lips." Bob scoffed. Kneeling on the floor, Bob beat my dick and balls hard with his big cock. My little nuts drew in further, but they could not completely escape the escalating blows from Bob's heavy cock. As I began to feel a little sick to my stomache, I began to cry and plead, but Bob just laughed. The other guys started to chant excited, "Fuck the bitch, Bob. Split him open. Do it Bob!"

Slowly, Bob lifted both of my legs up with his arms under by knees, rolling my ass upward. He reached down and directed his huge cock head to the tensed entrance of my asshole. "Ready to get fucked, sissy boy?" taunted Bob. I looked down, overwhelmed and excited by the sight of Bob's huge cock dwarfing by "my little boy dick and nuts" and even enjoyed the gentle pressure of the cockhead against my asshole. As I began to smile and relax my sphincter just a little, Bob suddenly drove his massive meat into my ass, all the way to the hilt, in one powerful motion. The pain was incredible. I heard myself scream and keep on screaming as Bob pounded away, his cock splitting my ass and his pubic bone pounding my little nuts and dicklette. I heard myself screaming and bawling, and begging for mercy, but to no avail. Bob fucked me hard and long with a big smile on his face, banging to the hilt on each stroke. He seemed to go on forever, but finally Bob slowed down to a slow powerful, much shorter thrusting rythym. Incredibly, when Bob stopped pounding his pubic bone into my nuts, the pain subsided, I started to feel a wave of pleasure. To my amazement, Bob changed the angle of his cock so the huge head put pressure deep at the the internal base of my little dicklette on each, now gentle, stroke in and out.

Bob was skillfully stimulating my prostate, my G-Spot! And I loved it, I was transported and enthralled. Suddenly I forgot the pain and cruelty I had just suffered from Bob's sadistic use of his massive masculine cock and, peeriing down, grinned with fascination as the big cocked stroked gently in and out of my asshole providing mounting, surges of pleaure. Without a trace of shame I suddenly exclaimed, "Now you are fucking my ass, Bob," and smiled broadly into his laughing, but smirking eyes. "Come on Sam," said Bob motioning. "He's getting his nut now!" Sam swung his leg over my chest and started jacking his big 8 or 9" cock in front of my face. Sam's huge purple cock head was like a huge hot plum gently pushing on my nose, then lips, then cheeks. Sam suddenly ordered with anger, "Open your mouth! Eat my cum you little slut." I opened my mouth just in time to receive Sam's first powerful squirt of hot cum which shot in a thick heavy steam all the way to the back of my throat. As I felt Sam's second squirt splashing under my nose and Sam bellow more degrading curses at me in angry release, my dicklette started jerking of its own accord, spraying a delicate little cum stream with each spasm, as Bob continued his methodical stimulation of my G-spot with his cock head. Though the drug like thrill of Sam's cum stayed with me, suddenly, he was gone and Chuck was straddling my chest flooding my face with a huge second load, laughing and sneering, "Your a cocksucker, now, you fucking bitch. Swallow it all you nasty slut," Bob ordered, as he gathered the sticky cum from my face with his fingers and made me lick them clean and swallow for him. "Ah, that's pretty, sissy boy." Chuck was surprised when I wouldn't let go of hand, desperate to consume every drop of his male essense laden cum. "You fucking cum slut!" Chuck exclaimed pulling his sticky hand away before I was done licking it.

