Game Time

By mr happy

Published on Dec 4, 2002


Note: I am a male, but decided to make the story easier to understand and more pleasurable, I wrote it from Alice's POV. Please get back to me about this story, even just an "it sucks" lets me know you're reading it :) Any criticism, requests, etc. will gladly be taken too! Just pleeease get back to me! (

"Hey guys!" I said, greeting two of my best friends.

"Hey babe," Jennifer said, reaching over and giving me a hug. She's a very friendly girl, who's always very energetic.

"Hi," Chris said. He's almost the exact opposite of Jennifer. He's also very kind, but he's also very shy. He's never even held a girl's hand, or said a bad word in his life.

"What would you guys like to do?" I asked. "Cards, truth or dare, board game?"

"How about truth or dare?" Jennifer replied. "And since it's my idea, it's only fair that I go first."

"Okay," I said. Jennifer's dares and truths were always something to be scared of.

"Ok," Chris managed to say.

"Chris, you're first, truth or dare?"


After a moment of thinking, Jennifer asked, "Have you ever masturbated?" Chris turned bright red. Jennifer and I both laughed before she said, "That has to be a yes. How often?"

"No fair," I said, "only one question per turn. Your turn Chris."

"Okay, truth or dare, Alice?" (Alice is me, if you didn't catch that).

"Truth is boring - dare!"

"Okay... I dare you to kiss Jennifer," Chris said with a wicked grin.

"Eeeewwww, no way," I replied, "she's a girl."

"What's the matter, Alice? Just pretend I'm a guy, you don't have to like it," Jennifer said, almost sounding offended that I didn't want to kiss her.

"Okay, fine," I said, reluctantly scooting over toward Jennifer. Once I got right next to her, I began slowly reaching over to kiss her, and naturally closed my eyes. Right before our lips should have met, I felt hands on the back of my head pulling me closer quickly, and lips were kissing me, but not the soft kiss I was going for, but a passionate kiss. I could have sworn I even felt tongue. I let out a sigh, and then remembered - this is Jennifer! But... it still feels good... As my mind went back and forth, the kiss suddenly ended.

"Enjoy the show, Chris?" Jennifer said, laughing. "Apparently you did!"

Chris looked down quickly and noticed his cock was protruding from his pants. He blushed furiously and covered it up.

"Aaaawwww," I said, "why cover it up? Hey, let's play strip poker!"

"Okay!" Jennifer replied, followed by Chris's normal quiet agreement. I dealt the cards, and we went around. In the end, I won the hand - Chris took off his shoes, while Jennifer, being the exhibitionist she was, went straight for her shirt, revealing a large set of breasts. After a while, Chris was down to his underwear, Jennifer had on just her panties and bra, and I still had my shirt and panties.

"After this hand we get some skin no matter what!" Jennifer said, giggling. She handed out all the cards, and Chris jumped for joy.

"Can we raise things in this game?" He asked.

"You're raising enough as it is, from looking at us half naked I guess?" I asked, pointing at his erection. It was at least 6 inches long and hadn't even been touched yet.

"No, I want to raise this to total nudity. If I win, you both get totally naked."

"And if you lose? You only have your underwear." I said, raising my eyebrow.

"If I lose... I'll do anything you want," Chris replied with a shaky voice - there was the shy guy we knew.

"Anything, huh?" Jennifer said. "If I win, you have to make out with Alice!"

"And if I win," I replied, "You have to touch Jennifer's breast!"

"Hey, no fair!" She said. "If you're going to go that far, if I win, I want you to stick a finger in Alice!"

"And if I win," I said, trying to end this one-uping, "you have to let us tie you down to a chair and we can do whatever we want to you for five minutes."

"Yeah, me too!" Jennifer agreed.

"Okay..." He said, shaking. He handed in one card, and smiled even bigger.

"Uh oh, looks like we're going to be getting naked," I said, discarding three and getting a new three.

"Fine by me," Jennifer said, discarding one as well, and laughing evilly after. What do you have?"

