Gamer Ballbusting Bet

By Denwo

Published on Sep 25, 2020



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--------------------------------- Gamer Ballbusting Bet 1 ===================

I went down hard.

During that brief moment it takes the pain to register, I remember thinking 'ha this is not so bad' and then I didn't register much of what was going on around me for a while.

I had been facing the wall, leaning against it with arms and legs spread, in the same way people do at a stop and search.

I turned my head so I could see my younger cousins, "come on already" I said impatiently, they were excitedly discussing my fate, animatedly debating who should go first and how to kick, I suspect they were deliberately stringing out this humiliation to revel lording it over older me.

"oi face the wall" the younger cockier one said and then just as I turned my head to obey I simultaneously felt and heard the loud thwack of a bare foot against my balls.

'ha this is not so bad' I thought for the briefest moment and was about to turn and give them a shit eating grin when an instant later a wave of overwhelming pain hit, buckling my legs mid turn and depositing me inelegantly on the floor

Immediately my world collapsed, like a reverse big bang my universe instantly coalesced to a single dense point. A singularity of pain.

My entire conscious attention was overwhelmed by a wave of pain. For the next few moments I didn't see or hear a thing as my sympathetic nervous system battled to even breathe.

I know from the YouTube video that between the thwack and me landing on the floor it was silent for about a second and then laughter and jeers errupted followed by high fives as they joyfully witnessed my incapacitated destruction as I laydestroyed with a twitching foot. I've watched that clip again and again, not to witness my humiliation but in slow motion 0.25 speed - I swear the older cousin had a chub. Clearly he wasn't the only one excited by this type of bet.

I still can't believe how painful that kick was. Yeah I had extra sensitive and slightly achy blue balls to start off with, which were brought on by the lad banter earlier where we'd agreed the bet and finalised the details before engaging in combat, but even though I was mildly blue and sensitive I didn't anticipate the agony.

I also failed to take into account that he played football and so was rather adept at kicking balls. Exceptionally adept as it turned out.

It also turned out I'd underestimated his PlayStation skills. I genuinely thought I stood a really decent chance of winning, at the start I even debated whether I'd prefer to throw the game or win and kick him. Both options turned me on, the idea of kicking a hot straight sixteen year old boy in the balls sent my cowper's gland into overdrive, but as enticing as it it was slippery I decided if he got kicked first then he would probably not go for a second round, so it was best I lost first and then he'd be more amenable to a second round, which of course I'd convincing win. And so with this mindset I toyed with him and upped the ante. One kick became two became three, got doubled and I then when he baulked I offered 3:1 odds. This carried on until the numbers were stupidly high. All the while I thought I was playing him, but really he was playing me and boy did he do it smoothly.

I was sweating, the last double or nothing saw me down by forty kicks, it was a close game that I had narrowly lost.

As he scrolled through the post game analytics of my demise he turned to me "you nearly won, it was close but man I feel bad, forty is a lot and I don't want you to end up in A&E, but a bet is a BET....." he let it hang there for emphasis before continuing, "how about we do one last deal?"

I nodded warily, keen to avoid forty hits but equally wary of my recent losing streak

"So here's a deal, You'll take ten, no matter the outcome of the bet, you're gonna get kicked no matter what. I'm gonna put you down on the floor ten times and watch you cradling your nuts while I laugh my arse off doing it"

"And the rest?" I asked

He smoothly suggested we play again but to help guarantee me then win I could choose any three game boosts and in return we triple ante.

Of course I went for it, I'd have to take ten kicks, but at least it would not be forty. Plus so far we'd been quite evenly balanced in the game, and now with the boosts I'd have a huge edge and definitely win. It was a good deal, it made sense and got us out of having to deal with an awkward 40 hits which we both knew was way too much. He picked up his phone, aimed it at me and started recording.. "okay explain the deal so there's no confusion afterwards" .

Having duly noted the terms I selected three boosts and announced 'let the games begin'. Little did I realise how portentous that was.

It didn't take long for me to realise I had been well and truly played. This time around there was no pretense, he steamed through the game, skillfully owning me without breaking a sweat, there was no nail biting end, no tense final round, no question of skill. There was nothing but ultra efficient kill upon kill. I didn't manage a single point despite the boosts, it was brutal, but thankfully fast.

"A bet is a bet" he echoed as the game ended. This time he didn't bother with the post game analytic breakdown charade.

I couldn't argue.

I looked at him and pleaded, "You know I can't take 100 at once."

"Alright but then I own your balls until your debt is paid" he said, "we can do 100 now and you leave a free man or you can string it out as long as you want, but I'm adding interest and for as long as you string it out I own your balls which makes you the bitch, and if at anytime I'm not happy I add more ballings".

It's been seven months since that conversation and the count now stands at 780 but that's arbitrary, the count doesn't matter anymore, what does matter is the collection of videos he crafted that would convince even a blind jury that I'm an evil twisted peadophile older cousin predator worthy of a death sentence. You'll say anything on camera with his balls in a vice and you'll quickly learn to say it more and more convincingly as the vice tightens.You also learn to give up your logins real quick too. Begging and pleading doesn't help.

I've not cum for six months. I made the mistake early on of emptying 'his' balls without his permission, but I only made the mistake once, the consequences are not worth a nutting and besides the new dick piercings and cage help ensure his balls aren't emptied without permission. I do get to fap often, I just don't get to nut. I'm told I'm much more 'entertaining and responsive' with blue balls so he likes to keep me that way.

Today it's Saturday, it's gaming day again. I'm standing in the same room where it all started seven months and one orgasm ago. Not much has changed, except he now has his mates visit on Saturdays to play console games. I'm leaning facing the wall with my legs spread like the countless times before, waiting for one of them to jubilantly exclaim victory in some or other game before claiming his turn to 'ring the bell'. Yeah, I'm the bell.

After ringing the bell they count the time it takes for me to get back into position, the longer I stay down the more points that player gets and so they make sure to kick me as best they can. Those same points are added up and held against me, at the end the winner gets to punish me according to the points accumulated, lately the punishment has been a caning across my buttocks for each point, but they change it randomly.

They never tire of playing games, laughter and casual banter comes easily to them while I battle pain and humiliation to stand up and be ready to ring out in pain when the winner celebrates again.

-------- Please take a moment and let me know your comments and feedback:

I wrote this earlier today, I often jot down random brain dump fantasy stories but never clean the formatting up and share .. this is my first ever share here so I would appreciate your thoughts.

be gentle and forgiving respect and love yourself you are worth it ---

#ballbusting #gay #bdsm #blue balls #cum denial

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