Suddenly, I remembered Bob was still fucking my ass, only because he was gradually increasing the tempo back to the devastating fucking style he had started out with. This time, surprisingly, there was no pain, eventhough, Bob withdrew completely several times in order to re-experience the thrill of forcibly busting out my asshole. I worried that perhaps my asshole was already ripped permanently open, or, hopefully just numb. I noticed my balls weren't aching this time, as, empty of cum, they had popped completely inside my body. "Take my cock," shouted Bob grimacing right into my face. I started to buck my hips to meet Bob's powerful thrusts, if only feebly. I noticed my dicklette was hard again. I could see Bob's incredibly large cock moving my abdomen organs around, turning my stomache inside out, causing a moving bulge on the outer surface of my trim abbs. I was reminded of the Alien Movie in which the vicious life-form bit its way out the human host's body with razor-like fangs. Bob increased the speed and power of his thrusts forcing me back to the incredible intensity of the moment and causing me to issue a high pitched squeel as my dicklette shot another thin gob of cum 6 or 7" into the air. Bob gave out a weird grunting giggle after watching my feeble cum shot. Then, redoubling his thrusting power, a low groaning growl started in Bob's throat, building rapidly to a roar and explosive angry shout as he spasmed again and again shooting his huge load deep into my bowels. For some reason I was surprised I couldn't feel the hot cum, but watched the bulge in my abdomen muscles pitching erratically. Bob collapsed on me, crushing me with his well muscled 250 pounds. I savored the feeling of his powerful, exhausted frame crushing the breath out of me. I was deeply satisfied as the male hormones in Bob's load soaked into my blood stream through my colon, the best male hormone thrill high of the day!

Finally, Bob raised himself off me and ordered me to "clean-up my cock with your nasty cocksucking mouth." I opened my mouth to engulf Bob's cock which was finally sofening but still huge. I smiled, looking forward to feeling the power and energy of this ruggedl man in my mouth again, but as my lips touched the cock head, I smelled my own shit. Flecks and smears of my shit, mixed with cum and lubricant, spotted Bob's cock and formed sticky gobs on his pubic hair. "Clean it up, Lloyd!" demanded Bob as he grabbed my head and forced my lips into some particularly nasty messes. "Spit, lick, and swallow, you cocksucker!" Then, Bob laughed, "Ok sissy boy, this won't work. I need a quick shower." With that, Bob headed for the shower, leaving me with a shitty slimy mess on my tongue and lips.

As Bob headed for the shower, Sam said, "Ok, Jim. He's all yours. Jim'll clean you up Lloyd and don't even think about complaining to anyone about this little party if ours. Did we stop you from leaving? You liked it too didn't you? DIDN"T YOU?" "Yeah", I mumbled looking down, though not much enjoying the stinky shit on my face at the moment. Jim here is a bit of a sissy too. He likes to be nice to our sissies and sluts after we get through with them. I guess somebody better take care of our messes. Sometimes I think Jim is a sissy like you, but he does have a real cock, unlike you. Not as big as the rest of us, but his girl friend loves it, or so she says!"

Before I knew it Chuck, Bob, and Sam were gone. Jim and I were sitting on the couch. "First time, huh?" said Jim. "You OK?" I nodded and Jim lead me into the bathroom. After my shower I pulled aside the shower curtain and there was Jim holding a towel for me. "Oh oh," I thought to myself, "Jim wants some action too!" As I dried myself off Jim said, "I can't help but wonder how you felt putting out like that for my roomates. They sure can be brutal. I could never be like they are. Tell me about how YOU felt." "My God," I replied, "you saw every detail! I saw you rubbing your cock a little during the action."

"Hey, maybe Sam is right? Are you a sissy queer like me? I asked. "You want to get worked over by some big studs too?" "Naw, but I can't help but wonder how it feels. . .just an intellectual thing, curiosity about the psychology of it." "Yeah, right," I shot back. "That what I thought too, yesterday!" "Ok, ok," said Jim, "I know you were a virgin. My roomates really enjoyed that. Usually they usually end up with older experienced fags. Chuck really scored with you!" "Yeah, he was really cool picking me up. I had no idea what he was up to. . .I thought my first trip to the gay bar was landing me a 'nice' 'boy friend'," I answered, thinking back and musing about my shattered naivete.