"Three aces!" Chris said. "Ha! Now get naked!"

"Oh man..." Jennifer and I both said. "I guess you win... Unless this beats you." Each of us dropped cards that beat him. I had four kings, and she had a royal flush.

"Hey! You cheated!" Chris said, trying to sound outraged, but really sounding a little excited.

"Even if we did, you never said we couldn't cheat," Jennifer said, "got the rope, Alice?"

"Sure do!" I exclaimed as I pulled a long piece of rope out of the dresser (who doesn't have rope in their dresser?). I came over and, with Jennifer's help, brought Chris to a chair. He sat down and we tied him securely into it.

"So, what are you going to do to me now?" He asked, his erection once again forming in his boxers.

"We're going to tease you good!" I said, giggling.

"Wait a minute, Alice," Jennifer said. She came over and whispered, "Remember how hot he got when we kissed?"


"If we really want to tease him, we should do that again!"

"Okay," I said, without an ounce of eeewwwws or resistance of any sort. We both started walking toward Chris, as though we were going to do something to him, but when we were just barely in front of his face, we turned toward one another and began kissing. Her lips met mine, it started tenderly, savoring each other's lips, before my tongue naturally reached out and made its way into her mouth.

"MMmmmmmm..." She gasped, reaching out behind me and stroking her hands up and down my back. She then broke the kiss and giggled, saying, "Now I know why you took off your pants instead of your shirt - you're not wearing a bra!"

"She... She's not?" Chris asked, his cock even bigger now.

"Nuh-uh," Jennifer said, "look!" And with that, she quickly lifted my shirt up, bearing my breasts to them both. They're nowhere near as large as Jennifer's, whos are gigantic, but they're a good perky B-cup size.

"You girls are such teases..." Chris said, almost painfully.

"Aaaawww, poor Chris," I said, "what can we do to make it up to you?"

"I think I know what he wants..." Jennifer said, going over to Chris. As she got next to him, she undid her bra and slowly lifted it off of her breasts, showing very little of it at a time, until she dropped it to the ground. With her bra off, her breasts looked even bigger, at least Ds. Without a word, she leaned over Chris's chair and his lips immediately met her breasts. "Oh my..." She moaned as he sucked gently, "you're very good..."

Chris didn't speak at all, he just kept it up, even moreso now, rolling his tongue around her nipple, gently sucking on it, biting it, pulling it with his lips.

"What about me?" I asked, jealous.

"What about you?" Jennifer asked between moans. "Get over here and join in!"

I ran over and touched Jennifer's shoulder. She looked into my eyes before I bent down and made the same ministrations on her other breast. "OooooHHhhhhH," She moaned, putting her hands around my back. "Can this get any better?"

"It could if you untied me," Chris said, before returning to her breast, alternating between that and my neck.

"No way," Jennifer said, "we still have two minutes, and I plan to use them well." She moved away from both of them and dropped to her knees, wrapping her hand around Chris's dick and sliding it up and down slowly. "Wow, it's so hard..." She said.

"MMMMMmmmmmmm," Chris moaned loudly, throwing his head back, "please don't stop."

"What do you want me to do?" I asked, watching, getting very horny. "You're turning me on too much, I need to do something too!"

"Then just get out of your panties and make him eat you," Jennifer said matter-of-factly, before gently slipping Chris's boxers down under his cock and bringing her lips to it, kissing slowly up and down it's length.

"OOOOOOHHHHHH!!" He shouted in ecstacy. "Yes!"

As Chris continued to moan, I walked over to him, removing my panties to show off my trimmed pussy, little blonde hairs in a narrow strip up from it. I put one leg on each side of Chris and moved up near him, feeling his lips on it immediately. "Oh god!" I moaned, placing my hands behind his head and slowly grinding against his mouth. "You weren't joking about his mouth, were you?"

"Nuh-uh..." Jennifer replied, wrapping her lips all the way around his cock now. She slowly took it into her mouth, moving it in and out until she could reach about half-way down, deep-throating it, stroking the rest of it with her hand.

"Oh fuck!" He screamed. "I'm gonna come!"

Jennifer quickly moved her mouth away, saying, "Not like that you're not. Alice, let him go for a minute, let's untie him and get him to the ground."

"Okay..." I said, sad at the thought of missing those somehow talented lips and tongue. We both got up and untied him, he laid on the ground on his back and called us over.

"His prick is mine, I'm the one that got it so hard," Jennifer said, quickly kneeling over it, taking it in her hands and pointing it toward her cunt, before slipping it in slowly, eliciting moans on both of their parts.

"Fine by me, I want more of that mouth!" I said, running to his mouth and kneeling down, grasping his head and grinding harder against his lips, causing him to eat my pussy like a starving man, tracing his tongue all the way up and down my lips, flicking it against my clit, drinking in my juices. His hands came up to my breasts, squeezing them almost viciously, but it felt so good...

"UUUhhhhh..." He moaned, managing to speak away from my cunt. "I'm gonna cum!"

"Oh baby, come for me..." Jennifer said, coaxing him, as she lifted herself almost all the way off, then dropping herself all the way down his shaft, deeping him all the way to the back of her pussy. "I want to feel you shoot inside me."

"OOOOhhhhh... MMmmmmMMMM... Oh FUUUUUCKKK!!" He shouted, thrusting up, breathing hard into my pussy lips. It felt so good!

Jennifer continued sliding even more up and down on his dick. "Didn't you come?"

"Uh-huh..." He said dazed, but still eating away at me. "Why?"

"It's just... I didn't know it stayed so hard!" She said, dropping all the way, thrusting just slightly now, but so that his dick slid up against her g-spot. "OH!!!"

"That's what you get for teasing me so much..." He said, moving his hands to my ass, pressing hard against the cheeks and pulling me closer, eating me out harder than I knew possible. His mouth was soooo good, and Jennifer's moans didn't help, either.

"I'm so close..." I gasped.

"Me too!" Jennifer said, reaching out and rubbing my breasts the same way Chris did a bit before, with urgency, and with each moan she made, she squeezed harder or twisted my nipples hard, sending surges of pleasure through me.

"I am too," Chris admitted shyly.

"Again? Damn baby, we're going to have to keep you around!" Jennifer said, moaning again.

Chris slid a couple fingers inside my cunt, thrusting them in and out. I'd never actually had sex before, so the only thing I'd had there before were my fingers and my vibrator - his fingers felt so much better. But just a few moments after he started, he took them out. "Aaawww, why'd you take them out?" I said, thrusting hard into his face.

"You'll see..." He said, and a few moments later I felt the weirdest sensation... It couldn't have been... OOOooohhhh, but it was! "You have a really tight ass," he said, sliding his fingers in further.

"OOOOOOooohhhh, I'm gonna come!!" I shouted. I pulled Chris's head so tight against me that he couldn't have had room to breathe, but being the good boy he was, he sucked my clit hard as I came, and kept thrusting in my ass as well.

"Me too!" Jennifer and Chris said in unison. Cries of pleasure and ecstacy flooded out of everyone's mouths at once, so loud that they drowned each other's out.

They collapsed there on the ground together in a heap, their bodies sweaty, but who cared? Each of them was too exhausted to move, so they laid there together a bit.

"You were incredible, Chris," I said, smiling. "If you ever want to go again, don't hesitate to ask."

"I won't," He replied, "you owe me for that!"

"MMmmmm, anything you want sexy," I said, smiled more.

"You know, we're going to have to shower..." Jennifer said, with another wicked grin. "Do you have a big shower, Alice?"

"Oh yeah, I wouldn't have it any other way! And the shower head is removable, and sooooo strong," I said, moaning at the memories of all the fantasies I've imagined pleasuring myself with the water.

"Then let's go!" She exclaimed.

You wouldn't believe what happened in the shower. If you want to know, email me, and if I get enough feedback, I'll gladly tell you... - drop me a line!

Next: Chapter 2

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