"Hey, you got some liquor, Jim?" I said. "I need to cool out." Jim poured us both a Scotch on the rocks. I greedily drained mine as did Jim. "Guess we're both drinkers, huh, JIm? "Yeah," agreed Jim as he poured another for each of us. Funny how my roomates hardly ever drink. Jim went on, "I really wonder "in a clinical sense" how you sissy, sorry, gay guys, feel about being used and abused, but mostly, I enjoy imagining what it would be like to be dominating and brutal like my roomates, especially Bob! I guess I have to admit that I jack off and even fuck my girl friend thinking about what they do to sissies and their own girl friends. You know, they claim they are straight in spite of all this sissy fucking!"

I asked slyly as Jim sipped more Scotch, "What do you think about when your girl sucks your cock?" "Ah, we seldom do that. I never liked my dick sucked much. My girl doesn't like sucking either, she thinks its nasty, especially the cum that might catch her by surprise if I am not careful." "Does she get off good on your cock?" I asked. "Well, she says shes one of those girls that isn't very orgasmic. She loves to do it often and likes to watch my face while I come," replied Jim. "Bet she wears the pants, doesn't she Jim", I challenged. "Naw, we relate on a higher intellectual level than that," said Jim, a bit defensively. "She never fucked somebody like your roomates, Jim?" I challenged again. "Think she'd get orgasmic then? I razzed in a oddly kind voice. "She was a virgin when we met and, ah, she's got too much self-esteem to ever go for knuckle-dragging guys like them," said Jim with confidence that surprised me. Again, I challenged, "What about head man! Doesn't your girl get off good on your tongue?" "Well," Jim responded, "she likes it and we do it often. She'll never tell me to stop, but she doesn't really orgasm. Hmmm? Just realized her clit is real small compared to the female sluts I've seen my roomates fuck and suck. Most of the sluts they bring in here really cum hard. Very impressive!" I again challenged, "And you're going to be happy with mediocre sex from your girl?" Jim said, "Well, my girl is a great person, I'll always be devoted to her, but I do like to fuck some of the sluts that show-up around here when the opportunity arises. They always cum good when I give them head. And they got big strong nasty clits, too! I like them to sit on my face and grind their pussies into my face."

Feeling my liquor, I said, "Hey Jim, sure your don't want to fuck this sissy slut? You can pretend you are your roomate Bob and make me take your load. I'll help you with the fantasy! It'll be fun!" "Well, I don't know," stuttered Jim. But I was already unzipping Jim's fly and pulling down his pants. Next I dropped my drawers and took off Jim's T-shirt. We both kicked-off our shoes. Finally, Jim started to smile a little. I noticed Jim's cock wasn't much bigger than mine flaccid, but made no comment, except, "Gimme that cock, Jim." I kneeled down between Jims leg and started to suck his cock and tickle his little nut sack. It got hard pretty fast, but was no bigger than mine at a thin 4 or 4½" hard maximum. Jim couldn't reach the back of my mouth with his hard little dick, but I made little choking noises just to make him feel good. "Face fuck me," I asked. I sat back on the couch and Jim straddled me so he could fuck my face. He fucked as hard as he could, but could only succeed in bruising my lips a little. To get him off I pulled away for a moment, and said, "Force it deep in my mouth." As Jim held his dick in my mouth as deep as it would go, I faked a little gagging by closing my throat up a little with the back of my tongue pressing the little hard's delicate cock head. Jim immediatly shot a load in my mouth, smiling in my face for just moment while I made a big show of gaging and then swallowing the little load. "Ah," I said licking my lips, "Whew you had a big load. Watching me get fucked probably loaded up you nuts. I'd like to swallow one of those again! Sucking you doesn't make me feel dirty like sucking your roomates did," I lied. "Want to fuck me in the ass too? I want to feel that cock in my ass too, reaching over and playing a little with Jim's fast withering dick." Jim pulled away and started putting on his underwear. "Man, I gotta go! Gotta get to class! I'm late already." "Hey, give me a call when you want to get off again," I said, giving Jim my phone number. "Sure", said Jim, "I'll call."

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